Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit
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Update 47 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 47, released on Monday, October 12th, 2020.
Of Special Note:[edit]
New Legendary Raids[edit]
Three of our classic raids have been given a Legendary update! A Vision of Destruction, The Lord of Blades, and The Master Artificer are now available to run at level 32! Additionally, these raids no longer require playing any prerequisite quests to flag for them on any difficulty, and the quest givers for these raids will now teleport you directly into the raid without needing to traverse a landscape.
New Free Dungeon[edit]
The Promise of Fire is a new standalone dungeon for levels 6 and 27! This quest is free to all players. Find the quest giver Lady Sera Jaymes in the Searing Heights Wilderness Adventure Area. The dungeon itself is also located in Searing Heights.
Fables of the Feywild Pre-Purchase Has Begun![edit]
Our next expansion Fables of the Feywild will be available to pre-purchase on Monday (DDO Store). Find details about our new race, the Shifter, along with the new Iconic Razorclaw Shifter and Universal Enhancement Tree Feydark Illusionist in the release notes below.
News and Notes:[edit]
- Owning multiple Rage feats/enhancements no longer inherently makes all of your Rage feat/enhancement durations longer.
- With the release of the Shifter race, the Racial Completionist feat has been removed from players that had it.
- Alchemist
- Several Alchemist spells are now properly affected by Reaper crowd control scaling.
- Bard
- Different Tack in the Swashbuckling bard tree now requires you to be Swashbuckling rather than Single Weapon Fighting.
- Druid
- Flame Blade has been improved.
- Favored Soul
- Favored Souls should once again be able to select their level 20 Damage Resistance feats.
- Warlock
- Focused Blast Range has been increased by 20%.
- Mage Armor pact spell now appears at the correct spell level.
- Celestial Pact's description now properly states that it requires non-chaotic rather than must be good.
- The Ice Storm spell granted by the Carceri Warlock Pact now correctly casts.
- Absolute Zero victims are now ethereal for purposes of movement for both players and monsters. They will also eventually shatter after several minutes.
Daily Dice[edit]
- Mounts found via Daily Dice are now Bound to Account.
- The Mystery Basket, gained from the DDO Store or Daily Dice, now has a new Tressym in it.
- The Falconry bird no longer blocks projectiles and spells from passing through it.
- Eldritch Strike and Eldritch Tempest no longer deal out double their listed weapon die, crit range, and crit multiplier bonuses.
- Temporary Hitpoints from Barbarian Occult Slayer's Vampiric Bond now scale as described.
- A runaway stacking effect issue has been corrected with the Swashbuckler.
Feydark Illusionist:[edit]
This tree is a universal casting tree that enhances your spellcasting and allows you to create Illusions to befuddle your enemies and summon a familiar to your side. This familiar cannot fight or die, and will not be targeted by monsters, much like a Falconry bird. Feydark Illusionist requires the feat Magical Training in order to access.
- Find Familiar - Requires Magical Training Feat. Multiselector:
- Find Familiar: Fox - Familiar Toggle: Summons your chosen familiar, a fox, to your side. Familiars will follow you and can assist in your magical endeavors. For each Core ability spent in this tree, including this one, your Familiar grants you +5 Force and +5 Universal Spellpower.
- Find Familiar: Pseudodragon - Familiar Toggle: Summons your chosen familiar, a pseudodragon, to your side. Familiars will follow you and can assist in your magical endeavors. For each Core ability spent in this tree, including this one, your Familiar grants you +5 Force and +5 Universal Spellpower.
- Find Familiar: White Cat - Familiar Toggle: Summons your chosen familiar, a cat, to your side. Familiars will follow you and can assist in your magical endeavors. For each Core ability spent in this tree, including this one, your Familiar grants you +5 Force and +5 Universal Spellpower.
- Find Familiar: White Tressym - Familiar Toggle: Summons your chosen familiar, a white tressym, to your side. Familiars will follow you and can assist in your magical endeavors. For each Core ability spent in this tree, including this one, your Familiar grants you +5 Force and +5 Universal Spellpower.
- Ability Score Multiselector:
- Intelligence: +1 Intelligence
- Wisdom: +1 Wisdom
- Charisma: +1 Charisma
- Greater Color Spray Metamagic: Quicken, Heighten, Enlarge, Embolden. Spell Point Cost: 10. Cooldown 8 Seconds. You may cast the spell Greater Color Spray as a Spell-Like Ability.
- Ability Score Multiselector
- Intelligence: +1 Intelligence
- Wisdom: +1 Wisdom
- Charisma: +1 Charisma
- Familiar's Reach: +1 to Illusion DCs. Your familiar carries spells further than you would normally be able to cast them. Your spells benefit from the Enlarge Metamagic at no additional cost.
- Master Illusionist: Active: Shroud you and your party members, regardless of location. They gain 95% Concealment for 15 seconds. Cooldown: 3 Minutes. Passive: +2 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. +2 Illusion DCs.
Tier 1[edit]
- Feydark Explorer: Adds +1/2/3 to your Spellcraft, Move Silently, and Concentration skills. Rank 3: +1 Use Magic Device
- Familiar's Flourish I: While your familiar is by your side, you may use Charisma as your weapon's to-hit modifier.
- Twist Reality: Offensive Illusion spells reduce your enemies' Will saves by 1 for 10 seconds. This stacks up to 3 times.
- Study the Arcane: +30/60/100 Maximum Spell Points
- Illusory Weaponry: You have studied Illusion to the point where you can craft more permanent manifestations of Shadow. This grants both the ability to conjure physical Shadowblades to wield as weapons as well as the ability to enchant your current weapons to be more powerful. Shadowblades are Shortswords made of force and may use your Charisma modifier for their attack and damage. As you level up, they will become more powerful. If you unequip your Shadowblades, they will dissipate into nothingness and must be summoned again. Enchanting your weapons to become Shadowblades will change their material type to Force and grant them additional bonuses. This is considered an Item Enchantment.
Tier 2[edit]
- Reality Bulwark: +1/2/3 to all Saving Throws. Rank 3: Fear Immunity
- Familiar's Flourish II: While your familiar is by your side, you may use Charisma as your weapon's damage modifier.
- Bend Light: Your studies of the Illusion school have manifested to protect you, making you slightly harder to see. You gain the benefits of the Blur spell. In addition, Blur spells you cast cause your target to become Invisible for a short time, and grant an Armor Class buff for the duration of the Invisibility.
- You've Got My Back: Your Familiar draws ambient and offensive magic to it, protecting you from Magic Missiles as if you had the benefits of the Shield spell. In addition, Nightshield now provides a +10 Magic Resistance Rating bonus, and Shield now provides a +10 Physical Resistance Rating bonus for its duration. You must cast these spells to get this effect, permanent Shield bonuses will not qualify.
- Shadow Blades: Spell Points: 10/8/6. Cooldown: 8/6/5 Seconds. Conjure an illusory blade of shadow that flies forward at a single target. The enemy struck takes 1d6+2 Force damage per caster level, with a will save vs (DC17 + Illusion bonuses + Highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma) for half damage.
Tier 3[edit]
- Spell Penetration: +1/2/3 Spell Penetration
- Distract: Your familiar appears at a targeted location, acting as a distraction and attracting the attention of monsters who may be searching for you in the area. This will only successfully distract monsters who are not actively attacking. This ability may be used without breaking Invisibility.
- Magical Attunement I: +2% Force Spell Critical Chance and +1% Universal Spell Critical Chance.
- Refraction: When hit or missed in combat, there is a small chance you will reactively turn Invisible for a short duration. In addition, while under the effects of any source of Invisibility, you gain +15% Missile Deflection.
- Ability Score Multiselector
- Intelligence +1 Intelligence
- Wisdom +1 Wisdom
- Charisma +1 Charisma
Tier 4[edit]
- Be My Eyes: Your Familiar grants you the benefits of the True Seeing spell, and will automatically find Spell Wards for you.
- Fan of Shadowblades: Spell points: 18/15/12. Cooldown: 14/12/10 Seconds. Fan a series of Shadowblades outwards into a wide cone. The enemies struck take 1d6+2 Force damage per caster level, with a will save vs (DC17 + Illusion bonuses + Highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma) for half damage.
- Magical Attunement II: +2% Force Spell Critical Chance and +1% Universal Spell Critical Chance.
- Improved Shadowblades: All of your Shadowblades spells, attacks with weapons that have been imbued by Shadow, and attacks with conjured Shadowblades apply 1/2/3 stacks of Shattermantle when they first damage an enemy, and apply 1 stack every strike after.
- Ability Score Multiselector
- Intelligence: +1 Intelligence
- Wisdom: +1 Wisdom
- Charisma: +1 Charisma
Tier 5[edit]
- Illusory Augmentation: +1 Illusion DCs. The feats Augment Summoning and Improved Augment Summoning now each grant +5 Force Spell Power and an additional +1 Illusion DCs.
- Displacement: Metamagic: Extend, Quicken. Spell Point Cost: 6. Cooldown: 5 Seconds. You may cast the spell Displacement as a Spell-Like Ability.
- Magical Attunement III: +2% Force Spell Critical Chance and +2% Universal Spell Critical Chance
- Ring of Shadowblades: Spellpoints: 50/40/25. Cooldown: 40/35/30 Seconds. Conjure a large ring of interlocking illusory Shadowblades that damage enemies passing through them. Enemies take 1d6+2 Force damage per caster level, with a will save vs (DC17 + Illusion bonuses + Highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma) for half damage.
- Force in Tandem: Your familiar now grants you +10 force spellpower, 10 Universal spellpower, and 5% Force absorption. These bonuses are temporarily doubled if you cross the barrier of a Ring of Shadowblades.
Epic Destinies[edit]
- Magister: Fixed an issue with Null Magic Aura not applying to allies correctly.
- Fury of the Wild: Sense Weakness no longer provides untyped damage on hit, and instead now provides a flat +1 Damage per rank, for a total of +3 Damage.
- Warforged and Bladeforged characters now properly display footprints while Death Follows You is toggled on.
- Removed an old implementation of Simple Thrown Expertise that was causing players with the feat to throw extra, unintended projectiles.
- Inscribe Spell and Inscribe Recipe now have their proper names and descriptions.
- Shifter Past Lives are now required to obtain Racial Completionist.
- Several Inherent feats no longer display an erroneous minimum level of 21.
- The Scion of the Feywild Legendary feat now grants +4 Illusion DCs instead of +2.
- Heroic Alchemical Crafting no longer requires raid-specific crafting ingredients. If you have any extra raid-tier alchemical crafting ingredients, you may turn them in for Sharn/Nearly Finished crafting ingredients at a Cannith Melting Station.
- New Generation 2 split-set filigree have been released, check the Threads of Fate crafting window to see them.
- Globe of True Imperial Blood now properly enforces its intended minimum level.
- Recently-released new items from Crystal Cove are now fixed to work as expected for items of their type.
- Minimum Level 16 and 20 versions of the Crystal Cove orb The Drowned now has its proper amount of Insightful Evocation Focus instead of its erroneous +0 Quality Evocation Focus.
- Several random loot shields have had their descriptions corrected.
- Smoke Screen no longer overrides certain other concealment bonuses.
- The Rune Arms found in Sharn now have more appropriate icons.
- The following potions can now be used while raging:
- Lesser Restoration
- Remove Blindness
- Remove Curse
- Remove Disease
- The Marshwalker set bonus now properly gives its 30% movement speed.
- Sovereign Elixirs of Hidden Potential now have their correct description.
- Cannith Crafting: Unbound Water Breathing, Featherfall, and Deathblock shards no longer erroneously bind items to your character when applied.
- Cannith Crafting: Negative Amplification unbound Cannith Crafting shards will no longer be created bound to account.
- Skull and Pumpkin Head potions are now markedly less loud.
- The Cargo Bay guild amenity now properly increases the quality of random loot rather than adjusts the minimum level.
- The "Raging Strength" item mutation now grants Strength While Raging as described.
- Many shields have had their dice (W) scaled and base dice increased in epic levels.
- Filigree should now respect intended stacking rules within the Shared Bank/Crafting Storage windows.
- Items with Speed should no longer sometimes display their movement speed values as 0/%.
- Temporary Hit Points from the Blood Feast 5-piece Filigree Set (which are granted by activating a Rage feat) are now dispelled by the Dismiss Rage feat.
- Celestia and the other Sunblades now respect Strikethrough.
- The Sharn Boarding Pass cast time has been reduced to match the total activation time of other teleport items.
- The price for an Immortal's Heart has been reduced to 2500 Codex Runes.
Quests and Adventure Areas[edit]
- Fixed a typo in a Crystal Cove objective.
- Patriach's Crypt: Fixed a bug that causes the named item reward chest to not spawn sometimes.
- Missing: Fixed an issue in the quest "Missing" where you could not complete the Mark of Madness optional because you could not interact with some of the NPCs.
- Demon Sands: Wind Lasher snare arrows have had their duration greatly reduced.
- Fixed an issue with the portal out of Keep on the Borderlands not operating if more than one player used it.
- Fixed an issue with giant crabs that sometimes prevented them from pathing.
- Quarantine: Killing Mini Boss Aerele with ranged attacks or outside of her room will no longer break quest progression.
- Quarantine: Dynamic map notes have been added to enemies remaining in the plaza.
- Druid's Curse: fixed issues with certain kill objectives that would fail to operate if the monster in question was killed with ranged weapons before the players moved beyond a particular point in the quest.
- Several typos in the Wheloon Prison landscape have been fixed.
- Finding Dorris: Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause the objective "Check to see if the fighter trainer is home" to never complete.
- NPC guards in the Sharn prison are now wearing Sharn armor.
- There is now a representative of Morgrave University in the Sharn Cliffside Tower District.
- NPC Gnome Male Hairs are now weighted properly, and will not drift away from the head during animations.
Shifters are a basic Eberron race with notable Lycanthropic ancestry. They cannot transform entirely into animals, but can shift parts of their bodies to be animal-like for short periods of time. In DDO, this Shifting has similarities (and statistical connections to) Raging.
- What are Shifters meant to be good at?: Depending on your subrace selection, they can excel at Defense/Tanking or WIS-based casting.
- Stats: +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
- Autogranted Feat: Dismiss Rage
- Autogranted Feat: Shifter Traits: You are considered both a Humanoid and an Animal for the purpose of most spells and effects, such as the Magic Fang spell.
- 1st Level Racial Feat: Subrace Selector. (Like Aasimar, Shifters select their subrace at level 1, which grants them some specific bonuses and informs which selections they can make in their tree):
- Beasthide Shifter: Passive: +1 Constitution. Active: Activate this Shifter ability to shift your form, granting you a +4 Rage bonus to Armor Class and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Fortitude saves, and a -2 penalty to Wisdom. When the form ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Your form will last for 30 seconds plus an additional amount of time based on your Constitution. You can prematurely end your form by using the Dismiss Rage feat. This shares charges with Barbarian's Rage feat, and anything that grants bonuses while Raging will grant bonuses with this. Shifting your form in this way prevents Spellcasting.
- Wildhunt Shifter: Passive: +1 Wisdom. Activate this Shifter ability to shift your form, granting you a +4 Rage bonus to Wisdom and Dexterity, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to Strength. When the form ends, however, you will become fatigued. Your form will last for 30 seconds plus an additional amount of time based on your Constitution. You can prematurely end your form by using the Dismiss Rage feat. This shares charges with Barbarian's Rage feat, and anything that grants bonuses while Raging will grant bonuses with this. Shifting your form in this way prevents Spellcasting.
- Past Lives: +1 Spot/+1 Dexterity/+1 Racial Action Point.
- Extra Shifting +1 Rage uses per rest. (You expend Rage uses to activate your Shifting).
- Ability Score Multiselector
- Constitution: +1 Constitution
- Dexterity: +1 Dexterity
- Strength: +1 Strength
- Wisdom: +1 Wisdom
- Extra Shifting: +2 Rage uses per rest.
- Ability Score Multiselector
- Constitution: +1 Constitution
- Dexterity: +1 Dexterity
- Strength: +1 Strength
- Wisdom: +1 Wisdom
- Regenerating Shift: You Regenerate 1 Rage use every 90 seconds.
Tier 1[edit]
- Brute Fighting Multiselector
- Brutal Spellcasting: While toggled on, your damaging spells generate 25/50/75% more hate than they normally would, making enemies more likely to attack you.
- Brutal Fighting: While toggled on, your melee attacks to generate 25/50/75% more hate than they normally would, making enemies more likely to attack you.
- Hunt & Track: +1/2/3 Spot, Listen, and Intimidate
- Extend Shifting: Your Shifting and Barbarian rages last 25/50/75% longer.
- Hardy Shifting: +1/2/3 Constitution while Shifting or Raging.
- Self-Reliant: +1/2/3 to Will Saving Throws.
Tier 2[edit]
- Shifted Alterations: Choice determined by your subrace
- Shifted Defenses: Requires: Beasthide Shifter. +4 Physical Resistance Rating while Raging.
- Shifted Senses: Requires Wildhunt Shifter. +3 to Spot and +2% Dodge while Raging.
- Natural Armor: +2/4/6 to Natural Armor
- Howl: Choice determined by your subrace.
- Howl Requires: Beasthide Shifter. Release a mighty howl, granting nearby allies +2 Action Boost bonus to Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating, plus an additional 2 per 5 character levels you have for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 Seconds.
- Howl Requires: Wildhunt Shifter. Release a mighty howl, granting nearby allies +1 Action Boost bonus to Saving Throws, plus an additional 1 per 10 character levels you have for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 Seconds.
- Magic Fang: Activation Cost: 8/6/4 Hit Points. Cooldown: 20/15/10 Seconds. Increases the Enhancement Bonus of the target's natural weapon by 1, plus 1 per five caster levels. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time. Only works on players, hirelings, or pets, and only if they are Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Dragons, or Fey. Equipping a new weapon cancels the effect. This can be cast while raging.
- Maul: Activation Cost: 2 Hit Points. Cooldown: 12 Seconds. Melee Attack: Requires an equipped Melee weapon. Make an attack similar to the Druid spell Maul: This attack deals an extra 2(W) to the target, and applies a bleeding effect that deals 1d4 slash damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Striking the target successfully may also intimidate the target based on the player's intimidate skill.
Tier 3[edit]
- Empowered by Nature: Choice determined by your subrace
- Empowered by Nature Requires: Beasthide Shifter. +10/20/30 Positive Healing Amplification
- Empowered by Nature Requires Wildhunt Shifter. You can now cast while Raging. +25/50/100 Maximum Spell Points.
- Augment Summoning: Grants the Augment Summoning feat: Your summoned creatures, charmed minions, pets, and hirelings have +4 to all ability scores, increased health, and increased fortification.
- Stronger Howl: Choice determined by your subrace
- Stronger Howl Requires: Beasthide Shifter. When you Howl, nearby enemies take -2 to Attack, minus an additional 2 per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds.
- Empowered by Nature Requires Wildhunt Shifter. When you Howl, nearby enemies take -1 to Saving Throws, minus an additional 1 per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds.
- Favored Enemy Feat Multiselector
- Animal
- Fey
- Magical Beast
- Plant
- Reptilian
- Vermin
Tier 4[edit]
- Threatening Shift: Choice determined by your subrace
- Threatening Shift: Requires: Beasthide Shifter. While raging, +20% to Threat Generation and +5% Quality Bonus to Maximum Hit Points.
- Wild Magic: Requires Wildhunt Shifter. While raging you gain Lesser Displacement. When you activate a Rage you gain Temporary Spell Points equal to 5 + double your Character Level. These last for 5 minutes, until you dismiss or activate another rage, or until used.
- True Hunter: You gain Freedom of Movement, +2 to Saves vs. Enchantments and Illusions, immunity to Petrification, and +10 to Spot.
- Howl of Terror: Spell Like Ability. Spell Points: 45/40/30. Cooldown: 20/15/10 Seconds. You utter a terrifying howl, filling your foes with a paralyzing fear. Foes around you are paralyzed for 6 to 24 seconds. Will save (18 + Wisdom Modifier + Enchantment bonuses) negates. This can be cast while raging.
Iconic: Razorclaw Shifter[edit]
Razorclaw Shifter is an Eberron Iconic (starting in Sharn) that represents a third Subrace of Shifter, one focused on attacking things with claws. They get a unique set of attack animations when using Handwraps. This animation set is timed similar to Monk Handwrap animations (Handwraps are considered Bludgeoning weapons for the purpose of feats, and are affected by the Two Weapon Fighting line of feats. They are not affected by the Natural Fighting line of feats when fighting outside of a Druid's animal form).
- Starts with 1 level of: Barbarian
- Stats: +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence
- Autogranted Feat: Dismiss Rage
- Autogranted Feat: Shifter Traits: You are considered both a Humanoid and an Animal for the purpose of most spells and effects, such as the Magic Fang spell.
- Autogranted Feat: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Handwraps
- Autogranted Feat: Razorclaw Shifter: Passive: +1 Strength. Active: Activate this Shifter ability to shift your form, granting you a +4 Rage bonus to Strength and Dexterity, a +2 Morale bonus to Fortitude saves, and a -2 penalty to Wisdom. When the form ends, however, you will become fatigued. Your form will last for 30 seconds plus an additional amount of time based on your Constitution. You can prematurely end your form by using the Dismiss Rage feat. This shares charges with Barbarian's Rage feat, and anything that grants bonuses while Raging will grant bonuses with this. Shifting your form in this way prevents Spellcasting.
- Past Life: Iconic Past Life Stance: +1 to Attack and Damage with Melee Weapons per stack of this past life. Passive Bonus: +1 Will Saving Throw per stack of this past life. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
- Extra Shifting +1 Rage uses per rest. (You expend Rage uses to activate your Shifting).
- Ability Score Multiselector
- Constitution: +1 Constitution
- Dexterity: +1 Dexterity
- Strength: +1 Strength
- Extra Shifting: +2 Rage uses per rest.
- Ability Score Multiselector
- Constitution: +1 Constitution
- Dexterity: +1 Dexterity
- Strength: +1 Strength
- Regenerating Shift: You Regenerate 1 Rage use every 90 seconds.
Tier 1[edit]
- Hone Claws: +1/2/3 to Attack with Handwraps
- Hunt & Track: +1/2/3 Spot, Listen, and Intimidate
- Extend Shifting: Your Shifting and Barbarian rages last 25/50/75% longer.
- Hardy Shifting: +1/2/3 Constitution while Shifting or Raging.
- Self-Reliant: +1/2/3 to Will Saving Throws
Tier 2[edit]
- Piercing Claws: While Raging with Handwraps, you bypass Piercing Damage Reduction.
- Natural Armor: +2/4/6 to Natural Armor
- Howl: Release a mighty howl, granting nearby allies +2 Action Boost bonus to Attack, plus an additional 2 per 5 character levels you have for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 Seconds
- Magic Fang: Activation Cost: 8/6/4 Hit Points. Cooldown: 20/15/10 Seconds. Increases the Enhancement Bonus of the target's natural weapon by 1, plus 1 per five caster levels. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time. Only works on players, hirelings, or pets, and only if they are Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Dragons, or Fey. Equipping a new weapon cancels the effect. Can be cast while Raging.
- Shred: Activation Cost: 4 Hit Points. Cooldown: 12 Seconds. Handwrap Attack: Requires equipped Handwraps. Make an attack similar to the Druid spell Shred: This attack deals an extra 3(W) damage, with +1 bonus to critical threat and multiplier to the target, and you may reduce the target's Armor Class by 4 for a short time. Some creatures may be immune to the sunder effect. Fortitude save negates.
Tier 3[edit]
- Destructive Shifting: While under the effects of Razorclaw Shift, you gain Improved Destruction, +2 to Hit and Damage with Handwraps, and trip to enemies for 2 seconds on a Vorpal hit. Your Iconic Rage now Uncenters you.
- Pounce: Cooldown: 18 Seconds. Rush forward, dealing +2/4/6W to targets near you when you land. Rank 2: +1 Critical Threat Range with this attack. Rank 3: +1 Critical Multiplier with this attack.
- Stronger Howl: When you Howl, nearby enemies take -2 to Armor Class, minus an additional 2 per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds.
- Second Claw: +3/6/10% chance to make offhand attacks, +1/2/3% Offhand Doublestrike.
- Favored Enemy Feat Multiselector
- Animal
- Fey
- Magical Beast
- Plant
- Reptilian
- Vermin
Tier 4[edit]
- Overwhelming Shifting: While under the effects of Razorclaw Shift, you gain +2 to Hit and Damage with Handwraps and a +1 Primal bonus to Critical Multiplier with Handwraps.
- True Hunter: You gain +2 to Saves vs. Enchantments and Illusions, immunity to Petrification, and +10 to Spot.
- Relentless Onslaught: Activation Cost: 15 Hit Points. Cooldown: 1 minute. Handwrap Attack: Requires equipped Handwraps. Make an attack similar to the Druid spell Relentless Onslaught: Perform a melee attack that deals an extra 5(W), +1 bonus to critical threat and multiplier, and knocks your target down for 4 seconds. For up to 20 seconds afterwards, as long as the target stays down, every successful hit against the target has a 30% chance of knocking it down again.
- The spell Color Spray is now a level 1 spell available in Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard, and Warlock spellbooks. It works the same as Greater Color Spray but does not cause Helplessness.
- Dispel Magic Effects now reduce the CR of Spell Wards by a much greater amount:
- Dispel Magic - 4 to 12 CRs
- Greater Dispel Magic - 10 - 30 CRs
- Mordenkainen's Disjunction - 50 CRs
- The Bolt spells in the Wizard and Sorcerer Spell list now appear during character creation in alphabetical order instead of at the very bottom.
- Gnome and Deep Gnome Color Spray has been renamed to "Greater Color Spray".
- Spell DCs by school and tactical bonuses are now visible on the character sheet details (+) tab.
- Eladar's Electric Surge, Divine Punishment, and Reverberate are now properly affected by caster level modifications.
- Fixed a bug causing some accounts to not adhere to character slot limits. When logging into the game, if you have more characters then slots, you will get a dialog box to allow you to select which characters are playable.
- Hardcore: Death notices have returned to being an alert as opposed to DM text.
- Hardcore: Logging in will now refresh your place in the leaderboard.
- Hardcore: Level 15 Iconic characters on Hardcore will no longer receive extra copies of the Iconic Gear package on login.
- The button used to modify Legendary Greensteel items now specifies its use instead of incorrectly displaying that it was used to Augment items.
- Weapons with expirations (such as Druid's Flameblades) now display those expirations visually in the correct location of the inventory details drop down panel.
- To-Hit bonuses in the triple digits now properly display on the floating dice UI.
- Mounting will now automatically detoggle the Artificer Auto-Runearm Use feat, preventing you from being automatically dismounted.
Source: Official U47.0.0 release notes on