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DDO information project/Traps and locks

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Traps
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34

We are trying to accumulate information on traps and locks for Rogues and Artificers to use in-game. If you are a rogue or artificer, please add whatever info you can!

This is a list of known Disable Device and Open Lock DCs for disarming traps or unlocking locks. Characters who have leveled Disable Device or Open Lock can use this to determine whether their skills are adequate in a given quest or at a given level.

If you have Disable Device or Open Lock data on a trap or lock that is not yet confirmed, please add the information to the tables below. If you have Spot or Search data, please add it to the tables on DDO information project/Spot and Search. If we work together, maybe someday every Spot, Search, Disable Device, and Open Lock DC in DDO will be known!


As a rule: A safe bet to determine if you can safely Disable Device and Open Lock is 10 + (quest level × 3).

Summary of minimum Disable Device and Open Lock DCs needed to always succeed for all quests of that level.
* is the suspected value, where true value is not known. Likely the actual value is much higher than the value listed here.
Quest Level Disable Device DC by quest difficulty Open Lock DC by quest difficulty
Casual Normal Hard Elite Casual Normal Hard Elite
1 7 7 12 17 3 4 6 9
2 9 9 14 20 16 16 16 16
3 - 18 21 25 - 40 40 40
4 - 25 26 30 - 28 34 40
5 - 20* 24* 43 - 42 43 22*
6 - 32 37 42 - 24* 24* 24*
7 - 33 38 43 - 35 35 35
8 - 35 41 47 - 44 44 44
9 - 40 46 52 - 38 36* 36*
10 - 42 35* 43* - - - 51
11 - 33* 37* 45* - 50 50 50
12 - 44 49 54 - 61 61 61
13 - 41 48 55 - 50 50 -
14 - 40* 44* 53* - - - 60
15 - 37* 46* 56* - - - -
16 - 37* 48* 65 - - 60 -
17 - 38* 50* 61* - - - -
18 - 42* 55* 87 - - - -
19 - 43* 55* 67* - - - -
20 - 44* 56* 68* - - - -
21 44* 45* 58* 73 - - - 90
22 - 47* 60* 76 - - - -
23 - 47* 63* 74* - - - -
24 - 50* 64* 76* - - - -
25 - - 66* 78* - - - -
26 - 54* 68* 80* - - - -
27 - 54* 70* 82* - - - -
28 - - 72* 84* - 80 - -
29 - 58* 74* 86* - - - -
30 - 61* 83* 99* - - - 79
31 - 61* - 101* - - - 92
32 - 71 95 116 - - - 100*
33 - - - 111* - - - 100*
34 - - - 114* - - - 100*


Here is how to determine the "suspected" range for traps (DC is the difficulty required to disarm the trap, ROLL is your modified Disable Device Roll - 1d20 plus any modifiers):

Critical Failure
DC ≥ ROLL + 5
The trap's DC is greater than or equal to your modified roll + 5 (e.g. Rolling a 26 and critically failing means the possible DC range is 31–?)
The trap's DC is at least 1 higher than your modified roll and at most 4 higher than your modified roll. (e.g. Rolling a 24 and failing means the possible DC range is 25–28)
The trap's DC is less than or equal to your modified roll. (e.g. Rolling a 31 and succeeding means the possible DC range is 12–31)
Critical Success
DC ≤ ROLL − 20
The trap's DC is less than or equal to your modified roll − 20. (e.g. Rolling a 31 and critical succeeding means the possible DC range is ?–11)

Remember: A trap's DC will increase as the difficulty increases, so a lower confirmed number on a harder difficulty (due to a lower roll, using different equipment, etc.) may narrow the range on easier difficulties. A trap on Normal which has "11:CritFail; 25:Success," which succeeds on a 23 on Hard, will have a range of 16–23, not 16–25.


Unlike traps, using Open Lock to pick locks is a simple pass/fail. Due to this fact, the result of an Open Lock attempt can be used to calculate the actual DC as follows.

Success: DC ≤ ROLL

The lock's DC is less than or equal to your modified roll. (e.g. Rolling a 31 and succeeding means the possible DC range is ?–31)

Failure: DC > ROLL

The lock's DC is at least 1 higher than your modified roll. (e.g. Rolling a 24 and failing means the possible DC range is 25–?)

Basic Template[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trap1 Trap1BoxLocation Casual Failure: ?
Success: ?
Normal Failure: ?
Success: ?
Hard Failure: ?
Success: ?
Elite Failure: ?
Success: ?
Trap2 Trap2BoxLocation Casual Failure: ?
Success: ?
Normal Failure: ?
Success: ?
Hard Failure: ?
Success: ?
Elite Failure: ?
Success: ?


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Lock1 Casual Failure: ?
Success: ?
Normal Failure: ?
Success: ?
Hard Failure: ?
Success: ?
Elite Failure: ?
Success: ?
Lock2 Casual Failure: ?
Success: ?
Normal Failure: ?
Success: ?
Hard Failure: ?
Success: ?
Elite Failure: ?
Success: ?

Level 1 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 7
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 7
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 7
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 7
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 12
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 12
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 17
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 17

Open Locks Requirements

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 3
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 3
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 4
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 4
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 6
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 6
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 9
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 9

The Grotto[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap
To the right of the door
Solo (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)

Heyton's Rest[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Acid trap protecting chest
Two Control panels:
  • east wall next to south edge of water
  • west wall next to north edge of water
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (7) 8-11
(Critical) Success: 12-31 (32)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (12) 13-16
(Critical) Success: 17-36 (37)

The Hobgoblin Horde[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door Normal 15:Success ?-15
Hard 15:Success ?-15
Elite 33:Success ?-33
Locked Chest, in Locked door room Normal 22:Success ?-13
Hard 19:Success ?-13
Elite 13:Success ?-13

Necromancer's Doom[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked gate behind the ward Casual Failure: 0
Success: 1
Normal Failure: 0
Success: 1
Hard Failure: 0
Success: 1
Elite Failure: 0
Success: 1

Obstructing the Orcs[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 21:Success ?-21
Hard 27:Success ?-27
Elite 33:Success ?-33


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Two 3-blades traps in 2nd
and 3rd
cross ways
Two Control panels:
  • first on north wall near trap
  • second on east wall between traps
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (7) 8-11
(Critical) Success: 12-31 (32)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (12) 13-16
(Critical) Success: 17-36 (37)


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door on cage to Iron Defenders
Casual Failure: 2
Success: 3
Normal Failure: 3
Success: 4
Hard Failure: 5
Success: 6
Elite Failure: 8
Success: 9
Door on cage to Cannith Crystals Casual Failure: 2
Success: 3
Normal Failure: 3
Success: 4
Hard Failure: 5
Success: 6
Elite Failure: 8
Success: 9


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes and blades
Southern wall before the trap
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (7) 8-11
(Critical) Success: 12-31 (32)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (12) 13-16
(Critical) Success: 17-36 (37)


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door under water
Casual Failure: 2
Success: 3
Normal Failure: 3
Success: 4
Hard Failure: 5
Success: 6
Elite Failure: 8
Success: 9

Stopping the Sahuagin[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison trap in left fork room
On left side before trap
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (7) 8-11
(Critical) Success: 12-31 (32)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (12) 13-16
(Critical) Success: 17-36 (37)
Cold trap before giant device
Two Control panels, either side at top of waterfall
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (7) 8-11
(Critical) Success: 12-31 (32)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (12) 13-16
(Critical) Success: 17-36 (37)


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to gong
Casual Failure: 2
Success: 3
Normal Failure: 3
Success: 4
Hard Failure: 5
Success: 6
Elite Failure: 8
Success: 9

Caged Beast[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear trap (visible) before Owlbear room Normal 18:Success ?-18
Hard 12:Success ?-12
Elite 12:CritFail; 15:Fail; 21-30:Success 17
Fire trap in secret undead area Normal 9-13:Success ?-9
Hard 18-30:Success 12-18
Elite 18:Fail; 21:Success 19-21


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest by Fire trap Normal 11:Success ?-11
Hard 14:Success ?-14
Elite 31:Success ?-31

The Bugbear Bandits[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest within Chieftain's Treasury Normal 12:Success ?-12
Hard 21:Success ?-14
Elite 14:Success ?-14

Treasure Hunt[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire jets protecting Crest Between Pillars Normal 24-26:Success; 27:CritSuccess 17
Hard 15-19:Success 12-15
Elite 23-33:Success 17-23

Violent Delights[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Gnoll Chest, treasure pile Normal 11:Success ?-11
Hard 13:Success ?-13
Elite 22:Success ?-22

Watch Your Step[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Mechanical Trapdoor First junction Normal 11-18:Success; 30:CritSuccess ?-11
Hard 11:Fail; 20-28:Success 12-15
Elite 17-29:Success ?-17


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door, Treasure room and Tasty Ham Normal 12:Success ?-12
Hard 30:Success ?-18
Elite 18:Success ?-18

Level 2 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements

Note: These numbers do not include the acid trap by the optional chest in Durk's Got A Secret. This trap has a Disable Device DC of 23 on all difficulties.

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 9
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 9
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 9
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 9
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 14
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 14
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 20
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 20

Open Locks Requirements

Note: These numbers do not include the locked door in The Kobolds' New Ringleader because it can be unlocked using the key in a nearby chest. This door has an Open Lock DC of 25 on all difficulties.

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 16
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 16
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 16
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 16
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 16
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 16
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 16
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 16

Durk's Got A Secret[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap, on pillars to eastern brother
Right pillar, in front of pillar
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)
Acid trap in optional chest alcove
In alcove on other side of hallway
Casual (Critical) Failure: (18) 19-22
(Critical) Success: 23-42 (43)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (18) 19-22
(Critical) Success: 23-42 (43)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (18) 19-22
(Critical) Success: 23-42 (43)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (18) 19-22
(Critical) Success: 23-42 (43)


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Far end of dungeon
Casual Failure: 2
Success: 3
Normal Failure: 4
Success: 5
Hard Failure: 7
Success: 8
Elite Failure: 10
Success: 11

Garrison's Missing Pack[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap in alcove with three barrels
Right hand side
Casual (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (7) 8-11
(Critical) Success: 12-31 (32)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)

The Kobolds' New Ringleader[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Frost trap, 2nd set of pillars
Left pillar, by spiderweb Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)
Fire trap in hallway curving upwards
Left wall, past the trap
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Eastern door
(Note: The key you're supposed to use to unlock the door, is in a nearby chest)
Casual Failure: 24
Success: 25
Normal Failure: 24
Success: 25
Hard Failure: 24
Success: 25
Elite Failure: 24
Success: 25

The Miller's Debt[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Force trap, bottom of boxes
East wall, near floor
Solo (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)

Recovering the Lost Tome[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Sonic trap at entrance
South side of pillar in middle of room
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)
Frost trap in front of chest
South-east corner, behind barrels
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)

Retrieve the Stolen Goods (A Man Named Baudry Cartamon, Part 3)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap, top of ladders near objective West wall at intermediate ledge leading to the goods Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)
Blade trap guarding chest in final room
(also in "Stop Hazadill's Shipment")
South wall, over chest Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)

The Smuggler's Warehouse[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cold trap after locked gate
North wall, prior to gate
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)
Fire trap on ramp leading to lower level
Top of ramp, South wall
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)
Blade trap on 2nd ramp leading to lower level
Top of ramp, north wall
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door on ramp leading to lower level (key available in chest) Casual Failure: 4
Success: 5
Normal Failure: 4
Success: 5
Hard Failure: 4
Success: 5
Elite Failure: 4
Success: 5

Stealthy Repossession[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap guarding upper chest
West wall
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)

Stop Hazadill's Shipment (A Man Named Baudry Cartamon, Part 2)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap guarding chest in final room
Above the chest Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)

Total Chaos[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Shrine, behind a Locked door (Silver key) Normal 13:Success ?-13
Hard 13:Success ?-13
Elite 30:Success ?-30
Locked door to Gelatinous cube (Jewelled key)
(Kobold may be present)
Normal 20:Success ?-14
Hard 14:Success ?-14
Elite 34:Success ?-34
Locked door to Restless Wight (Gold key)
(Orc may be present)
Normal 18:Success ?-18
Hard 19:Success ?-19
Elite 31:Success ?-31

Walk the Butcher's Path[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Underwater spike trap
North pillar, just left of water pool
Casual (Critical) Failure: (2) 3-6
(Critical) Success: 7-26 (27)
Normal (Critical) Failure: (4) 5-8
(Critical) Success: 9-28 (29)
Hard (Critical) Failure: (9) 10-13
(Critical) Success: 14-33 (34)
Elite (Critical) Failure: (15) 16-19
(Critical) Success: 20-39 (40)


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind lever/rune door
Casual Failure: 5
Success: 6
Normal Failure: 5
Success: 6
Hard Failure: 5
Success: 6
Elite Failure: 5
Success: 6
Gate over underwater spike trap (first encountered after swimming through tunnel)
Casual Failure: 4
Success: 5
Normal Failure: 4
Success: 5
Hard Failure: 4
Success: 5
Elite Failure: 4
Success: 5
Gate over underwater spike trap (second encountered after swimming through tunnel)
Casual Failure: 0
Success: 1
Normal Failure: 0
Success: 1
Hard Failure: 0
Success: 1
Elite Failure: 0
Success: 1

Level 3 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 18
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 11
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 21
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 19
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 25
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 25

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 40
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 16
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 40
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 22
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 40
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 22

Back to Basics[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap Normal
Elite 32-42:Success 23-32

The Cloven-jaw Scourge: Blockade (Shan-To-Kor, Part 1)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade/spike trap with chest at far end On right wall, just inside hallway
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
First set of spikes right before mushroom drop On right wall before first set of spikes
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Second set of spikes right before mushroom drop On left wall just after first set of spikes
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door opened with skeleton key
Normal 31:Fail; 32:Success 32
Hard 31:Fail; 32:Success 32
Elite 31:Fail; 32:Success 32
Locked door with chest
Normal 20:Fail; 21:Success 21
Hard 20:Fail; 21:Success 21
Elite 20:Fail; 21:Success 21
Door leading to Human Necromancer that can be bashed down
Normal 24:Fail; 25:Success 25
Hard 24:Fail; 25:Success 25
Elite 24:Fail; 25:Success 25

Danger at Dunwater[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison trap guarding Locked Chest Door frame Normal
Elite 31-37:Success ?-31
Floor blade trap guarding Locked Chest Door frame Normal
Elite 27-36:Success ?-27


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest (Iron Key required) Normal
Elite 37:Success ?-37
Locked chest (Jewelled Key required) Normal
Elite 31:Success ?-31
Locked chest (Gold Key required) Normal
Elite 28:Success ?-28
Locked chest (Silver Key required) Normal
Elite 27:Success ?-27

First Strike (Assault on Splinterskull, Chapter 1)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in south room of prison cell area, west passage Right wall
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Electrical trap in treasure room off throne room Left wall just inside door
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Blade trap west of the shrine room North wall
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Spinning blade trap just past the blade trap South wall
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
West prison storage room
Normal 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Hard 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Elite 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
East prison storage room
Normal 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Hard 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Elite 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Treasure room
Normal 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Hard 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Elite 21:Fail; 22:Success 22

The Haunting of Saltmarsh[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Library Door Normal
Storeroom Door Normal
Violin Room Door Normal
Red Crystal Door Normal
Puzzle Room Door Normal

The Hijacked Haul[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
2 Cold traps in hidden cave tunnel Normal
Elite 31-40:Success ?-31
Pressure plates around Locked Chest Normal
Elite 26:Success ?-26


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal
Elite 29:Success ?-29

The Hobgoblins' Captives (Assault on Splinterskull, Chapter 2)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in south room of prison cell area, west passage Right wall
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Electrical trap in treasure room off throne room Left wall just inside door
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Blade trap west of the shrine room North wall
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Spinning blade trap just past the blade trap South wall
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
West prison storage room (key is available)
Normal 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Hard 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Elite 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
East prison storage room (key is available)
Normal 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Hard 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Elite 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Treasure room
Normal 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Hard 21:Fail; 22:Success 22
Elite 21:Fail; 22:Success 22

The Kobold's Den: Clan Gnashtooth (The Lost Seekers, Part 1)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Acid trap in first doorway Right wall before the trap Normal 14:Success; 38:CritSuccess 11-14
Hard 30-40:Success; 41:CritSuccess 17-21
Elite 18:CritFail; 21:Fail; 29-40:Success; 50:CritSuccess 23-25
Fire trap at four-way intersection Pillar on the right Normal 16:Success; 41:CritSuccess 11-16
Hard 21-31:Success; 37:CritSuccess 12-17
Elite 19-21:Fail; 24-39:Success; 46:CritSuccess 23-24
Acid trap on ladder in switch/pillar room Side of pillar opposite the ladder Normal 12-16:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11-12
Hard 24-32:Success; 39:CritSuccess 13-17
Elite 23-42:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Fire trap in treasure room off Chief Eechik's room Inside room, just to the left of the door Normal 15-20:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11-15
Hard 21-36:Success; 38:CritSuccess 17-18
Elite 22:Fail; 26-40:Success 23


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door leading to guard room [Gnashtooth Guardroom Key] (key available) Normal–Elite 39:Fail; 40:Success 40
Door to Chief Eechik's room [Chief Eechik's Key] (key available) Normal–Elite 39:Fail; 40:Success 40

The Kobold's Den: Rescuing Arlos (The Lost Seekers, Part 2)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in front of doorway at first intersection Pillar on the right Normal 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 16-17
Hard 16-36:Success; 42:CritSuccess 17-22
Elite 21:Fail; 25-41:Success; 47:CritSuccess 23-25

Redfang the Unruled[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap just after entrance
Right wall
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Fire trap at bottom of first drop
Across from trap
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Spike trap around gate to second drop
To the right of the gate
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Room full of spikes
North wall of stack of crates
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Poison room south wall traps
South wall on middle platform
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Poison room west wall traps
West wall on southwest corner platform
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Poison room north wall traps
North wall on stack of crates
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Poison room east wall traps
East wall on stack of crates
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
First fire trap in final hallway
Left wall
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Second fire trap in last hallway
Right wall
Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23

Rosemary's Ballad[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door, to bedroom, up ladder (Iron Key) Normal 29:Success ?-29
Locked Chest, in the garden Normal 29:Success ?-27
Elite 27:Success ?-27

The Friar's Niece (Catacombs, Part 1)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door in west wing
Normal 6:Fail; 7:Success 7
Hard 9:Fail; 10:Success 10
Elite 12:Fail; 13:Success 13
Locked door in north wing
Normal 6:Fail; 7:Success 7
Hard 9:Fail; 10:Success 10
Elite 12:Fail; 13:Success 13

Return to the Sanctuary (Catacombs, Part 2)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade/Cold combo trap covering chest behind locked door in west wing
(not guaranteed to spawn)
South wall, behind the chest
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Spike trap around chest in secret/Warden's room North wall, beside chest
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door in west wing
Normal 6:Fail; 7:Success 7
Hard 9:Fail; 10:Success 10
Elite 12:Fail; 13:Success 13
Locked door in north wing
Normal 6:Fail; 7:Success 7
Hard 9:Fail; 10:Success 10
Elite 12:Fail; 13:Success 13
Locked door in east wing
Normal 6:Fail; 7:Success 7
Hard 9:Fail; 10:Success 10
Elite 12:Fail; 13:Success 13
Locked door in south wing
Normal 6:Fail; 7:Success 7
Hard 9:Fail; 10:Success 10
Elite 12:Fail; 13:Success 13

The Old Archives (Catacombs, Part 3)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
There is no trap, only a Control panel in the room with the first fragment
(Bug: The trap never triggers)
Wall beside the book
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Cold trap guarding chest in secret door Right-hand column
Normal 11
Hard 17
Elite 23
Blade trap covering 3rd fragment of the book Wall beside the book
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23

The Crypt of Gerard Dryden (Catacombs, Part 4)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked gate to chest
Normal 6:Fail; 7:Success 7
Hard 9:Fail; 10:Success 10
Elite 12:Fail; 13:Success 13

Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral (Catacombs, Part 5a)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cold trap on west side of first split On west wall before trap
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Cold trap on east side of first split On east wall before trap
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Spike trap on north side of eastern passage On east wall before trap
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Spike trap on south side of eastern passage On east wall before trap
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Blade trap by west lever in the north passage On west wall behind pillar
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Blade trap by east lever in the north passage On east wall behind pillar
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23

Setting the Wards: The Patriarch's Crypt (Catacombs, Part 5b)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap, lower level from west altar In front of intersection
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Fire trap guarding west lever after Brevonis' altar North wall of west alcove
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Fire trap guarding east lever after Brevonis' altar North wall of east alcove
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23

The Final Enemy[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Sonic trap at first door Normal
Elite 29:Success ?-29
Electric trap in front of the secret door Normal
Elite 29:Success ?-29
Several pressure plates near chests Normal
Elite 30:Success ?-30

The Home of Memory[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trap Guarding Locked Chest Normal 13-24:Success 7-13
Elite 36:Success ?-36


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Gate leading to the Locked Chest Normal 24:Success ?-24
Elite 13:Fail; 19:Success 14-19
Locked Chest Normal 29:Success ?-29
Elite 14:Fail; 18:Success 15-18

The Sacred Helm[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blades in north hallway Two trap Control panels - opposite diagonal alcoves Normal 18-29:Success 10-18
Hard 20:Fail; 22-30:Success 21-22
Elite 24-41:Success; 46:CritSuccess 22-24

The Sunken Sewer[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap just after locked gate, Control panel on north wall North wall, just past spikes Normal
Spike trap after locked gate, Control panel on south wall South wall, just past spikes Normal
Blade trap at base of first ramp down North wall, just past ramp Normal
Arrow trap in east alcove, before second ramp In east alcove Normal
Spikes on north side of water walkway North wall before spikes Normal
Spikes on south side of water walkway South wall before spikes Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked gate at entrance Normal
Locked gate #2 Normal

The Swiped Signet[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First acid trap Right wall, near corner Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Second acid trap North wall Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Poison trap (activates after unlocking the door by the entrance) South wall, after trap Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Sonic trap after door near entrance North pillar, immediately before water in passage Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Sonic trap after pneumatic door North, on the floor, just before the trap Casual 4:CritFail; 8:Fail; 9:Success; 29:CritSuccess 9
Normal 6:CritFail; 10:Fail; 11:Success; 31:CritSuccess 11
Hard 12:CritFail; 16:Fail; 17:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Elite 18:CritFail; 22:Fail; 23:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door leading to Quinn and dogs (Quinn opens door if you walk past) Casual 37:Fail; 38:Success 38
Normal 37:Fail; 38:Success 38
Hard 37:Fail; 38:Success 38
Elite 37:Fail; 38:Success 38
Door with iron defenders Casual 7:Fail; 8:Success 8
Normal 7:Fail; 8:Success 8
Hard 7:Fail; 8:Success 8
Elite 7:Fail; 8:Success 8

What Sleeps Below[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
4 Pressure plates around the Locked chest Normal
Elite 20:Fail; 21:Success 21


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal
Elite 31:Success ?-31

Under the Cover of Darkness[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest near Oceanus the Sea Elf Normal
Elite 36:Success ?-36

Level 4 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 25
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 13
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 26
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 24
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 30
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 27

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 28
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 20
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 34
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 26
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 40
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 30

An Explosive Situation[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Acid trap guarding chest Wall Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal ?-16
Hard ?-16
Elite 15:Fail; 16:Success 16

The Bookbinder Rescue[edit]

Search & Spot DCs

Traps (Listed anticlockwise, starting from the south-west door)

Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First door (westmost): blades (hallway) Right of door Normal 17-29:Success 13
Hard 19:Fail; 22-32:Success 20-22
Elite 24:Fail; 25-37:Success; 52:CritSuccess 25
First door (westmost): blades (interior) North-west corner Normal 19-26:Success 13-16
Hard 18:Fail; 25:Success; 39:CritSuccess 19-22
Elite 24:Fail; 27-30:Success; 47:CritSuccess 25-27
Second door: grease Left of door Normal 18-25:Success 13-16
Hard 43:Success 24-25
Elite 21:Fail; 26-31:Success; 50:CritSuccess 22-25
Third door (north-most): blades Right of door Normal 18-26:Success 13-16
Hard 26-40:Success 21-26
Elite 20:CritFail; 24:Fail; 25-37:Success; 52:CritSuccess 25
Fourth door: spikes Left of door Normal 20-27:Success 17
Hard 17:Fail; 25-26:Success 18-21
Elite 26-45:Success 26-28
Fifth door (north-east): spinner Between the two doors Normal 18-22:Success; 36:CritSuccess 13
Hard 22-26:Success 17-22
Elite 20:CritFail; 22:Fail; 27-43:Success; 51:CritSuccess 25-26
Sixth door (south-east): web Left of door Normal 18-25:Success; 36:CritSuccess 16-18
Hard 19-20:Fail; 28-39:Success 21-23
Elite 25:Success; 36-39:Success; 48:CritSuccess 21-25
Sixth door (south-east): fireball Right of door Normal 18:Success; 39:CritSuccess 13
Hard 21-38:Success 19-21
Elite 22:Fail; 27-38:Success; 48:CritSuccess 23-26


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Doors Normal 10:Success ?-10
Hard 20:Success ?-11
Elite 14:Fail; 17:Success 15-17



Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap Wall Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind secret door Normal

The Depths of Darkness[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap in eastern passage West wall - after trap Normal 18-20:Success; 42:CritSuccess ?-18
Hard 25-37:Success; 46:CritSuccess ?-25
Elite 22:CritFail; 23:Fail; 26-42:Success; 47:CritSuccess 26
Acid trap in north-east intersection On pillar, within trap Normal 17-18:Success; 35:CritSuccess 15-17
Hard 20:Fail; 32-36:Success; 43:CritSuccess 21-23
Elite 24:Fail; 27-43:Success; 54:CritSuccess 25-27


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind secret door/trap Normal 25:Success ?-19
Hard 33:Success ?-19
Elite 19:Success ?-19
Locked gate at north-west intersection Normal 16:Success ?-16
Hard 24:Success ?-19
Elite 16:Success ?-16

The Depths of Despair[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Western spike trap in eastern corridor North wall, before trap Normal 18-20:Success; 39:CritSuccess ?-18
Hard 21-33:Success; 50:CritSuccess 14-21
Elite 31-44:Success; 45:CritSuccess 25
Eastern spike trap in eastern corridor South wall, before trap Normal 22-25:Success; 48:CritSuccess ?-21
Hard 12:CritFail; 21-39:Success; 41:CritSuccess 17-21
Elite 22:Fail; 26-44:Success; 45:CritSuccess 25


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked gate in western corridor Normal 15:Success ?-13
Hard 14:Success ?-13
Elite 13:Success ?-13

Dirty Laundry[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap behind door Across the room from the door Normal 9-12:Fail; 27:Success 13
Hard 35:Success 16-?
Elite 20:CritFail; 22:Fail; 30-37:Success 25-26

Proof is in the Poison[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap on the first bridge Left wall of bridge on far side Normal 22-28:Success; 40:CritSuccess ?-20
Hard 24-34:Success; 40:CritSuccess 15-20
Elite 29-48:Success; 45:CritSuccess 25-29
Whirling blades under the bridge Centre of the floor Normal 21-26:Success; 36:CritSuccess ?-16
Hard 23-39:Success; 40:CritSuccess 20-23
Elite 23:CritFail; 24:Fail; 36-44:Success; 46:CritSuccess 28


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door after the silver door Normal 19:Fail; 21:Success 20-21
Hard 26:Success 20-21
Elite 20:Fail; 22:Success 21


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Traps on art pillars Below art Normal 13-31:Success; 32:CritSuccess 12
Hard 23:Fail; 25-36:Success 24
Elite 25-30:Success 25-27


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door (upstairs, in middle - there's a key, however) Normal 20:Success ?-20
Hard 38:Success ?-21
Elite 17:Fail; 21:Success 18-21
Door (upstairs on the left) Normal 19:Fail; 23:Success 20-23
Hard 38:Success 20-25
Elite 16:Fail; 25:Success 20-25

Rest for the Restless[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap in corridor past second shrine Alcove on the left Normal 27-30:Success; 43:CritSuccess 11-23
Hard 29-35:Success; 39:CritSuccess 16-19
Elite 25-42:Success; 46:CritSuccess 23-25

Venn's Trail: Clan Tunnelworm (The Lost Seekers, Part 3)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison trap in room before shrine Left alcove behind door Normal 13-14:Fail; 18-31:Success; 39:CritSuccess 15-17
Hard 21:Fail; 26-32:Success; 47:CritSuccess 22-26
Elite 22:Fail; 32-44:Success 23-26

Venn's Trail: Venn's Fate (The Lost Seekers, Part 4)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap in North-west room with wolves Inside door on the left Normal 10:CritFail; 13:Fail; 19-30:Success; 36:CritSuccess 15-16
Hard 16:Fail; 22-25:Success; 40:CritSuccess 17-20
Elite 24:Fail; 27-41:Success; 47:CritSuccess 25-27

Whisperdoom's Spawn (Assault on Splinterskull, Chapter 4)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in south room of prison cell area, west passage Right wall Normal 24-25:Success; 33:CritSuccess ?-23
Hard 33:Success ?-25
Elite 25-37:Success ?-25
Electrical trap in treasure room off throne room Left wall Normal 23-24:Success; 42:CritSuccess ?-22
Hard 24:Fail; 25:Success 25
Elite 33:Success; 47:CritSuccess 27
Blade trap west of the shrine room North wall Normal 17-25:Success ?-17
Hard 30:Success 11-30
Elite 32-44:Success 25-32
Spinning blade trap just past the blade trap South wall Normal 17-24:Success; 40:CritSuccess ?-17
Hard 20:Fail; 21:Success 21
Elite 23:CritFail; 33-42:Success; 52:CritSuccess 28-32


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Treasure room Normal 21:Fail; 23:Success 22-23
Hard 36:Success 19-24
Elite 20:Fail; 24:Success 21-24

Yarkuch's War-plans (Assault on Splinterskull, Chapter 3)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in left store room Right wall Normal 21-26:Success 17-21
Hard 23:Success ?-23
Elite 27-34:Success ?-27
Electrical trap in treasure room Left wall Normal 17-26:Success; 40:CritSuccess ?-17
Hard 23:Success ?-23
Elite 24-27:Fail; 29-30:Success 28
Blade trap in passage after 2nd shrine Right wall Normal 17-25:Success; 33:CritSuccess 13-17
Hard 26:Fail 27-30
Elite 28-33:Success; 48:CritSuccess 27-28
Spinning blade trap in passage after 2nd shrine Left wall Normal 15-26:Success ?-15
Hard 23:Success ?-23
Elite 30-40:Success 18-30


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Treasure room Normal 21:Fail; 26:Success 22-26
Hard 25:Success ?-23
Elite 23:Success ?-23

Level 5 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 20
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded:
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 24
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 43
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 30

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 22
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 43
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 22
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 22

A Frosty Reception[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Cellar door Normal
Locked chest Normal

Brood of Flame (The Fire Caves, Chapter 2)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to second set of shrines Normal 25:Success ?-16
Hard 32:Success ?-16
Elite 16:Success ?-16

The Chamber of Insanity[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Lever triggered poison traps; one in each room One in each room, base of lever Normal 25:Fail; 30-38:Success 26-29
Hard 14:CritFail; 23-25:Fail; 26-45:Success; 49:CritSuccess 26
Elite 20-21:CritFail; 24:Fail; 26-44:Success; 46:CritSuccess 26
Blade trap #1 covering chest in secret room (in Shade of Hatred room) Left wall before the chest Normal 24-30:Success; 35:CritSuccess 11-24
Hard 31-39:Success; 43:CritSuccess 20-23
Elite 30-44:Success; 51:CritSuccess 24-30
Blade trap #2 covering chest in secret room (in Shade of Hatred room) Left wall beside the chest Normal 25-27:Fail; 31-38:Success 28-29
Hard 21:CritFail; 24-25:Fail; 39-41:Success; 48:CritSuccess 26-28
Elite 27:Fail; 28-44:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28

The Deadly Package: The Stronghold Key (Assault on Splinterskull, Chapter 5, Part 1)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in south room of prison cell area, west passage Right wall Normal 17-27:Success ?-17
Hard 33:Success ?-33
Elite 37:Success; 53:CritSuccess 33
Electrical trap in treasure room off throne room Left wall Normal 16:Fail; 17-33:Success 17
Hard 29:Success 17-29
Elite 31-40:Success; 52:CritSuccess 20-31
Blade trap west of the shrine room North wall Normal 23-30:Success 20-23
Hard 20:Fail; 35:Success 21-24
Elite 32-44:Success; 48:Success 21-32
Spinning blade trap just past the blade trap South wall Normal 27-29:Success; 42:CritSuccess 22
Hard 20:Fail; 23:Success 21-23
Elite 33-47:Success 21-38


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Treasure room Normal 21:Fail; 23:Success 22-23
Hard 28:Success 22-26
Elite 26:Success 22-26

The Deadly Package: Agent of the Darguul (Assault on Splinterskull, Chapter 5, Part 2)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap behind secret door South wall, base of stairs Normal 15-28:Success ?-15
Hard 23:Success ?-23
Elite 31-35:Success ?-31

The Depths of Doom[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap in western corridor South wall Normal 16:Fail; 19-31:Success; 47:CritSuccess 17-19
Hard 26-40:Success; 43:CritSuccess 17-23
Elite 34-47:Success; 49:CritSuccess 28-29
Trap at bottom of slide Between two pillars, centre of hallway Normal 15:Fail; 26-31:Success 16-19
Hard 26-39:Success; 47:CritSuccess 21-26
Elite 28:Fail; 29-47:Success 29
Trap near Eastern lever, covering collectable South wall Normal 15:Fail; 22-28:Success; 39:CritSuccess 16
Hard 29-40:Success; 43:CritSuccess 21-23
Elite 23:CritFail; 27:Fail; 28-43:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28

Halls of Shan-To-Kor (Shan-To-Kor, Part 3)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Acid trap across from shrine On pillar to left before the trap. Alternate Control panel on wall to the left past the traps. Normal 14:CritFail; 17-18:Fail; 21-28:Success 19
Hard 20-22:Fail; 23-24:Success 23
Elite 19:CritFail; 24:Fail; 32-47:Success 25-28
Fire traps protecting ladder to upper catwalk Two Control panels, just past the entrance on left and Right before the ladder Normal 9:CritFail; 23-24:Success 14-23
Hard 26-38:Success; 43:CritSuccess 19-23
Elite 20:CritFail; 31-47:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28
Fire trap covering wooden bridge Left wall just as you come into the room before the bridge Normal 17:Success ?-17
Hard 22:Fail; 23-31:Success 23
Elite 21:CritFail; 28-43:Success 25-28
Fire traps on north-west corner of fire trap room At the bottom of the ramp Normal 14:Fail; 21:Success; 40:CritSuccess 15-18
Hard 20-22:Fail; 24:Success 23-24
Elite 23:CritFail; 29-45:Success 28-29
Spikes near the right wall in fire trap room Right wall, amidst spikes and fire, about 2/3 through the room Normal 16:Fail; 20-23:Success; 38:CritSuccess 17-20
Hard 25-38:Success 19-25
Elite 26-27:Fail; 30-45:Success 28-30
Right wall frost trap on first down ramp On left wall before descending Normal 18:Fail; 19-26:Success 19
Hard 26:Success 19-26
Elite 20:CritFail; 37-45:Success; 52:CritSuccess 26-30
Right wall frost trap going up the next ramp Left wall, amidst a spike trap Normal 9:CritFail; 16:Fail; 19:Success; 41:CritSuccess 17-19
Hard 28-35:Success 17-28
Elite 30-49:Success 28-30
Dual wall frost traps on right hallway At bottom of ramps, amidst spike trap, behind tapestry Normal 12:CritFail; 25-30:Success; 40:CritSuccess 17-20
Hard 18:CritFail; 24-36:Success; 41:CritSuccess 23-24
Elite 23:CritFail; 30-44:Success 28-30


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest on platform below fire trapped ladder (Silver Key) Normal 40:Success ?-32
Hard 21:Fail; 32:Success 22-27
Elite 22:Fail; 27:Success 23-27

The Lair of Summoning[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison trap, Western passage South wall, after trap (trap will discharge only once) Normal 19-32:Success 14-19
Hard 19:Fail; 30-31:Success; 48:CritSuccess 20-23
Elite 31-47:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28
Lightning trap #1, Western passage Left wall, next to locked gate (after trap if following western passage) Normal 26-33:Success; 37:CritSuccess 14-26
Hard 23-37:Success; 41:CritSuccess 21-23
Elite 34-46:Success; 50:CritSuccess 27-30
Lightning trap #2, Western passage Right wall, next to locked gate (after trap if following western passage) Normal 32-38:Success; 42:CritSuccess 19-22
Hard 25:Success; 45:CritSuccess 19-25
Elite 45:CritSuccess 25
Arrow trap #1, just after western passage locked gate Right (North) of doorway leading west Normal 23-34:Success; 36:CritSuccess 23
Hard 26-42:Success; 44:CritSuccess 23-24
Elite 27-28:Fail; 29-39:Success; 49:CritSuccess 29
Arrow trap #2, just after western locked gate Left (South) of doorway leading west Normal 29-33:Success 14-26
Hard 22:Fail; 28-47:Success; 49:CritSuccess 23-26
Elite 31-43:Success; 48:CritSuccess 24-28
Sonic trap #1 (nearing shrine) near stairs Left wall, before trap by the stairs Normal 27:Success; 35:CritSuccess 12-15
Hard 19:Fail; 24-37:Success; 47:CritSuccess 20-23
Elite 27:Fail; 35-46:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28
Sonic trap #2 (nearing shrine) near stairs West wall, after first trap Normal 15-20:Success; 37:CritSuccess 14-15
Hard 19:Fail; 24-35:Success; 46:CritSuccess 20-23
Elite 30-47:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28
Arrow trap, across from shrine Right of southern door near locked gate Normal 17:Success; 35:CritSuccess 15
Hard 24-40:Success; 50:CritSuccess 21-24
Elite 28-46:Success; 48:CritSuccess 27-28
Fire trap covering locked Chest in ambush East wall Normal 23-30:Success; 46:CritSuccess 14-15
Hard 25-39:Success; 42:CritSuccess 23-25
Elite 26:Fail; 29-45:Success; 65:CritSuccess 27-29


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest in ambush room Normal 26:Success ?-26
Hard 17:Success ?-17
Elite 26:Success ?-26
Western locked gate Normal 21:Fail; 24:Success 22
Hard 22:Success 22
Elite 16:Fail; 26:Success 22-26

Legend of Two-Toed Tobias[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Sonic trap on valve Platform above the valve Normal 23-27:Success; 42:CritSuccess 18-22
Hard 20:Fail; 36-39:Success; 51:CritSuccess 21-29
Elite 18:CritFail; 25:Fail; 30-44:Success; 51:CritSuccess 26-29


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Treasure trunk in end room Normal 25:Success ?-20
Hard 27:Success ?-20
Elite 18:Fail; 19:Success 19

The Mystery of Delera's Tomb (Delera's Tomb, Part 1)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap just past the bridge South wall, just before trap Normal 15-31:Success 14-15
Hard 26-43:Success 24-26
Elite 28-45:Success ?-28
Cold trap, past first shrine East wall, just before trap Normal 14-20:Success; 35:CritSuccess ?-14
Hard 17:CritFail; 29-32:Success 22-29
Elite 30-47:Success 22-30
Poison trap covering chest in small curved hallway On wall near chest Normal 23-27:Success ?-23
Hard 27:Success ?-27
Elite 29-38:Success; 19-29
Cold trap, at base of ramp Right wall Normal 20-30:Success 14-15
Hard 28:Success ?-28
Elite 29-47:Success; 55:CritSuccess ?-29


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door across from first shrine Normal 18:Success ?-17
Hard 17:Success ?-17
Elite 25:Success ?-25
Locked door after first shrine (south) Normal 14:Success ?-14
Hard 18:Success ?-18
Elite 22:Success ?-22
Locked door after first shrine (west) Normal 17:Success ?-13
Hard 15:Success ?-13
Elite 13:Success ?-13



Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap at first arch (before third biome) Left hand side Normal 22-32:Success 12-22
Hard 20-21:Fail; 30-34:Success 22-24
Elite 26:Fail; 30-42:Success; 52:CritSuccess 27-30
Air trap at second arch (third hallway) Between the two arches Normal 22-33:Success ?-22
Hard 23-26:Success; 48:CritSuccess ?-23
Elite 41-44:Success; 49:CritSuccess 29
Spinning blade trap under stage floor Right of the Backdrop Control wheel Normal 18:Fail; 34:Success; 43:CritSuccess 19-22
Hard 22:Fail; 25-37:Success 23-25
Elite 30-39:Success 26-30


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Library: Locked chest (Iron key behind secret door on lower level, south) Normal 13:Success ?-13
Hard 43:Success ?-29
Elite 29:Success ?-29
Door to: Private Rooms (Jeweled Key) Normal 22:Success ?-22
Hard 8:Success ?-8
Elite 21:Success ?-21
Door to Restroom Normal 16:Success ?-16
Hard 43:Success ?-43

Prove Your Worth[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade and spike traps south of the entrance On the ledge at the start (disables 2 rows of spikes) Normal 19:Fail; 20-33:Success; 51:CritSuccess 20
Hard 28-32:Success; 46:CritSuccess 20-26
Elite 30-46:Success; 57:CritSuccess 26-30
Fire traps in the north-west room South-east corner, on the eastern wall on the upper lever Normal 20-32:Success ?-20
Hard 25-40:Success ?-25
Elite 17:CritFail; 30-48:Success; 49:CritSuccess 29
Fire traps around the chest in the centre of the Inferno room On the floor south of the chest Normal 22-30:Success; 45:CritSuccess 11-22
Hard 20:CritFail; 35-37:Success 25-35
Elite 25:Fail; 30-44:Success; 54:CritSuccess 26-30
Fire traps around the chest in the centre of the Inferno room On the floor north of the chest Normal 23:Success; 36:CritSuccess 16
Hard 17:CritFail; 24-38:Success; 43:CritSuccess 22-23
Elite 25:Fail; 30-43:Success; 51:CritSuccess 26-30
Dart traps before the second lever in the Inferno room North-west corner, on the west wall Normal 25-30:Success 11-25
Hard 20:CritFail; 23:Fail; 45:CritSuccess 25
Elite 28-44:Success; 50:CritSuccess 25-28
Fire trap in the corridor past the Inferno room, coming out of the hole with the ladder North wall just before the hole Normal 20:Success ?-20
Hard 20:CritFail; 35-41:Success 25-31
Elite 27:Fail; 32-47:Success; 58:CritSuccess 28-31
Blade and Fire traps along the last corridor On the ledge just before trap Normal 22-23:Success ?-23
Hard 20:CritFail; 25-37:Success; 51:CritSuccess 25
Elite 32-46:Success; 50:CritSuccess 27-30

The Legend of the Lost Locket[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Lever (Gold Key required) Normal
Elite 22:Fail; 28:Success 23-28
Locked Lever (Silver Key required) Normal
Elite 28:Success 23-28

The Snitch[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap east of The Incinerator, south corridor South wall of corridor, western side of the trap Normal 23-27:Success; 40:CritSuccess 14-15
Hard 18:CritFail; 28:Success; 49:CritSuccess 23-28
Elite 28-44:Success; 49:CritSuccess 27
Fire trap east of The Incinerator, north corridor East wall Normal 22-29:Success 14-15
Hard 20:Fail; 23:Success; 52:CritSuccess 21-23
Elite 18:CritFail; 32-38:Success; 54:CritSuccess 23-32
Fire trap in Tanners' Alley, up north ladder On north wall, before trap Normal 15-20:Success; 35:CritSuccess 14-15
Hard 23:Success; 46:CritSuccess ?-23
Elite 26:Fail; 28-38:Success; 55:CritSuccess 27-28
Wind trap in Tanner's Alley East wall, before trap Normal 18:Fail; 26-29:Success 19-22
Hard 21:Fail; 32-37:Success 22-25
Elite 28-47:Success; 58:CritSuccess 28

The Stones Run Red (The Fire Caves, Chapter 1)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to second set of shrines Normal 17:Success ?-17
Hard 30:Success ?-17
Elite 17:Success ?-17

Tomb of the Crimson Heart[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Hallway blade trap Can use Control panel on floor at eastern or western doorway Normal 25-32:Success ?-25
Hard ?-31
Elite 27:Fail; 29-41:Success; 51:CritSuccess 28-29
Cold trap covering collectable (North-east corner of map) In the floor, in front of collectable Normal 14:CritFail; 22-26:Success; 44:CritSuccess ?-22
Hard ?-31
Elite 31:Success; 53:CritSuccess ?-31
Fire arrow trap #1, North-west corner of map North wall Normal 31-32:Success; 42:CritSuccess 12-21
Hard 12-21
Elite 26:Fail; 30-35:Success; 41:CritSuccess 27-21
Fire arrow trap #2, North-west corner of map West wall Normal 25-29:Success; 38:CritSuccess ?-18
Hard ?-29
Elite 26:Fail; 40:Success; 49:CritSuccess 27-29
Fire arrow trap #3, North-west corner of map North wall Normal 32:Success ?-32
Hard ?-33
Elite 30:Success; 53:CritSuccess ?-30
Spike trap in eastern hallway North Wall (Before and after trap) Normal 23-25:Success ?-23
Hard ?-26
Elite 46:Success 27-46
Blade trap in eastern hallway On floor by North and South door (can use either) Normal 15-17:Success; 45:CritSuccess ?-15
Elite 34:Success


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked gate requiring Crimson Key (East) - Key available Normal 24:Fail; 31:Success 25-26
Elite 32:Success
Locked gate requiring Crimson Key (West) - Key available Normal 24:Fail; 30:Success 25-30
Elite 35:Success
Locked gate requiring Crimson Key (South) - Key available Normal 22:Fail; 26:Success 23-26
Elite 37:Success
Breakable doors (East) Normal 24:Fail; 25-26
Hard ?-26
Elite 23:Fail; 26:Success 24-26

Tomb of the Immortal Heart[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door on north-east corner Normal 28:Success ?-28
Elite 29:Success ?-29
Locked door on south-east corner Normal 28:Success ?-28
Elite 31:Success ?-31
Locked door on north-west corner Normal 25:Success ?-25
Elite 27:Success ?-27
Locked door on south-west corner Normal 29:Success ?-29
Elite 26:Success ?-26

Tomb of the Sanguine Heart[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Magic trap on door Right of door Normal 26-28:Success 14-26
Hard 30:Success ?-30
Elite 25:Fail; 31-33:Success 26-29
Fire trap in north corridor On the wall Normal 20-31:Success ?-20
Hard 39:Success ?-39
Elite 35-40:Success 30-35
Fire trap on door Right of door Normal 20:Success; 45:CritSuccess 14-20
Hard 43:Success ?-37
Elite 31-37:Success; 62:CritSuccess 30-31
Sonic trap in east room On wall left of chest Normal 23:Success; 45:CritSuccess 14-23
Hard 37:Success ?-31
Elite 29:Fail; 38-44:Success; 51:CritSuccess 30-31
Cold trap on shrine door Left of door Normal 22:Success; 42:CritSuccess 14-22
Hard 45:Success 26-33
Elite 33-36:Success; 62:CritSuccess 14-33
Fire trap on door to west room Left wall Normal 20-28:Success 14-20
Hard 40:Success ?-37
Elite 32-37:Success; 60:CritSuccess 30-32

The Endless Revels[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates protecting Locked Chest Normal
Hard 20:Fail; 24:Success 21-24


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal
Hard 36:Success ?-36

Under the Big Top[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blue (1) Wheel of Ill-Fortune On statue's nose Normal 18:Fail; 20-34:Success 19-20
Hard 19:Fail; 23-36:Success 20-23
Elite 21:CritFail; 30:Success; 49:CritSuccess 29
Green (2) Wheel of Ill-Fortune Back of altar in tent Normal 17:Fail; 19-32:Success 18-19
Hard 34-38:Success 18-24
Elite 33-43:Success; 58:CritSuccess 24-33
Yellow (6) Wheel of Ill-Fortune in Sideshow Alley Left of the wheel Normal 25-29:Success 15-25
Hard 30-38:Success 24-30
Elite 33-42:Success; 55:CritSuccess 29-33
Red (5) Wheel of Ill-Fortune in The Magicians' Corner (called Red by DM) Front of pillar between tents to the north Normal 22:Success; 45:CritSuccess 15-20
Hard 29:Success; 48:CritSuccess 24-28
Elite 36-38:Success 24-28
Orange (3) Wheel of Ill-Fortune in The Magicians' Corner Block in tent Normal 27-34:Success; 40:CritSuccess 15-27
Hard 33:Success 24-33
Elite 37-49:Success; 50:CritSuccess 30
Purple (4) Wheel of Ill-Fortune, in the Midway Altar to the west Normal 17:Fail; 23:Success; 42:CritSuccess 18-21
Hard 44:Success 24-44
Elite 34-41:Success; 61:CritSuccess 25-34
Red (5) Wheel of Ill-Fortune in Kanine Korner Block to left Normal 21-32:Success; 36:CritSuccess 15-16
Hard 41:Success 24-34
Elite 31-37:Success; 54:CritSuccess 30-34

Level 6 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 32
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 25
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 37
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 26
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 32

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 24
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 24
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 24

The Bounty Hunter[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap entering first door Past the trap, on the eastern side of the doorframe Normal 22-34:Success 26-35
Hard 26-43:Success; 48:CritSuccess 26-28
Elite 30:Fail; 33-42:Success; 53:CritSuccess 31-33
Fire trap (main room) on the ledge around the southern edge of the pool leading to the vault East of the trap Normal 41:Success; 36:CritSuccess 16
Hard 27-40:Success; 51:CritSuccess 22-27
Elite 26:CritFail; 36-46:Success; 52:CritSuccess 31-32
Blade trap (main room) on a ledge between the rocky walkway leading to the western corridor and the northern area At the base of the ledge Normal 41:CritSuccess 21
Hard 35-38:Success; 50:CritSuccess 25-30
Elite 35-49:Success 25-35
Poison trap (main room) on small ledge winding upwards, just past a half-column on the wall Just before it Normal 21-24:Success; 41:CritSuccess ?-21
Hard 30-40:Success; 45:CritSuccess 25-30
Elite 27:Fail; 32-50:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31
Acid trap at the top of ladder At the base of the ladder Normal 32:Success; 38:CritSuccess ?-28
Hard 34-44:Success ?-31
Elite 23:CritFail; 31-48:Success; 51:CritSuccess 29-31
Corridor (waterway) with multiple platforms; cold trap aimed at the first platform A lower ledge to the south just as you enter Normal 33-52:Success 32
Hard 35:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28-35
Elite 34-45:Success; 51:CritSuccess 30-31
Corridor (waterway) with multiple platforms; cold trap aimed at the second platform A lower ledge to the north, accessible from the first platform Normal 20:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17-20
Hard 31-43:Success; 47:CritSuccess ?-27
Elite 39-44:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31
Corridor (waterway) with multiple platforms; spike trap on first upper ledge, northern wall On the same ledge as the previous Control panel, on the other side of the column Normal 22:Success; 37:CritSuccess 17
Hard 39-42:Success; 46:CritSuccess 26
Elite 34-48:Success; 50:CritSuccess 29-30
Corridor (waterway) with multiple platforms; blade trap on second upper ledge, northern wall On the lower ledge on the southern wall opposite Normal 21:Success; 42:CritSuccess 15-21
Hard 30-42:Success; 48:CritSuccess 23-36
Elite 32-47:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31
Corridor (waterway) with multiple platforms; force trap aimed at the final platform On the upper ledge across from the blade trap (above the blade trap's panel) Normal 33:Success; 48:CritSuccess 17-28
Hard 31:Success; 42:CritSuccess 22
Elite 36-47:Success; 51:CritSuccess 28-31


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door to cage near shrine Normal 23:Fail; 26:Success 24-26
Hard 23:Fail; 29:Success 24-29
Elite 32:Success ?-29
Door behind boxes in cage near shrine (to troll area) Normal 26:Fail; 34:Success 27-30
Hard 33:Success ?-30
Elite 27:Fail; 30:Success 28-30

Caged Trolls[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in corridor past first troll Northern wall just before trap Normal 19:Fail; 27-32:Success; 37:CritSuccess 20-23
Hard 30-43:Success; 46:CritSuccess 20-26
Elite 20:CritFail; 33-45:Success; 51:CritSuccess 26-31
Slashing blade trap just beyond Past the trap at the end of the wall Normal 19:Fail; 24-27:Success; 42:CritSuccess 20-22
Hard 22:Fail; 34-38:Success; 55:CritSuccess 23-34
Elite 29:Fail; 31-47:Success; 51:CritSuccess 30-31


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door(s) (Green and Red keys are available) Normal 27:Success ?-27
Hard 38:Success ?-38
Elite 38:Success ?-38

Doom of the Witch-doctor: The Way to Zulkash (Assault on Splinterskull Chapter 6, Part 1)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in south room of prison cell area, west passage Right wall Normal 21-25:Success 16-25
Elite 33-48:Success 22-33
Electrical trap in treasure room off throne room Left wall Normal 19-35:Success 16
Hard 29:Success ?-29
Elite 30:Fail; 32-42:Success 31-32
Blade trap west of the shrine room North wall Normal 14:Fail; 19-26:Success 15-18
Hard 26:Success ?-26
Elite 33-48:Success 29-33
Spinning blade trap just past the blade trap South wall Normal 14:Fail; 20-31:Success 15-18
Hard 22:CritFail; 29:Success 27-29
Elite 29:Fail; 32-41:Success 30-32


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Treasure Room Normal 14:Fail; 24:Success 15-24
Hard 36:Success 15-24
Elite 22:Fail; 25:Success 23-24

Doom of the Witch-doctor: Zulkash, Herald of Woe (Assault on Splinterskull Chapter 6, Part 2)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap behind secret door Right wall Normal 15:Fail; 25-31:Success; 36:CritSuccess 16
Elite 33-47:Success 28-33

Dread Sea Scrolls[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Puzzle room traps Panels are scattered around the room Normal
Pressure plate near trap guarded chest The trap itself Normal
Hard 30:Success ?-30
Bear traps The traps themselves Normal 20:Fail; 35:Success 21-24


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door, to trapped Chest Normal ?-21
Hard 21:Success ?-21
Locked Chest Normal

The Forgotten Caverns[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door requires: Iron key Normal 40:Success ?-26
Hard ?-26
Elite 31:Fail; 38:Success 32-38

Immortality Lessons[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest, near Werewolf and Golden Key Normal

Kind of a Big Deal[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps on Door Near door, 2 Control Panels Normal 23-39:Success; 48:CritSuccess 20-28
Elite 61:CritSuccess ?-41
Darts in underwater lake Raised rock island Normal 31:Success; 42:CritSuccess 20-22
Elite 50:Success ?-50

Memory Lapse[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
3 Pressure plates, by Locked Chest (North Wing) Normal 37:Success 16-37
Hard 50:Success 20-50
Elite 56:Success ?-56
3 Pressure plates, Secret door (East Wing) leading to Locked chest Normal 20-34:Success 16-37
Hard 60:Success
Elite 52:Success ?-52
Air jets (South Wing) Normal 37:Success 16-37
Hard 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 60:CritSuccess 30-40


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind secret door, North wing Normal 24:Success ?-24
Hard 13:Fail; 21:Success 14-21
Elite 47:Success ?-47
Locked chest behind secret door, East wing Normal 33:Success ?-33
Hard 15:Success ?-15
Elite 5:Fail; 20:Success 6-20

Mirra's Sleepless Nights[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cold traps Up the ladder - 3 Control panels Normal 19-34:Success; 38:CritSuccess 15-19
Hard 25-42:Success; 44:CritSuccess 23-24
Elite 26:CritFail; 29:Fail; 32-46:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest #1 Normal 23:Success ?-23
Hard 20:Fail; 23:Success 21-23
Elite 19:Fail; 22:Success 20-22
Locked chest #2 (cold trap room) Normal 24:Success ?-24
Hard 17:Success ?-17
Elite 16:Success ?-16

The Price of Freedom[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Lever, Doctor Fjorn Bloodstein's medical room (floor blades) Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cell locks (Iron Key) Normal

The Promise of Fire[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 29:Success ?-29
Elite 37:Success ?-37

Purge the Heretics[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Acid trap at U-bend in corridor Past the trap at the end of the wall Normal 34:Success; 36:CritSuccess 16-25
Hard 25-43:Success; 44:CritSuccess 24-25
Elite 31-44:Success; 50:CritSuccess 30
Fire traps in south corridor alcove Pillars north and south of traps (Four Control panels, one for each trap and they seem have different DC values per Control panel.) Normal 20-32:Success; 36:CritSuccess 16
Hard 20:CritFail; 21:Fail; 28-42:Success; 47-56:CritSuccess 25
Elite 30:Fail; 31-49:Success; 45-56:CritSuccess 31

Redwillow's Ruins[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike and spinning blade traps To the right of gate lever Normal 26-35:Success; 39:CritSuccess 19-28
Hard 30:Success; 46:CritSuccess 26
Elite 27-28:Fail; 33-48:Success; 53:CritSuccess 29-33
Spinning blades on ramp up to shrine Under gate lever or on right hand post Normal 28-34:Success 19-28
Hard 33-43:Success; 45:CritSuccess 25
Elite 28:Fail; 42-49:Success; 52:CritSuccess 29-32
Spinning blades in front of Locked chest in cave Under skull box Normal 40:CritSuccess 19-20
Hard 38-40:Success; 49:CritSuccess 24-29
Elite 27-29:Fail; 31-48:Success; 52:CritSuccess 30-31
Spikes and spinning blades down the central corridor Beam on left Normal 33-34:Success ?-33
Hard 31-42:Success; 46:CritSuccess 23-26
Elite 34-49:Success; 53:CritSuccess 30-33
Spinning blades up ramp to shrine Under lever on pole Normal 28-30:Success; 49:CritSuccess 17-28
Hard 38-43:Success; 44:CritSuccess 24
Elite 38-46:Success; 55:CritSuccess 27
Trap at shrine On right pole Normal 28:Success
Hard 39-42:Success; 45:CritSuccess 25
Elite 38-48:Success; 56:CritSuccess ?-36


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Previously locked "spider ambush" chest in cave Normal 25:Success ?-21
Hard 17:Fail; 23:Success 18-21
Elite 21:Success ?-21
Chest in the bushes, outside Normal 38:Success ?-30
Hard 23:Fail; 33:Success 24-30
Elite 30:Success 24-30

Ruined Halls[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Electric trap Right wall (East wall) Normal 16:Fail; 27-28:Success; 45:CritSuccess 17-20
Hard 28-41:Success; 47:CritSuccess 22-27
Elite 32-48:Success; 57:CritSuccess 19-32
Electric trap Left wall (South wall) Normal 20-31:Success; 51:CritSuccess 17-20
Hard 30-41:Success; 50:CritSuccess 23-30
Elite 30:Fail; 32-48:Success; 52:CritSuccess 31-32
Sonic trap Left side archway (South wall) Normal 22-35:Success; 38:CritSuccess 17-22
Hard 30-43:Success 24-27
Elite 33-49:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31-33
Sonic trap Right wall, down stairs (South wall) Normal 17:Fail; 25:Success; 47:CritSuccess 18-21
Hard 30-42:Success 19-27
Elite 39-45:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door Normal 28:Success 23-27
Hard 27:Success 23-27
Elite 22:Fail; 39:Success 23-27

The Icemount Curse[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates around a Locked chest behind a secret door Normal
Hard 32:Success ?-32
Elite 32:CritFail; 37:Success 37
Bear traps on the third landing past the well Normal
Hard 28:Success ?-28
Elite 26:CritFail; 33:Success 31-33


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest behind Secret door Normal
Hard 32:Success ?-32
Elite 48:Success ?-48

The Iron Mines: Freeing Achka (Grey Moon Waning, Part 1)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Force trap on bridge On left wall, on far side of bridge Normal 25-28:Success; 36:CritSuccess ?-16
Hard 29:Success ?-29
Elite 25:CritFail; 27:Fail; 31-35:Success; 53:CritSuccess 30-31

The Iron Mines: Justice for Grust (Grey Moon Waning, Part 2)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Force trap on bridge On left wall, on far side of bridge Normal 23-28:Success; 47:CritSuccess ?-23
Hard 32:Success ?-31
Elite 27:Fail; 31-37:Success 28-31

The Knight Who Cried Windmill[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Secret door (locked), leading Armond Allweather Normal

The Thornwright[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal

The Troglodytes' Get (Garl's Tomb, Part 1)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked gate leading to shrine Normal 20:Success ?-9
Hard 22:Success ?-9
Elite 9:Success ?-9

Valak's Mausoleum[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
North corridor: blade trap #1 Right wall Normal 25-26:Success 15-25
Hard 40:Success 21-32
Elite 43-47:Success 28-43
North corridor: blade trap #2 Left pillar Normal 32:Success; 38:CritSuccess 14-18
Hard 48:Success 29-32
Elite 32-35:Success 29-32
North corridor: blade trap #3 Right wall Normal 20-27:Success 14-20
Hard 40:Success 21-32
Elite 32-47:Success 28-32

Level 7 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 33
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 21
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 38
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 28
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 43
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 35

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 35
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 22
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 35
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 22
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 35
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 22

All Hail the King[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in the Underwater Cave Normal

Bargain of Blood[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blades in front of the North-west shrine Up the ladder, South of the lever Normal 18-23:Success; 42:CritSuccess 22-23
Hard 27-44:Success; 52:CritSuccess ?-27
Elite 34-53:Success; 56:CritSuccess 34-35
Spinning blades on ramp to slave market On the ground before the gate, in the North-west corner Normal 22-36:Success ?-22
Hard 36-45:Success; 47:CritSuccess 26-27
Elite 34-49:Success; 57:CritSuccess 30-34
Spinning blades before first gate leading to end room
(Near the Magic Mouth saying "Keep out!")
On the ground south of the blades Normal 29-36:Success; 44:CritSuccess 14-24
Hard 34-45:Success; 48:CritSuccess 26-28
Elite 29:CritFail; 35-53:Success; 57:CritSuccess 34-35
Spinning blades before second gate to end room On the ground Normal 19:Fail; 24:Success; 42:CritSuccess 20-22
Hard 26-44:Success; 51:CritSuccess 25-26
Elite 37-53:Success; 55:CritSuccess 34-35

The Black Loch[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap through Green Key door South wall Normal 26-38:Success 19-26
Hard 27-43:Success; 52:CritSuccess ?-27
Elite 31:Fail; 39-53:Success; 54:CritSuccess 34

Bullywugs and Booby Traps[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes Normal
Elite 54:Success ?-54
Fire Normal
Elite 51:Success ?-51
Spikes Normal
Elite 50:Success ?-50
Fire Normal
Elite 36:Success ?-36
Flame Jet room Normal
Elite 35:Success ?-35
2 Spike (pit) traps Normal
Elite 52:Success ?-52


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal
Elite 61:Success ?-61

Captive of the Hidden God[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Sealed brig (prison) doors Near the doors Normal
Elite 40:Success ?-40

Free Delera (Delera's Tomb, Part 3)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to chest on ledge Normal 34:Success ?-23
Hard 28:Success ?-23
Elite 22:Fail; 23:Success 23

The Graverobber[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Force trap on stairs At bottom of stairs Normal 28-42:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Hard 22:Fail; 28-42:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Elite 24-42:Success; 43:CritSuccess 23
Force trap on door of North-east room On left pillar before door Normal 27-32:Success; 45:CritSuccess 25
Hard 29-36:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28-29
Elite 37-49:Success; 56:CritSuccess 35-36


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked (breakable) door at start Normal 14:Success ?-11
Hard 16:Success ?-11
Elite 11:Success ?-11

The Grey Moon's Den: The Trollish Scourge (Grey Moon Waning, Part 3)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap around chest, in locked room On the crates beside the chest Normal 30:Success; 44:CritSuccess 27-30
Hard 35:Fail; 38:Success 36-38
Elite 38-42:Success 36-38
Force trap on bridge On the left wall after the bridge Normal 26-37:Success ?-26
Hard 47:Success 28-43
Elite 43-51:Success 29-43


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door after scorpions Normal 20:Success ?-14
Hard 16:Fail; 23:Success 17-23
Elite 22:Fail; 23:Success 23

The Grey Moon's Den: Extermination (Grey Moon Waning, Part 4)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap around chest, in locked room On the crates beside the chest Normal 24:Success; 44:CritSuccess ?-24
Hard 33:Success 14-33
Elite 33:Fail; 34-44:Success 34
Force trap on bridge On the left wall after the bridge Normal 26:Success; 38:CritSuccess ?-26
Hard 32:Fail 33-35
Elite 28:Fail; 35-42:Success 29-35


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door after scorpions Normal 15:Success ?-15
Hard 13:Fail; 19:Success 14-19
Elite 22:Fail; 23:Success 23

Gwylan's Stand[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap at entry of the ruins bottom steps Wall to the left of trap Normal 30:Success; 44:CritSuccess 11-30
Hard 37-42:Success; 47:CritSuccess 27
Elite 35-53:Success 34-35
Spike trap at entry of the ruins top steps Wall to the right of trap Normal 31:Success; 48:CritSuccess 12-31
Hard 35-41:Success; 48:CritSuccess 21-28
Elite 31:Fail; 34-53:Success; 54:CritSuccess 34
Spike trap at the first intersection towards north near steps Wall to the right of trap Normal 36-43:Success 24-40
Hard 37-42:Success; 46:CritSuccess 24-26
Elite 33:Fail; 38-53:Success; 54:CritSuccess 34
Lighting going down to shrine Wall to left of trap Normal 29-30:Success; 47:CritSuccess 10-29
Hard 34-44:Success; 47:CritSuccess 20-27
Elite 32:Fail; 36-49:Success; 53:CritSuccess 33-36
Spike trap by Crippler Bigfoot Wall to right of trap Normal 29-38:Success; 46:CritSuccess 10-26
Hard 38-44:Success; 44:CritSuccess 20-24
Elite 38-53:Success; 58:CritSuccess 27-32
1st Ice trap to right side ramp in the (North Complex) Pillar on left side before trap (North Complex) Normal 30:Success; 59:CritSuccess 11-34
Hard 45:Success; 46:CritSuccess 25-26
Elite 36-53:Success; 55:CritSuccess 34-35
2nd Ice trap to right side in the (North Complex) Pillar on right side before trap (North Complex) Normal 31-37:Success; 50:CritSuccess 18-28
Hard 37-46:Success; 48:CritSuccess 27-28
Elite 32:Fail; 33-52:Success; 60:CritSuccess 33
3rd Ice trap to right side in the (North Complex) Pillar on left side before trap (North Complex) Normal 26-30:Success; 48:CritSuccess 11-30
Hard 31-36:Success; 48:CritSuccess 20-28
Elite 31:Success; 44-53:Success; 63:CritSuccess 31-36
Spinning Blade trap on left side in the (North Complex) Pillar on right side, at bottom of ramp (North Complex) Normal 40:Success; 46:CritSuccess 21-31
Hard 39-43:Success; 47:CritSuccess 24-27
Elite 29:CritFail; 31:Fail; 43-53:Success; 55:CritSuccess 34-35
Force trap at bottom of stairs before going up to West Complex West wall just before stairs Normal 34-42:Success; 49:CritSuccess 23-29
Hard 38-44:Success; 48:CritSuccess 25-28
Elite 27:CritFail; 33:Fail; 35-53:Success; 55:CritSuccess 34-35
Row of Sonic traps at top of stairs going to West Complex West wall just after stairs Normal 29-35:Success; 49:CritSuccess 16-29
Hard 34-45:Success; 49:CritSuccess 20-29
Elite 27:Fail; 37-51:Success 28-37
Fire trap by Suropox Just to the left of pillar Normal 30:Success; 41:CritSuccess 20-30
Hard 37-44:Success; 55:CritSuccess 26-35
Elite 37-51:Success 32-37
Poison trap in centre of main room of (West Complex) South east pillar, facing the corner of the room (West Complex) Normal 26-29:Success; 45:CritSuccess ?-26
Hard 44-50:Success 31
Elite 30:Fail; 39-51:Success; 62:CritSuccess 32-34
Spike trap at the bottom of the south stairs towards the South Complex East wall to right of trap Normal 31:Success; 48:CritSuccess 12-28
Hard 34-43:Success; 50:CritSuccess 23-30
Elite 38-50:Success; 54:CritSuccess 31-34
Fire trap after the south stair spike trap towards the South Complex East wall right at the narrowed point Normal 43:Success; 48:CritSuccess 24-28
Hard 40:Success; 46:CritSuccess 24-26
Elite 34-52:Success 33-34
Force trap around the chest On the wall left of the chest there are two random locations for the trap Control panel; on the other side of the pillar, or in front of the chest Normal 28:Success; 51:CritSuccess ?-28
Hard 40-43:Success; 54:CritSuccess 24-34
Elite 34-51:Success; 56:CritSuccess 29-34
Spinning blades in (South Complex) Wall to right of trap (South Complex) Normal 25:Fail; 36-40:Success; 26-29
Hard 33-42:Success; 52:CritSuccess 26-31
Elite 32:Fail; 33-53:Success; 55:CritSuccess 33-34

The Last Move: The Way to Yarkuch (Assault on Splinterskull, Chapter 7, Part 1)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in south room of prison cell area, west passage Right wall Normal 21-23:Success ?-21
Hard 36:Success 17-36
Elite 34-45:Success 25-34
Electrical trap in treasure room off throne room Left wall Normal 16:Fail; 19-33:Success; 39:CritSuccess 17-19
Hard 27:Fail; 28:Success 28
Elite 30-33:Fail; 38-51:Success 34
Blade trap west of the shrine room North wall Normal 19:Success ?-19
Hard 26:Success ?-26
Elite 32:Fail; 34-53:Success 34
Spinning blade trap just past the blade trap South wall Normal 15:Fail; 24-32:Success 16-19
Hard 31:Success 16-31
Elite 38-48:Success 27-38


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Treasure Room Normal 19:Fail; 24:Success 20-24
Hard 20-26
Elite 26:Success 20-26

The Last Move: Yarkuch's Last Stand (Assault on Splinterskull, Chapter 7, Part 2)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap behind the first secret door, along the stairs South wall Normal 13:CritFail; 20-35:Success 18-20
Hard 20:Fail; 32:Success 21-24
Elite 32:Fail; 40-51:Success 33-36
Combined blade trap along hallway to Yarkuch's throne room West wall Normal 21-35:Success 19-21
Hard 29:Success 10-29
Elite 25:CritFail; 31-46:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31
Spike trap further along the hallway, right in front of the shrine door East wall Normal 17-19:Fail; 22-30:Success 21
Hard 29:Success 20-29
Elite 28-30:Fail; 34-47:Success 31-32
Blade trap in western secret chamber in Yarkuch's throne room South wall Normal 16:CritFail; 24-35:Success 21-24
Hard 28:Fail; 29:Success 29
Elite 34:Success; 50:CritSuccess 30
Southern dart trap in eastern secret chamber in Yarkuch's throne room, after the secret door East wall (can't be found until treasure opened) Normal 20-29:Success 10-25
Hard 24:Fail; 25-28:Success 25
Elite 45:Success; 51:CritSuccess 30-31
Northern dart trap in eastern secret chamber in Yarkuch's throne room, after the first dart trap North wall next to chest (can't be found until treasure opened) Normal 27-33:Success 24-27
Hard 28:Success ?-28
Elite 47-49:Success 31-34

The Missing Party (Delera's Tomb, Part 2)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap Right wall Normal 26:Success; 41:CritSuccess ?-21
Hard 26:Success ?-26
Elite 41-51:Success 31-41


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door at North-east room Normal 36:Success ?-15
Hard 18:Success ?-15
Elite 22:Fail; 23:Success 23
Locked gate to chest Normal 18:Fail; 26:Success 19
Hard 19:Success 19
Elite 21:Fail; 23:Success 22-23

Old Grey Garl (Garl's Tomb, Part 2)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked gate leading to shrine Normal 18:Success ?-10
Hard 10:Success ?-10
Elite 22:Success ?-22

One Dame Thing After Another[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Near mushrooms Normal
Elite 49:Success ?-49

Plundering Pirates' Point[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Normal
Elite 33:Fail; 35:Success 34-35
Fire jets, tunnel to final boss fight Normal
Elite 38-50:Success ?-38
Whirling blades, tunnel to final boss fight Normal
Elite 40:Success ?-40


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked underwater Chest Normal
Elite 52:Success ?-52

The Pit[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Force trap on chest in hidden room of Main Breaker Room Back wall in the hidden room Normal 26:Success ?-26
Hard 46:CritSuccess ?-26
Elite 30-31:Fail; 41:Success 32-34

The Scoundrel's Run[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trap protecting chest (north centre of map) West wall, prior to chest Normal 26:Success; 44:CritSuccess 24-26
Hard 25:Fail; 41-42:Success 26-29
Elite 28:Fail; 38-52:Success 29-32

Spiders and Flies[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates guarding chest Normal
Elite 32:Fail; 37:Success 33-36


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal
Elite 56:Success ?-56

Storm the Beaches[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap at east gate Outside the gate on the right Normal 24-31:Success; 49:CritSuccess ?-24
Hard 35:Success; 47:CritSuccess ?-27
Elite 32:Fail; 43-50:Success; 57:CritSuccess 33-34
Spikes around chest Left wall Normal 18:Fail; 22-28:Success; 40:CritSuccess 19-20
Hard 41:Success; 49:CritSuccess 22-29
Elite 32:Fail; 35-51:Success; 54:CritSuccess 33-34


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Handles (Locked door Levers can be unlocked) Normal 15:Success ?-15
Hard 36:Success ?-32
Elite 32:Success ?-32

Taming the Flames[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in the south cavern to the east after the door (towards key room) South wall Normal 23:Success; 40:CritSuccess ?-23
Hard 21:CritFail; 23-25:Fail; 27-30:Success; 50:CritSuccess 26
Elite 29:CritFail; 31-32:Fail; 35-53:Success; 56:CritSuccess 34
Spike trap in the north path before intersection West wall north of trap Normal
Hard 20:CritFail; 26-41:Success; 46:CritSuccess 26
Elite 24:CritFail; 33:Fail; 34-50:Success 34
Spike trap in the 1st lava cavern before the east door To the right after the east door Normal 26-37:Success; 47:CritSuccess 7-26
Hard 24:Fail; 26-42:Success 26
Elite 27:CritFail; 30:Fail; 34-49:Success; 59:CritSuccess 34
Spike trap in the 2nd lava cavern after the east door spike trap North wall Normal 35:Success; 55:CritSuccess ?-31
Hard 24-25:Fail; 28-37:Success; 48:CritSuccess 26
Elite 26:CritFail; 36-49:Success; 64:CritSuccess 34
Spike trap in the east path after the 3rd door Left side behind the door Normal
Hard 22-25:Fail; 31:Success; 47:CritSuccess 26
Elite 29:CritFail; 30:Fail; 36-48:Success; 59:CritSuccess 34


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in the northern locked room Normal 37:Success ?-22
Hard 42:Success ?-22
Elite 7:Success ?-7

Temple of Elemental Evil Part One[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison Booby-traps The trap itself Normal
Elite 46:Success
Bear Traps Normal
Elite 55:Success 30-35
Spell Wards Normal
Elite 40:Success 30-35


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to chest in the (Level 2) northern room Normal
Elite 61:Success ?-61

The Tear of Dhakaan[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap before the second door, by the centre column East wall, before the centre column Normal 27-32:Success; 41:CritSuccess 13-21
Hard 20:CritFail; 22-25:Fail; 27-44:Success; 49:CritSuccess 26
Elite 30-33:Fail; 35-53:Success; 59:CritSuccess 34
Spike trap down the eastern passage, in the water South wall, before the water Normal 32-34:Success; 41:CritSuccess 15-21
Hard 31-45:Success; 46:CritSuccess 26
Elite 35-53:Success 34
Fire trap further down the passage, after the gate shuts, around the corner, in the water West wall, at the east turning corner Normal 25-40:Success; 50:CritSuccess 21-25
Hard 29-43:Success; 55:CritSuccess 22-29
Elite 32:Fail; 36-53:Success; 55:CritSuccess 34-35
Fire trap just past the first fire trap, in the water North alcove, before the water Normal 25-39:Success; 46:CritSuccess 20-25
Hard 32-45:Success 21-32
Elite 33:Fail; 34-53:Success; 54:CritSuccess 34
Lightning trap down the western passage to INT rune, past secret door to Cinnabar shard South wall, just past the secret door Normal 29-34:Success; 45:CritSuccess 15-26
Hard 25:Fail; 26-39:Success; 51:CritSuccess 26
Elite 29:CritFail; 30:Fail; 37-49:Success; 54:CritSuccess 34
Dart trap in the L-shaped tunnel just west of the first shrine South wall, just after the door Normal 33:CritSuccess ?-13
Hard 36:Success; 39:CritSuccess 17-19
Elite 28-39:Success; 40:CritSuccess 20-21
Dart trap in the L-shaped tunnel, past the first dart trap South wall corner at the end of the L-shaped tunnel Normal 29:CritSuccess ?-9
Hard 27-36:Success; 47:CritSuccess 17
Elite 48:CritSuccess 25-28

The Tide Turns[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire and blades in north corridor North (left) wall just before the second fire spout Normal 21-37:Success 18-21
Hard 21:Fail; 28-37:Success; 49:CritSuccess 22-29
Elite 33:Fail; 35-47:Success; 57:CritSuccess 34-35
Cold trap with blades
(Bug: The trap Control Panel is absent on Hard setting)
East (left) wall just before the second cold spouts Normal 25-27:Success; 42:CritSuccess 18-22
Hard N/A
Elite 38-53:Success; 62:CritSuccess 34-38
Sonic trap with rotating spikes Left wall in the middle of the trap Normal 27-37:Success 18-27
Hard 28-50:Success; 56:CritSuccess 18-28
Elite 35-48:Success; 60:CritSuccess 34-35

Through the Tulgey Wood[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest near waterfall Normal

Whispers of Return[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates guarding chest Normal
Elite 34:Fail; 38:Success 35-38


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal
Elite 55:Success ?-55

Level 8 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 35
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 25
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 41
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 30
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 47
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 38

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 44
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 35
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 44
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 35
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 44
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 35

Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bridge Electricity trap by Ozone pool On far side of bridge Normal 52:CritSuccess ?-32
Elite 50:Success
Fire trap, within a collapsible floor, pit Normal 38:Success
Elite 54:Success

Caverns of Korromar[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in sewers Normal 23:Fail; 40:Success 24-38
Hard 23:Fail; 38:Success 24-38
Elite 46:Success 24-38

The Faithful Departed[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Two force traps on stairs Two Control panels, one for each trap Normal 23-39:Success; 41:CritSuccess 20-21
Hard 37-45:Success; 48:CritSuccess 18-36
Elite 33:Fail; 36-56:Success; 61:CritSuccess 34-36
Three blade traps in hallway 3 Control panels, each on far side of trap Normal 28-34:Success; 40:CritSuccess 20
Hard 32-41:Success; 50:CritSuccess 13-32
Elite 37-55:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37
Spike trap on stairs Right wall before stairs, behind breakables Normal 26:Success; 50:CritSuccess ?-26
Hard 36-46:Success; 58:CritSuccess 30-36
Elite 37-56:Success 37


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door that can be opened with the Silver Key Normal 42:Success ?-40
Hard 42:Success ?-40
Elite 40:Success ?-40

Fall of the Forbidden Temple[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire, in target lever room Normal
Elite 50:Success ?-50
Spiked blade trap in corridor Normal
Elite 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Acid trap, in the Kopru tunnel Normal
Elite 44:Success ?-44


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door near Kay'lis of the Rattling Bones Normal
Elite 52:Success ?-52
Locked chest near Kay'lis of the Rattling Bones (behind locked door above) Normal

Haunted Library[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cold trap on upper level North wall, under light close to door Normal 33:Success; 54:CritSuccess 30-33
Hard 43-46:Success; 56:CritSuccess ?-36
Elite 26-29:CritFail; 32:Fail; 38-54:Success; 65:CritSuccess 34-36
1 shot only Fire spitter ? Trap behind green key chest Normal 36:Success; 40:CritSuccess 20
Hard 53:CritSuccess ?-37
Elite 36:Fail; 39-55:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37
Darts/arrows ??? Door leading to the Green Key chest room on the lower level. Control panel, is on the wall west of the door Normal 39:Success; 45:CritSuccess 39-40
Hard 37-41:Success; 64:CritSuccess
Elite 44-56:Success 37
Unholy ??? before the western shrine on the lower level. Before shrine door Normal 41:CritSuccess 20-21
Hard 49:CritSuccess 29
Elite 52-54:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37
Spike traps in northern tunnel after green key door North wall Normal 31:Success; 49:CritSuccess 20-21
Hard 32-46:Success; 58:CritSuccess 32
Elite 27:CritFail; 41-55:Success; 66:CritSuccess 38
Poison trap behind end chest On the floor under the poison spray Normal 43:CritSuccess 20-23
Hard 40-45:Success; 49:CritSuccess 29
Elite 34-36:Fail; 37-53:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door that can be opened with the Green Key Normal 36:Success ?-36
Hard 45:Success ?-38
Elite 34:Fail; 37:Success 35-37

Secret of the Slavers' Stockade[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire jets, near Abandoned Tower Normal 39:Success
Elite 56:Success
Fire jets, near Courtyard to East wing Normal 48:CritSuccess ?-28
Elite 54:Success
Fire jets Normal 47:CritSuccess ?-27
Elite 51:Success
Fire jets Normal 47:CritSuccess
Elite 55:Success
Fire jets, near cells towards Dining Halls Normal 39:Success
Elite 42:Fail; 58-59:Success 43-46
Fire jets, near cells towards Dining Halls Normal 41:Success
Elite 55:Success
Lower Fortress, (2 Control panels) Magnetic trap by levers Normal 46:CritSuccess ?-26
Elite 44-56:Success
Lower Fortress, Force trap Normal 43:Success
Elite 51:Success
Lower Fortress, Poison trap Normal 39:Success
Elite 45:Success
Icar's Encampment, Fire jet Normal 40:Success
Elite 53:Success
Icar's Encampment, Cold jet Normal 38:Success
Elite 42:Fail; 46:Success 43-46
Sonic trap, Markessa's stronghold Normal 37:Success
Elite 52:Success
Cold trap, Markessa's stronghold Normal 38:Success
Elite 56:Success
Cold trap, Markessa's stronghold Normal 39:Success
Elite 52:Success


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 44:Success ?-43
Elite 43:Success ?-43

The Rescue (Ruins of Threnal West 2)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Flame traps near shrine Eastern wall Normal 44:CritSuccess ?-24
Hard ?-49
Elite 46-49:Success 37-46

Slave Pits of the Undercity[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cold trap, near start area, the right side Normal 47:CritSuccess ?-27
Elite 41-42:Fail; 53:Success 45
Blades in start area, left corridor Normal 40:Success
Elite 53:Success
Second group of Blades in start area Normal 35:Success
Elite 44-49:Success
Bear traps, left corridor Normal 44:Success
Elite 38:Success
Pressure plates, in start area Normal 36:Success
Elite 43:Success
Blade Trap Normal 41:Success
Elite 50-56:Success
Lower Catacombs, Bear traps Normal 44:Success
Lower Catacombs, Pressure plates (poison) by door Normal 44:Success
Elite 47:Success
Lower Catacombs, canal Air jets Normal 42:Success
Elite 45:Success 35-45
Lower Catacombs, Puzzle room Normal 49:CritSuccess 29
Elite 54:Success
Lower Catacombs, Lightning by torches Normal 52:CritSuccess ?-32
Elite 56-58:Success
Lower Catacombs (Orc Chieftain and Witchdoctor area), Pressure plates Normal 43:Success


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Puzzle, Locked Lever Normal

Spies in the House[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes at the end of the underwater tunnel On the floor at end of tunnel Normal 33:Success 14-26
Hard 21:CritFail; 23:Fail; 26:Success; 53:CritSuccess 26
Elite 35:Fail; 40-51:Success; 66:CritSuccess 36-40
Sonic traps at water level On south wall in north-west corner Normal 24-39:Success ?-24
Hard 21:CritFail; 35-39:Success; 50:CritSuccess 26-30
Elite 38-52:Success; 68:CritSuccess 33-38
Spikes north of fence On floor near sonic trap Control panel Normal 23-39:Success ?-23
Hard 21:CritFail; 26-47:Success; 52:CritSuccess 26
Elite 32:CritFail; 38-56:Success; 59:CritSuccess 37-38
Spikes around valve On the south wall near the surface,
between the sonic traps
Normal 19:Fail; 24:Success 20-23
Hard 27:Success; 58:CritSuccess 27-30
Elite 31:CritFail; 33:Fail; 43-52:Success 36-43
Spikes around to the south East wall at the corner Normal 32:Success 13-28
Hard 26-28:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28
Elite 35:Fail; 38-55:Success; 60:CritSuccess 36-38
Spikes around stairs North end of pipes, to the north Normal 25:Success ?-25
Hard 29:Success; 51:CritSuccess 28-30
Elite 31:CritFail; 40:Success; 61:CritSuccess 36-40
Spikes near tunnel mouth Pipes to the east (southern Control panel) Normal 24:Success; 40:CritSuccess 20
Hard 23:Fail; 32-35:Success; 62:CritSuccess 27-30
Elite 31:CritFail; 48:Success; 66:CritSuccess 36-46
Spikes in tunnel Pipes at mouth of tunnel (northern Control panel) Normal 20
Hard 20:CritFail; 22:Fail; 33:Success; 53:CritSuccess 25-33
Elite 28:CritFail; 33:Fail; 38-50:Success 37-38
Spikes along west wall Pipes up stairs to the north
(near the valve by the air jet)
Normal 20
Hard 24:Fail; 28:Success; 64:CritSuccess 25-28
Elite 41-53:Success; 56:CritSuccess 34-36
(Electric jets up grease ramp) Mouth of the (upper) tunnel, on the floor to the north
Appears to control nothing on Normal, Hard or Elite
Normal 27:Success ?-26
Hard 22-25:Fail; 28:Success; 56:CritSuccess 28-36
Elite 32:CritFail; 38-50:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37
(Fire, air, and grease traps on ramp) At the bottom of the water in the tunnel,
on the floor to the north
Appears to control nothing on Normal, Hard or Elite
Normal 29:Success 10-27
Hard 24:Fail; 27:Success; 54:CritSuccess 25-27
Elite 31:CritFail; 47-56:Success; 58:CritSuccess 36-38
Electricity at the end of the tunnel,
at the bottom of the shaft
Pipes to the south Normal 37:Success; 52:CritSuccess 30-32
Hard 26-35:Success 18-26
Elite 33:Fail; 38-54:Success; 61:CritSuccess 37
Blade traps near the air jet North wall east of the jet,
at the end of the pipe
Normal 33-39:Success 20
Hard 29:Success; 49:CritSuccess 14-29
Elite 33-36:Fail; 39-55:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37
Lightning traps at the gargoyle riddle Northern angled wall in room north-east of shrine Normal 46:CritSuccess 20-26
Hard 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Elite 33-35:Fail; 38-53:Success 36-37


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest at the top of the shaft Normal 17:Success ?-17
Hard 24:Success ?-24
Elite 25-55:Success ?-25

Stormcleave Outpost[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest north Normal 44:Success ?-27
Hard 45:Success ?-27
Elite 27:Success ?-27
Locked chest south Normal 44:Success ?-26
Hard 39:Success ?-26
Elite 24:Fail; 26:Success 25-26

Stromvauld's Mine[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Air gusts on west side of the first large room On the wall near the ramp leading up Normal 28:Success; 49:CritSuccess ?-28
Hard 44:Success; 49:CritSuccess 29
Elite 41-56:Success; 57:CritSuccess 36-37
Lightning trap near gap after air gusts On north wall just before the gap you need to jump over Normal 36:Success; 44:CritSuccess 24-36
Hard 41-45:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31-44
Elite 36:Fail; 38-56:Success; 61:CritSuccess 37
Fire jet from furnace near the elevator shaft and ladder down Just north of the elevator shaft/ladder Normal 35:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28-35
Hard 47:Success; 53:CritSuccess 33-37
Elite 37-54:Success; 58:CritSuccess 37
First furnace at the bottom of the elevator shaft East of the furnace opening Normal 22:CritFail; 46:CritSuccess 23-26
Hard 34-46:Success; 50:CritSuccess 26-30
Elite 34:Fail; 37-56:Success; 60:CritSuccess 35-37
Last furnace at the bottom of the last large room North of the furnace opening Normal 32:Success; 49:CritSuccess ?-32
Hard 35-47:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31
Elite 37-53:Success; 61:CritSuccess 36-37


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest on a ledge near the bottom of the elevator shaft Normal 27:Fail; 35:Success 28-35
Hard 37:Success 28-?
Elite 40:Success 28-40

The Prisoner (Vault of Night, Part 2)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap in maze (may or may not be present)
in epic also underwater
(Dependent on trap location) Normal 34:Success; 58:CritSuccess ?-38
Hard 31-52:Success; 53:CritSuccess ?-31
Elite 32:CritFail; 37-55:Success; 62:CritSuccess 37
Spike trap in maze (may or may not be present) (Dependent on trap location) Normal 44:CritSuccess ?-24
Hard 43-46:Success; 55:CritSuccess ?-39
Elite 32:CritFail; 35:Fail; 37-52:Success 37
Second spike trap in maze (may or may not be present) (Dependent on trap location) Normal 42:Success; 47:CritSuccess 27-42
Hard 34-47:Success; 52:CritSuccess ?-32
Elite 40-56:Success 36-40
Force trap in maze (may or may not be present) (Dependent on trap location) Normal 41:CritSuccess ?-21
Hard 31-44:Success; 50:CritSuccess ?-30
Elite 41-56:Success 39-41
Blade trap covering final chest Behind the chest Normal 30:Success; 52:CritSuccess 20-30
Hard 35:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28-30
Elite 35-54:Success; 60:CritSuccess 27-35


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Ingstoldt's chest, inside his home
(Can be opened with the Silver Key acquired from the Giant)
Normal 49:Fail; 50:Success 50
Hard 49:Fail; 50:Success 50
Elite 48:Fail; 50:Success 50

The Temple Outpost: Captives of the Cult (Cult of the Six, Chapter 1a)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison trap in western hidden room off the north corridor West wall, between the first two sarcophagi Normal 23:Success; 41:CritSuccess ?-21
Hard 44:Success 25-44
Elite 37-44:Success 37

The Temple Outpost: The Libram of the Six (Cult of the Six, Chapter 1b)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison trap in western hidden room off the north corridor West wall, between the first two sarcophagi Normal 25:Success; 49:CritSuccess ?-25
Hard 29:Success ?-37
Elite 39-44:Success 37-39

Tharashk Arena (Vault of Night, Part 1)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
East Guard Tower; Locked Door to Chest
(can also be opened with Grogan's Guard Tower Key)
Normal 50:Success ?-44
Hard 44:Success ?-44
Elite 53:Success ?-44
West Guard Tower; Locked Door
Hard 47:Success ?-47
Elite 51:Success ?-47

Thrall of the Necromancer[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap Normal 22:Success; 44:CritSuccess ?-24
Hard 28:Success ?-28
Elite 33-35:Fail; 36-43:Success 36
Cold trap Right wall after the trap Normal 18:CritFail; 29:Success 23-29
Hard 26:CritFail; 38:Success 31-38
Elite 32:CritFail; 38-50:Success 37-38
Poison trap After trap, on right wall Normal 30-33:Success 24-30
Hard 25:Fail; 31:Success 26-29
Elite 37:Fail; 38-39:Success 38
Spike trap in western corridor Near door in room Normal 35:Success; 43:CritSuccess 16-23
Hard 25:CritFail; 33:Success 30-33
Elite 32:Fail; 36-52:Success 33-36
Fire arrow trap in western corridor Centre pillar Normal 44:CritSuccess 24
Hard 32:Success 25-32
Elite 32:CritFail; 43-51:Success 37-43
Spike trap, by 3 levers in eastern corridor Near doorway, on the floor Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Left chest in Necromancer's room Normal 8:Fail; 20:Success 9-13
Hard 5:Fail; 11:Success 6-11
Elite 8:Fail; 13:Success 9-13
Right chest in Necromancer's room Normal 15:Success ?-15
Hard 9:Success ?-9
Elite 9:Success ?-9

ToEE: Air Node[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal

ToEE: Depths of the Temple[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps (randomly located) Normal
Evil Spell Wards (randomly located) Normal
Pressure Plates (randomly located) Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal

ToEE: Earth Node[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal

ToEE: Fire Node[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal

ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps (randomly located) Normal
Evil Spell Wards (randomly located) Normal
Pressure Plates (randomly located) Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, up to 2 may spawn) Normal

ToEE: Lower Temple Complex[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps (randomly located) Normal
Evil Spell Wards (randomly located) Normal
Pressure Plates (randomly located) Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, up to 2 may spawn) Normal
Locked door to chest in the Northern Halls Normal

ToEE: Water Node[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Ice trap on Jotun Rimeblade's chest On the chest itself Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal

Tomb of the Shadow Guard[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes (location varies) Middle of dais Normal 47:CritSuccess ?-27
Hard 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Elite 41:Success 37-38

Tomb of the Shadow King[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison trap (outer path: west side) Normal
Elite 54:Success 36-37
Dart trap (outer path: south east) Normal
Elite 49:Success 37-49
Spikes (south path) Normal
Elite 44:Success 37-44

Tomb of the Shadow Knight[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
West Side
2 sided, Cold trapped (Silver key room) decoy chest Floor Normal 30:Success
Hard 42:Success
Elite 38:Success
2 sided, Cold trapped (Silver key room) decoy chest Floor (south) Normal 37:Success; 50:CritSuccess
Hard 42-47:Success
Elite 48:Success
Acid trap, after Locked Door (silver key) North wall Normal 37:Success
Hard 35:Success
Elite 49-54:Success
Acid trap, after Locked Door (silver key) South wall Normal
Hard 45:Success; 53:CritSuccess
Elite 42:Success
Flame trap between sarcophagus Floor Normal
Hard 41:Success
Elite 39:Success
Sonic, poison (combo) ??? trap between sarcophagus Floor Normal 51:CritSuccess
Hard 39:Success
Elite 47:Success
North Side
Blade trap, near raining arrows from ceiling Alcove, west Normal 53:CritSuccess
Hard 37:Success; 53:CritSuccess
Elite 42:Success
Raining Arrows from ceiling Left side, after alcove Normal 38:Success
Hard 47:Success
Elite 55:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37
Poison by Gate, trapped levers Floor by Gate Normal 53:CritSuccess
Hard 53:CritSuccess
Elite 54:Success
East Side
Fire and Electricity, after the Locked door
(disables 1 side only)
Panel in water Normal 48:CritSuccess
Hard 45:Success
Elite 44:Success
Spikes, after the Locked door Panel on wall after water pool Normal 41:CritSuccess ?-21
Hard 35:Success
Elite 49:Success
Sonic Panel on wall Normal 38:Success
Hard 45:Success
Elite 49:Success
Fire darts, on walls Floor Normal 44:CritSuccess
Hard 48:CritSuccess
Elite 55:Success
Electric, Fire southern Red Key door
(cannot be picked)
Floor Normal 44:CritSuccess
Hard 39:Success
Mechanical spinning blade trap Red Key door, south east corner
(cannot be picked)
Floor Normal 47:CritSuccess
Hard 51:CritSuccess
Elite 37:Success 37
Cold East, Chest (red key) room water fountain Water pool Normal
Hard 38:Success
Elite 47:Success
Red Key, Chest room (Fire, Electric) Floor by Red Key chest Normal 47:Success
South Side
3 sided, Trapped (Green key room) decoy chest: Spikes Floor, near chest Normal
Hard 44:Success
Elite 36:Fail; 46:Success 37
3 sided, Trapped (Green key room) decoy chest: poison Floor, near chest Normal
Hard 36:Success; 49:CritSuccess ?-29
Elite 35:Fail; 39-43:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37
3 sided, Trapped (Green key room) decoy chest: poison Floor, near chest Normal
Hard 54:CritSuccess
Elite 41:Success 37
Lightning trap, near Target Lever Control panel on pillar between gates Normal
Hard 45:Success; 49:CritSuccess 26-45
Elite 35:Fail; 44:Success 37


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Portcullis, at 3 side trapped chest (South)
falls down after ambush
Normal ?-41
Hard 41:Success ?-41
Silver key door (West) Normal 31:Success ?-31
Hard 38:Success ?-38
Gold key door (North) Normal 22:Fail 23-46
Hard 46:Success ?-46
Elite 32:Fail 33-?
Red key door (East) Normal 25:Fail. 38:Success 26-38
Hard 42:Success 26-42
Elite 43:Success 26-43
Green key door (South) Normal 34:Fail; 35:Success 35
Hard 35-?
Elite 35-?
(useless) Locked Portcullises
(ambush and secret door area) (South)
Normal 28:Success ?-28
Elite 45:Success ?-45

The Xorian Cipher[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Force trap in Green key room (north door) 2 trap Control panels - beside chest, and on ledge Normal 25:Success ?-25
Hard 30:Success 11-30
Elite 35-53:Success; 56:CritSuccess 33-35
Spike trap in Iron key room (east door) 1 Control panel next to chest Normal
Hard 30:Success; 53:CritSuccess 11-30
Elite 33:Fail; 35-55:Success; 63:CritSuccess 34-35
Sonic trap in Gold Key room (south door) 2 Control panels - behind door, behind chest Normal
Hard 30:Success; 53:CritSuccess 11-30
Elite 35-54:Success; 61:CritSuccess 35
Blade trap (1/3 of series) Right side Normal 28:Success ?-28
Hard 26:Fail; 30-45:Success 27-30
Elite 29:CritFail; 34:Fail; 35-49:Success; 58:CritSuccess 35
Force trap (2/3 of series) Right side Normal 30:Success ?-30
Hard 30-46:Success 11-30
Elite 29:CritFail; 35-55:Success; 61:CritSuccess 35
Spike trap (3/3 of series) Right side Normal 40:CritSuccess ?-20
Hard 30-36:Success; 55:CritSuccess 11-30
Elite 35-56:Success; 58:CritSuccess 35


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in corner of room with Iron key (room on left hand path to pressure plates) Normal 42:Success ?-30
Hard 29:Fail; 30:Success 30
Elite 17:Fail; 34:Success 30-34
Locked chest with Gold key (room on right hand path to pressure plates) Normal 26:Fail; 36:Success 27-36
Hard 28:Fail; 38:Success 29-38
Elite 35:Success ?-35
Locked door leading to Green key Normal 31:Fail; 35:Success 32-35
Hard 47:Success 32-35
Elite 35:Success 32-35

Level 9 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 40
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 32
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 46
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 33
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 52
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 40

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 38
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 36
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 36
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 36

The Church and the Cult[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap leading to room with Book of Vol West of doorway Normal 30-37:Success; 42:CritSuccess 22
Hard 29:Fail; 51:CritSuccess 30-33
Elite 40-55:Success; 62:CritSuccess 39-40
Fire Zone
First fire jet traps South wall, just inside hallway Normal 23:Fail; 37-40:Success; 52:CritSuccess 24-27
Hard 44-50:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31
Elite 29:CritFail; 37:Fail; 41-51:Success; 61:CritSuccess 38-41
Second fire jet trap Rear of pillar in centre of hallway Normal 36-37:Success; 49:CritSuccess 29-29
Hard 40-49:Success 31-40
Elite 37:Fail; 41-58:Success; 65:CritSuccess 39-41
Fire jet trap just beyond doorway around corner West of doorway Normal 36:Success; 46:CritSuccess ?-36
Hard 38-44:Success 31-43
Elite 39-50:Success ?-39
Fire jet trap at top of stairs
past the small hallway
South wall, end of hallway Normal 23:Success; 49:CritSuccess ?-23
Hard 43-45:Success; 59:CritSuccess 31-39
Elite 38:Fail; 42-58:Success 39-42
Fire trap from centre pillar, before Fire Mephit room South wall, base of stairs Normal 26-30:Success; 46:CritSuccess ?-26
Hard 36:Success; 56:CritSuccess 31-32
Elite 37:Fail; 42-57:Success; 62:CritSuccess 38-41
Frost Zone
Cold jet trap after gate
(North-east corner of the hallway)
East wall Normal 27:Success; 51:CritSuccess ?-27
Hard 41:Success; 51:CritSuccess 31
Elite 38-55:Success; 64:CritSuccess 38
Cold jet trap just beyond South wall Normal 30-37:Success; 50:CritSuccess ?-30
Hard 43-48:Success; 52:CritSuccess 31-32
Elite 40-57:Success; 59:CritSuccess 38-39
Spinning Blade trap at door in Ice Mephit room South wall, before the room door Normal 30-38:Success; 50:CritSuccess ?-30
Hard 38-62:Success; 69:CritSuccess 31-35
Elite 40-56:Success; 66:CritSuccess 38-40
Spinning blade traps in Ice Mephit room South Control panel: East wall just past the sarcophagus
North Control panel: Inner wall just before crystal sconce (light source)
Normal 23:Fail; 28-38:Success; 48:CritSuccess 24-27
Hard 41-48:Success; 53:CritSuccess 31-33
Elite 39-56:Success; 60:CritSuccess 39
Inner Sanctum
Force traps on first staircase West of doorway, before going through Normal 35-38:Success; 43:CritSuccess 19-23
Hard 36-45:Success; 52:CritSuccess 31-35
Elite 38:Fail; 39-51:Success 39
Sonic trap on second staircase West wall, just before stairs Normal 29-40:Success; 47:CritSuccess 21-27
Hard 44-50:Success; 54:CritSuccess 31-35
Elite 36:Fail; 39-57:Success; 60:CritSuccess 37-39

The Claw of Vulkoor[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap by the stone head and First lever Two trap Control panels Normal ?-39
Hard 28:Fail; 35-36:Success ?-39
Elite 38:Fail; 39-57:Success; 59:CritSuccess 39
Fire corridor (not by secret passage) Between jets, one jet before lever Normal ?-47
Hard 90:CritSuccess ?-47
Elite 40:Success; 67:CritSuccess 37-40
Mirror room Left wall Normal ?-42
Hard ?-42
Elite 34:CritFail; 52:Success; 62:CritSuccess 39-42
Door before Prince Gornard's room On left arch Normal Elite Only Elite Only
Hard Elite Only Elite Only
Elite 44-58:Success 39-44

Entering the Gate Chamber[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes at bottom of ladder Left of door Normal 48:CritSuccess ?-28
Hard 55:Success 36-55
Elite 39:Success; 63:CritSuccess 36-43
Force trap Right wall after arch Normal 45:CritSuccess ?-25
Hard 51:Success 32-51
Elite 41:Success; 61:CritSuccess 32-41
Force/fire in front of ice flenser room Right wall Normal 50:CritSuccess ?-30
Hard 55:Success 36-55
Elite 49:Success; 60:CritSuccess 36-40
Fire trap over grate Left wall of alcove Normal 37:Success ?-30
Hard 60:Success 41-60
Elite 38:Fail; 56:Success; 64:CritSuccess 39
Fire trap through diamond door Right wall Normal 43:CritSuccess ?-23
Hard 55:Success 36-55
Elite 58:Success; 64:CritSuccess 36-44
Force trap at Elder Beholder Right wall Normal 34:Success ?-50
Hard 50:Success 31-50
Elite 43-48:Success 37-43


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door in front of spikes at bottom of ladder Normal 41:Success ?-50
Hard ?-50
Elite 39:Success ?-39
Door from caves to ruins (silver key) Normal 49:Success ?-49
Door at end (jewelled key) Normal 47:Success ?-47

The Fane of the Six: Fall of the Prelate (Cult of the Six, Chapter 2b)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door #1 Normal 24:Fail; 28:Success 25-28
Hard 25-?
Elite 48:Success 25-?
Locked door #2 (south) Normal 22:Fail; 25:Success 23-25
Hard 23-?
Elite 43:Success 23-43
Locked door #3 (north) Normal 24:Fail; 29:Success 25-29
Hard 25-?
Elite 25-?
Locked door #4 Normal 24:Fail; 25:Success 25
Hard 25-?
Elite 25-?

Fathom the Depths[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(4) Sonic traps Normal ?-44
Hard 44-46:Success; 63:CritSuccess 43-44
Elite 35-37:Fail; 43-56:Success; 67:CritSuccess 38-43
Boss room, (Sonic) trap Floor, right side Normal ?-35
Hard 55:CritSuccess ?-35
Elite 41-58:Success; 67:CritSuccess 32-41


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in hidden area behind lever Normal ?-11
Hard 51:Success ?-11
Elite 11:Success ?-11

Haywire Foundry (Vault of Night, Part 4)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap on climbing ramp 3 Control panels - every other level, behind centre pillar Normal 35:Success; 40:CritSuccess ?-20
Hard 32-48:Success; 51:CritSuccess 29-31
Elite 39-57:Success; 59:CritSuccess 39
Floor blade trap before ramp back down (only active when returning to ramp) Left wall Normal 38-41:Success; 56:CritSuccess 19-36
Hard 36-42:Success; 54:CritSuccess 19-34
Elite 34:CritFail; 40-58:Success 39-40
Spike pit Right wall, before pit Normal 51:CritSuccess 22-35
Hard 36:Success; 51:CritSuccess 30-31
Elite 38:Fail; 44-57:Success; 60:CritSuccess 39-40
Spike trap before ramp in electric/fire room Around behind the ramp Normal 45:CritSuccess ?-25
Hard 39:Success; 54:CritSuccess 32-34
Elite 39-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 39-43
Spike trap covering lever in electric/fire room 2 Control panels - in front of lever, around corner on side of ledge Normal 43:CritSuccess ?-23
Hard 41-50:Success; 55:CritSuccess 31
Elite 39-58:Success; 60:CritSuccess 39
Force/Acid trap covering hidden shrine 2 Control panels - one behind each shrine Normal 34:Fail; 35-47:Success; 50:CritSuccess 35
Hard 44-52:Success 28-44
Elite 41-51:Success; 55:CritSuccess 39

The Jungle of Khyber (Vault of Night, Part 3b)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Force trap first door 2 Control panels, past the door on columns Normal 35-38:Success; 39:CritSuccess 19
Hard 37-50:Success; 51:CritSuccess 30-31
Elite 38:Fail; 39-54:Success; 60:CritSuccess 39
Trapped chest behind first archers Behind chest (floor) Normal 38:Success ?-41
Hard 41-49:Success 30-35
Elite 42-58:Success; 65:CritSuccess 39-40
Trapped chest in troll room Right side on small pillar Normal 42:Success ?-49
Hard 46-53:Success; 56:CritSuccess 33-36
Elite 50-54:Success 37-39
Door with 3 force traps Right side of door Normal 38:Success; 43:CritSuccess 18-24
Hard 33-45:Success; 52:CritSuccess 31-32
Elite 39-58:Success 39


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door that closes on Scorpion ambush Normal 48:Success ?-34
Hard 34:Success ?-34
Elite 38:Success ?-34

The Keeper's Sanctuary[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire darts (first area) Left wall after trap Normal 36:Success ?-36
Hard 62:CritSuccess ?-39
Elite 54-58:Success; 59:CritSuccess 39
4-way flame trap on dais (first area) Right back wall Normal 39:Success ?-50
Hard 55:Success 36-50
Elite 50-56:Success; 65:CritSuccess 37-39
Fire trap behind secret door guarding Saerick's journal, north Right wall after door Normal 52:CritSuccess ?-32
Hard 68:CritSuccess ?-57
Elite 57-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 39
Spinning blades in east corridor behind locked door Left wall in water Normal 55:CritSuccess ?-35
Hard 56:CritSuccess ?-34
Elite 50-51:Success; 71:CritSuccess 37-39
Acid trap on chest behind secret door in west room Back middle pillar Normal 55:CritSuccess ?-35
Hard 41-44
Elite 49-51:Success; 64:CritSuccess 41-44
Force trap guarding collectable bookcase Right side of middle pillar Normal 43:CritSuccess ?-23
Hard 57:Success 38-51
Elite 51-58:Success 39-51
Spikes guarding scroll of Decay Back pillar Normal 55:CritSuccess ?-35
Hard 60:Success ?-40
Elite 40-43:Success; 68:CritSuccess 24-40


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
East locked door Normal 54:Success ?-35
Hard 53:Success ?-35
Elite 22:Fail; 35:Success 23-35

The Library of Threnal (The Eastern Excavation, Part 1)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First blade trap in final hallway Left wall just before trap Normal 48:CritSuccess ?-28
Elite 54-56:Success 37-39
Second blade trap in final hallway Left wall just before trap Normal 53:CritSuccess ?-33
Elite 35:Fail; 40-53:Success; 59:CritSuccess 36-39
Sonic trap in final hallway Right wall just before trap Normal 44:CritSuccess ?-24
Elite 44-52:Success 36-44

The Missing Expedition (The Abandoned Excavation, Part 1)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes at bottom of ladder Left of door Normal 34:Success ?-30
Hard 29:Fail; 30:Success 30
Elite 40-56:Success 37-40
Force trap Right wall after arch Normal 47:CritSuccess ?-27
Hard 51:Success 32-51
Elite 54-56:Success 35-37
Force/fire in front of ice flenser room Right wall Normal 34:Success ?-25
Hard 55:Success 36-55
Elite 50:Success; 63:CritSuccess 36-43


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest containing keys Normal 34:Fail; 38:Success 35-38
Hard 35-?
Elite 38:Fail; 64:Success 39-42
Door in front of spikes at bottom of ladder Normal 43:Success ?-43
Hard ?-43
Elite 31:Fail; 34:Success 32-34
Door from caves to ruins (silver key) Normal 60:Success ?-43
Elite 29:Fail; 31:Success 30-31
Door at end (jewelled key) Normal 45:Success ?-45
Hard ?-50
Elite 31:Fail; 35:Success 32-35

White Plume Mountain[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Western wing: meshed tunnel Cage wall Normal 39:Success ?-39
Hard 56:CritSuccess ?-36
Elite 51-56:Success; 74:CritSuccess 37
Western wing: Illusionary Spiked pit and grease room Lower floor Normal 53:CritSuccess
Hard 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Elite 52-55:Success ?-52
Western wing: drop down pits By door to exit Normal 42:CritSuccess 22
Hard 51:CritSuccess ?-31
Elite 54-56:Success ?-56


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door (can be opened with Silver Key) Normal 44:Success
Hard 61:Success
Elite 53:Success ?-53

Level 10 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 30
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 35
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 43

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 51
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 45

An Invitation to Dinner[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blades, Basement near door to south tower stairs Wall near door Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 75:CritSuccess ?-55
Elite 58:CritSuccess ?-38


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest at the very top of north stairs (above the red barrier)
(Objective Treasure Card - Transmuter - North Tower - seek entry below; Transmuter: An Invitation to Dinner)
Hard 33:Fail; 43:Success 34-43
Dungeons - north dungeon door Normal 26:Success ?-26

Black and Blue[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps in the first aqueduct. Guarding Adventurer's Pack Left side of trap Normal 38:Success 28
Hard 61:CritSuccess 36-41
Elite 61:Success 42-47
Blade traps at tunnel past the second aqueduct Right side wall before traps Normal 48:CritSuccess ?-28
Hard 55:Success 36-41
Elite 62:Success 42-47

Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan![edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Slash trap Bottom of ramp Normal 64:Success; 50:CritSuccess 20-30
Hard ?-42
Elite 53:Success; 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Fire trap in middle of Crest of the Snake room (Seer) North-west pillar in middle of room Normal 39-65:Success; 92:CritSuccess 20-39
Hard 53:Success ?-44
Elite 44-55:Success; 64:CritSuccess 36-44

Death House[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blades trap guarding locked chest at basement At east wall Normal
Hard 74:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 42:Fail 43-46
At south wall Normal
Hard 77:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 61:Success ?-61
Blades trap before door to underground At west wall Normal
Hard 73:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 46:Success ?-46
At south east corner Normal
Hard 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 44-54:Success ?-44


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest at basement Normal
Elite 36:Success ?-36
Hard 73:Success ?-36

Escort the Expedition[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First blades in east corridor North wall Normal 44:CritSuccess ?-24
Elite 50-56:Success 37-50
Second blades in east corridor North wall Normal 51:CritSuccess ?-24
Elite 52-56:Success; 60:CritSuccess 37-40
Sonic trap Normal 53:CritSuccess ?-24
Hard ?-36
Elite 35:CritFail; 45-55:Success 40-45

Hiding in Plain Sight[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap around trap control panel for fire/acid/poison trap South wall, after fire/acid/poison trap Normal 30-39:Success; 46:CritSuccess 26
Hard 35-51:Success; 53:CritSuccess 30-34
Elite 39-60:Success 35-39
Fire/acid/poison trap South wall, before trap, covered by spike trap Normal 27:Fail; 48:CritSuccess 30-31
Hard 43-50:Success; 62:CritSuccess 30-44
Elite 37:CritFail; 39:Fail; 43-50:Success; 64:CritSuccess 42-43
Spinning blades in east corridor Left alcove Normal 39-50:Success; 52:CritSuccess 31-32
Hard 38-51:Success; 55:CritSuccess 31-44
Elite 39-57:Success; 66:CritSuccess 31-44
Vertical Blade trap in north-west corridor Left side of doorway Normal 53:CritSuccess 33
Hard 39:Success; 53:CritSuccess 36-?
Elite 39-57:Success 38-53
Acid trap in east corridor Left wall Normal 38:Success; 46:CritSuccess 26
Hard 48:Success; 53:CritSuccess 37-44
Elite 39:Fail; 47-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 40-44
Blade trap in north corridor Left alcove Normal 39-64:Success ?-39
Hard 41-48:Success; 65:CritSuccess ?-41
Elite 39-54:Success; 63:CritSuccess 43-45
Spike trap through hidden door Right wall after trap Normal 47:CritSuccess 27
Hard 38-51:Success; 55:CritSuccess ?-35
Elite 49:Fail; 52:Success 50-52
Final areas: after the long Swim
Fire darts in north corridor (corridor after the swim) Right wall next to trap Normal 49:Success; 52:CritSuccess 30-32
Hard 41-52:Success; 53:CritSuccess 30-33
Elite 36:CritFail; 41:Fail; 46-58:Success; 64:CritSuccess 42-44
Mechanical trap in north corridor, west corner Left pillar Normal 49:CritSuccess 27
Hard 41-43:Success; 54:CritSuccess 42-45
Elite 34:CritFail; 48-58:Success 42-48
Blade in north corridor, west corner Alcove before doorway Normal 48:Success 38-57
Hard 39:Success; 53:CritSuccess ?-39
Elite 51-58:Success 32-51
Spike trap by hidden door at end of quest Other side of door, past spikes Normal 49:CritSuccess ?-30
Hard 47:Success; 57:CritSuccess ?-38
Elite 51:Fail; 52-58:Success 52-55


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest in north east room next to end room Normal 41:Success ?-41
Hard 52:Success ?-41
Elite 42:Success ?-41

The Newcomers[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps Normal 37:Success 25-37
Hard 66:Success ?-66
Elite 44:Success 42-44
Pressure Plates (random elemental) Normal 37:Success 25-37
Hard 53:Success ?-53
Elite 41:Fail; 44:Success 42-44


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (giant camp) Normal 53:Success ?-40
Hard 64:Success ?-40
Elite 40:Success ?-40

The Sanctum: Quench the Flames (Cult of the Six, Chapter 3a)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap in western corridor North face of centre pillar on far side Normal 26:Success; 45:CritSuccess ?-25
Hard ?-40
Elite 38:Fail; 41-58:Success; 60:CritSuccess 39-40
Blade trap in western corridor Centre pillar before trap Normal 25:Fail; 30-40:Success 26-29
Hard 26-41
Elite 43-59:Success; 61:CritSuccess 40-41
Fire trap in eastern corridor Rear of centre pillar, before trap Normal 42:Success 27-30
Hard 27-?
Elite 33:CritFail; 51-58:Success; 59:CritSuccess 39

The Sanctum: Church of the Fury (Cult of the Six, Chapter 3b)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap in western corridor North face of centre pillar on far side Normal 24:Fail; 34-41:Success 25-28
Hard 25-?
Elite 42-50:Success; 60:CritSuccess 41-42
Blade trap in western corridor Centre pillar before trap Normal 37:Success; 56:CritSuccess 18-36
Hard 18-?
Elite 40:Fail; 49-52:Success 41-42
Fire trap in eastern corridor Rear of centre pillar, before trap Normal 27:Success; 52:CritSuccess ?-27
Elite 35:CritFail; 42:Success; 62:CritSuccess 41-42

Secure the Area[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Flame grill near second shrine South of shrine on east wall after shrine Normal 35:Success ?-35
Hard ?-47
Elite 58:Success; 67:CritSuccess 39-47


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door in main room Normal 53:Success ?-14
Hard ?-14
Elite 14:Success ?-14

Slavers of the Shrieking Mines[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in north corridor after locked door Right wall after trap Normal 48:CritSuccess 28
Hard 37-?
Elite 44-45:Success; 73:CritSuccess 37-44
Blade trap in south corridor Left wall Normal 36:Success; 65:CritSuccess 35-45
Hard 35-?
Elite 40-41:Fail; 44-57:Success; 60:CritSuccess 42-44


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal 47:Success ?-47
Hard 35:Success ?-35
Elite 45:Success 35-45

Sykros' Jewel[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Ice jets 2 Control panels, one on each wall Normal 42-46:Success; 49:CritSuccess 27-29
Hard 37-45:Success; 53:CritSuccess 35-37
Elite 37:CritFail; 41:Fail; 42-58:Success 42

Tempest's Spine[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike/blade trap Before the trap right side (on the floor just past the control column) Normal 23-42
Hard 42:Success; 68:CritSuccess 23-42
Elite 53-56:Success; 71:CritSuccess 23-?
Fire traps burst from open holes in hallway Right wall, beyond traps Normal ?-38
Hard 38:Success 19-38
Elite 40:Fail; 45-55:Success; 63:CritSuccess 41-44
Spike trap on INT rune. Opposite wall Normal
Hard 55:CritSuccess
Long corridor of (Poison) jets. Halfway through the corridor traps, on the left wall Normal
Hard 57:CritSuccess ?-37
Elite 76:CritSuccess ?-56
Fire traps guarding lever The 2 stone with a lever in the middle, a Control panel on each stone Normal ?-37
Hard 37:Success; 57:CritSuccess 18-37
Elite 37:CritFail; 41:Fail; 44-58:Success; 62:CritSuccess 42-43
Bridge to the Inevitable (acid and poison) To the left side of the bridge Normal ?-35
Hard 61:CritSuccess ?-35
Elite 35-54:Success; 63:CritSuccess 33-35


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First locked door from trapped lever Normal
Hard 66:Success
Elite 23:Fail; 29:Success 24-29
Second locked door from trapped lever Normal
Hard 74:Success
Elite 30:Fail; 53:Success

The Chamber of Rahmat[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Kaenis' chest Normal 18:Success ?-18
Hard ?-26
Elite 22:Success ?-22

The Vault of Night (Vault of Night (story arc) raid, Part 5)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
West Side
Blade trap wall Right side of wall Normal 58:Success 39-58
Hard 39-64
Elite 64:Success 45-64
Lightning trapped chest 5 Control panels, on columns around it Normal 52:Success 33-42
Hard 33-42
Elite 43-57:Success; 60:CritSuccess 38-40
North Side
Spinning blade corridor 8 Control panels scattered on columns on both sides Normal 21:CritFail; 29:Success 26-29
Hard 26-41
Elite 40:Fail; 42-54:Success; 61:CritSuccess 41
South Side
Spike trap North side Normal ?-51
Hard ?-51
Elite 51-61:Success 42-51
Trap near door Right side of third door's frame Normal ?-62
Hard ?-62
Elite 52-62:Success 43-52


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Every locked door in the raid without a key Normal 31:Fail; 34:Success 32-34
Hard 31:Fail; 34:Success 32-34
Elite 31:Fail; 34:Success 32-34
Locked chest on the North end Normal 41:Success ?-41
Hard 41:Success ?-41
Elite 41:Success ?-41
Locked door which has a key in the nearby lava Normal ?-40
Hard ?-40
Elite 39:Fail; 40:Success 40

Level 11 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?–33
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 37
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 45

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 50
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 44
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 50
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 44
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 50
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 44

A Raven at the Door[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Teleport trap in dungeon N/A Normal
Hard 42:Success


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range

An Offering of Blood[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Firetrap on bridge Right side Normal
Elite 56:Success; 68:CritSuccess 40-45


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door 1 Normal 40:Fail; 41:Success 41
Hard ?-50
Elite 50:Success ?-50
Locked door 2 Normal 40:Fail; 41:Success 41
Hard 36:Fail; 40:Success 37-40
Elite 39:Fail; 43:Success 40-43

And the Dead Shall Rise[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Wind/spinning blade in east corridor to room 1
will not always spawn
Right wall after trap Normal 46:CritSuccess ?-26
Hard 36:Success ?-36
Elite 41:Fail; 44:Success 42-44
Acid traps in room 1
will not always spawn
Left wall after trap Normal 60:CritSuccess ?-37
Hard 37:Success ?-37
Elite 47-58:Success; 69:CritSuccess 28-47
Wind/spinning blade, staircase room 1-2
will not always spawn
Right wall after breakables Normal 48:CritSuccess ?-34
Hard 31:Fail; 34:Success 32-34
Elite 32-?
Acid traps in room 3
will not always spawn
Left wall after trap Normal 56:CritSuccess ?-34
Hard 31:Fail; 34:Success 32-34
Elite 37-39:Fail; 43-57:Success 40-41
Wind/spinning blade, staircase room 3-4
will not always spawn
Right wall after breakables Normal 46:CritSuccess ?-33
Hard 33:Success ?-33
Elite 37:Fail; 43:Success 38-41
Acid traps in room 4
will not always spawn
Left wall after trap Normal ?-35
Hard 31:Fail; 37:Success 32-35
Elite 30:CritFail; 46-62:Success 35-?
Wind/spinning blade, after room 4
will not always spawn
Right wall Normal ?-33
Hard 33:Success 14-33
Elite 49-58:Success; 77:CritSuccess 39-57
Wind/spinning blade, near Prince M'dab
north side jump from boss room
Right wall Normal ?-52
Hard ?-52
Elite 52:Success 33-52
Acid trap on phylactery chest Back of pillar Normal 47:Success; 48:CritSuccess 28
Hard 38:Success 28-38
Elite 32:CritFail; 42-54:Success; 66:CritSuccess 37-41


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest with phylactery Normal 38:Success ?-38
Hard 32:Fail; 36:Success 33-36
Elite 23:Fail; 42:Success 24-42

Dreams of Insanity[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked, Breakable doors Normal 47:Success ?-47
Hard 57:Success ?-57
Elite 60:Success ?-60

Mad Tea Party[edit]


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap behind the secret door in the fireplace Normal
Elite 74:CritSuccess ?-54


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door Normal

Made to Order[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Elemental mines (11 total throughout dungeon). Mine DCs seem to vary a little Normal 35-44:Success; 45-54:CritSuccess 26-33
Hard 42-54:Success; 55-58:CritSuccess 34-35
Elite 40:CritFail; 42-44:Fail; 46-64:Success; 62-66:CritSuccess 45-46


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Shrine door Normal 32:Fail; 43:Success 33-43
Hard 44:Success 33-43
Elite 47:Success 33-43

The Enemy Within[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap around switch, up ladder On floor near switch Normal 38:Success; 47:CritSuccess 25-27
Hard 41:Success; 55:CritSuccess ?-35
Elite 38:Fail; 40-46:Success; 71:CritSuccess 39-40
Dual vertical blade traps Left side, between the blades Normal 60:CritSuccess 25-48
Hard ?-48
Elite 44:Fail; 50:Success; 72:CritSuccess 45
Spinning blades under collapsing floor in various corridors Left side in the pit Normal 47:CritSuccess 25-27
Hard 38:Success ?-37
Elite 40:CritFail; 43-44:Fail; 49-60:Success 45
Cold trap on lever, South-west corner Next to lever Normal 43:Success; 53:CritSuccess 25
Hard 55:CritSuccess ?-35
Elite 49-53:Success; 81:CritSuccess 43-45
Dual vertical blade traps in West corridors
doesn't always spawn
Left side, between the blades Normal 54:Success; 55:CritSuccess 35
Hard 41:Success 35-40
Elite 51-64:Success; 82:CritSuccess 45
Cold trap on lever, North-west corner Next to lever Normal 43:Success; 48:CritSuccess 25-28
Hard 49:Success; 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Elite 35:CritFail 40-45


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest with loot Normal 43:Success ?-37
Hard 38:Success ?-37
Elite 27:Fail; 37:Success 28-37

The Spawn of Whisperdoom[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Elemental trap at door to the Village (location/type seems to vary) Right hand side Normal 64:CritSuccess 25-44
Hard 37-54:Success 37
Elite 43:Fail; 49-63:Success; 70:CritSuccess 44-47
Darts in front of door in Village Right hand side Normal 56:CritSuccess ?-36
Elite 37:CritFail; 43:Fail; 53-56:Success; 78:CritSuccess 45
Spikes in front of door in Village Right hand side Normal 47:CritSuccess 27
Hard 36-42:Success; 56:CritSuccess ?-36
Elite 51-61:Success; 62:CritSuccess 41-42
Slash trap in corridor in Village Right hand side Normal 42:Success; 57:CritSuccess 23-37
Hard 59:CritSuccess ?-39
Elite 37:CritFail; 43:Fail; 45-58:Success; 76:CritSuccess 44-45


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest with Splinterskull collectable Normal 42:Fail; 46:Success 43-46
Hard 43:Fail; 50:Success 44-50
Elite 57:Success 44-50

Tomb of the Forbidden[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blade trap at entrance Right side of entrance Normal ?-54
Hard ?-54
Elite 54-57:Success 40-54
Spike trap at breakable door Left doorframe Normal ?-66
Hard ?-66
Elite 51-66:Success 47-51
Blade trap, on ramps Left side Normal ?-49
Hard ?-49
Elite 47-53:Success; 63:CritSuccess 40-43
Trapped chest (Otiluke's freezing sphere) Left side of chest Normal ?-62
Hard 62:Success ?-62
Elite 50:Success ?-50


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Breakable door (south westerly passage to locked chest) Normal ?-54
Hard ?-54
Elite 54:Success ?-54
Locked Chest Normal ?-52
Hard ?-52
Elite 19:Fail; 22:Success 20-22

Tomb of the Tormented[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
3rd room spinning blades 3 Control panels scattered over the maze area Normal ?-49
Hard ?-49
Elite 43:Fail; 45-63:Success; 72:CritSuccess 44-45

Tomb of the Unhallowed[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Random spikes Varies Normal 40-43:Success; 49:CritSuccess 25-29
Elite 37:CritFail; 45-51:Success 42-45
Lockbox behind secret door On wall behind lockbox Normal 41:Success 25-41
Elite 59:CritSuccess ?-39


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest behind secret door Normal 65:Success ?-45
Hard 31:Fail; 47:Success 32-41
Elite 33:Fail; 41:Success 34-41

Level 12 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 44
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 29
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 49
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 39
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 54
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 48

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 61
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 44
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 61
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No data
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 61
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No data

An Element of Chaos[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Two sets of spiked floor blades Wall before the trap Normal
Elite 61-71:Success 54

A Relic of a Sovereign Past[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
15 Poison traps in hallway to the king Base of each poison trap Normal 29-45:Success; 47:CritSuccess 27
Hard 51-56:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37
Elite 43:CritFail; 44-47:Fail; 48-67:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48

Against the Demon Queen[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison traps in Scorpion hallway Side walls Normal 62:CritSuccess 27-42
Hard 39
Elite 46:Fail; 49-65:Success 47-49
Slash trap in Octopus hallway Side walls Normal 72:CritSuccess 27-52
Hard 39
Elite 47:Fail; 58-64:Success 48
Sonic traps in Bat hallway Side rooms Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 49-67:Success 48

Chains of Flame[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Flame traps in first corridor Right wall Normal 44:Success 27-44
Hard 25-?
Elite 53-57:Success; 77:CritSuccess 48
Fire trap on door lever On the wall next to the lever Normal 48:Success 27-48
Hard 39:Success; 90:CritSuccess ?-39
Elite 49-63:Success; 74:CritSuccess 48-49
Spinning blades Opposite door Normal 33:Success 27-33
Hard 55:Success 36-55
Elite 47:Fail; 48-57:Success 48
Slash trap on stairs Right wall near the door after trap Normal 38:Success 19-38
Hard 39:Success; 89:CritSuccess 37-39
Elite 52-66:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48
Spikes Left back wall Normal 27
Hard 44:Success; 94:CritSuccess 37-44
Elite 52-63:Success; 72:CritSuccess 48-52
Vertical swinging blade trap before boss Left corner after trap Normal 27
Hard 45:Success; 88:CritSuccess 37-45
Elite 52-55:Success 48-52


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked (portcullis) gate Normal 62:Success ?-54
Hard 53:Fail; 55:Success 54-55
Elite 53:Fail; 54:Success 54
Loot chest at overseer Normal 49:Fail; 51:Success 50
Hard 44:Fail; 50:Success 50
Elite 48:Fail; 50:Success 50

Diplomatic Impunity[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Four fire traps from statues through the door 4 Control panels, one either side of door and up the stairs Normal 40-42:Success; 47:CritSuccess 27
Hard 33-34:Fail; 37-56:Success; 58:CritSuccess 37
Elite 43:CritFail; 46:Fail; 50-67:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48

Eyes of Stone[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cold traps in Archives (12 in total) In-between bookcases Normal 23:Fail; 34-46:Success; 49:CritSuccess 27
Hard 30:CritFail; 34:Fail; 41-56:Success; 57:CritSuccess 36-37
Elite 37:CritFail; 44-47:Fail; 48-67:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest behind hidden doors on south side of upper offices Normal 20:Success ?-20
Hard 26:Success ?-26
Elite 34:Success ?-19

Frame Work[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike traps on stairs 4 Control panels on the sides of the stairs Normal 30-46:Success; 47:CritSuccess 27
Hard 36:Fail; 37-52:Success; 57:CritSuccess 37
Elite 47:Fail; 48-67:Success; 76:CritSuccess 48



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Root Cellar, Locked door Normal
Elite 49:Success ?-49
Root Cellar, north Locked chest Normal
Elite 42:Success ?-42

The Chamber of Raiyum[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


North Wing
Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap on First floor main hallway South wall (trap slowly closes in on you disarm quickly after activation) Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 48-61:Success 48
Spike trap between 1st and 2nd floor South wall south-east corner of room Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 56:Success 48-56
Blade trap on ramp between level 2 and 3 To the right of the ramp Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 52-59:Success 48-52
Sonic trap over lever in room with epigraph Left wall next the door Normal 41:Success 22-41
Hard 39
Elite 41:CritFail; 62:Success 46-48
Blade trap on ramp between level 4 and 5 Under 2nd ramp on left Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 47:Fail; 58:Success 48-51
Acid trap between levels 6 and 7 In the middle between the two jets Normal 93:CritSuccess 27
Hard 39
Elite 63-64:Success 48
South Wing
Blade trap on First floor main hallway Middle of trap south wall (trap slowly closes in on you disarm quickly after activation) Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 60:Success 48
Acid jets between levels 2 and 3 Between acid jets in the middle. Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 63:Success 48-63
West Wing
Blade trap between levels 1 and 2 Halfway up 2nd ramp Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 51-64:Success 45-48
Acid jet between levels 3 and 4 In the middle between the two jets Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 49-54:Success 48-49
Acid jet between levels 6 and 7 In the middle between the two jets Normal 27
Hard 39
Elite 50-62:Success 48-50
Normal 37
Hard 39
Elite 48

The Cursed Crypt[edit]


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Collapsible Floors Normal 45:Success; 57:CritSuccess 27
Elite 60-66:Success; 73:CritSuccess ?-53
Spinning blades on ramps Normal 50:CritSuccess 27-30
Elite 58-63:Success 44-58
Force traps on catwalks Normal 46:Success; 50:CritSuccess 27-30
Elite 57-62:Success; 68:CritSuccess 43-48

Level 13 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 41
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 31
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 48
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 41
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 55
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 51

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 50
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 48
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 50
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 48
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data

A Cry for Help[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire/blade trap #1 Right pillar Normal 38:Success; 60:CritSuccess 19-38
Hard 67:CritSuccess 40-47
Elite 47:Fail; 53-69:Success; 79:CritSuccess 49-51
Fire/blade trap #2 On floor on the right in bedrooms Normal 38-53:Success; 61:CritSuccess 34-38
Hard 63:Success; 63:CritSuccess 40-43
Elite 48:Fail; 52-70:Success; 78:CritSuccess 51-52
Spikes in falling floor North wall in the pit Normal 35-37:Success; 75:CritSuccess 16-35
Hard 47-58:Success; 71:CritSuccess 40-47
Elite 47:Fail; 53-70:Success 51
Wind trap on the floor (Spikes on Ceiling) Far side, right side of door Normal 47-51:Success; 58:CritSuccess 32-47
Hard 56-59:Success; 67:CritSuccess 38-40
Elite 55-70:Success; 71:CritSuccess 51
Spikes on lever Beneath lever Normal 47:Success 28-47
Hard 39:Fail; 42-49:Success; 60:CritSuccess 40
Elite 53-68:Success; 77:CritSuccess 49-53
Spike blades on the bridge On the wall Normal 50:Success; 49:CritSuccess 29
Hard 63:Success; 77:CritSuccess 40
Elite 54-69:Success 49-51
Spike blades through rune door after shrine Left side on the floor Normal ?-67
Hard 67:Success 40
Elite 47-50:Fail; 51:Success; 72:CritSuccess 51


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Tholatha's chest Normal 44:Success ?-43
Hard 43:Success ?-43
Elite 41:Fail; 43:Success 42-43

Assault on Summerfield[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Carlo's Bookstore spiked blade traps On a bookcase Normal 39:Success 25-39
Hard 56:Success ?-45
Elite 46:CritFail; 54:Success; 80:CritSuccess 51
Basement Apartment Fireplace blades Above a bookcase Normal 41:Success 25-41
Hard 66:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 47:Fail; 59-65:Success 51

Feast or Famine[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes just past entrance Just before trap, west side near floor Normal 45:Success; 70:CritSuccess 26-45
Hard 56:Success 26-48
Elite 49-50:Fail; 52-61:Success; 73:CritSuccess 51-52
Spikes around first door Past door, south side near floor Normal 51:CritSuccess ?-31
Hard 36:Fail; 42:Success 40
Elite 44:CritFail; 49:Fail; 54-69:Success; 72:CritSuccess 50-51
Spikes at the end of the tent Just before trap, south side on the ground (by tent exit flaps) Normal 43-47:Success; 73:CritSuccess 24-43
Hard 40-54:Success 35-54
Elite 69:Success 51
Spikes around lever for second door Before door, north side near floor Normal 51:CritSuccess 31
Hard 54-57:Success; 70:CritSuccess 38-46
Elite 66:Success; 78:CritSuccess 51
False "booby-trapped" chest
(blades inside not disarmed)
Behind chest Normal 64:CritFail ?-45
Hard 50-55:Success 31-45
Elite 32:CritFail; 59-66:Success 51-52
Spikes blades in corridor Right hand side on the ground Normal 52:Success; 61:CritSuccess 33-49
Hard 44-49:Success; 61:CritSuccess 33-41
Elite 54-65:Success; 71:CritSuccess 51
Spikes in the hallway behind unlockable door Right side on door frame Normal 46:Success; 78:CritSuccess 28-44
Hard 44:Success; 72:CritSuccess 28-44
Elite 49:Fail; 56-70:Success 51-53
Spikes on ground after intersection west of shrine Left side of door frame Normal
Elite 63-68:Success
Spikes on door at 2nd intersection west of shrine Left side of door frame Normal 38-46:Success 27-46
Hard 80:CritSuccess 27-46
Elite 53-54:Success 51
Spikes on door lever Below lever Normal 38:Success 32-44
Hard 44:Success; 65:CritSuccess 32-44
Elite 49:Fail; 53-67:Success; 72:CritSuccess 50-52


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door after shrine Normal 42:Fail; 50:Success 43-46
Hard 42:Fail; 44:Success 43-44
Elite 38:Fail; 42:Success 39-42

Foundation of Discord[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blades at start random spawn Normal 41-49:Success 22-41
Hard 46-49:Success 30-46
Elite 47:Fail; 61-65:Success; 74:CritSuccess 48-51
Door trap past the well random spawn Door frame, right side Normal 37:Success; 50:CritSuccess 18-30
Hard 45-57:Success; 63:CritSuccess 26-43
Elite 51-54:Success; 68:CritSuccess 35-48
Sonic trap in entrance corridor random spawn Floor Normal 36:Success; 61:CritSuccess 27-41
Hard 44-54:Success; 60:CritSuccess 34-40
Elite 49-50:Fail; 51-69:Success 51
Electricity in South-west passage Right side Normal 52:Success 27-52
Hard 54:Success; 64:CritSuccess 35-44
Elite 56:CritFail; 62:Success; 72:CritSuccess 61-62
Blades in South-east passage Past trap, right side Normal 46:Success 27-46
Hard 42-58:Success 27-42
Elite 50:Fail; 56-68:Success; 73:CritSuccess 51-53
Blades at last door (South Tunnel) Left side of doorway Normal 39-46:Success 27-39
Hard 42:Success 27-42
Elite 62-68:Success; 76:CritSuccess 56-62


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door (South-west) Normal 42:Success ?-42
Hard 40:Fail; 45:Success 41-42
Elite 41:Fail; 43:Success 42-43


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trapped puzzle at boss 5 Control panels each time the puzzle appear (Total 20) Normal ?-45
Hard ?-45
Elite 48-50:Fail; 51-70:Success 51

The Archons' Trial[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Agility: Spike Trap, first door Mechanic's path Normal 52:Success 33
Hard 53-60:Success; 88:CritSuccess 47
Elite 53:Fail; 57-73:Success; 84:CritSuccess 54-57
Blade trap, on Stairs Mechanic's path, stairs Normal 53:CritSuccess 33
Hard 54-59:Success; 94:CritSuccess 47
Elite 52:CritFail; 61-70:Success; 79:CritSuccess 57
Electrical Trap, corridor after stairs Mechanic's path, by corridor entrance Normal 48:Success 29-33
Hard 52:Success; 68:CritSuccess ?-48
Elite 52:CritFail; 69-76:Success; 86:CritSuccess 57
Electrical Trap, corridor before locked door Mechanic's path, by locked door Normal 58:CritSuccess 33-38
Hard 68:CritSuccess 47
Elite 65-68:Success; 78:CritSuccess 57-58
Agility Test: electrical floor (Alternative route to Mechanic's Path) near Lever Normal 54:CritSuccess 33-34
Hard 66:CritSuccess 20-46
Elite 56-76:Success ?-56
Test of Intelligence: Electrical floor Left wall Normal 58:CritSuccess 33-38
Hard 57:Success
Elite 74:Success 57


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door 1 (Mechanic's path) Normal 38:Success 18-22
Hard 35:Success ?-35
Elite 50:Success 40-50
Locked Door 2 (Mechanic's path) Normal 46:Success ?-46
Hard 36:Success ?-36
Elite 52:Success
Locked Door 3 (Mechanic's path) Normal 41:Success ?-41
Hard 50:Success
Elite 55:Success

The Devil's Details[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest, behind secret door Normal 46:Success ?-33
Hard 53:Success ?-37
Elite 50:Success 37-40

The Maze of Madness[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes (numerous random traps, approximately 14)
* Note: the DCs do vary significantly per trap in this quest.
Near the levers Normal 38-48:Success; 49-54:CritSuccess 28-45
Hard 36-39:Fail; 40-56:Success; 61:CritSuccess 40
Elite 46:CritFail; 41-50:Fail; 46-74:Success; 64-78:CritSuccess 51
Slash under levers Normal 40-47:Success; 50:CritSuccess 30
Hard 38-39:Fail; 42-58:Success; 62:CritSuccess 40
Elite 47:Fail; 53-70:Success; 71-75:CritSuccess 51
Blade/spike traps on bridge 3 Control panels, near end of trap on the ground Normal 46:Success; 49:CritSuccess 27-29
Hard 46-58:Success; 60:CritSuccess 40
Elite 55-70:Success; 71:CritSuccess 48-51

Trial by Fire[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Portcullis style Door to named Ancient Arachnid Normal 40:Fail; 41:Success 41
Hard 43:Success ?-43
Elite 42:Fail; 43:Success 43


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Huge minefield The landmines themselves Normal 32:Success 25-32
Hard 33-35:Fail; 37-49:Success 36-37
Elite 46:CritFail; 48-50:Fail; 51-81:Success 51

Level 14 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?–40
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 44
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 53

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 60
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data

A Cabal for One[edit]


Search & Spot DCs

Traps (Random traps, and not all of them appear in one single instance)

Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap at first door (Right after Gardak)
* (Disable Device DCs vary in this quest)
Either side of door (behind the trap) Normal 42-52:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-42
Hard 44:CritFail; 51-59:Success; 68:CritSuccess 49
Elite 53-58:Success; 60:CritSuccess 39-40
Spike trap on stairs Right side of stairs, after trap Normal 50-55:Success; 74:CritSuccess
Hard 46-57:Success; 69:CritSuccess 38-49
Elite 60:CritSuccess
Vertical Blade trap before gate Left wall before trap Normal 48-49:Success; 61:CritSuccess ?-48
Hard 55:Success; 70:CritSuccess 36-50
Elite 46-59:Success; 60:CritSuccess 40
Spike trap on chest behind the secret door
(Blades on ground before the door do not disarm)
Left side near chest behind the spikes/blades Normal 44:CritFail; 46:Fail; 54:Success; 74:CritSuccess 49-50
Hard 44:CritFail; 55-69:Success; 71:CritSuccess 50-51
Elite 43:CritFail; 47:Fail; 50-68:Success; 72:CritSuccess 48-51
Cold trap after door Right side of trap Normal 51:Success; 69:CritSuccess 49-51
Hard 41-57:Success; 69:CritSuccess 41
Elite 44-56:Success; 60:CritSuccess ?-40
Spike trap at gate, on the wall By the gate Normal 63:CritSuccess
Hard 49-51:Success ?-49
Elite 50-59:Success; 60:CritSuccess 40
Acid, fire and poison jets in corridor before shrine Over the cube stone Normal 54:Success; 66:CritSuccess
Hard 41:Fail; 49:Success; 62:CritSuccess 42-45
Elite 49-55:Success; 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Fire trap at South-east door (Maksim's room) Shrine Room Either side of door Normal 34:CritFail; 46-50:Success; 64:CritSuccess 39-46
Hard 45-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 43
Elite 50-61:Success; 63:CritSuccess 42-43
Fire trap at South-west door (Kivol's room) Either side of door Normal 41:Fail 46
Hard 47:CritFail; 48:Fail; 55-57:Success; 75:CritSuccess 52
Elite 51-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 39-45
Spike trap within pit (collapsible floor tile) Right side on pillar near ladder Normal 48:Success; 73:CritSuccess
Hard 49-52:Success; 64:CritSuccess 30-44
Elite 45:CritFail; 53-67:Success; 73:CritSuccess 53
Fire trap on Door to the northern "dual ladders" room Either side of door Normal 53:Success; 67:CritSuccess 47-53
Hard 58:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-51
Elite 54-60:Success; 65:CritSuccess 45
Dart trap near "dual ladders" door Normal 61:CritSuccess
Hard 42-57:Success; 71:CritSuccess 42-51
Elite 46:CritFail; 63-71:Success; 78:CritSuccess 53-58
Fire trap on East door (Mikahi's room) Either side of door Normal 50:Success; 82:CritSuccess
Hard 63:CritSuccess ?-57
Elite 50-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 39-43
Fire trap at West door (Vokur's room) Either side of door Normal 65:CritSuccess ?-52
Hard 39:CritFail; 52:Success; 62:CritSuccess 43-52
Elite 43-60:Success; 64:CritSuccess 43
Spike trap at final door Normal 51:CritSuccess 31
Hard 47-59:Success; 64:CritSuccess 40-44
Elite 47:CritFail; 56-69:Success; 73:CritSuccess 52-53
Fire trap on final door Either side of door Normal 46-54:Success; 73:CritSuccess 35
Hard 52-56:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48
Elite 45-61:Success; 65:CritSuccess 42-45


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Loot chest's Lock (trapped) Normal 46:Fail; 49:Success 46-48
Hard 46:Fail; 48:Success 47-48
Elite 47:Fail; 51:Success 48-51

Desecrated Temple of Vol[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blade traps west side Control panels left and right Normal 40:Success 21-40
Hard 77:CritSuccess 21-57
Elite 49:Fail; 57-59:Success; 74:CritSuccess 52-53
Arrow traps west side Between the arrow launchers Normal 41:Success 22-41
Hard 57:Success; 76:CritSuccess 22-56
Elite 46:CritFail; 58:Success 52-53
Spinning blade traps east side Control panels left Normal 41:Success 22-41
Hard 57:Success; 68:CritSuccess 22-48
Elite 50-51:Fail; 54-63:Success 52
Arrow traps east side Left passage Normal 40:Success 21-40
Hard 77:CritSuccess 21-57
Elite 60-68:Success 52-53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door east side Normal 49:Fail; 50:Success 50
Hard 48:Fail; 69:Success 50
Elite 49:Fail; 50:Success 50

Flesh Maker's Laboratory[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap Two left and right, then one left Normal 45:Success 26-45
Hard 51:Success; 62:CritSuccess 26-42
Elite 52-66:Success 51-52
Lightning traps in optional Four control panels, one on each outer pillar Normal 46:Success 27-45
Hard 77:CritSuccess 27-45
Elite 40:CritFail; 47:Fail; 54-62:Success 48-54


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door that can be opened with Iron Key Normal 58:Fail; 61:Success 59-60
Hard 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Elite 59:Fail; 60:Success 60

Gianthold Tor[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Elemental traps on stairs A few steps before the traps Normal 56:CritSuccess ?-36
Hard 52-55:Success
Elite 46:CritFail; 54-63:Success; 75:CritSuccess 51-54

Grim and Barett[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps before Grim Left wall before narrow corridor Normal 41-51:Success
Hard 53-56:Success; 86:CritSuccess ?-53
Elite 57:Fail; 63-76:Success; 83:CritSuccess 58-61


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest at Grakath room Normal 48:Success ?-46
Hard 60:Success ?-46
Elite 46:Success ?-46

Inferno of the Damned[edit]


Search & Spot DCs

Traps (All have random locations)

Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Arrows-shooting faces Normal 38:Success 19-38
Hard 19-?
Elite 49-50:Fail; 58-65:Success; 71:CritSuccess 51
Blade trap Normal 38:Success 19-38
Hard 19-?
Elite 60-64:Success; 75:CritSuccess 51-53
Acid arrow fish Left side past the trap Normal ?-60
Hard ?-60
Elite 60-68:Success; 90:CritSuccess 51-53

Madstone Crater[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door to the last skeleton enchanters Normal 61:Success ?-36
Hard 36:Success ?-36
Elite 32:Fail; 37:Success 33-37

Multitude of Menace[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Acid, guarding Lever Normal 51-58:Success; 99:CritSuccess 35-51
Hard 67-73:Success; 76:CritSuccess 53-56
Elite 58:CritFail; 66-70:Success 64-66
Telekinetic Spell Ward, in room behind secret door Near the Chest Normal 49:Success 30-49
Hard 51:Success 20-51
Elite 61:Success 48-61


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest, behind secret door Normal 45:Success ?-45
Hard 46:Success ?-46
Elite 54:Success ?-54

Night Falls on Stormreach[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps (visible), near the antique throne Normal 46:Success 25-46
Hard 66:Success ?-66
Elite 49:Fail; 61:Success 50-53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest, behind secret door Normal 63:Success ?-52
Hard 60:Success ?-52
Elite 52:Success ?-52



Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Titan Storage Area Locked Gate (can be opened by lever) Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 44
Hard 44:Fail; 48:Success 45-48
Elite 48:Fail; 49:Success 49
Locked Chest, behind the secret door Normal 47:Success ?-45
Hard 35:Fail; 43:Success 36-43
Elite 44:Fail; 45:Success 45

The Prison of the Planes[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door at end Normal 46:Fail; 51:Success 47-51
Hard 52:Success 38-51
Elite 49:Fail; 50:Success 50

The Age of Rage[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
2 Blade traps Normal 49:Success; 54:CritSuccess 30-34
Hard 59-60:Success; 69:CritSuccess 40-49
Elite 63-64:Success
Bear Traps (visible) Normal 41:Success 40-41
Hard 55-57:Success ?-55
Elite 48:CritFail; 49-52:Fail; 53-60:Success 53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest near Shrine Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 57:Success ?-54
Elite 37:Fail; 39:Success 38-39

The Crucible[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trap around Horn of Cunning 2 Control panels near the horn Normal 62:CritSuccess ?-43
Hard 43-46:Success 27-43
Elite 48:CritFail; 56-72:Success; 79:CritSuccess 53-56

Tower of Frost[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(6) Pressure plates Security Level Normal 34-79:Success ?-24
Hard 37:CritFail; 39-40:Fail; 43-76:Success 42-43
Elite 48:CritFail; 49-50:Fail; 53-59:Success 53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 44:Success ?-39
Hard 38:Fail; 39:Success 39
Elite 43:Fail; 46:Success 44

Toxic Treatment[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap (Warrior's Challenge) Normal
Hard 53:Fail; 62-70:Success 54-57
Elite 67:Success 61-67
Bear Traps (visible), Luminous Mushrooms area Normal
Hard 62-69:Success ?-62
Elite 82:Success 53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (Warrior's Challenge) Normal
Hard 52:Success ?-52
Elite 60:Success ?-60
Locked "Small Button" on Scorpion statuette (Warrior's Challenge) Normal
Hard 62:Success ?-58
Elite 58:Success ?-58

Level 15 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?–37
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 46
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 56

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data

A Sharn Welcome[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates around Chest Normal 54:Success 20-54
Hard 55:Success ?-55
Elite 54:CritFail; 56-58:Fail; 59:Success 59


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 34:Fail; 41:Success 35-41
Hard 34:Fail; 44:Success 35-44
Elite 42:Fail; 48:Success 43-48

Creeping Death[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison jets, first intersection Behind a Secret door Normal 28:CritFail; 58:CritSuccess
Hard 59:Success; 76:CritSuccess 46
Elite 62-64:Success; 102:CritSuccess 56
Ice and Fire jets, upper area Normal 37-57:Success; 79:CritSuccess
Hard 52:Fail; 54-60:Success; 74:CritSuccess 53-54
Elite 59:CritFail; 65:Success; 89:CritSuccess 66-69
Wall blades, second upper intersection Alcove Normal 51:Success; 59:CritSuccess
Hard 58-65:Success ?-58
Elite 74:Success; 103:CritSuccess
Cold and Fire Jets, before Sigils Behind a (visible) Secret door Normal 46:Success; 79:CritSuccess
Hard 51-66:Success; 101:CritSuccess ?-51
Elite 65-71:Success 60
Blades, after first Sigil Behind a (visible) Secret door Normal 63:CritSuccess
Hard 68:Success 46
Elite 68:CritSuccess ?-48
Corridor Wall and Floor blades Control panel in alcove Normal 37-49:Success; 79:CritSuccess 30-37
Hard 53:Fail; 60-62:Success; 101:CritSuccess 54-60
Elite 60:CritFail; 80:Success 65-71
Blades just after second Sigil, running water corridor Normal 35:Fail; 37:Success
Hard 57:Success; 84:CritSuccess 46
Elite 65-73:Success 56
Fire jets, east alcove, just before end fight Normal 46:Success ?-46
Hard 53:Success; 79:CritSuccess 46
Elite 60:Fail; 66-71:Success 64



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door in kitchen Normal 42:Success 41
Hard 41:Success 41
Elite 40:Fail; 43:Success 41

Disciples of Shar[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Just after entering the cave (the traps themselves) Normal 42:Success ?-37
Hard 44-60:Success 44
Elite 48-51:CritFail; 52-55:Fail; 56-77:Success 56
Bear traps In front of secret door (the traps themselves) Normal 42:Success ?-37
Hard 43:Fail; 44-66:Success 44
Elite 50:CritFail; 52:Fail; 58-81:Success 54-58
Bear traps In the ravine between the two platforms at the final pair of Disciples (the traps themselves) Normal 42:Success ?-42
Hard 39:CritFail; 43:Fail; 44:Success 44
Elite 52-55:Fail; 56-76:Success 56

Escape Plan[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Two in front of most lizardfolk ambush points (the traps themselves) Normal 38-76:Success ?-37
Hard 43:Fail; 46-76:Success 44
Elite 51:CritFail; 52-55:Fail; 57-77:Success 56
Bear traps Two or three, in the final area (the traps themselves) Normal 40-68:Success ?-37
Hard 40-41:Fail; 44-66:Success 44
Elite 51:CritFail; 53-55:Fail; 56-73:Success 56

Fear Factory[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in doorway After door; location varies Normal 53:Success 34-53
Hard 60:Success 41-60
Elite 51:CritFail; 52:Fail; 58-68:Success 56


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked valve Normal 48:Success 32-41
Hard 31:Fail; 62:Success 32-41
Elite 36:Fail; 41:Success 37-41

In The Flesh[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Underwater blades Between blades, on right Normal 35-46:Success; 55:CritSuccess 27-35
Hard 52-57:Success; 76:CritSuccess 33-52
Elite 53:CritFail; 60-73:Success; 88:CritSuccess 54-61
Spinning blades at door to undead beholder Left wall behind blades Normal 38:CritFail; 41-58:Success; 78:CritSuccess 39-41
Hard 51:Success 39-51
Elite 48:CritFail; 50:Fail; 62-69:Success; 77:CritSuccess 51-54
Wind traps on poles behind Secret door (Elite only) On right wall Elite 48:CritFail; 59-67:Success; 77:CritSuccess 54-57

Just Business[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Elemental Mines, foot of stairs: Hapland's Bridge Normal
Hard 61:Success ?-61
Elite 61-62:Success 53-56
Elemental Mines, outside Wine Shop doors Normal
Hard 54:Success 46-54
Elite 58-66:Success 51-58
Elemental Mines, Bookstore door Normal
Hard 65:Success 46-56
Elite 61-66:Success 53-56
Tully Tower, spiral stairs (3) Elemental Mines Normal
Hard 56-64:Success 46-56
Elite 52:Fail; 56-63:Success 53-56


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Large locked Door to Room with (Curious Note) and Shrines
City Watch station
Hard 31:Fail; 38:Success 32-38
Elite 44:Success 32-44

Litany of the Dead[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cholthulzz area
Locked door requires: Gold key Normal 52:Success ?-52

Lost at Sea[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door (Iron Key) Normal 32:Success ?-32
Hard 43:Success ?-43
Elite 43:Success 40-43


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Underwater blades Normal 55:Success 36-54
Hard 54-62:Success 36-54
Elite 54:Fail; 64-73:Success 55-57
Blades at Swiftfoot Headquarters Right wall Normal 52:Success 33-52
Hard 60:Success 33-60
Elite 44:CritFail; 53-55:Fail; 62-73:Success; 81:CritSuccess 56-57


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door to Swiftfoot gang Headquarters Normal 60:Success ?-60
Hard 60:Success ?-60
Elite 65:Success ?-65

Records of the Past[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blades in Chest room (Mayoral estate) Control panel near door arch Normal 51:Success; 62:CritSuccess 30-42
Hard 47:CritFail; 80:CritSuccess 52-60
Elite 56:CritFail; 65:Fail; 70-77:Success; 103:CritSuccess 66-69


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (Mayoral estate) Normal 58:Success ?-58
Hard 48:Success 42-48
Elite 45:Fail; 53:Success 46-53

Search and Rescue[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
3 Spell Wards, Drow Fortress The spell ward itself Normal 37-77:Success ?-37
Hard 43:Fail; 48-79:Success 44
Elite 54-55:Fail; 56-82:Success 56
Spikes and Blades in the Pit, Drow Fortress Near the west lever at the back of the room past the pit. Normal 50:Success; 63:CritSuccess ?-43
Hard 47:CritFail; 62:Success; 76:CritSuccess 52-56
Elite 62:CritFail; 69-83:Success; 95:CritSuccess 67-69
Spell Ward, corridor outside, past the main Drow Fortress room The spell ward itself Normal 51-75:Success
Hard 47-88:Success
Elite 51:CritFail; 55:Fail; 65-79:Success 56


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door, leading to Drow Fortress (Silver Key available) Normal 47:Fail; 48:Success 48
Hard 48:Fail; 52:Success 49-52
Elite 61:Success 49-61
Locked Lever in main Drow Fortress (Iron Key available) Normal 47:Success ?-47
Hard 48:Fail; 49:Success 49
Elite 47:Fail; 54:Success 49-50
Secret door (locked), leading to Locked Chest Normal 40:Fail; 47:Success 41-47
Hard 63:Success 41-50
Elite 50:Success 41-50
Locked Chest (Behind Locked Secret Door) Normal 50:Success ?-50
Hard 59:Success ?-59
Elite 63:Success ?-63
Locked Chest (Underdark Passage, small east area) Normal 45:Fail; 48:Success 46-48
Hard 48:Fail; 50:Success 49-50
Elite 52:Success ?-48

Shadow of a Doubt[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps The traps themselves Normal 43:Success 25-43
Hard 50:Success 44-50
Elite 51:CritFail; 52-55:Fail; 56:Success 56

Smash and Burn[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps, near the first gate The traps themselves Normal 63:Success ?-63
Hard 39:CritFail; 45-63:Success 44
Elite 51:CritFail; 52-55:Fail; 56:Success 56
Bear traps, near the Vault Chest The traps themselves Normal 70:Success
Hard 48-65:Success 44-48
Elite 51:CritFail; 54-55:Fail; 57:Success 56
2 Traps (acid) in Forgewraith Cogs room, protecting the chests Near the Dice puzzles Normal 51:Success; 57:CritSuccess 32-37
Hard 47-57:Success; 70:CritSuccess 44-47
Elite 60-73:Success; 82:CritSuccess 56-60


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door (can be opened with Silver key) Normal 56:Success ?-47
Hard 47:Success ?-47
Elite 37:Fail; 48:Success 38-48
Forgewraith room Locked Door (can be unlocked) Normal 61:Success ?-33
Hard 29:Fail; 33:Success 30-33
Elite 35:Fail; 49:Success 36-49
Final Locked Door (can be opened with Iron key)
Halfling mini boss room
Normal 60:Success ?-46
Hard 46:Success ?-46
Elite 39:Fail; 42:Success 40-42

Strike Back[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
5 Evil Spell Wards The traps themselves Normal 45:Success 35
Hard 51:Success 46
Elite 62:Success 56


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Slave room (can be opened by Iron key) Normal 71:Success ?-55
Hard 55:Success ?-55
Eastern Locked Gate (can be opened with Silver key) Normal 79:Success ?-64
Hard 61:Success ?-61
Western Locked Gate (can be opened with Gold key) Normal 73:Success ?-49
Hard 49:Success ?-49
Elite 47:Fail; 48:Success 48

The Same Old Song[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door, to Locked Chest room Normal 40:Success ?-40
Hard 33:Fail; 47:Success 34-47
Elite 38:Fail; 43:Success 39-43
Locked Chest, behind locked door Normal 39:Success ?-37
Hard 34:Fail; 35:Success 35
Elite 42:Success ?-42

Thralls of the Fungus Lord[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps (Ooze room) Normal 47-51:Success; 60:CritSuccess 25-40
Hard 55-63:Success; 65:CritSuccess 41-45
Elite 59-75:Success; 76:CritSuccess 56
Spinning blade traps (Ooze room) Normal 52:Success; 57:CritSuccess 25-37
Hard 58-61:Success; 69:CritSuccess 41-49
Elite 58-73:Success; 77:CritSuccess 56

To Curse the Sky[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Lightning arc in the North-west corridor Corridor wall Normal 58:CritSuccess 38
Hard 65:Success; 85:CritSuccess 50
Elite 76:Success; 86:CritSuccess 56-66


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Gate (can be opened with Iron Key) Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 60:Success ?-49
Elite 57:Success ?-49
Chest (East Courtyard) Normal 50:Success ?-50
Hard 70:Success ?-50
Elite 60:Success ?-50

Level 16 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 37
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 48
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 65
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 58

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 60
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 60
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data

Army of Eternal Night[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Normal
Blade trap at bottom of spiral staircase Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest at bottom of spiral staircase Normal

Army of Shadow[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Telekinetic Spell Ward on north-east corner The spell ward itself Normal 46:Success
Hard 46:Fail; 52-56:Success 47
Elite 58:Fail; 62:Success 59
Evil Spell Ward(s) on stairs leading to upper floor The spell ward itself Normal 52:Success 34-52
Hard 50-81:Success 47
Elite 64-75:Success 59
Telekinetic Spell Ward on Casko's room The spell ward itself Normal 50:Success 31-50
Hard 42:CritFail; 43-46:Fail; 47:Success 47
Elite 64-82:Success 59-64
Pressure plate in front of the southern chest Normal 57:Success
Hard 56:Success 47
Elite 54:CritFail; 57-58:Fail; 59-67:Success 59


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door to Casko Normal 39:Fail; 46:Success 40-44
Hard 36:Fail; 48:Success 40-44
Elite 42:Fail; 44:Success 43-44
Locked Chest, behind southern Secret door Normal 55:Success ?-48
Hard 49:Success ?-48
Elite 48:Success ?-48

Beyond the Rift[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison Spell ward around the first Underdark shrine The spell ward itself Normal 45-47:Success 36-45
Hard 62-65:Success 48-65
Elite 54:CritFail; 56:Fail; 62-89:Success 59
2 Poison Spell Wards before the first Underdark portal The spell ward itself Normal 26:CritFail; 35-57:Success 31-35
Hard 48-76:Success 48
Elite 43-54:CritFail; 56:Fail; 59-84:Success 59
Fire Spell Ward near the drider The spell ward itself Normal 28:CritFail; 35-54:Success; 56:CritSuccess 33-35
Hard 57-67:Success 48
Elite 64-86:Success 50-54
Fire spell ward before the second Underdark shrine The spell ward itself Normal 37-52:Success 36-37
Hard 44-46:Fail; 50-79:Success 47
Elite 55-85:Success 55
2 Fire spell wards on spider nest The spell ward itself Normal 37-55:Success 36-37
Hard 54-67:Success 48-56
Elite 54:CritFail; 57:Fail; 65-82:Success 59
Poison Spell Ward(s) before Master Wizard Tsabyrr The spell ward itself Hard 47-56:Success 47-50
Elite 49:CritFail; 57:Fail; 68-83:Success 51-52
Spell ward on the stairs near the breakables The spell ward itself Normal 48-51:Success 36-37
Hard 53-86:Success 48-53
Elite 54:CritFail; 56:Fail; 60-83:Success 59-60

The Coalescence Chamber[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Random Force traps on gates Under the levers Normal 54:CritSuccess 34
Hard ?-61
Elite 52:CritFail; 57-58:Fail; 61-76:Success; 79:CritSuccess 59

Friends in Low Places[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Booby-traps (Poison Boobytrap) set by the various trapsmiths The trap itself Normal 44:Success
Hard 47-61:Success 47
Elite 54:CritFail; 58:Fail; 59:Success 59
Poison Spell Ward guarding the chest behind the secret door The spell ward itself Normal 42-69:Success 42
Hard 43-46:Fail; 47:Success 47
Elite 54:CritFail; 55-58:Fail; 59:Success 59
Poison Spell Wards south from Western camp The spell ward itself Normal 44-60:Success 41-44
Hard 49:Success 47
Elite 56-58:Fail; 59-70:Success 59
Poison spell ward south of the Southern Camp The spell ward itself Normal 44-65:Success 46-60
Hard 45:Fail; 48:Success 47
Elite 58:Fail; 59:Success 59


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Lever (Eastern Camp infirmary) Normal 64:Success ?-44
Hard 47:Success ?-47
Elite 44:Success ?-44

Growing Pains[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Waterfall chest Normal

The Hand and the Eyes[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure Plates The trap itself Normal
Air jets protecting the Eye of Risia South wall Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal

House of Pain[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
8 Control Panels (Lady in Black, rusted pipework room) Walls Normal 46-51:Success; 54:CritSuccess 32-34
Hard 50-66:Success; 70:CritSuccess 47-50
Elite 54:CritFail; 55:Fail; 59-77:Success; 79:CritSuccess 59


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest by Rustful Stalker (unlocks if killed) Normal 46:Success ?-42
Hard 42:Success ?-42
Elite 41:Fail; 43:Success 42-43

A Lesson in Deception[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Booby-traps set by the various trapsmiths The trap itself Normal
Elite 77:Success 59
Dart trap inside the sewers Pressure plate near the levers (2) Normal 47-49:Success 30-47
Hard 47-60:Success 47
Elite 54:CritFail; 58:Fail; 62-77:Success 59


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to the burning house (Town House) Normal 36:Success ?-36
Hard 22:Fail; 23:Success 23
Elite 42:Success ?-42
Locked door after sewer section Normal 35:Success ?-35
Hard 23:Fail; 39:Success 24-39
Elite 48:Success 46-48
Locked chest Normal 56:Success ?-40
Hard 40:Success ?-40
Elite 49:Success ?-49

Let Sleeping Dust Lie[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes down hole Right hand side, past lever Normal 33:CritFail; 34-38:Fail; 39-58:Success; 59:CritSuccess 39
Hard 98:CritSuccess 39-?
Elite 53:CritFail; 81:CritSuccess 58-61
Spikes at end of corridor Right hand side Normal 40-55:Success; 59:CritSuccess 36-37
Hard 86:CritSuccess 36-50
Elite 48:CritFail; 61-68:Success; 85:CritSuccess 53-61
Spikes on the way to end room Normal 44-54:Success; 60:CritSuccess 37-40
Hard 100:CritSuccess 35-50
Elite 66-74:Success; 87:CritSuccess 55-67


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to boss (Phaosth's key) Normal 23:Success ?-23
Hard ?-32
Elite 32:Success ?-32

The Lords of Dust[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Horizontal blades on staircase Right side after trap Normal 31:Fail; 32-43:Success; 59:CritSuccess 32
Hard 42:CritFail; 44:Fail; 49-55:Success; 71:CritSuccess 48
Elite 54:CritFail; 60-75:Success; 80:CritSuccess 59-60
Fire jet between staircases Right side after trap Normal 42-52:Success; 54:CritSuccess 33-34
Hard 42:CritFail; 52-66:Success; 71:CritSuccess 47-51
Elite 51:CritFail; 58:Fail; 76:Success; 79:CritSuccess 59
Vertical blades on staircase Right side after trap Normal 42-49:Success; 55:CritSuccess 34-35
Hard 48-61:Success; 68:CritSuccess 45-48
Elite 55:CritFail; 56:Fail; 59-76:Success; 82:CritSuccess 59
Spikes Left and right side after trap Normal 33:Fail; 34-53:Success; 55:CritSuccess 34
Hard 45:Fail; 48-67:Success; 72:CritSuccess 46-48
Elite 54:CritFail; 57:Fail; 59-78:Success; 79:CritSuccess 59
Sonic jet before unnamed Rakshasa Lord Variable Normal 37-51:Success; 54:CritSuccess 28-34
Hard 48-64:Success; 72:CritSuccess 47-48
Elite 54:CritFail; 62-77:Success; 80:CritSuccess 59-60
Sonic trap after unnamed Rakshasa Lord Variable Normal 46-50:Success; 54:CritSuccess 31-34
Hard 46:Fail; 59-64:Success; 69:CritSuccess 47-48
Elite 53:CritFail; 55-56:Fail; 62-78:Success; 80:CritSuccess 59-62

The Mask of Deception[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Northern Corridor full of blade traps (inactive until quest item is taken) Small room on the north side Normal 47-50:Success; 63:CritSuccess 31-43
Hard 47:CritFail; 62-72:Success; 76:CritSuccess 52-54
Elite 60:CritFail; 65-80:Success; 90:CritSuccess 65
Southern area full of traps (inactive until quest item is taken) One in a small locked room behind a huge barrel Normal 45-57:Success; 67:CritSuccess ?-45
Hard 50:Fail; 56-70:Success; 81:CritSuccess 51-54
Elite 55:CritFail; 64:Fail; 65-77:Success 65


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door(s) to the 2 trap Control panel rooms. Normal 54:Success 46-48
Hard 54:Success 46-48
Elite 45:Fail; 48:Success 46-49

No Refunds[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
4 Pressure plates (visible) guarding a locked chest Normal
Hard 62-76:Success ?-62
Elite 52:CritFail; 58-60:Fail; 62:Success 61-62


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind a secret door Normal 33:Fail; 41:Success 34-41
Hard 43:Fail; 48:Success 44-48
Elite 44:Fail; 50:Success 45-50

Order in the Court![edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Laundry chest Normal
Chest in Junior's room Normal

Reach for the Sky[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Holding Cell Gate (Target Lever nearby) Normal 40:Success ?-40
Hard 42:Success ?-42
Elite 49:Success ?-49
Locked Room, with Shrines after ladder Normal 36:Success ?-36
Hard 40:Success ?-40
Elite 38:Fail; 46:Success 39-46

Rainbow in the Dark[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Electricity trap near clockwheel puzzle North-west of clockwheel puzzle Normal 55:CritSuccess ?-35
Hard 74:CritSuccess 44
Elite 57:Fail; 69:Success; 87:CritSuccess 58-61
Warp circle on shrines North-west of shrines (not through hidden doors) Normal 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Hard 64:Success ?-44
Elite 66:Success; 72:CritSuccess ?-52
Gelatinous Cube trap on the pillar jump area Second pillar to the left Normal 45:Success; 54:CritSuccess 26-34
Hard 49:Success; 100:CritSuccess ?-49
Elite 58-77:Success; 84:CritSuccess 58
Horizontal blade trap at Locked chest Control panel on the right Normal 47:Success; 55:CritSuccess 28-35
Hard 56:Success; 65:CritSuccess ?-45
Elite 52:CritFail; 72:CritSuccess 57
Electric trap before Locked chest Control panel on the left Normal 38-47:Success; 69:CritSuccess 28-38
Hard 68:CritSuccess ?-48
Elite 60-78:Success; 75:CritSuccess 51-55
Floor break trap at Locked chest Right side after other 2 traps Normal 50-58:Success; 78:CritSuccess 31-50
Hard 59:Success; 68:CritSuccess 40-48
Elite 56-57:Fail; 61-75:Success; 84:CritSuccess 60-61


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest on trapped corridor Normal 34:Fail; 36:Success 35-36
Hard 62:Success 35-37
Elite 28:Fail; 37:Success 35-37

Security Detail[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 28:Fail; 38:Success 29-38
Hard 37:Fail; 42:Success 38-42
Elite 44:Fail; 46:Success 45-46

Servants of the Overlord[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind door in first big room Normal 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Hard 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Elite 59:Fail; 60:Success 60

The Thrill of the Hunt[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Study room door Normal 39:Success ?-39
Hard 23:Fail; 43:Success 24-43
Elite 37:Fail; 46:Success 38-46

Three Paths to Battle[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked secret door in the Devilish Fortress Normal
Chest in the Demonic Fortress lava pit Normal

Through a Mirror Darkly[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap on chest Trap must be disarmed on Shadowfell Plane (one blade stays armed) Normal 54:Success 45-54
Hard 50-64:Success 47
Elite 51:CritFail; 57:Fail; 61-74:Success 58-60
Spell Ward Random Locations Normal 46:Success
Hard 42:CritFail; 45:Fail; 59:Success 47
Elite 57:Fail; 60:Success 58-60


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door on South-west corner Normal 31:Success ?-31
Hard 39:Success ?-39
Elite 41:Fail; 45:Success 42-45

Level 17 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 38
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 50
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 61

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data

The Druid's Curse[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
11 Bear traps (DC could vary slightly) Normal 45-58:Success 27-45
Hard 44:CritFail; 45-48:Fail; 49:Success 49
Elite 57:CritFail; 58-61:Fail; 62-76:Success 62

Enter the Kobold[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest at final room Normal 36:Success ?-36
Hard 45:Success ?-45
Elite 38:Success ?-38

Finding Dorris[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
The Cogs; Old Factory, Old Furnace. Elemental traps (pressure plates) Walls Normal 61:CritSuccess ?-41
Hard 60-68:Success; 77:CritSuccess 41-45
Elite 60:Fail; 64-78:Success; 82:CritSuccess 61-62
The Trainer's House Walls Normal 55:Success; 65:CritSuccess ?-45
Hard 58-68:Success; 70:CritSuccess ?-50
Elite 60:Fail; 63-80:Success; 82:CritSuccess 61-62


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (random location) Normal
Hard 44:Success ?-44
Elite 40:Fail; 47:Success 41-47

Good Intentions[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade Trap #1 (Northern area) Normal 48:Success 38
Hard 48:Fail; 52-60:Success 49-52
Elite 66:Success; 92:CritSuccess ?-66
Blade Trap #2 (Sewers near to Durk) Normal 66:CritSuccess 38-46
Hard 75:CritSuccess 49-63
Elite 71:Success; 92:CritSuccess ?-71


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door near Slaad area, opposite Lever
(can also be simply opened with Lever)
Normal 47:Success ?-47
Hard 53:Success
Elite 50:Success

Members Only[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(3) Pressure plates guarding a locked chest at basement Normal 65:Success ?-65
Hard 65:Success ?-65
Elite 69-70:Success 60-69
Acid jet at secret passage above the garden East wall Normal 72:CritSuccess ?-52
Hard 68:Success 55-68
Elite 72-79:Success 68-70
Electrical trap at secret passage above the garden North wall Normal 52:Success
Hard 74:Success 55-75
Elite 67:Fail; 70-81:Success 68-70


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind a secret door at basement Normal 55:Success ?-55
Hard 70:Success ?-60
Elite 60:Success ?-60
Locked door at above the garden Normal 43:Success ?-43
Hard 68:Success ?-58
Elite 58:Success ?-58

Monastery of the Scorpion[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Traps (15 Control panels) Upper floor; Spike, (spinning) blades, pendulum and guillotine blades Normal 34:Success; 79:CritSuccess 38
Hard 51-61:Success; 62:CritSuccess 42
Elite 56-70:Success; 72:CritSuccess 51-52
Traps (2 Control panels) Lower floor; floor blades Normal 82:CritSuccess 38
Hard 61:Success; 66:CritSuccess 42
Elite 58-67:Success; 73:CritSuccess 53



Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spell Ward trap Normal 44-59:Success 27-44
Hard 48:Fail; 50:Success 49
Elite 57:CritFail; 58-60:Fail; 62:Success 62
Bear traps Normal 48:Success 27-48
Hard 46:Fail; 49:Success 47-49
Elite 57:CritFail; 58:Fail; 62:Success 62


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked doors to patients Normal 41:Success ?-20
Hard 22:Success ?-20
Elite 20:Success ?-20
Priests' Chambers Door Normal 41:Success ?-41
Hard 23:Fail; 44:Success 24-44
Elite 55:Success 24-55



Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Normal 45-58:Success 27-45
Hard 45-47:Fail; 51:Success 49
Elite 57:CritFail; 58-61:Fail; 62:Success 62

Safety in Numbers[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Two blade traps on spiral stairs, leading down to chest Walls Normal
Hard 73:Success; 78:CritSuccess 54-58
Elite 63:CritFail; 72-86:Success 68


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Gate to Strongbox Normal 53:Success
Hard 62:Success
Elite 70:Success
2 Locked Doors, to spiral staircase Chest Normal 44:Fail; 48:Success 45-48
Hard 58:Success
Elite 62:Success

Soul Survivor[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps (visible), Hybrid Keeper room Normal
Hard 63:Success 45-63

The Sane Asylum[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire Trap, in tunnels Normal 40-55:Success; 60:CritSuccess ?-40
Hard 62:Success; 82:CritSuccess ?-62
Elite 58-77:Success; 78:CritSuccess 58

The Shroud[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked levers in phase 3 (lights out) Normal ?-30
Hard 29:Fail; 30:Success 30
Elite 29:Fail; 30:Success 30

Thorn and Paw[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
False floors Pit Cover Normal 49-81:Success 49
Hard 55:CritFail; 64-86:Success 60-62
Elite 55:CritFail; 74-81:Success 71-74

The Underlane Assignment[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Two blade traps on spiral stairs, leading down to chest Walls Normal 64:CritSuccess
Hard 73:Success; 78:CritSuccess 54-73
Elite 70-78:Success


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Water Purifying Subsystem door (also opens with Iron Key) Normal 45:Fail; 53:Success 46-53
Hard 58:Success
Elite 58:Success ?-58
Locked Gate to Strongbox Normal 45:Success
Hard 75:Success
Elite 65:Success ?-65
2 Locked Doors, to spiral staircase Chest Normal 41:Fail; 44:Success 42-44
Hard 62:Success
Elite 57:Success ?-57

Level 18 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 42
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 55
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 87
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 67

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data

A Vision of Destruction[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blades in the centre area Two per wall, eight in total Normal 51-64:Success; 66:CritSuccess 45-46
Hard 54:CritFail; 60-62:Fail; 64-82:Success 63-64
Elite 94:CritSuccess 64-74



Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire Spell Wards (7 total) Around Song's group Normal 47-74:Success 43-47
Hard 46:CritFail; 48-50:Fail; 51:Success 51
Elite 60:CritFail; 61-64:Fail; 65:Success 65

The Devils to Pay[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire jets in corridors In corners by bookshelves Normal

Dream Conspiracy[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blade trap near rats 1 Control panel on the right side Normal 59:Success; 78:CritSuccess 35-45
Hard 53:Success; 74:CritSuccess 50-53
Elite 69-79:Success; 85:CritSuccess 63-65
Switch near jail 1 Control panel on opposite wall
or opposite side of jail
This box tends to move around
Normal 51-63:Success; 70:CritSuccess 35-45
Hard 56-65:Success 50-53
Elite 61:Fail; 70-83:Success 64-65
Blade trap and magic spitter in jail
* DCs vary on these two Control panels
2 Control panels on sides Normal 56:Success; 67:CritSuccess 35-47
Hard 49:Fail; 55-65:Success; 98:CritSuccess 50-53
Elite 68-83:Success; 86:CritSuccess 64-66
Blade trap on switch to boss fight 2 Control panels above switch Normal 51:Success; 65:CritSuccess 32-45
Hard 49:Fail; 60-62:Success; 77:CritSuccess 50-53
Elite 58:CritFail; 68-80:Success 63-65


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked (jail) door that can be opened with "trapped" lever Normal 56:Success ?-43
Hard 59:Success ?-43
Elite 40:Fail; 43:Success 42-43
Locked chest in hidden area after puzzle Normal 51:Success ?-21
Hard 36:Fail; 43:Success 37-43
Elite 50:Success 37-50

The End of the Road[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Evil Spell Wards around locked chest Three Wards, themselves Normal 48-54:Success 35-48
Hard 50:Fail; 51:Success 51
Elite 76:Success 35-?
Evil Spell Wards across the road to the north-west Five (visible) Wards, themselves Normal 48-67:Success ?-52
Hard 46:CritFail; 48-50:Fail; 51:Success 51
Elite 57:CritFail; 62:Fail; 65-80:Success 65
Evil Spell Wards further to the south, across the east fork Two Spell Wards, themselves Normal 48-61:Success ?-48
Hard 48-50:Fail; 51:Success 51
Elite 57:CritFail; 66:Success; 80:Success 65


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind barn Normal 62:Fail; 63:Success 63
Hard 60:Fail; 63:Success 63
Elite 60:Fail; 69:Success 63-69

Fred's First Date[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in the Upper City Faire Normal

Grand Theft Aureon[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked grate outside tower Normal
Locked chest in maze Normal

I Dream of Jeets[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(3) Rockfall, Air-jet traps Left side on wall Normal 51-54:Success; 60:CritSuccess 32-40
Hard 59-70:Success; 71:CritSuccess 51
Elite 65-84:Success; 88:CritSuccess 65


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door in tavern dream Normal 49:Success ?-26
Hard 57:Success ?-52
Elite 51:Fail; 52:Success 52

In the Demon's Den[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Sonic trap at the first door Right before trap Normal 59:CritSuccess ?-39
Hard 61-66:Success; 82:CritSuccess 55-60
Elite 59:CritFail; 62-63:Fail; 65-72:Success; 89:CritSuccess 64-65
Fire trap near West switch Right side before trap Normal 46-48:Success; 61:CritSuccess ?-41
Hard 55-61:Success 55
Elite 63:Fail; 73-81:Success; 86:CritSuccess 64-66
Fire trap near North switch Behind switch Normal 54-65:Success; 68:CritSuccess 46-54
Hard 76:CritSuccess 55-56
Elite 61:Success; 76:CritSuccess 46-61
Fire trap near East switch North-west from switch Normal 51:Success; 75:CritSuccess 42-51
Hard 70:Success; 80:CritSuccess 55-61
Elite 61:Success; 82:CritSuccess 61-67

Kill Ten Rats[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire jets in the Left Cavern South wall Normal
Hard 59:Success 51-59
Elite 72:Success; 90:CritSuccess 53-70


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest in the Quiet Folk village Normal ?-63
Hard 63:Success ?-63
Elite 63:Success ?-63

Lost in the Swamp[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps On top of the pillars in the last room Normal 53-67:Success 48-53
Hard 48-?
Elite 48-?


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door to wraiths' chest Normal 45:Success ?-45
Hard 50:Fail; 53:Success 51-53
Elite 58:Success 51-58

Paper Trail[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates around hidden chest Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in hidden side room Normal

Party 101[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates behind secret door Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest behind the secret door Normal

Rest Stop[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear trap clamped on Thrane Mettleworth's foot Talk to him (Not a roll, just a check) Normal 49:Fail; 50:Success 50
Hard 49:Fail; 50:Success 50
Elite 49:Fail; 50:Success 50
Evil Spell Wards Two in different corridors Normal 48-84:Success ?-48
Hard 44:CritFail; 47-50:Fail; 51:Success 51
Elite 58:CritFail; 61-64:Fail; 67-87:Success 65

A Stay at the Inn[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(6) Bear Traps, in secret room (Elite) The traps themselves Elite 60:CritFail; 62-64:Fail; 65:Success 65


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door at Inn Normal 32:Success ?-32
Hard 23:Fail; 42:Success 24-42
Elite 61:Success ?-61

Terminal Delirium[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First: Balloon maze trap Control Boxes Normal 49:Success; 85:CritSuccess 49-65
Hard 51-65:Success 47-51
Elite 86:CritSuccess ?-66
Second: Balloon maze trap Control Boxes Normal 60:Success 42-60
Hard 56:Fail; 58-70:Success 57-58
Elite 68:Fail; 80:Success 69-72


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Bedroom Door (Medusa optional) Normal 48:Success ?-48
Hard 59:Success ?-59
Elite 63:Success ?-63
Maze: first locked Breakable Rafters Door (hatch) Normal 60:Success ?-60
Hard 54:Success ?-54
Elite 77:Success
Maze: second locked Breakable Rafters Door Normal 52:Success ?-52
Hard 51:Fail; 52:Success 52
Elite 80:Success ?-80
Maze: first Blade Control (Green Rafters Key) Normal 56:Success ?-56
Hard 52:Success ?-52
Elite 62:Success ?-62
Maze: second Blade Control (Green Rafters Key) Normal 59:Success ?-59
Hard 47:Fail; 59:Success 48-59
Elite 78:Success ?-78
Meat Locker door (Blue Key) Normal 52:Success ?-52
Hard 57:Success ?-57
Elite 74:Success ?-74

Turn the Page[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates around the locked chest Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind secret door Normal

Vecna Denied[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps in Path of Snares Southern wall Normal
Bear traps in Path of Snares Normal
Pressure plates in Path of Snares Normal
Elemental jet traps in Path of Snares Either side of final lever Normal

Vecna Unleashed[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Collapsing floor over acid pit Southern wall Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in storeroom Normal

Level 19 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 43–45
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 55
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 67

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data

A Break In the Ice[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked lever Normal 61:Success ?-20
Hard 23:Fail; 24:Success 24
Elite 48:Fail; 54:Success 49-54

Bastion of Power[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal 70:Success ?-30
Hard 72:Success ?-30
Elite 30:Success ?-30

Blown to Bits[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Magefire cannon Normal 51:Success; 66:CritSuccess 46
Hard 70:Success; 71:CritSuccess 51
Elite 54-55:Fail; 57-81:Success; 82:CritSuccess 57

Breaking the Ranks[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Evil Spell Wards surrounding the area The Spell Ward itself Normal 47-75:Success 47
Hard 49:CritFail; 50-53:Fail; 54:Success 54
Elite 61:CritFail; 63-66:Fail; 69:Success 67

Murder by Night[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked rooms to Purple Dragon Knights Normal 24:Success ?-24
Hard 20:Fail; 22:Success 21-22
Elite 37:Success ?-37
Locked chest on the priests' chamber Normal 54:Success ?-36
Hard 18:Fail; 21:Success 19-21
Elite 47:Success ?-47

A New Invasion[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked cells (One cell has a higher DC) Normal 107:Success ?-40
Hard ?-40
Elite 39:Fail; 40:Success 40
Locked Chest,
Sealed by the Free Will of the Unwilling
Hard 67:Success
Elite 58:Success ?-58

Power Play[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade spikes Control panel, halfway in the hall Normal 67:CritSuccess 21-47
Hard 62:Success; 75:CritSuccess ?-55
Elite 80-83:Success 67-80
Electric floor East Wall near doorway Normal ?-59
Hard 63-72:Success; 79:CritSuccess 53-59
Elite 65:Fail; 70-82:Success 66-70


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest with ambush Normal 72:Success ?-55
Hard 55:Success ?-55
Elite 63:Fail; 73:Success 64-73

Schemes of the Enemy[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Air Vent Controls 1 Control panel on the right side Normal 53:Success; 59:CritSuccess 34-39
Hard 76:CritSuccess 50-55
Elite 67-74:Success; 78:CritSuccess 67
Boss trap Control panel Random location in boss room Normal 47-53:Success; 71:CritSuccess 28-47
Hard 66-70:Success; 82:CritSuccess 50-66
Elite 90:CritSuccess 67-70


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Air Vent Controls, Off switch Normal 63:Success ?-42
Hard 42:Success ?-42
Elite 56:Success ?-42
Security door top Locking Mech. Normal 49:Fail; 51:Success 50-51
Hard 47:Fail; 58:Success 50-58
Elite 61:Fail; 63:Success 62-63

Sins of Attrition[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spiked blade trap Normal 50:Success; 86:CritSuccess 31-50
Hard 62:Success; 76:CritSuccess 31-56
Elite 59:CritFail; 93:CritSuccess 64-66
Spiked blade trap Right side Normal 53:Success; 72:CritSuccess 34-52
Hard 62:Success; 73:CritSuccess 34-53
Elite 76:Success; 93:CritSuccess 56-?
Spiked trap Right side Normal 49:Success; 67:CritSuccess 30-47
Hard 89:CritSuccess 30-?
Elite 75-85:Success; 90:CritSuccess 30-70
2nd Left: Treasure - Avaritia's Weakness (Gold)
Spinning spike discs (2 Control Panels) Right side Normal 39-46:Success; 59:CritSuccess 27-39
Hard 61:Success; 82:CritSuccess 61-62
Elite 83-85:Success; 96:CritSuccess 66-76
To Boss
Spiked blade trap Right side Normal 48:Success; 69:CritSuccess 29-48
Hard 61-68:Success; 83:CritSuccess 61-63
Elite 66-?
Spiked blade trap Right side Normal 53:Success; 78:CritSuccess 34-53
Hard 62:Success 60-63
Elite 66-?


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Control Panel (Spinning Blades) Normal 95:Success ?-58
Hard 58:Success ?-58
Elite 66:Success ?-66

The Master Artificer[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Magecraft Cannon ambush by 2 Levers Between the two levers Normal ?-55
Hard 77:CritSuccess ?-55
Elite 83:Success 51-60
3 Control panels near Magecraft Cannons East wall, past the 3 cannon barrage Normal
Elite 76-86:Success ?-76
Magecraft Cannons If critically disabled, they start helping you Normal ?-60
Hard ?-60
Elite 70:Success; 80:CritSuccess 51-60

The Riddle[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door (Lever) to Mimic Normal 39:Fail; 46:Success 40-46
Hard 30:Fail; 49:Success 40-49
Elite 45:Fail; 46:Success 46

The Tracker's Trap[edit]


Search & Spot DCs

Traps (All traps are random, and sometimes do not appear within the quest)

Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
False floor in the first north passage The trap itself Normal 48:Success 29-48
Hard 56:Success 54-56
Elite 29-?
Telekinetic spell ward near the first barrels The trap itself Normal 62-78:Success 43-62
Hard 49:CritFail; 54:Success 54
Elite 71:Success 43-?
Net trap north from first barrels Pressure plate Normal 67-73:Success 48-67
Hard 52:Fail; 60:Success 54
Elite 63-64:Fail; 67-92:Success 65
False floor north from net trap The trap itself Normal
Hard 57:Success ?-57
Telekinetic spell ward by the second blue barrier The trap itself Normal 60-76:Success 45-60
Hard 50:Fail; 54:Success 51-54
Elite 62:CritFail; 68:Fail; 77:Success 67-72
Telekinetic spell ward by Luggan The trap itself Normal 51-71:Success 32-51
Hard 51-53:Fail; 57:Success 54-55
Elite 66:Fail; 68-88:Success 32-?
False floor after Luggan The trap itself Normal 61:Success 42-61
Hard 51:Fail; 62:Success 52-55
Elite 66:Fail; 78:Success 67-70
Three net traps at Daegon's lair entrance The trap themselves Normal 45-65:Success 45
Hard 49:CritFail; 52:Fail; 55:Success 54-55
Elite 59:CritFail; 66:Fail; 67-87:Success 67
False floor at North path from Daegon's lair The trap itself Normal
Hard 55
Telekinetic spell ward in Haurugg's camp near the chest The trap itself Normal 53-64:Success 43-53
Hard 51:Fail; 61:Success 55-59
Elite 71-77:Success 66-71

The Weapons Shipment[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fireball blast and grease near the first Assault Portal Wall, just after first Assault Portal Normal 87:CritSuccess
Hard 78:CritSuccess 55-58
Elite 79:Success; 95:CritSuccess ?-75
Three cannons before you can climb up Wall, just after Assault portal Normal 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Hard 82:CritSuccess 55-62
Elite 92:CritSuccess
Cannons (fire jets) on the upper ledge before the boss On the corner right before the cannons Normal 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Hard 91:CritSuccess
Elite 93:CritSuccess ?-73

What Goes Up[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spell Ward on the Armoury Normal 50:Success 43-50
Hard 48:CritFail; 54-58:Success 54
Elite 64:Fail; 67:Success 65-67
Spell Ward in the 4 chests storeroom Normal
Elite 97:Success 66

Level 20 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 44
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 56–58
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 68–70

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

Bargain of Blood (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blades in front of the North-west shrine Up the ladder, South of the lever Normal 63:CritSuccess ?-43
Hard 54:Fail; 56-72:Success; 100:CritSuccess 55-56
Elite 84:Success; 96:CritSuccess 69-76
Spinning blades on ramp to slave market On the ground before the gate, in the North-west corner Normal 56:Success; 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Hard 56-75:Success; 81:CritSuccess 37-56
Elite 83-86:Success; 92:CritSuccess 69-72
Spinning blades before first gate leading to end room
(Near the Magic Mouth saying "Keep out!")
On the ground south of the blades Normal 50-53:Success; 70:CritSuccess 50
Hard 57-77:Success; 88:CritSuccess 57
Elite 77-88:Success; 92:CritSuccess 69-72
Spinning blades before second gate to end room On the ground Normal 53:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-43
Hard 55:Fail; 61-69:Success; 83:CritSuccess 56-59
Elite 88:Success 69-86

The Black Loch (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap through Green Key door South wall Normal 53-60:Success; 77:CritSuccess 41-53
Hard 57-74:Success; 85:CritSuccess 55-57
Elite 92:CritSuccess 69

The Dreaming Dark (quest)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Three doors to Optional room (Silver Key) Normal 53:Fail; 57:Success 54-57
Hard 53:Fail; 59:Success 54-59
Elite 55:Fail; 59:Success 56-59
Three doors to Optional room (Red Key) Normal 53:Fail; 55:Success 54-55
Hard 53:Fail; 55:Success 54-55
Elite 55:Fail; 57:Success 56-57
Three doors to Optional room (Green Key) Normal 48:Fail; 57:Success 49-57
Hard 48:Fail; 58:Success 49-58
Elite 53:Fail; 58:Success 54-58

Partycrashers (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap at first arch (before third biome) Left hand side Normal 48:Success 29-48
Hard 59-75:Success; 77:CritSuccess 56-57
Elite 76-89:Success 52-72
Air trap at second arch (third hallway) Between the two arches Normal 63:CritSuccess ?-43
Hard 55:Fail; 57-72:Success; 83:CritSuccess 56-57
Elite 65:CritFail; 90:CritSuccess 70
Spinning blade trap under stage floor Right of the wheel Normal 54:Success 35-54
Hard 57-74:Success; 93:CritSuccess 56-57
Elite 96:CritSuccess 57-96


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in Library (Iron key behind secret door) Normal ?-58
Hard 57:Success ?-57
Door to: Private Rooms (Jewelled Key) Normal
Hard 57:Success ?-57
Door to Restroom Normal
Hard 56:Success ?-56

The Snitch (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap east of The Incinerator, south corridor South wall of corridor, western side of the trap Normal 51-57:Success 38-51
Hard 68-71:Success; 78:CritSuccess 56
Elite 62:CritFail; 74-80:Success 67-74
Fire trap east of The Incinerator, north corridor East wall Normal 48-50:Success 31-48
Hard 63:Success; 76:CritSuccess 56-57
Elite 84:Success; 90:CritSuccess 69-70
Fire trap in Tanners' Alley, up north ladder On north wall, before trap Normal 63:CritSuccess ?-43
Hard 56-70:Success; 78:CritSuccess 56-58
Elite 77:Success 69-77
Wind trap in Tanner's Alley East wall, before trap Normal 56-59:Success 56
Hard 66-75:Success; 95:CritSuccess 56-59
Elite 68:Fail; 75:Success 69-72

Storm the Beaches (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap at east gate Outside the gate on the right Normal 55:Success; 72:CritSuccess 52
Hard 52:Fail; 57-74:Success; 83:CritSuccess 56
Elite 82:Success; 100:CritSuccess 68-70
Spikes around chest Left wall Normal 52:Success; 69:CritSuccess 49
Hard 54-55:Fail; 56-75:Success 56
Elite 74-88:Success; 91:CritSuccess 69-71


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Handles (Levers) Normal 50:Success ?-50
Hard 50:Success ?-50
Elite 66:Success ?-66

The Tide Turns (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire and blades in north corridor North (left) wall just before the second fire spout Normal 52-56:Success; 72:CritSuccess ?-52
Hard 54:Fail; 57-73:Success; 88:CritSuccess 55-57
Elite 74-84:Success; 91:CritSuccess 68-70
Cold trap with blades
(Bug: The trap Control Panel is absent on Epic Hard setting)
East (left) wall just before the second cold spouts Normal 53-57:Success; 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Hard N/A
Elite 80-87:Success; 102:CritSuccess 68-70
Lightning trap in central room, 2nd floor Safe space in the middle of the trap Normal 56-60:Success; 66:CritSuccess 37-46
Hard 56-72:Success; 81:CritSuccess 56
Elite 85:Success; 93:CritSuccess 68-70
Sonic trap with rotating spikes Left wall in the middle of the trap Normal 55-61:Success; 70:CritSuccess 42-50
Hard 59-72:Success; 76:CritSuccess 53-56
Elite 82:Success; 90:CritSuccess 68-74

Under the Big Top (Epic)[edit]


Search & spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blue (1) Wheel of Ill-Fortune On statue's nose Normal 56:Success 37-56
Hard 60:Success; 86:CritSuccess 57-60
Elite 66-67:Fail; 72-80:Success 70
Green (2) Wheel of Ill-Fortune Back of altar in tent Normal 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Hard 73:Success; 82:CritSuccess 57-62
Elite 84-85:Success 66-79
Yellow (6) Wheel of Ill-Fortune in Sideshow Alley Left of the wheel Normal 66:CritSuccess ?-46
Hard 67:Success; 80:CritSuccess ?-60
Elite 66:Fail; 76-82:Success 67-70
Red (5) Wheel of Ill-Fortune in The Magician's Corner Front of pillar between tents to the north Normal 59:Success 40-59
Hard 54:Fail; 62-69:Success; 86:CritSuccess 55-58
Elite 71:Success 71-91
Orange (3) Wheel of Ill-Fortune in The Magician's Corner (called yellow by DM) Block in tent Normal 48:Success 29-48
Hard 65-68:Success; 80:CritSuccess 57-60
Elite 46-?
Purple (4) Wheel of Ill-Fortune, in the Midway Altar to the west Normal 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Hard 65-75:Success; 80:CritSuccess 56-60
Elite 56-?
Red (5) Wheel of Ill-Fortune in Kanine Korner Block to left Normal 53:Success 34-53
Hard 60-73:Success; 84:CritSuccess 57-60
Elite 54-?

Level 21 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 44
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 45
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 58–61
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 73
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 70–73

Open Locks Requirements

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 90
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

An Offering of Blood (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Firetrap on bridge Right side (West) Normal 65:CritSuccess ?-45
Hard 58:Success 58


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door 1 (to High Priest) Normal 42:Success ?-42
Hard 72:Success ?-62
Locked door 2 (to Shrine) Normal 76:Success ?-62
Hard 62:Success ?-62

The Battle for Eveningstar[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(12) Bear traps around the quest The trap itself Normal 44:Success 44
Hard 53:CritFail; 55-56:Fail; 58:Success 58
Elite 86:Success 66-86

Beyond the Rift (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison Spell Ward around the first Underdark shrine The Spell Ward itself Casual 62-74:Success
Normal 73:Success ?-73
Hard 68:Success 58-68
Elite 73-89:Success ?-73
Poison Spell Ward before the first Underdark portal The Spell Ward itself Casual 46-58:Success ?-46
Normal 57-77:Success ?-57
Hard 71:Success 58-71
Elite 70-71:Fail; 79-92:Success 71-73
Fire Spell Ward near the drider The Spell Ward itself Casual 47-66:Success ?-47
Normal 51-60:Success ?-51
Hard 68:Success 58-68
Elite 82-89:Success 73-82
Fire Spell Ward before the second Underdark shrine The Spell Ward itself Casual 49-58:Success ?-49
Normal 60:Success ?-75
Hard 71:Success 58-71
Elite 71:Fail; 88:Success 72-73
Fire Spell Ward on spider nest The Spell Ward itself Casual 46-63:Success ?-63
Normal 44:Success
Hard 62:Success 58-62
Elite 63:CritFail; 70:Fail; 81:Success 71-81
Poison Spell Ward before Master Wizard Tsabyrr The Spell Ward itself Casual 74:Success ?-74
Normal ?-72
Hard 72:Success 58-66
Elite 72:Fail; 73-85:Success 73
Fire Spell Ward on the stairs near the breakables The Spell Ward itself Casual 58:Success ?-58
Normal 77:Success ?-74
Hard 58:Success 57-58
Elite 63:CritFail; 70:Fail; 73-83:Success 71-73

The Bugbear Bandits (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest within Chieftain's Treasury Normal 62:Success ?-62
Hard 51:Success ?-51
Elite 53:Fail; 56:Success 54-56

Caged Beast (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear trap (visible) before Owlbear room Normal 67:Success ?-67
Hard 82:Success 55-82
Elite 65:CritFail; 69-72:Fail; 73:Success 73
Fire trap (visible) in secret undead area Normal 54:Success; 72:CritSuccess 35-52
Hard 66-80:Success; 95:CritSuccess 61-66
Elite 73:Fail; 77-95:Success 76-77


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest by Fire trap Normal 37:Success ?-37
Hard 51:Success ?-51
Elite 53:Success ?-53

The Claw of Vulkoor (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First lever Two Control panels, stone heads Normal 51:Success; 61:CritSuccess 32-41
Hard 55:Fail; 60-73:Success; 84:CritSuccess 58-59
Elite 82:Success; 93:CritSuccess 73
Fire corridor (not by secret passage) Between jets, one jet before lever Normal 54:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-51
Hard 61:Success; 81:CritSuccess 58-59
Elite 96:CritSuccess ?-76
Mirror room Left wall Normal 78:CritSuccess ?-58
Hard 84:CritSuccess 58-59
Door before Prince Gornard's room On left arch Normal Elite Only Elite Only
Hard Elite Only Elite Only
Elite 89:Success 70

Fathom the Depths (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
4 Underwater Sonic traps A few feet before each trap Normal 62:Success; 67:CritSuccess ?-47
Hard 58-77:Success; 81:CritSuccess 58
Boss room sonic trap Centre of the room Normal 48-61:Success; 74:CritSuccess 42-48
Hard 58-75:Success; 81:CritSuccess 58
Elite 92:Success 73-92


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in hidden area behind lever Normal 68:Success ?-45
Hard 45:Success ?-45

The Hobgoblin Horde (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door Normal 44:Fail; 53:Success 45-50
Hard 53:Success 45-53
Elite 57:Fail; 58:Success 58
Locked Chest, in Locked door room Normal 46:Fail; 50:Success 47-50
Hard 54:Fail; 55:Success 55
Elite 56:Fail; 70:Success 57-70

Impossible Demands[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire Spell Ward at the top of the first stairs The Spell Ward itself Normal 75:Success
Hard 64:Success ?-64
Elite 74:Success
Fire Spell Ward in hallway between first and second doors The Spell Ward itself Normal 69:Success
Hard 69:Success ?-69
Elite 90:Success ?-90
Fire Spell Ward in hallway before third door The Spell Ward itself Normal 70:Success
Hard 64:Success ?-64
Elite 81:Success 73
Fire Spell Ward at the bottom of second stairs The Spell Ward itself Normal 78:Success
Hard 59:Success ?-59
Elite 82:Success 73
Fire Spell Ward at the bottom of the basement stairs The Spell Ward itself Normal 85:Success
Hard 59:Success ?-59
Elite 63:CritFail; 69-71:Fail; 77:Success 72-73
Fire Spell Ward in south-east corner of the basement The Spell Ward itself Normal 82:Success
Hard 71:Success ?-71
Elite 90:Success
Fire Spell Ward in south-west corner of the basement The Spell Ward itself Normal 77:Success
Hard 55:Fail; 72:Success 56-72
Elite 91:Success

Kind of a Big Deal (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps on Door Near door, 2 Control Panels Normal 69:CritSuccess ?-49
Hard 70-78:Success 59-70
Elite 87:Success ?-87
Darts in underwater lake Raised rock island Normal 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Hard 87:CritSuccess 57
Elite 100:CritSuccess ?-80

Obstructing the Orcs (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest behind secret door, Grat Ashtusk's room Normal 38:Success ?-38
Hard 46:Success ?-46
Elite 56:Success 51-56

The Lords of Dust (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Horizontal blades on staircase Right side after trap Casual 52:Success; 65:CritSuccess
Normal 55-57:Success; 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Hard 57:Fail; 58:Success; 74:CritSuccess 58
Elite 72:Fail; 73-89:Success; 94:CritSuccess 73
Fire jet between staircases Right side after trap Casual 57:Success; 67:CritSuccess ?-49
Normal 53-60:Success; 65:CritSuccess 45
Hard 61-76:Success; 82:CritSuccess ?-61
Elite 78-91:Success; 95:CritSuccess 72-74
Vertical blades on staircase Right side after trap (curved wall near base of last set of stairs) Casual 48:Success; 66:CritSuccess ?-46
Normal 62:Success; 66:CritSuccess 43-46
Hard 58-74:Success; 88:CritSuccess ?-58
Elite 58:CritFail; 71:Fail; 76-90:Success; 94:CritSuccess 72-74
Spikes Left and right side after trap Casual 56:Success; 68:CritSuccess ?-48
Normal 57-60:Success; 64:CritSuccess 40-44
Hard 63-77:Success; 81:CritSuccess 58-61
Elite 73-88:Success; 96:CritSuccess 73-74
Sonic jet before unnamed Rakshasa Lord Variable Casual 49:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-49
Normal 68:CritSuccess ?-48
Hard 57:Fail; 67-76:Success; 79:CritSuccess 58-61
Elite 71:Fail; 76-87:Success; 94:CritSuccess 72-74
Sonic trap after unnamed Rakshasa Lord Variable Casual 44:Success; 70:CritSuccess ?-44
Normal 61-62:Success; 67:CritSuccess 44-47
Hard 47:CritFail; 62:Success; 78:CritSuccess 52-58
Elite 72:Fail; 74-86:Success; 94:CritSuccess 73-74

The Lost Thread[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire Spell wards in the lever room The spell ward itself Normal 46:Success ?-46
Hard 52:CritFail; 54-56:Fail; 59-60:Success 58
Elite 86:Success ?-86
Evil Spell Wards in the lever room The spell ward itself Normal 50:Success ?-50
Hard 52:CritFail; 57:Fail; 59:Success 58
Elite 96:Success ?-96
Bear traps in the secret passage to Eldrin Szind Normal 49:Success
Hard 65:Success 58
Evil Spell Wards uphill on the way to Ana The spell ward itself Normal 46:Success
Hard 57:Fail; 63:Success 58
Elite 95:Success ?-95
Bear traps around the chest behind the secret door The trap itself Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 53:CritFail; 54-57:Fail; 58:Success 58
Elite 58-?


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to slave cells Normal 41:Success ?-41
Hard 48:Success ?-48

The Prisoner (Vault of Night, Part 2) (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap in maze (may or may not be present) (Dependent on trap location) Normal 75:CritSuccess ?-55
Hard 69:Success; 76:CritSuccess ?-56
Dart trap on bridge (may or may not be present)
Also may be underwater
Underwater or on the bridge Normal 78:CritSuccess ?-58
Hard 74-75:Success; 78:CritSuccess 59-68
Elite 83-88:Success; 94:CritSuccess 73-74
Second spike trap in maze (may or may not be present) Control panel in before or after spikes Normal 68:CritSuccess 48-60
Hard 73:Success; 92:CritSuccess 59
Elite 83-92:Success 73-74
Spike trap in maze (may or may not be present) Control panel between spikes (clear both sides) Normal 87:CritSuccess ?-67
Hard 68:Success; 90:CritSuccess 59-68
Elite 83:Success; 99:CritSuccess 73-74
Force trap in maze (may or may not be present) (Dependent on trap location) Normal 73:CritSuccess ?-53
Hard 74:Success; 82:CritSuccess 59-62
Elite 99:CritSuccess 77
Blade trap covering final chest Behind the chest Normal 74:CritSuccess ?-54
Hard 54-61:Success; 82:CritSuccess ?-54
Elite 86-90:Success 71-86


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Ingstoldt's chest, inside his home Normal 68:Success ?-68
Hard 55:Fail; 98:Success 56-96
Elite 57:Fail; 75:Success 58-75

Tharashk Arena (Vault of Night, Part 1) (Epic)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
East Guard Tower; Locked Door to Chest
(can also be opened with Grogan's Key)
Normal 89:Fail; 90:Success 90
Hard 89:Fail; 90:Success 90
Elite 89:Fail; 90:Success 90
West Guard Tower; Locked Door
Normal 73:Success ?-57
Hard 79:Success ?-57
Elite 56:Success ?-56

Servants of the Overlord (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind door in first big room Casual 61:Success ?-60
Normal 52:Fail; 60:Success 53-60
Hard 57:Fail; 60:Success 58-60
Elite 60:Fail; 61:Success 61

Spies in the House (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes at the end of the underwater tunnel On the floor at end of tunnel Normal 58-61:Success; 67:CritSuccess ?-57
Hard 54:Fail; 61-67:Success; 80:CritSuccess 55-58
Elite 82-87:Success 70-82
Sonic traps at water level On south wall in north-west corner Normal 57-61:Success; 66:CritSuccess ?-46
Hard 53:CritFail; 58-75:Success; 81:CritSuccess 58
Elite 78-83:Success; 90:CritSuccess 70-83
Spikes north of fence On floor near sonic Control panel Normal 62:Success; 65:CritSuccess 43-45
Hard 66-69:Success; 82:CritSuccess 62-66
Elite 80-87:Success; 99:CritSuccess 67-79
Spikes around valve On the south wall near the surface,
between the sonic traps
Normal 60:Success; 63:CritSuccess 41-43
Hard 61-75:Success; 83:CritSuccess 59-61
Elite 68:CritFail; 89:Success; 100:CritSuccess 80-89
Spikes around to the south East wall at the corner Normal 66:CritSuccess ?46
Hard 61-75:Success; 83:CritSuccess 58
Elite 83-87:Success 78-83
Spikes around stairs North end of pipes, to the north Normal 61:Success; 63:CritSuccess 42-43
Hard 63-75:Success; 84:CritSuccess 59-63
Elite 72:Fail; 82-92:Success 73-82
Spikes near tunnel mouth Pipes to the east (southern Control panel) Normal 59-61:Success; 85:CritSuccess ?-59
Hard 66:Success; 68:CritSuccess 59-62
Elite 68:CritFail; 70:Fail; 78-81:Success; 94:CritSuccess 73
Spikes in tunnel Pipes at mouth of north tunnel (northern Control panel) Normal 66:CritSuccess ?-46
Hard 53:CritFail; 58-71:Success; 78:CritSuccess 58
Elite 86-89:Success; 103:CritSuccess 83-89
Spikes along west wall Pipes up stairs to the north
(near the valve by the air jet)
Normal 59:Success; 81:CritSuccess ?-59
Hard 63-76:Success; 83:CritSuccess 59-63
Elite 84-88:Success ?-84
Electric jets up grease ramp Mouth of the (upper) tunnel, on the floor to the north Normal 57:Success; 70:CritSuccess ?-50
Hard 62-70:Success; 79:CritSuccess 58-59
Elite 84:Success
Fire, air, and grease traps on ramp Just before air jets and branch in tunnel Normal 53-57:Success; 68:CritSuccess ?-53
Hard 65-72:Success; 86:CritSuccess 59-65
Elite 88:Success
Final air jet on grease ramp (in tunnel) Beside jet Normal 58-59:Success; 76:CritSuccess ?-56
Hard 61-77:Success; 85:CritSuccess 58-61
Elite 86:Success; 94:CritSuccess 70-74
Electricity at the end of the tunnel,
at the bottom of the shaft
Pipes to the south Normal 60:Success; 70:CritSuccess ?-50
Hard 60-74:Success; 78:CritSuccess 58
Elite 86:Success 70-86
Blade traps near the air jet North wall east of the jet,
at the end of the pipe
Normal 54:Success; 66:CritSuccess ?-46
Hard 62-Success; 83:CritSuccess 58-63
Elite 93:CritSuccess 70-73
Spike at last shrine (No Control panel) Normal
Lightning traps at the gargoyle riddle In the eastern alcove of the level below, just west of the shrine icons on the map
(Loosely underneath the Gargoyle extending bridge)
Normal 52:Success; 69:CritSuccess ?-49
Hard 62:Success; 78:CritSuccess 58
Elite 96:CritSuccess 70-76


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest at the top of the shaft Normal 38:Success ?-38
Hard 35:Fail; 43:Success 36-43
Elite 53:Fail; 55:Success 54-55

Treasure Hunt (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire jets protecting Crest Between Pillars Normal 68:CritSuccess ?-48
Hard 69:Success; 94:CritSuccess 56-69
Elite 79:Success; 98:CritSuccess ?-79

Violent Delights (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Gnoll Chest, near Shiny Rat bone Normal 49:Fail; 52:Success 50-52
Hard 61:Success 50-61
Elite 61:Fail; 69:Success 62-69

Watch Your Step (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Mechanical Trapdoor First junction Normal 55:Success; 78:CritSuccess 20-55
Hard 60-71:Success; 88:CritSuccess 20-60
Elite 68:CritFail; 75-83:Success 73-75


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door, Treasure room and Tasty Ham (Iron Key) Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 48:Success ?-48
Elite 51:Fail; 59:Success 52-59

Level 22 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 47
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 60–64
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 76
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 72–76

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

Against the Demon Queen (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison traps in Scorpion hallway Side walls Normal 52-56:Success ?-52
Hard 66-74:Success
Slash trap(s) in Octopus hallway Side walls (and Pillar) Normal 52:Success ?-52
Hard 63-74:Success
Sonic traps in Bat hallway Side rooms Normal 56:Success; 68:CritSuccess 37-48
Hard 70:Success
Monkey room (Epic Hard and Elite) Near upper ledge, on wall Hard 93:CritSuccess

Chains of Flame (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Flame traps in first corridor Right wall Normal 58:Success ?-58
Fire trap on door lever On the wall next to the lever Normal 59:Success ?-59
Grease traps and fireball spitters Left side Normal
Elite 72:CritFail; 75:Fail; 80-85:Success 77
Spinning blades Opposite door Normal 70:CritSuccess ?-50
Elite 95:Success 76-95
Slash trap on stairs Right wall near the door after trap Normal 69:CritSuccess ?-49
Elite 81:Success 76-81
Disjunction trap on lever Normal
Elite 72-75:Fail; 82:Success 76
Flame trap on bridge Middle of bridge Normal 68:CritSuccess ?-48
Elite 73:Fail; 79:Success 74-76
Spikes Left back wall Normal 58:Success ?-58
Vertical swinging blade trap before boss Left corner after trap Normal 60:Success ?-60
Elite 79:Success 76-79


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked gate Normal 75:Success ?-75
Loot chest at overseer Normal 71:Success ?-71

The Chamber of Raiyum (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


North Wing
Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blades in south west corner of main hallway South wall Normal 66:CritSuccess 45-46
Hard 78:Success; 83:CritSuccess 63
North east: first acid trap on stairs Between right/left stairs Normal 68:CritSuccess 45
Hard 74:Success; 86:CritSuccess 66
North east: spinning blades on stairs Up the ramp, on top of the lower sarcophagus Normal 54:Success 45
Hard 71:Success; 87:CritSuccess 61-67
North east: Sonic trap over lever in room with epigraph Left wall next the door Normal 59:Success 45
Hard 68:Success
North east: spinning blades in room Right wall next to sarcophagus Normal 59-63:Success 45
Hard 74:Success; 103:CritSuccess
North east: second acid trap on stairs Between right/left stairs Normal 57-61:Success; 87:CritSuccess 45
Hard 67:Success; 81:CritSuccess 61
West Wing
North west: spinning blades on ramp Halfway up ramp Normal 60:Success 45
Hard 71-77:Success; 104:CritSuccess 20-71
North west: first acid trap on stairs Between right/left stairs Normal 67:CritSuccess 45-47
Hard 78:Success; 93:CritSuccess
North west: wall spikes next to skeleton archers On right hand side of door Normal 58-63:Success; 66:CritSuccess 44-45
Hard 74:Success; 91:CritSuccess
North west: second acid trap on stairs Between right/left stairs Normal 67:CritSuccess 45
Hard 61:Success; 86:CritSuccess
North west: wall spikes next to skeleton archers On right hand side of door Normal 64:Success 45-64
Hard 71:Success
South Wing
South west: acid trap on stairs Between right/left stairs Normal 65:CritSuccess 45
Hard 75-79:Success

Don't Drink the Water[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind the waterfall area Normal 49:Success 40-49
Hard 57:Success 47-57
Elite 30-?

Haywire Foundry (Vault of Night, Part 4) (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap on climbing ramp 3 Control panels - every other level, behind centre pillar Normal 63:Success; 69:CritSuccess 43-49
Hard 66-68:Success; 82:CritSuccess ?-62
Elite 70:CritFail; 75:Fail; 88-91:Success; 96:CritSuccess 76
Floor blade trap before ramp back down (only active when returning to ramp) Left wall Normal 66:CritSuccess ?-46
Hard 54:Fail; 63:Success; 92:CritSuccess 55-58
Elite 55-?
Spike pit Right wall, before pit Normal 64:Success 45-64
Hard 68:Success; 95:CritSuccess 49-75
Elite 93:Success 49-?
Spike trap before ramp in electric/fire room Around behind the ramp Normal 70:CritSuccess ?-50
Hard 56:Success; 91:CritSuccess 37-56
Elite 85-87:Success 37-?
Spike trap covering lever in electric/fire room 2 Control panels - in front of lever, around corner on side of ledge Normal 55-56:Success ?-55
Hard 59-75:Success; 81:CritSuccess 46-59
Elite 81-95:Success 46-81
Force trap covering hidden shrine 2 Control panels - one behind each shrine Normal 70:CritSuccess ?-50
Hard 57:Success; 61:CritSuccess 38-57
Elite 78:Success 38-?

The House of Broken Chains[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire wards behind secret door leading to Collar relic The spell ward itself Normal 52:Success ?-52
Hard 52:CritFail; 67-72:Success 61-67
Elite 91:Success 53-91
Fire wards around the Staff relic The spell ward itself
(two can be disarmed by the collar relic side)
Normal 54:Success ?-54
Hard 64-76:Success 61-64
Elite 86:Success 57-86
Evil Spell Ward south of shrine The spell ward itself Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 63-67:Success 61-63
Elite 88:Success 62-88
Fire wards in secret passage to staff relic The spell ward itself Normal 50:Success ?-50
Hard 63-81:Success 62-63
Elite 69:Success 62-?
Evil ward in secret passage to staff relic The spell ward itself Normal 50:Success ?-50
Hard 58:Fail; 62-70:Success 59-62
Elite 83:Success 62-83
Lever (Disable Device) Automatic roll when pulling lever
Failing this roll will create a lot of spell wards
in the next corridor.
Normal 48:Success ?-48
Hard 55:Success 45-55
Elite 45-?
??? ward in final boss room The spell ward itself Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First Slave Pen door (Yard door: Entrance) Normal 47:Success ?-19
Hard 19:Success ?-19
Elite 56:Success ?-56
Second Slave Pen door Normal 40:Success ?-40
Hard 36:Fail; 50:Success 37-50
Elite 68:Success 37-68
Dual slave pen door, North Normal 89:Fail; 90:Success 90
Hard 89:Fail; 90:Success 90
Elite 89:Fail; 90:Success 90
Dual Slave Pen door, South Normal 39:Success
Hard 57:Success ?-57
Elite 71:Success ?-71
Slave Pen door east from dual doors Normal 40:Fail; 45:Success 41-45
Hard 44:Fail; 45:Success 45
Elite 70:Success 45-70
Last Slave Pen door, near the: Exit Gate Normal 58:Fail; 69:Success 59-69
Hard 59:Fail; 65:Success 60-65
Elite 60:Fail; 61:Success 61
Locked door South-west from shrine Normal 44:Success ?-33
Hard 33:Success ?-33
Gate to Collar Relic (Iron key in the spider nest) Normal 39:Success ?-39
Hard 41:Success ?-41
Elite 71:Success ?-71

The House of Death Undone[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire wards in Laboratory The spell ward itself Normal 52:Success ?-52
Hard 66-69:Success 61-66
Elite 97:Success ?-97
Evil wards in the Servant's Quarters The spell ward itself Normal 50:Success
Hard 60:Success ?-60
Evil wards in the Priestess' Chambers The spell ward itself Normal 59:Success ?-59
Hard 64:Success 61
Evil wards in the Matron's Chambers The spell ward itself Normal 50:Success ?-50
Hard 58:Fail; 61:Success 59-61
Elite 59-?
Fire ward in the Ritual Chamber The spell ward itself Normal 60:Success ?-58
Hard 54:Fail; 63:Success 55-58
Elite 88:Success ?-88


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Library door (Opens with the Blue Key) Normal 58:Success ?-32
Hard 32:Success ?-32
Locked door, Training Room Normal 49:Success ?-44
Hard 44:Success ?-44
Locked door to Ritual Chamber Normal 79:Fail; 80:Success 80
Hard 79:Fail; 80:Success 80
Elite 79:Fail; 80:Success 80

The House of Rusted Blades[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison wards before Matron room The spell ward itself Normal 48-51:Success ?-48
Hard 56:Fail; 62-66:Success 57-60
Elite 86:Success 74-76
Fire wards in room with weapon racks The spell ward itself Normal 49-62:Success ?-49
Hard 55:CritFail; 56-59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Elite 67:CritFail; 73:Fail; 79:Success 74-77
Acid jets on Matron lever On ground, between the levers Normal 51:CritSuccess ?-21
Hard 39:Success; 59:CritSuccess 20-39
Elite 66:CritSuccess ?-44


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in secret room Normal 45:Success ?-45
Hard 45:Success ?-45

The Jungle of Khyber (Vault of Night, Part 3b) (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Force trap first door 2 Control panels past the door on columns Normal 49-62:Success; 66:CritSuccess 43-46
Hard 65-79:Success; 80:CritSuccess 60
Elite 87-95:Success (west), 68:CritFail; 82-87:Success; 98:CritSuccess (east) 73-76
Trapped chest behind first archers Behind chest Normal 58:Success; 92:CritSuccess 39-58
Hard 52:CritFail; 56-58:Fail; 74:Success; 88:CritSuccess 60
Elite 82:Success 39-82
Trapped chest in troll room Right side on small pillar Normal 88:CritSuccess 55-68
Hard 89:CritSuccess 59-69
Elite 82:Success ?-82
Door with 3 force traps Right side of door Normal 56-64:Success; 67:CritSuccess 45-47
Hard 55:CritFail; 57-58:Fail; 63-78:Success; 83:CritSuccess 60
Elite 74:Fail; 84:Success 75-78


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door that closes on Scorpion ambush Normal 35:Success ?-35
Hard 41:Success ?-41
Elite 81:Success ?-81

The Portal Opens[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spider (Quarter) door (Left wing, south from shrine) Normal 44:Success ?-45
Hard 41:Fail; 46:Success 42-46
Elite 42-?
Slave (Quarter) pits door (Left wing, south corridor) Normal 39:Success ?-39
Hard 41:Fail; 50:Success 42-50
Elite 42-?

Total Chaos (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Shrine, behind a Locked door (Silver key) Normal 31:Fail; 48:Success 32-48
Hard 41:Fail; 48:Success 42-48
Elite 53:Fail; 56:Success 54-56
Locked door to Gelatinous cube (Jewelled key)
(Kobold may be present)
Normal 30:Fail; 33:Success 31-33
Hard 29:Fail; 54:Success 31-54
Elite 47:Fail; 60:Success 48-60
Locked door to Restless Wight (Gold key)
(Orc may be present)
Normal 48:Success ?-48
Hard 41:Fail; 48:Success 42-48
Elite 53:Fail; 57:Success 54-57

The Vault of Night (Vault of Night (story arc) raid, Part 5) (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
West Side
Blade trap wall Right side of wall Normal ?-74
Hard 74:Success 55-74
Elite 79-91:Success; 96:CritSuccess 74-76
Lightning trapped chest 5 Control panels on columns around it Normal ?-61
Hard 74-79:Success; 81:CritSuccess 60-61
Elite 69:CritFail; 79-95:Success; 96:CritSuccess 76
North Side
Spinning blade corridor 8 Control panels scattered on columns on both sides Normal ?-55
Hard 72-73:Success; 75:CritSuccess 54-55
Elite 78-95:Success; 96:CritSuccess 76
South Side
Spiked blades trap (after air jet) North side Normal ?-51
Hard 71:CritSuccess ?-51
Elite 78:CritSuccess ?-58
Trap near door Right side of third doorframe Normal ?-55
Hard 72:Success; 75:CritSuccess 53-55
Elite 70:CritFail; 79-93:Success; 96:CritSuccess 76


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Every locked door in the raid without a key Normal ?-38
Hard 30:Fail; 38:Success 31-38
Elite 51:Success 31-51
Locked chest on the North end Normal
Elite 81:Success 61-81
Locked door (East Wing, bottom floor), key in the nearby lava Normal ?-34
Hard 34:Success ?-34
Elite 63:Success ?-63

Level 23 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 47–49
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 63–67
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 74–79

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

The Druid's Curse (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps before the trunk bridge Eleven traps in total Normal 52-85:Success 52
Hard 58:CritFail; 59-62:Fail; 64-68:Success 63
Elite 78:Fail; 82-98:Success 79-82

Memory Lapse (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
3 Pressure plates, by Locked Chest (North Wing) Normal 61:Success
3 Pressure plates, Secret door (East Wing) leading to chest Normal 55:Success
Air jets (South Wing) Normal 70:Success; 80:CritSuccess 51-60


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind secret door, North wing Normal 47:Fail; 55:Success 48-55
Locked chest behind secret door, East wing Normal 59:Success ?-59

Outbreak (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(3) Spell Wards in head priests' quarter Normal 55:Success 20-55
Hard 63-74:Success 63
Elite 96-107:Success 77
(2) Bear traps in head priests' quarter Normal 59:Success 20-59
Hard 62:Fail; 63-70:Success 63
Elite 75:Fail; 87:Success 76-80


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked doors to patients (Sickroom) Normal 43:Success ?-43
Hard 73:Success ?-73
Elite 86:Success
Priests' Chambers Door Normal 52:Success ?-49
Hard 43:Fail; 49:Success 44-49
Elite 81:Success

Overgrowth (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Normal 52:Success ?-52
Hard 54-58:CritFail; 59-61:Fail; 64:Success 63
Elite 76:Success 76-77

Return to the Sanctuary (Catacombs, Part 2) (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade/Cold combo trap covering chest behind locked door in west wing
(not guaranteed to spawn)
Normal 63:Success; 69:CritSuccess 43-49
Spike trap around chest in secret/Warden's room Normal 62-63:Success; 76:CritSuccess
Hard 81:Success ?-81


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door in west wing Normal 35:Fail; 39:Success 36-39
Hard 83:Success ?-83
Locked door in north wing Normal 37:Success
Hard 86:Success ?-86
Locked door in east wing Normal 40:Success
Hard 72:Success ?-72
Locked door in south wing Normal 36:Success
Hard 70:Success ?-70

The Deal and the Demon[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spell Wards Normal 65:Success 21-65

Thorn and Paw (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
False floors Pit Covers Normal 69:Success 61-69
Hard 64-97:Success 61-64
Elite 107:Success 66-107

Trial by Fury[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison Spell Wards in the Theatre of Pain Number varies with difficulty Normal 57-58:Success 49-58
Hard 72-92:Success 60-63
Elite 60-?
Evil Spell Wards in the Eyrie of Terror Number varies with difficulty Normal 54-59:Success 21-54
Hard 67:Success 63-67
Elite 66-?
Poison Spell Wards in the Domain of Suffering Number varies with difficulty Normal 70:Success 49-58
Hard 71:Success 63-71
Elite 64-?
Fire Spell Wards in the Abyss of Torment Number varies with difficulty Normal 70-87:Success 68-70
Hard 71:Success 63-64
Elite 68-?


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Tsirrik's chest (Eyrie of Terror) Normal 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Hard 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Elite 60
Locked Chest, near Drider guarded stone bridge over acid lake Normal 80:Fail; 81:Success 81
Hard 80:Fail; 82:Success 81
Elite 80:Fail; 82:Success 81

The Friar's Niece (Catacombs, Part 1) (Epic)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door in west wing Normal 30:Fail; 38:Success 31-38
Locked door in north wing Normal 36:Success ?-36
Hard 67:Success ?-67

The Old Archives (Catacombs, Part 3) (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
There is no trap, only a Control panel in the room with the first fragment Normal 60-66:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-51
Hard 91:CritSuccess ?-71
Acid-bomb trap guarding chest in secret door Normal 55-62:Success; 68:CritSuccess 38-48
Hard 96:CritSuccess ?-76
Blade trap covering 3rd fragment of the book Normal 55-62:Success; 72:CritSuccess ?-52
Hard 74:Success ?-74

The Crypt of Gerard Dryden (Catacombs, Part 4) (Epic)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked gate to chest Normal 34:Fail; 42:Success 35-42
Hard 87:Success ?-58
Elite 57:Fail; 58:Success 58

Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral (Catacombs, Part 5a) (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cold trap on west side of first split Normal 53-57:Success; 72:CritSuccess ?-52
Hard 88:CritSuccess ?-68
Cold trap on east side of first split Normal 56:Success; 70:CritSuccess 49-50
Hard 93:CritSuccess ?-73
Spike trap on north side of eastern passage Normal 58:Success; 71:CritSuccess 49-51
Hard 84:CritSuccess ?-64
Spike trap on south side of eastern passage Normal 53-66:Success; 69:CritSuccess 45-49
Hard 79:Success 60-79
Blade trap by west lever in the north passage Normal 57-66:Success; 81:CritSuccess ?-57
Hard 88:CritSuccess ?-68
Blade trap by east lever in the north passage Normal 56:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48
Hard 88:CritSuccess ?-68

Setting the Wards: The Patriarch's Crypt (Catacombs, Part 5b) (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap, lower level from west altar Normal 56-64:Success; 71:CritSuccess 45-51
Hard 97:CritSuccess ?-77
Fire trap guarding west lever after Brevonis' altar Normal 56:Success; 69:CritSuccess 44-49
Hard 71:Success ?-71
Fire trap guarding east lever after Brevonis' altar Normal 56-62:Success; 80:CritSuccess 48-51
Hard 93:CritSuccess ?-73

Level 24 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 50
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 64–70
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 76–82

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

A Cry for Help (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire/blade trap #1 Right pillar Normal 75:CritSuccess
Hard 85:CritSuccess 60-65
Elite 82:Success 79-82
Fire/blade trap #2 On floor on the right in bedrooms Normal 74:CritSuccess
Hard 78:Success; 88:CritSuccess 66
Spikes in falling floor North wall in the pit Normal 63:Success; 70:CritSuccess 50
Hard 67-84:Success 66
Wind trap on the floor Far side, right side of door Normal 60:Success; 71:CritSuccess 50-51
Hard 71-84:Success; 86:CritSuccess 64-66
Elite 91-97:Success
Spikes on lever Beneath lever Normal 57-65:Success; 87:CritSuccess 57
Hard 67-83:Success; 98:CritSuccess 64-65
Spike blades on the bridge On the wall Normal 71:CritSuccess 50-51
Hard 72-79:Success; 89:CritSuccess
Elite 87:Success; 105:CritSuccess 79-85
Spike blades through rune door after shrine Left side on the floor Normal 77:CritSuccess ?-57
Hard 64:Fail; 77:Success 65-68


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Tholatha's chest Normal 35:Fail; 47:Success 36-37
Hard 61:Success 36-61
Elite 36-62

Caught in the Web[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spell Wards (Fire, Evil, Poison) Randomly spawn if you linger too much in the quest Normal 69-81:Success 62-69
Hard 69-91:Success 66
Elite 74:CritFail; 83:Success 79-83

Detour (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire Spell Wards (9 total) Around Song's group Normal 52-82:Success 52
Hard 59:CritFail; 63:Fail; 64-84:Success 64
Elite 72:Success 63-72

Feast or Famine (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes just past entrance Just before trap, west side near floor Normal 57:Success; 73:CritSuccess 48-53
Hard 57:CritFail 62-65
Spikes around first door Past door, south side near floor Normal 59-68:Success; 73:CritSuccess 53-59
Hard 76:Success; 79:CritSuccess ?-59
Elite 73:CritFail
Spikes middle of Noguk's room On a pillar, next to trap on East side Normal 64:Success; 71:CritSuccess 49-51
Elite 104:CritSuccess ?-84
Spikes at the end of the tent Just before trap, south side on the ground (by tent exit flaps) Normal 62-64:Success 58-62
Elite 86:Success
Spikes around lever for second door Before door, north side near floor Normal 62:Success ?-62
Hard 91:Success
Elite 91:Success
False "booby-trapped" chest
(blades inside not disarmed)
Behind chest Normal 73:CritFail; 82:Fail 83-86
Hard 63:CritFail 68-?
Elite 83:CritFail; 95:Success 75-95
Spikes on floor behind door which requires key Right hand (West) side, on floor near stone pillar Normal 61:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-51
Spikes blades in corridor Right hand side on the ground Normal 69:CritSuccess 49
Hard 74-82:Success; 91:CritSuccess ?-71
Elite 107:CritSuccess
Spikes behind the locked door Right side on door frame Normal 53:Success; 77:CritSuccess ?-53
Hard 78:Success; 87:CritSuccess ?-67
Spikes on rolling door at 4-way intersection Left side of door frame Normal 65:Success ?-65
Hard 63-64:Fail; 82:Success 65-66
Spikes on lever Below lever Normal
Hard 92:CritSuccess
Elite 81:Success


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door after shrine Normal 39:Fail; 43:Success 40-43
Hard 41:Fail; 56:Success 42-56
Elite 87:Success 42-87

Foundation of Discord (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blades at start random spawn Archway pillar Normal 61-65:Success; 69:CritSuccess 49
Hard 65-83:Success; 96:CritSuccess ?-65
Elite 104:CritSuccess 81-84
Airdoor trap random spawn Door frame, right side Normal 49
Hard 68-83:Success 64
Sonic in North corridor random spawn Floor Normal 49
Hard 94:CritSuccess ?-74
Elite 101:CritSuccess 81
Electricity in South-west passage Right side Normal 64:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-51
Hard 81:CritSuccess ?-61
Elite 81
Blades in South-east passage Past trap, right side Normal 61-65:Success 61
Hard 73:Success
Elite 81
Blades at last door (South Tunnel) Left side of doorway Normal 49
Hard 62:Fail; 73:Success 63-66
Elite 81


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door Normal 42:Success ?-42
Hard 61:Success ?-61
Elite 86:Success ?-86

Lost in the Swamp (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps On top of the pillars in the last room Normal 48:Fail; 49:Success 49
Hard 63-65
Elite 63-?


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door to wraiths' chest Normal 38:Success ?-38
Hard 78:Success ?-78

Rest Stop (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear trap clamped on Thrane Mettleworth's foot Talk to him (Not a roll, just a check) Normal 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Hard 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Elite 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Evil Spell Wards Two in different corridors Normal 54-73:Success 54
Hard 60:CritFail; 62-64:Fail; 66-69:Success 65-66
Elite 83:Success ?-83

Return to Cabal for One[edit]


Search & Spot DCs

Traps (Traps are random, and not all of them appear in one single instance)

Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap at first door (Right after Gardak) Either side of door (behind the trap) Normal 66:CritSuccess ?-46
Hard 76:CritSuccess 55
Elite 86:CritSuccess 66
Spike trap on stairs Right side of stairs, after trap Normal 55:Success; 60:CritSuccess 40
Hard 55:Success; 77:CritSuccess 55
Elite 87:CritSuccess ?-67
Vertical Blade trap before gate Left wall before trap Normal 52-57:Success; 62:CritSuccess 42-48
Hard 67:CritSuccess 47
Elite 84:CritSuccess 64
Spike trap on chest behind the secret door Left side near chest behind the spikes/blades Normal 60:Success; 71:CritSuccess 48-51
Hard 64:Success; 83:CritSuccess 63
Elite 89:CritSuccess ?-79
Cold trap after door Right side of trap Normal 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Hard 73:CritSuccess 53
Elite 95:CritSuccess ?-75
Spike trap at gate, on the wall By the gate Normal 52-55:Success; 69:CritSuccess 44-49
Hard 70:CritSuccess 50
Elite 85:CritSuccess ?-75
Acid, fire and poison jets in corridor before shrine Over the cube stone Normal 56:Success; 71:CritSuccess 47-51
Hard 60:CritSuccess
Elite 82:CritSuccess ?-62
Fire trap at South-east door (Maksim's room) Shrine Room Either side of door Normal 53:Success; 64:CritSuccess 44
Hard 57:Success; 64:CritSuccess
Elite 100:CritSuccess ?-80
Fire trap at South-west door (Kivol's room) Either side of door Normal 55-60:Success; 66:CritSuccess 41-46
Elite 101:CritSuccess
Spike trap within pit (collapsible floor tile) Right side on pillar near ladder Normal 58-65:Success; 76:CritSuccess ?-56
Hard 82:Success; 85:CritSuccess 63-65
Elite 96-97:Success 78-97
Fire trap at North door (Door to middle of the three northern; dual ladders room) Either side of door Normal 55-60:Success; 64:CritSuccess 41-44
Hard 53:Success; 62:CritSuccess
Elite 88:CritSuccess ?-68
Dart trap near North door with dual ladders Normal 53-59:Success; 77:CritSuccess 40-53
Hard 84:Success 64-67
Fire trap on West door (Mikahi's room) - door to right room of the three northern Either side of door Normal 57-59:Success; 64:CritSuccess 44-58
Hard 56:Success; 69:CritSuccess
Fire trap at West door (Vokur's room) - door to left room of the three northern Either side of door Normal 60:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48
Hard 54-59:Success 42
Elite 106:CritSuccess
Spike trap at final door Normal 67:Success; 69:CritSuccess 48-49
Hard 65:Success
Elite 95:Success
Fire trap on final door Either side of door Normal 51:Success; 63:CritSuccess ?-43
Hard 55-60:Success; 81:CritSuccess 61


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trapped chest's Lock Normal 45:Fail; 49:Success 46-49
Hard 72:Success 46-72
Elite 72:Success 46-72

Return to Gianthold Tor[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Elemental traps on stairs A few steps before the traps Normal ?-67
Hard 71-78:Success; 87:CritSuccess 59-67
Elite 58-?

Return to Madstone Crater[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door to the last skeleton enchanters Normal 34:Fail; 36:Success 35-36
Hard 76:Success 35-54
Elite 54:Success 35-54

Return to Prison of the Planes[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door at end Normal 49:Fail; 50:Success 50
Hard 49:Fail; 50:Success 50
Elite 49:Fail; 51:Success 50-51

A Stay at the Inn (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(6) Bear Traps, in secret room (Epic Elite) The traps themselves Elite 86-105:Success 86


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door at Inn Normal 30:Success ?-30
Hard 37:Success ?-37
Elite 59:Fail; 62:Success 60-62

The End of the Road (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Evil Spell Wards around locked chest Three Wards, themselves Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 62:Fail; 68:Success 65
Elite 88:Success ?-88
Evil Spell Wards across the road to the north-west Three (visible) Wards, themselves Normal 43:CritFail; 45:Fail; 50:Success 48-49
Hard 61-64:Fail; 68:Success 65
Elite 88:Success ?-88
Evil Spell Wards further to the south, across the east fork Two Spell Wards, themselves Normal 40:CritFail; 45:Fail; 52:Success 46-52
Hard 60:CritFail; 61-63:Fail; 65:Success 65
Elite 91:Success ?-91


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind barn (North-east on map) Normal 62:Fail; 63:Success 63
Hard 69:Success 63-69
Elite 73:Success 63-73

The Maze of Madness (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes (numerous random traps, approximately 14) Near the levers Normal 59-68:Success; 70:CritSuccess 49-50
Hard 58:CritFail; 62-64:Fail; 65-84:Success; 85:CritSuccess 65
Elite 76:CritFail; 79:Fail; 82-100:Success; 101:CritSuccess 81
Slash under levers Normal 57-66:Success; 70:CritSuccess 49-50
Hard 69-84:Success; 85:CritSuccess 65
Elite 86-98:Success; 102:CritSuccess 80-81
Blade/spike traps on bridge Up to 3 Control panels, near end of trap on the ground Normal 60-66:Success; 70:CritSuccess 49-50
Hard 70-84:Success; 88:CritSuccess 65
Elite 86-99:Success; 103:CritSuccess 81

The Crucible (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trap around Horn of Cunning 2 Control panels near the horn Normal 56-68:Success 49-56
Hard 77-81:Success; 85:CritSuccess 64-65
Elite 94-98:Success; 103:CritSuccess 79-83

Trial by Fire (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Portcullis style Door to named Ancient Arachnid Normal 49:Success ?-49
Elite 57:Success ?-57

Level 25 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 66–73
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 78–85

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

A Legend Revisited[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plate at first vampire The plate itself Normal 61-70:Success 50-61
Hard 73-81:Success 66
Elite 81:CritFail; 84-86:Fail; 90-98:Success 87-88
(same place as heroic: The Legend of Two-Toed Tobias)
Normal 57-74:Success; 76:CritSuccess 55-56
Hard 94:CritSuccess 66-74
Elite 74:Success; 120:CritSuccess


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest at fire jets Normal 56:Fail; 58:Success 57-58
Hard 65:Fail; 66:Success 66
Elite 71:Fail; 73:Success 72-73

Ghost of a Chance (epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Floor blades in east junction Just before blades Normal 56-68:Success; 75:CritSuccess 52-55
Hard 75:Success; 90:CritSuccess 65-70
Elite 86-93:Success; 112:CritSuccess 78-82


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Lever temporarily disabling blade trap Normal 44:Success ?-44
Hard 50:Success ?-50
Elite 56:Success 37-56

Old Tomb, New Tenants[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates
At the top and bottom of the south stairs past the bridge
Pressure plates themselves Normal 57-77:Success 54-57
Hard 63:CritFail; 69:Fail; 71:Success 70
Elite 83:Fail; 88-109:Success 84-87


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First shrine door Normal 54:Fail; 56:Success 55-56
Hard 61:Fail; 65:Success 61-65
Elite 71:Fail; 72:Success 72

Precious Cargo[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Magefire Cannons Normal 56:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48
Elite 77:Fail; 87-99:Success; 100:CritSuccess 78-81
The 'Eclipse' engine room; trapped levers Normal 66-69:Success; 92:CritSuccess 49-66

Prove Your Worth (epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Entry corridor
* Note: the DCs do vary significantly per trap in this quest.
Front of pedestal, middle pedestal spikes Normal 50-66:Success; 67:CritSuccess 47
Hard 61:Fail; 68-81:Success 62-74
Elite 82-95:Success; 102:CritSuccess 76-82
Entry corridor, horizontal slashing blades Far end of pedestal Normal 50:CritFail; 54:Fail; 58-71:Success; 76:CritSuccess 55-56
Hard 70:Fail; 93:CritSuccess 71-73
Elite 81:CritFail; 89:Fail; 91-101:Success; 121:CritSuccess 90-91
Entry corridor, numerous pressure plate webs The plates Normal 52-88:Success 51-52
Hard 70:Success ?-70
Elite 77:CritFail; 81:Fail; 84-110:Success; 111:CritSuccess 82-84
Magefire Cannons after entry hall Wall in front of cannons Normal 48-50:Fail; 53-69:Success; 71:CritSuccess 51
Hard 72-82:Success ?-72
Elite 81:Fail; 85-109:Success; 105-118:CritSuccess 85
Numerous pressure plate webs in front of cannons The plates Normal 50:Fail; 56-58:Success 51-52
Hard 61:CritFail; 63:Fail; 67-80:Success 64-67
Elite 79:CritFail; 84-105:Success 84
Second set of Magefire Cannons after entry hall (by the crates) Walls; one near floor and the other on a ledge near the Cannon Normal 51:Fail; 57-59:Success; 78:CritSuccess 52-55
Hard 73-80:Success; 92:CritSuccess ?-72
Elite 85:CritFail; 99:Success
Spinning blade traps in barrel/crate maze North-east corner of maze behind exploding barrels Normal 54-63:Success; 74:CritSuccess 54
Hard 83-87:Success; 92:CritSuccess ?-72
Elite 95-102:Success; 111:CritSuccess 83-91
Lift traps (2 Control panels) On the wall opposite each alcove Normal 53-70:Success; 72:CritSuccess 51-52
Hard 67:Fail; 68-80:Success; 92:CritSuccess 68
Elite 91-98:Success; 106:CritSuccess 86-91
3 Ambush Magefire Cannons Bases of the Magefire Cannons Normal 55-68:Success; 67:CritSuccess 47
Inferno room, flame jets On east wall as you enter Normal 55-56:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48-55
Hard 56:Success; 87:CritSuccess ?-56
Elite 93:Success; 113:CritSuccess 91-93
Inferno Room, dart trap On north wall, after you pass the flame jets Normal 56:Fail; 59-66:Success; 77:CritSuccess 57-59
Hard 63:CritFail; 77-101:Success 68-101
Elite 118:CritSuccess 82-98
Inferno Room, net traps (6 traps) On bridge leading to final lever Normal 52-93:Success ?-52
Hard 58-62:CritFail; 63-66:Fail; 68-77:Success 67
Elite 97-111:Success 74-?
Inferno Room Treasure chest (2 Control panels) On the floor to the north and south of the chest Normal 56-58:Fail; 59-69:Success; 81:CritSuccess 59
Hard 85-97:Success 79-85
Elite 89:CritFail; 92-95:Fail; 99-111:Success; 120:CritSuccess 96
Magefire Cannons (after inferno room) Normal 55-64:Success; 69:CritSuccess 49-52
Hard 63-64:Fail; 91:CritSuccess 67-71
Elite 90-102:Success; 118:CritSuccess ?-90

The Price of Freedom (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Lever, Doctor Fjorn Bloodstein's medical room Normal 68:Success; 81:CritSuccess 21-61


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cell locks (Iron Key) Normal 41:Success
Elite 62:Fail; 63:Success 63

Level 26 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 54–62
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 68–76
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 80–88

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

Army of Shadow (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Telekinetic Spell Ward on north-east corner The spell ward itself Normal 55-83:Success 52-55
Hard 70
Elite 64-?
Evil Spell Ward on stairs leading to upper floor The spell ward itself Normal 64:Success 50-55
Hard 70
Elite 56-?
Telekinetic Spell Ward on Casko's room The spell ward itself Normal 62:Success 50-62
Hard 70
Pressure plate in front of the southern chest Normal 65-68:Success 54-65
Hard 70


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door to Casko Normal 52:Success 40-52
Locked Chest, behind southern Secret door Normal 39:Fail; 45:Success 40-45

Friends in Low Places (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison Booby-traps set by the various trapsmiths The trap itself Normal 57:Success 55-57
Hard 64:CritFail; 69:Fail; 76:Success 70
Poison Spell Ward guarding the chest behind the secret door The spell ward itself Normal 61:Success 50-54
Hard 69:Fail; 72:Success 70
Elite 50-?
Poison Spell Wards south from Western camp The spell ward itself Normal 54-72:Success 53-54
Hard 66-69:Fail; 70:Success 70
Elite 70-?
Poison spell ward south of the Southern Camp The spell ward itself Normal 54-76:Success 54
Hard 64:CritFail; 71:Success 70


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Lever (Eastern Camp infirmary) Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 73:Success ?-73

A Lesson in Deception (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Booby-traps set by the various trapsmiths The trap itself Normal 76:Success
Hard 70
Dart trap(s) inside the sewers Pressure plate near the levers (2) Normal 48-50:Fail; 58:Success 51-52
Hard 70
Elite 88:Fail; 111:Success 89-91


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to the burning house Normal 38:Success ?-38
Locked door after sewer section Normal 19:Fail; 37:Success 20-37
Hard 20-?
Elite 20-?
Locked chest Normal 38:Success ?-38

A Study in Sable[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plate on the roof near Wollstonecraft The traps themselves Normal 49:Fail; 54:Success 50-54
Hard 82:Success 50-82
Elite 82:CritFail; 84-86:Fail; 89:Success 87-89
Spell Ward in Cellar The traps themselves Normal 61:Success 50-61
Hard 92:Success 50-92
Elite 92:Success ?-92

Terminal Delirium (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First: Balloon maze trap Control Boxes Normal 61-70:Success; 81:CritSuccess 54-61
Hard 73:Fail 60
Second: Balloon maze trap Control Boxes Normal 63:Success; 76:CritSuccess ?-56


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Bedroom Door (Medusa optional) Normal 54:Success ?-54
Maze: first locked Breakable Rafters Door (hatch) Normal 65:Fail; 71:Success 66-71
Maze: second locked Breakable Rafters Door Normal 66:Fail; 68:Success 67-68
Maze: first Blade Control (Green Rafters Key) Normal 59:Fail; 63:Success 60-63
Maze: second Blade Control (Green Rafters Key) Normal 73:Fail; 75:Success 74-75
Meat Locker door (Blue Key) Normal 42:Fail; 54:Success 43-54

The Thrill of the Hunt (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Study room door Normal 35:Fail; 41:Success 36-41
Hard 51:Fail; 52:Success 52
Elite 63:Fail; 65:Success 64-65

Through a Mirror Darkly (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap on chest (Pressure plate) Trap must be disarmed on Material (Shadow) Plane Normal 58-66:Success 54-58
Elite 90:Success 80-90
Spell Ward (South East room top Floor) Normal 60-66:Success 54-60


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door on South-west corner Normal 52:Success ?-52
Elite 79:Success ?-79

Level 27 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 54
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 70–79
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 82–91

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

A Break In the Ice (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked lever Normal 23:Fail; 54:Success 24-54
Hard 55:Fail; 56:Success 56
Elite 66:Fail; 67:Success 67

Breaking the Ranks (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Evil Spell Wards surrounding the area The Spell Ward itself Normal 48:CritFail; 50-53:Fail; 55:Success 54

The Mystery of Delera's Tomb (Delera's Tomb, Part 1) (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap just past the bridge South wall, just before trap Normal 53:Fail; 64-67:Success 54-57
Hard 85:Success ?-85
Cold trap, past first shrine East wall, just before trap Normal 69:Success; 79:CritSuccess 50-59
Poison trap covering chest in small curved hallway On wall near chest Normal 57-63:Success 50-57
Hard 93:CritSuccess ?-73
Cold trap, at base of ramp Right wall Normal 64-65:Success 50-64
Hard 89:Success ?-89


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door across from first shrine Normal 50:Success ?-50
Hard 68:Success ?-68
Locked door after first shrine (south) Normal 57:Success ?-57
Hard 77:Success ?-77
Locked door after first shrine (west) Normal 51:Success ?-51
Hard 88:Success ?-88

The Missing Party (Delera's Tomb, Part 2) (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap Right wall Normal 79:CritSuccess 54-59
Hard 89:Success ?-89


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door at North-east room Normal 53:Success ?-53
Hard 82:Success ?-82
Locked gate to chest Normal 51:Success ?-51
Hard 74:Success ?-74

Free Delera (Delera's Tomb, Part 3) (Epic)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to chest on ledge Normal 43:Success ?-43
Hard 83:Success ?-83

The Promise of Fire (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 71:Success ?-71

Thrall of the Necromancer (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap Normal 56-62:Success 46-56
Hard 90:Success ?-90
Cold trap Right wall after the trap Normal 69:Success; 79:CritSuccess 21-59
Hard 91:Success ?-91
Poison trap(s) After trap, on right wall Normal 54-71:Success 50-54
Hard 96:CritSuccess ?-76
Spike trap in western corridor Near door in room Normal 63-66:Success 50-63
Hard 96:CritSuccess ?-76
Fire arrow trap in western corridor Centre pillar Normal 59-70:Success 50-59
Hard 96:CritSuccess ?-76
Spike trap, by 3 levers in eastern corridor Near doorway, on the floor Normal 60:Success ?-60
Hard 79:Success ?-79


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Left chest in Necromancer's room Normal 43:Success ?-43
Hard 82:Success ?-76
Right chest in Necromancer's room Normal 45:Success ?-45
Hard 68:Success ?-68

The Tracker's Trap (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs

Traps (All traps are random, and sometimes do not appear on the quest)

Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
False floor in the first north passage (Pit Cover) The trap itself Normal 74:Success 54-55
Hard 69-?
Elite 69-?
Telekinetic spell ward near the first barrels The trap itself Normal 61-74:Success 54-55
Hard 68:Fail; 72:Success 69-72
Elite 102:Success ?-102
Net trap (Pressure plate) north from first barrels The trap itself Normal 68-84:Success 54-55
Hard 68:Fail; 73:Success 69-73
Elite 69-?
False floor north from net trap The trap itself Normal 54-55
Telekinetic spell ward by the second blue barrier The trap itself Normal 84-87:Success 54-55
Hard 70:Fail; 73:Success 71-73
Elite 93:Success ?-93
Telekinetic spell ward by Luggan The trap itself Normal 68-92:Success 54-55
Hard 63-?
Elite 63-?
False floor after Luggan The trap itself Normal 69:Success 54-55
Three net traps at Daegon's lair entrance The trap themselves Normal 57-72:Success 54-55
Hard 50-?
Elite 50-?
False floor at North path from Daegon's lair The trap itself Normal 69:Success 55-69
Telekinetic spell ward by second shrine The trap itself Normal 67-73:Success 55-67
Hard 69-?
Elite 79-?

What Goes Up (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Evil Spell Ward on the Armoury Normal 66-71:Success 55-66
Hard 47-?
Elite 47-?
Telekinetic Spell Ward on the Northern Storeroom Normal 55:Success 55
(Telekinetic) Spell Ward in the 4 chests storeroom Normal 78:Success 59-78
Hard 59-?
Elite 59-?

Level 28 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 72–82
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 84–94

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 80
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

Brothers of the Forge[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
3 Magefire Cannon controls, first Training Room.
4 Magefire Cannons, second room area after
Normal 59-73:Success; 81:CritSuccess 54-59
Hard 72:Fail; 92-93:Success; 95:CritSuccess 74-75
Elite 96-107:Success; 114:CritSuccess 92-94
2 Flame traps behind secret door near Shrine, Corridor to Armoury Normal 57-73:Success; 84:CritSuccess 54-57
Hard 70:Fail; 82-90:Success; 95:CritSuccess 71-74
Elite 84:CritFail; 94-104:Success 94
Electric traps (maintenance tunnel) behind south secret door,
of second training room
Normal 60-69:Success; 77:CritSuccess 55-57
Hard 73:Fail; 75-87:Success; 96:CritSuccess 74
Elite 97-111:Success 92-97
2 Magefire cannons, near Forge Bay.
At Elite Training Chamber door entrance
Normal 64-74:Success; 76:CritSuccess 55-56
Hard 90-92:Success; 97:CritSuccess 74
Elite 105:Success 92-94
Magefire cannons within the Elite Training Chamber Normal 76:CritSuccess 55-56
Hard 84-88:Success; 96:CritSuccess 74
Elite 98:Success; 115:CritSuccess 92-95

The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Statues guarding the main door (Or you can destroy the statues) Normal 61-69:Success; 74:CritSuccess 50-54
Hard 74-87:Success; 95:CritSuccess 68-74
Elite 81:CritFail; 86:Fail; 107:Success 87-90
Blades trap guarding the (empty) treasure room, main corridor Right side of the door Normal 62-78:Success; 85:CritSuccess 60-62
Hard 91-93:Success
Twin blade trap with pressure plates Right side before trap Normal 61-78:Success; 82:CritSuccess 61
Hard 73:CritFail; 77:Fail; 95:Success 78-81
Elite 89:CritFail 90-?
Pressure plates Normal 55:Fail; 56:Success 56
Hard 80:Success
Elite 88:CritFail; 89-92:Fail; 95:Success 93
Stairwell floor spikes North from the bone pile at the start Normal 61-68:Success; 74:CritSuccess 54
Hard 66:CritFail; 77-89:Success; 91:CritSuccess 71-77
Elite 84:CritFail; 95:Success 89-95
Many-Pillared Hall, Random Trapped room Wall (random) near Reinforced Gate Normal 68:Success; 70:CritSuccess 48-50
Hard 92:CritSuccess ?-72
Small Treasure Chest room and Lever room (poison) Trap control panel, on wall behind chest Normal 63:Fail; 70-75:Success; 86:CritSuccess 64-66
Hard 94:Success
Optional areas after the Throne room
Spell Ward(s), unholy Normal 63-74:Success ?-63
Rivior's Armoury: Rivior's Animate Object Ward Normal 62-72:Success 62
Floor blades on Spell Ward path Normal 52:CritFail; 60-79:Success 57-60
Ancient Mummy, grease ramp, with spikes Top of ramp Normal 64-72:Success 51-64

Locks (Every Jewel-Locked chest, door, or lever in the quest can be opened using a Jewelled Key, or picked)

Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Jewel-Locked door: Rivior's Treasury room, on main corridor Normal 42:Success ?-42
Hard 50:Success ?-50
Jewel-Locked door near Ju-Ju Zombies Normal 42:Success ?-42
Jewel-Locked chests in throne room (Three chests, assuming all have the same DC) Normal 79:Fail; 80:Success 80
Hard 80
Elite 78:Fail; 89:Success 80
Jewel-Locked (Throne Room) door to Ancient Mummy Normal 49:Fail; 60:Success 50-60
Hard 50-?
Elite 50-?
Jewel-Locked (Throne Room) door to Fallen Giant Normal 79:Fail; 81:Success 80-81
Hard 84:Success ?-84
Elite 80:Fail; 84:Success 81-84
Jewel-Locked door to Miior Normal 71:Fail; 76:Success 72-75
Hard 50-?
Elite 50-?
Jewel-Locked door(s) to Alash Normal 55:Fail; 58:Success 56-58
Hard 74:Success
Elite 114:Success ?-114

Tower of Frost (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(6) Pressure plates Security Level Normal 56-62:Success 54-56
Hard 68:CritFail; 78-90:Success 69-78


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 62:Fail; 68:Success 63-68
Hard 68:Fail; 72:Success 69-72

Level 29 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 58
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 74–85
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 86–97

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

Desecrated Temple of Vol (epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap, east Wall by arrow holes Normal 62-76:Success 57-60
Hard 97:Success ?-97
Spinning blades in east 2 Control panels by each blade group Normal 56:Fail; 62-73:Success 57-60
Hard 87:Success
Spinning blades in west 4 Control panels, one per side after each blade section Normal 55:CritFail; 60-76:Success 57-58
Hard 79:Fail; 87:Success; 104:CritSuccess 80-84
Dart trap west 1 Control panel on wall by trap Normal 60-76:Success 57-60
Hard 96:Success 80-84


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door to Maruts optional Normal 54:Success ?-54
Hard 66:Success ?-66

Flesh Maker's Laboratory (epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap Two left and right, then one left Normal 53:CritFail; 60-72:Success; 79:CritSuccess 58
Hard 82-95:Success; 99:CritSuccess 76-77
Lightning traps in optional Four control panels, one on each outer pillar Normal 65-77:Success; 78:CritSuccess 58
Hard 81-96:Success; 103:CritSuccess


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door that can be opened with Iron Key Normal 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Hard 59:Fail; 64:Success 60

Inferno of the Damned (epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs

Traps (All have random locations)

Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Arrows-shooting faces Normal
Hard 103:CritSuccess
Blade trap Normal
Hard 96:Success; 107:CritSuccess 75-85
Acid arrow fish Left side past the trap Normal
Hard 102:CritSuccess ?-82

Level 30 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 61–65
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 83–87
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 99–102

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 79
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 80

The Devil's Details (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest, behind secret door Normal 56:Fail; 70:Success 57-70
Elite 90:Success 57-90

Grim and Barett (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps before Grim Left wall before narrow corridor Normal 59:CritFail; 62:Fail; 66-78:Success; 84:CritSuccess 64
Hard 82-84:Fail; 93-104:Success; 106:CritSuccess 85-86
Elite 89:CritFail; 122:Success 103-122


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest at Grakath room Normal 60:Fail; 61:Success 61
Hard 60:Fail; 77:Success 61-77
Elite 60:Fail 61-?

The Mask of Deception (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Northern Corridor full of blade traps (inactive until quest item is taken) Small room on the north side Normal 60-63:Fail; 66-73:Success 64
Hard 75:CritFail; 84:Fail; 85-100:Success 85
Elite 97:CritFail; 100-102:Fail; 107:Success 103-104
Southern area full of traps (inactive until quest item is taken) One in a small locked room behind a huge barrel Normal 56:CritFail; 69:Success; 91:CritSuccess 61-66
Hard 79:CritFail; 87-99:Success 85-87
Elite 88:CritFail; 101:Fail; 121:Success 102-105


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door(s) to the 2 trap control panel rooms. Normal 68:Fail; 70:Success 69-70
Hard 75:Fail; 77:Success 76-79
Elite 78:Fail; 79:Success 79

Multitude of Menace (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Acid, guarding Lever Normal 68-80:Success 61-68
Hard 99:Success ?-99
Telekinetic Spell Ward, in room behind secret door Near the Chest Normal 65:Success ?-65
Hard 100:Success ?-100


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest, behind secret door Normal 59:Fail; 61:Success 60-61
Hard 77:Success 60-77

Subversion (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Titan Storage Area Door Normal 85:Fail; 86:Success 86
Hard 87:Fail; 88:Success 88
Elite 88:Fail; 91:Success 89-91
Locked Chest, behind the secret door Normal 63:Fail; 70:Success 64-70
Hard 75:Fail; 85:Success 76-85

Temple of the Deathwyrm[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure Plates Normal
Elite 94-97:Fail; 105-111:Success 98
Spell Wards Normal
Elite 102:Success 98-102
Blades Normal
Hard 90:Success ?-90

Temple of Elemental Evil Part One (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps Normal 60-67:Success 60
Hard 70:CritFail; 75-76:Fail; 79:Success 76-79
Evil Spell Wards Normal 54:CritFail; 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Pressure Plates Normal 67:Success 60
Hard 94:Success 76-79


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 63:Success
Locked door to chest in the (Level 2) northern room Normal 78:Fail; 80:Success 79-80
Hard 84:Success 79-84

Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Normal 51:CritFail; 61:Success 60
Elite 95-100
Pressure Plates Normal 58:Fail; 62:Success 60-62


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Entrance area Locked Chest Normal 68-75
Elite 75:Fail
Randomly spawning locked chests in nodes Normal ?-65
Hard 65:Success ?-65
Chest in Air Node alcove Normal ?-71
Hard 70:Fail; 71:Success 71
Elite 71-?

The Archons' Trial (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Agility: Spike Trap, first door Mechanic's path Normal 64-80:Success; 88:CritSuccess
Blade trap, on Stairs Mechanic's path, stairs Normal 63:Fail; 65-83:Success; 84:CritSuccess 64
Electrical Trap, corridor after stairs Mechanic's path, by corridor entrance Normal 64-82:Success; 87:CritSuccess 61-64
Electrical Trap, corridor before locked door Mechanic's path, by locked door Normal 60-63:Fail; 64-83:Success; 85:CritSuccess 64
Agility Test: electrical floor (Alternative route to Mechanic's Path) near Lever Normal 61-66:Success; 88:CritSuccess 50-66
Test of Intelligence: Electrical floor Left wall Normal 65-74:Success; 86:CritSuccess 54-65


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door 1 (Mechanic's path) Normal 46:Success ?-46
Locked Door 2 (Mechanic's path) Normal 57:Fail; 65:Success
Locked Door 3 (Mechanic's path) Normal 62:Fail; 69:Success 63-69

Level 31 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 61–66
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 101–107

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 92
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?–100

A Raven at the Door (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range

Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bridge Electricity trap by "Strange goo" Ozone pool On far side of bridge Normal 80:Success; 83:CritSuccess 61-63
Pressure plates Normal 56:CritFail; 59:Fail; 61:Success 61
Fire trap, within a collapsible floor, pit Normal 77:Success; 82:CritSuccess 61-62

Black and Blue (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps in the first aqueduct. Guarding Adventurer's Pack Left side of trap Normal 70-82:Success 61-70
Hard 103:Success
Elite 120-124:Success; 128:CritSuccess 105-108
Blade traps at tunnel past the second aqueduct Right side wall before traps Normal 60-70:Success 60
Hard 98:Success
Elite 108-126:Success 107-108

Creeping Death (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison jets, first intersection Behind a Secret door Normal 58:CritFail; 63:Fail; 77-79:Success 64-67
Elite 104-105:Fail; 108-126:Success; 127:CritSuccess 107
Ice and Fire jets, upper area Normal 56:CritFail; 87:CritSuccess 61-67
Wall blades, second upper intersection Normal 74-75:Success; 87:CritSuccess 67
Cold and Fire Jets, behind a secret door, before Sigil 1 Normal 64:Fail; 73-81:Success; 87:CritSuccess 65-67
Elite 104:Fail; 114:Success 105-108
Blades, behind secret door, after first Sigil Normal 64:CritSuccess
Elite 113:CritSuccess ?-93
Wall and Floor blades, Control panel in alcove Normal 73-88:Success; 90:CritSuccess 68-70
Blades just after second Sigil, running water corridor Normal 61:Fail; 75:Success; 87:CritSuccess 62-65
Fire jets, east alcove, just before end fight Normal 75-76:Success

Death House (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap guarding locked chest at basement At east wall Normal 70:Success ?-70
Hard 128:CritSuccess ?-108
At south wall Normal 70:Success ?-70
Hard 114:CritSuccess
Blade trap before door to underground At west wall Normal 71:Success ?-71
Hard 123:CritSuccess ?-103
Elite 119:Success; 121:CritSuccess 100-101
At south east corner Normal 62:Success ?-62
Hard 119:CritSuccess ?-99
Elite 120:Success; 122:CritSuccess 101-102


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest at basement Normal 54:Fail 55-85
Hard 69:Fail; 85:Success 70-85

Good Intentions (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade Trap #1 (Northern area) Normal 73-78:Success; 85:CritSuccess 62-65
Blade Trap #2 (Sewers near to Durk) Normal 68-74:Success; 83:CritSuccess 62-63


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door near Slaad area, opposite Lever
(can also be simply opened with Lever)
Normal 46:Success ?-46

Night Falls on Stormreach (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps (visible), near the antique throne Normal 58:Fail; 65:Success 59-62


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest, behind secret door Normal 66:Fail; 77:Success 67-77
Elite 73:Fail

The Age of Rage (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
2 Blade traps Normal 58-60:Fail; 74:Success 61-62
Bear Traps (visible) Normal 67:Success 61-67


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest near Shrine Normal 50:Success ?-50
Hard 60:Fail; 65:Success 61-65
Elite 75:Fail; 77:Success 76-77
Locked Door at start (key appears nearby, but only if you ran Quarantine before this quest) Normal 64:Success ?-64
Hard ?-66
Elite 65:Fail; 66:Success 66

The Newcomers (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps Normal
Elite 95:CritFail; 99-100:Fail; 103:Success 102-103
Pressure Plates (random elemental) Normal 58:Fail; 67:Success 59-62
Elite 95:CritFail; 99:Fail; 102:Success 101-102


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 64:Success ?-64

Records of the Past (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blades in Chest room (Mayoral estate) Control panel near door arch Normal 80:Success; 94:CritSuccess 61-74


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (Mayoral estate) Normal 82:Success 79-82

Search and Rescue (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
3 Spell Wards, Drow Fortress The spell ward itself Normal 56:CritFail; 58-59:Fail; 69:Success 61
Spikes and Blades in the Pit, Drow Fortress Near the west lever at the back of the room past the pit. Normal 83-85:Success
Spell Ward, corridor outside, past the main Drow Fortress room The spell ward itself Normal 77:Success


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door, leading to Drow Fortress (Silver Key available) Normal 86:Fail; 90:Success 87-90
Locked Lever in main Drow Fortress (Iron Key available) Normal 85:Fail; 93:Success 86-93
Secret door (locked), leading to Locked Chest Normal 79:Fail; 81:Success 80-81
Locked Chest (Behind Locked Secret Door) Normal 82:Fail; 93:Success 83-93
Locked Chest (Underdark Passage, small eastern area) Normal 84:Fail; 91:Success 85-91
Elite 88:Fail 88-92

Secret of the Slavers' Stockade (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire jets, near Abandoned Tower Normal 78-81:Success 62-65
Fire jets, near Courtyard to East wing Normal 78-79:Success 62-65
Fire jets Normal 76-77:Success 62-65
Elite 107
Fire jets Normal 72-83:Success 64-65
Fire jets, near cells towards Dining Halls Normal 85:CritSuccess 65
Fire jets, near cells towards Dining Halls Normal 56:CritFail; 86:CritSuccess 61-66
Lower Fortress, Magnetic trap by levers Normal 77-80:Success 61-77
Lower Fortress, Force trap Normal 76-79:Success 62-65
Lower Fortress, Poison trap Normal 90:CritSuccess 61-70
Icar's Encampment, Fire jet Normal 84:Success; 89:CritSuccess 65-69
Icar's Encampment, Cold jet Normal 76-80:Success; 86:CritSuccess 62-66
Sonic trap, Markessa's stronghold Normal 91:CritSuccess 61-71
Cold trap, Markessa's stronghold Normal 79:Success
Cold trap, Markessa's stronghold Normal 79:Success 62-65


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 58:Success ?-58

Slave Pits of the Undercity (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cold trap, near start area on the right side Normal 85:CritSuccess 60-65
Blades in start area, left corridor Normal 65:Success; 91:CritSuccess 65-71
Second group of Blades in start area, left corridor Normal 75-80:Success; 92:CritSuccess 66-72
Bear traps, left corridor in-front of the door Normal 56:CritFail; 61:Success 61
Pressure plates, in start area, left corridor Normal 54:CritFail; 57:Fail; 61:Success 61
Graveyard, Bear traps first area Normal 62:Success ?-62
Lower Catacombs, Bear traps Normal 62:Success
Lower Catacombs, Pressure plates by door Normal 62:Success 61-62
Lower Catacombs, canal Air jets Normal 82:Success; 92:CritSuccess 65-72
Lower Catacombs, Puzzle room Normal 61:Fail; 81:Success; 88:CritSuccess 62-65
Lower Catacombs, Lightning by torches Normal 77:Success; 82:Success; 87:CritSuccess 65-67
Lower Catacombs (Orc Chieftain and Witchdoctor area), Pressure plates Normal 55:CritFail; 59:Fail 60-63


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Puzzle, Locked Lever Normal 84:Fail; 94:Success 85-94

Strike Back (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
5 Evil Spell Wards The traps themselves Normal 59:Fail; 63:Success 60-63


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Slave room (can be opened by Iron key) Normal 59:Success ?-59
Eastern Locked Gate (can be opened with Silver key) Normal 78:Fail; 96:Success 79-92
Western Locked Gate (can be opened with Gold key) Normal 75:Fail; 92:Success 76-92

To Curse the Sky (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Lightning arc in the North-west corridor Normal 74-80:Success; 91:CritSuccess 66-71
Elite 106:Fail 107-110


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Courtyard Gate near start (can be opened with a nearby Iron Key). Normal 83:Fail; 93:Success 84-92
Hard 88:Fail; 93:Success 89-92
Elite 91:Fail; 92:Success 92
Chest (East Courtyard) Normal 67:Fail; 75:Success 68-75

Toxic Treatment (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap (Warrior's Challenge) Normal
Bear Traps (visible), Luminous Mushrooms area Normal
Elite 70:CritFail 75-?


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (Warrior's Challenge) Normal
Locked "Small Button" on Scorpion statuette (Warrior's Challenge) Normal
Elite 74:Fail 75-?

Level 32 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 71
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 61–65
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 95
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 84
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 116
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 107

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?–100

A Frosty Reception (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Cellar door Normal 70:Success ?-70
Locked chest Normal 83:Success ?-83
Hard 76:Fail 77-?

An Element of Chaos (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Two sets of spiked floor blades Wall before the trap Normal
Elite 98:CritFail 103-?

An Invitation to Dinner (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Basement. near the south tower. Where you drop when you fell collapsed floor Wall near side of south tower door. Normal
Hard 89-102:Success; 105:CritSuccess 83-85
Elite 102:Fail; 104-120:Success; 125:CritSuccess 103-104
Basement. Rahadin room. Right side floor around door. Normal
Hard 89-102:Success; 104:CritSuccess 83-84
Elite 103:Fail; 104-120:Success 104
2nd floor. Tool room through secret door or fell from collapsed floor. Mine on the table. Normal
Hard 133:CritSuccess 83


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest at the very top of north stairs (above the red barrier)
(Objective Treasure Card - Transmuter - North Tower - seek entry below; Transmuter: An Invitation to Dinner)
Elite 63:Fail
Dungeons - north dungeon door Normal
Elite 92:Fail

A Sharn Welcome (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates around Chest Normal 73:Success 62-73
Elite 104:Fail; 108:Success 105-108


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 70:Fail; 74:Success 71-74
Elite 87:Fail; 89:Success 88-89

Back to Basics (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap Normal

Danger at Dunwater (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Poison trap guarding Locked Chest Door frame Normal
Floor blade trap guarding Locked Chest Door frame Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest (Iron Key required) Normal
Locked chest (Jewelled Key required) Normal
Locked chest (Gold Key required) Normal
Locked chest (Silver Key required) Normal

Dread Sea Scrolls (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Puzzle room traps Panels are scattered around the room Normal 63-80:Success; 83:CritSuccess 63
Hard 101:Success; 106:CritSuccess 91-96
Elite 95:CritFail; 100:Fail; 104-108:Success 101-104
Pressure plate near trap guarded chest The trap itself Normal 64:Success 63-64
Hard 102:Success ?-102
Elite 97:CritFail; 101-103:Fail; 106:Success 104
Bear traps The traps themselves Normal 57:Fail; 60-62:Fail; 63:Success 63
Hard 95:Success ?-95
Elite 99:CritFail; 100-101:Fail; 106:Success 104


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door, to trapped Chest Normal 72:Fail; 74:Success 73
Hard 79:Fail; 85:Success 80-85
Elite 83:Fail; 88:Success 84-88
Locked Chest Normal 77:Success ?-77
Hard 72:Fail; 79:Success 73-79
Elite 82:Fail; 88:Success 84-88

Finding Dorris (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
The Cogs; Old Factory, Old Furnace. Elemental traps: 4, (pressure plates) Walls Normal 73-86:Success 62-73
The Trainer's House (4 Control panels) Walls Normal 69-79:Success; 86:CritSuccess 62-66
Elite 97:CritFail; 100-101:Fail; 105:Success 102-104


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (random location) Normal

The Haunting of Saltmarsh (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Library Door Normal 69:Success ?-69
Hard 74:Fail 75-?
Elite 68:Fail; 85:Success 69-85
Storeroom Door Normal 57:Fail; 68:Success 58-68
Hard 74:Fail 75-?
Violin Room Door Normal 74:Success ?-74
Hard 74:Fail 75-?
Red Crystal Door Normal 71:Success ?-71
Hard 74:Fail 75-?
Puzzle Room Door Normal 62:Fail; 69:Success 63-69
Hard 74:Fail 75-?
Elite 78:Fail; 90:Success 79-90

The Hijacked Haul (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
2 Cold traps in hidden cave tunnel Normal
Elite 94:CritFail; 101:Fail; 106:Success 102-105
Pressure plates around Locked Chest Normal
Elite 26:Success


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal

House of Pain (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
8 Control Panels (Lady in Black, rusted pipework room) Walls Normal 58:CritFail; 60:Fail; 70-82:Success; 86:CritSuccess 63
Elite 95-103:Success; 109:CritSuccess ?-89


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest by Rustful Stalker (unlocks if killed) Normal 77:Success ?-77

The Icemount Curse (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates around a Locked chest behind a secret door Normal 68:Success ?-68
Bear traps on the third landing past the well Normal 69:Success ?-69


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest behind Secret door Normal 86:Success ?-86

Immortality Lessons (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest, near Werewolf and Golden Key Normal 89:Success ?-89

Just Business (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Elemental Mines, foot of stairs: Hapland's Bridge Normal 63:Success 62-63
Hard 108:Success ?-108
Elemental Mines, outside Wine Shop doors Normal 68:Success 62-68
Elemental Mines, Bookstore door Normal 66:Success 62-66
Tully Tower, spiral stairs (3) Elemental Mines Normal 68:Success 62-68
Hard 109:Success ?-109


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Large locked Door to Room with (Curious Note) and Shrines
City Watch station
Normal 59:Success ?-59
Hard 99:Success ?-99

Legendary Master Artificer[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Magecraft Cannon ambush by 2 Levers Between the two levers Normal 58-77:Success 58
Hard 111:CritSuccess ?-91
3 Control panels near Magecraft Cannons East wall, past the 3 cannon barrage Normal 58-63
Magecraft Cannons If critically disabled, they start helping you Normal 58-63
Elite ?-104

Legendary Tempest's Spine[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike/blade trap. Before the trap right side On the floor, just past the control column Normal 67-75:Success; 88:CritSuccess 67
Hard 100-102:Success; 103:CritSuccess 83
Elite 92:CritFail; 111-118:Success 104-106
Fire traps burst from open holes in hallway. Right wall, beyond traps Normal
Hard 96-101:Success; 106:CritSuccess 82-86
Elite 97:CritFail; 110-118:Success 104-106
Spike trap on INT rune Opposite wall. Normal
Hard 93-102:Success; 107:CritSuccess 83-85
Elite 101:Fail; 104-109:Success; 124:CritSuccess 102-104
Long corridor of (Poison) jets In the middle of the traps Normal
Hard 89-101:Success; 103:CritSuccess 82-83
Elite 103:Fail; 105-119:Success 104-105
Fire traps guarding lever. The 2 stone with a lever in the middle A Control panel on each carved stone. Normal
Hard 97-101:Success; 109:CritSuccess 83-90
Elite 99:CritFail; 103:Fail; 106-115:Success 104-106
Bridge to the Inevitable (acid and poison). To the left side of the bridge To the left side of the bridge Normal
Hard 91-100:Success; 108:CritSuccess 83-88
Elite 107-114:Success 104-107


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First locked door from trapped lever Normal
Elite 52:Success ?-52
Second locked door from trapped lever Normal 72:Success ?-72

Legendary Vision of Destruction[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blades in the centre area 2 per wall, 8 total Normal 67-70:Fail; 71-86:Success; 97:CritSuccess 71
Hard 90:CritFail; 91-94:Fail; 95-111:Success 95
Elite 105:CritFail; 112-115:Fail; 116-123:Success 116

Lost at Sea (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door (Iron Key) Normal 59:Success 40-59

Members Only (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(3) Pressure plates guarding a locked chest at basement Normal 74-77:Success 62-74
Elite 102:CritFail; 103-106:Fail; 107:Success 107
Acid jets at secret maintenance passage above the garden East wall Normal 93:CritSuccess ?-73
Electrical trap at secret maintenance passage above the garden North wall Normal 92:CritSuccess ?-72


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind a secret door at basement Normal 51:Fail; 56:Success 52-56
Elite 77:Fail; 86:Success 78-86
Locked door at above the garden Normal 63:Fail; 71:Success 64-71

No Refunds (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
4 Pressure plates (visible) guarding a locked chest Normal 58:CritFail; 67:Success 63-67
Elite 99:CritFail; 103-104:Fail; 107-130:Success 105-107


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind a secret door Normal 70:Fail; 74:Success 71-74
Elite 86:Fail; 93:Success 87-93

One Dame Thing After Another (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Normal 82-106 82-106:Success
Hard 91:Success ?-91

Reach for the Sky (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Holding Cell Gate (Target Lever nearby) Normal 58:Success ?-58
Locked Room, with Shrines after ladder Normal 60:Success ?-60

Rosemary's Ballad (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door, to bedroom, up ladder (Iron Key) Normal 60:Success
Locked Chest, in the garden Normal 62:Fail; 75:Success 63-75

Safety in Numbers (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Two blade traps on spiral stairs, leading down to chest Walls Normal 80-84:Success 65-80


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Gate to Strongbox Normal 52:Fail; 61:Success 53-61
2 Locked Doors, to spiral staircase Chest Normal 81:Fail; 85:Success 82-84
Hard 86:Fail; 87:Success 87

Security Detail (Epic)[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 60:Fail; 68:Success 61-68

Smash and Burn (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps, near the first gate The traps themselves Normal 58:CritFail; 59-62:Fail; 63:Success 63
Bear traps, near the Vault Chest The traps themselves Normal 56:CritFail; 62:Fail; 64:Success 63
2 Traps (acid) in Forgewraith Cogs room, protecting the chests Near the Dice puzzles Normal 56:CritFail; 59:Fail; 75-78:Success; 84:CritSuccess 61-63


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door (can be opened with Silver key) Normal 57:Success ?-57
Forgewraith room Locked Door (can be unlocked) Normal 45:Fail; 48:Success 46-48
Final Locked Door (can be opened with Iron key)
Halfling mini boss room
Normal 47:Success ?-47

Soul Survivor (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps (visible), Hybrid Keeper room Normal 64-78:Success 64

The Codex and the Shroud[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked levers in phase 3 (lights out) Normal 88:Success ?-88

The Endless Revels (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates protecting Locked Chest Normal 72:Success ?-72


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 79:Success ?-79

The Final Enemy (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Sonic trap at first door Normal
Electric trap in front of the secret door Normal
Several pressure plates near chests Normal

The Home of Memory (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trap Guarding Locked Chest Normal 87:CritSuccess ?-67


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Gate leading to the Locked Chest Normal 62:Fail; 71:Success 63-71
Elite 68:Fail
Locked Chest Normal 58:Fail; 67:Success 59-67

The Legend of the Lost Locket (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Lever (Gold Key required) Normal 79:Fail; 82:Success 80-82
Locked Lever (Silver Key required) Normal 75:Fail; 87:Success 76-87

The Knight Who Cried Windmill (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Secret door (locked), leading Armond Allweather Normal 80:Success ?-80
Elite 79:Success ?-79

The Same Old Song (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Door, to Locked Chest room Normal 55:Fail; 57:Success 56-57
Locked Chest, behind locked door Normal 51:Fail; 57:Success 52-57

The Thornwright (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal 82:Success ?-82

The Underlane Assignment (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Two blade traps on spiral stairs, leading down to chest Walls Normal 84:Success; 88:CritSuccess 65-68


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Water Purifying Subsystem door (also opens with Iron Key) Normal 79:Fail; 82:Success 80-82
Locked Gate to Strongbox Normal 62:Success ?-62
2 Locked Doors, to spiral staircase Chest Normal 72:Fail; 79:Success 73-82

Thralls of the Fungus Lord (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps (Ooze room) Normal 68-81:Success; 83:CritSuccess 63
Spinning blade traps (Ooze room) Normal 78-81:Success; 84:CritSuccess 62

Through the Tulgey Wood (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest near waterfall Normal ?-74
Hard 74:Success ?-74
Elite 79:Fail; 81:Success 80-81

Under the Cover of Darkness (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest near Oceanus the Sea Elf Normal

What Sleeps Below (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
4 Pressure plates around the Locked chest Normal
Elite 100:CritFail; 108:Success 105-108


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal

White Plume Mountain (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Western wing: meshed tunnel Cage wall (east) Normal 77:Success; 84:CritSuccess 62-64
Western wing: Illusionary Spiked pit and grease room Lower floor Normal 71:Success; 85:CritSuccess 65-71
Hard 71:Success
Western wing: drop down pits By door to exit Normal 77-79:Success 65-77


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door (can be opened with Silver Key) Normal 51:Success ?-39
Hard 39:Success ?-39

Level 33 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?–111

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?–100

All Hail the King (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in the Underwater Cave Normal 82:Fail 83-?
Hard 83-?
Elite 83-?

Army of Eternal Night (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Normal
Blade trap at bottom of spiral staircase Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest at bottom of spiral staircase Normal
Elite 83:Fail 84-?

Bullywugs and Booby Traps (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spikes Normal
Fire Normal
Spikes Normal
Fire Normal
Flame Jet room Normal
2 Spike (pit) traps Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal ?-74
Hard 74:Success ?-74

Captive of the Hidden God (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Sealed brig (prison) doors Near the doors Normal

Growing Pains (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Waterfall chest Normal 72:Success ?-72
Elite 83:Fail 84-?

The Hand and the Eyes (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure Plates The trap itself Normal
Air jets protecting the Eye of Risia South wall Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal ?-82
Hard 77:Fail; 82:Success 78-82
Elite 83:Fail 84-?

Order in the Court! (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Laundry chest Normal
Elite 83:Fail 84-?
Chest in Junior's room Normal ?-81
Hard ?-81
Elite 77:Fail; 81:Success 78-81

Plundering Pirates' Point (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps Normal
Hard 86
Fire jets, tunnel to final boss fight Normal
Hard 86
Whirling blades, tunnel to final boss fight Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked underwater Chest Normal

Spiders and Flies (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates guarding chest Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal 74:Fail; 77:Success 75-77
Hard 84:Fail 84-?
Elite 84-?

Three Paths to Battle (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked secret door in the Devilish Fortress Normal ?-83
Hard ?-83
Elite 78:Fail; 83:Success 79-83
Chest in the Demonic Fortress lava pit Normal ?-82
Hard ?-82
Elite 75:Fail; 82:Success 76-82

Whispers of Return (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates guarding chest Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal 65:Fail; 70:Success 66-70
Hard 70:Fail; 83:Success 71-83
Elite 83:Fail 84-?

Level 34 quests[edit]

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 65–72
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?–114

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?–100

Assault on Summerfield (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Carlo's Bookstore spiked blade traps On a bookcase Normal
Basement Apartment Fireplace blades Above a bookcase Normal

Astral Ambush[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in second outside area Normal 78:Fail; 79:Success 79
Hard 83:Fail 84-?
Elite 84-?

Catastrophe (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap Wall Normal
Hard 114:CritSuccess ?-94


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind secret door Normal
Hard 81:Fail; 82:Success 82

The Devils to Pay (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire jets in corridors In corners by bookshelves Normal

Diplomatic Impunity (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Four fire traps from statues through the door 4 Control panels, one either side of door and up the stairs Normal

Eyes of Stone (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cold traps in Archives (12 in total) In-between bookcases Normal 79-86:Success; 87:CritSuccess 67
Hard 88:Success 68-88
Elite 111:Success 92-111


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest behind hidden doors on south side of upper offices Normal ?-62
Hard ?-62
Elite 62:Success ?-62

Fall of the Forbidden Temple (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire, in target lever room Normal
Spiked blade trap in corridor Normal
Acid trap, in the Kopru tunnel Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door near Kay'lis of the Rattling Bones Normal 77:Fail; 82:Success 78-82
Hard 78-?
Elite 78-?
Locked chest near Kay'lis of the Rattling Bones (behind locked door above) Normal 77:Fail; 82:Success 78-82
Hard 78-?
Elite 78-?
First locked door behind last shrine, leading to Dark Secret Normal 64:Success ?-64
Second locked door behind last shrine, leading to Dark Secret Normal 81:Success ?-81
Third and final locked door behind last shrine, leading to Dark Secret Normal 83:Fail 84-?
Elite 93:Fail 94-96

Frame Work (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike traps on stairs 4 Control panels on the sides of the stairs Normal

Fred's First Date (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in the Upper City Faire Normal
Elite 83:Fail 84-?

Grand Theft Aureon (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked grate outside tower Normal
Elite 83:Fail 84-?
Locked chest in maze Normal ?-82
Hard ?-82
Elite 79:Fail; 82:Success 80-82

Horde of the Illithid Controller[edit]


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates around a chest Normal 70:Fail; 71 Success 71


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 59:Fail; 67:Success 60-67
Hard 79:Fail; 80:Success 80
Elite 80-?

Kill Ten Rats (Epic)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire jets in the Left Cavern South wall Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest in the Quiet Folk village Normal
Elite 83:Fail; 116:Success 84-116

Paper Trail (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates around hidden chest Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in hidden side room Normal
Elite 82:Fail 83-?

Party 101 (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates behind secret door Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest behind the secret door Normal
Elite 82:Fail 83-?

Siegebreaker (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trapped puzzle at boss 5 Control panels each time the puzzle appear (Total 20) Normal

Stolen Power[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest across pipes Normal 70:Success ?-70
Hard 81:Success ?-81

ToEE: Air Node (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal
Elite 81:Fail 82-?

ToEE: Depths of the Temple (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps (randomly located) Normal
Evil Spell Wards (randomly located) Normal
Pressure Plates (randomly located) Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal
Elite 81:Fail 82-?

ToEE: Earth Node (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal
Elite 81:Fail 82-?

ToEE: Fire Node (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal
Elite 81:Fail 82-?

ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps (randomly located) Normal
Evil Spell Wards (randomly located) Normal
Pressure Plates (randomly located) Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, up to 2 may spawn) Normal
Elite 81:Fail 82-?

ToEE: Lower Temple Complex (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps (randomly located) Normal
Evil Spell Wards (randomly located) Normal
Pressure Plates (randomly located) Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, up to 2 may spawn) Normal
Elite 81:Fail 82-?
Locked door to chest in the Northern Halls Normal

ToEE: Water Node (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Ice trap on Jotun Rimeblade's chest On the chest itself Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (randomly located, rare) Normal
Elite 81:Fail 82-?

Turn the Page (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates around the locked chest Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest behind secret door Normal
Elite 83:Fail 84-?

Undermine (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Huge minefield The landmines themselves Normal

Vecna Denied (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps in Path of Snares Southern wall Normal
Bear traps in Path of Snares Normal
Pressure plates in Path of Snares Normal
Elemental jet traps in Path of Snares Either side of final lever Normal

Vecna Unleashed (Epic)[edit]



Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Collapsing floor over acid pit Southern wall Normal


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest in storeroom Normal
Elite 83:Fail 84-?