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The Faithful Departed

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The Age of Giants claimed the lives of many elven refugees. The sacred site is where their remains are entombed.

The Faithful Departed
Heroic level: 8
Epic level: None
Duration: Medium
Heroic XP:  ♣1,154Solo/Casual ♦2,038Normal ♥2,152Hard ♠2,266Elite
Epic XP: N/A
Takes place in: Tomb of the Ancients
Bestowed by: Avanti Moonwillow
NPC contact: Avanti Moonwillow
Quest acquired in: Golden Wing Inn
Patron: House Phiarlan
Base favor: 4
Purchase: Free to Play
Extreme Challenge: No
M faithful departed.png
Loading screen


The Drow have been desecrating burial temples across Xen'drik.

Avanti Moonwillow, emissary of the Undying Court, has asked you to prevent the Drow from doing this to the Temple of the Ancients.

The Undying Court has also requested that you ensure the safety of the Venerated entombed inside.

You can find Transport to the Shrouded Vale from the House Phiarlan Enclave by talking to Odonis Arkim. The Tomb of the Ancients is located inside the Shrouded Vale.

The transport to the Shrouded Vale is located in the northwest corner of House Phiarlan, next to the caravan to Tangleroot Gorge.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Purge the Tomb of scorrow (4 total)
  • Kill the scorrow, Kas'san
  • Kill the scorrow, Ak'xan
  • Kill the scorrow, Calar
  • Kill the scorrow, Takk, and his minions
  • (Failure) Allow the Venerated to be destroyed (3 or more out of 4)
  • (Optional) (Lore) Check the Book on the Pedestal — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣173 ♦306 ♥323 ♠340 )

What to Expect

  • Spawning/respawning monsters
  • Protect NPCs (mandatory: 4 Venerated)
  • Randomly placed quest item (mandatory: Key)
  • Quest failure (if more than 2 out of 4 Venerated die)

Known Traps

Trap DCs

  • Random spikes and blades on corridors

Tips and Misc

  • The bridge to the tomb entrance is missing most of its structure, but can be jumped with a horse and a modified Jump skill of around 34. You can't use a horse inside the Vale area, but if you enter while mounted you will stay mounted for the outside bit until knocked off or you dismount. (Mounts add +20 to your Jump skill so that's pretty easily achievable.) This lets you avoid most of the wandering around trying to get up to the tomb, and dealing with about half the drow.
  • Once inside the tomb, your primary foes are scorpions, scorrow and drow. The scorrows make heavy use of poison, which inflicts a heavy CON damage; and the drow make heavy use of blindness as well. If your party is equipped with anti-blindness and anti-poison equipment, it will make life much easier here.
  • The spiders in the tomb are no friend to the drow either.
  • You fail this quest if 3 out of 4 Venerated die. Several things you should heed when dealing with the Venerated:
    • Though the Venerated will appear as if a red-name mob, they are actually going to be attacked by the real mobs; the red-name is mainly there to prevent clerics from healing them with Harm or Inflict Wounds.
    • The Venerated will take damage from players' AoE spells, like firewalls – so be careful! They are in fact vulnerable to fire.
    • Do not use charm spells to bring scorrows or drow under your control, they will keep attacking the Venerated.
    • Do not use hirelings either for the very same reason.
      • Note that hirelings can be safely used if you command them to stay a good distance from where you will be encountering the Venerated. The locations of the Venerated are noted on the map (white squares with black dot). This allows you to use hirelings to help battle the rest of the creatures you face.
      • Note that hirelings might be safely used if you command them to defend you only. This would allow them to fight any of your attackers and heal you. Do not use hirelings with AoE attacks (AoE healing, too?) in this fashion. Also, defensive hirelings need more testing, but so far so good (1 run, overlevel (level 21) with a bard hireling. Helped in all four Venerated fights without ever attacking the Venerated).
    • The Venerated will become passive NPC's when their associated attackers are killed (the drow that immediately set upon them when they emerge). That includes the final Venerated, though the other drow in the last room will still attack him if they are alive.
    • The Venerated are mummies, so beware of catching Pernicious Mummy Rot. They will cast a Fear spell when they emerge to defend themselves that can affect you and the drow.
  • Know that the final room is kind of a player trap. Essentially, the large room features a raised platform where scorrow will get to work immediately on dispatching the Venerated once you are there. Ignore the drow at the lower level, or you risk failing this quest because the scorrow are left unchallenged at the top of the platform.
    • The final room is by far the hardest, but if you have saved at least 2 of the Venerated before the final room then you can take your time and pull mobs to you and just let the last Venerated die and still win. Running in and trying to zerg all the mobs will most likely result in lots of deaths.
    • You can range a few drow from the ledge above before you actually "enter" the final room, and so not trigger the fight.
  • Only the named scorrow, not any of the lesser drow scorpions, count towards the first objective.
Book on the Pedestral
  • The Book on the Pedestal can be found in the room north of the shrine.
    • Despite the "Lore" blurb in the objective, no Lore seems to actually be required.

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 29 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣115 ♦204 ♥215 ♠227 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 57 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣173 ♦306 ♥323 ♠340 )
  • Conquest bonus: 85 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣289 ♦510 ♥538 ♠567 )
  • Tamper bonus: 3 or more traps disarmed +10% Bonus.( ♣115 ♦204 ♥215 ♠227 )
  • Ingenious Debilitation bonus: 5 or more traps disarmed +30% Bonus.( ♣346 ♦611 ♥646 ♠680 )
  • Mischief bonus: 61 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣92 ♦163 ♥172 ♠181 )
  • Vandal bonus: 80 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣115 ♦204 ♥215 ♠227 )
  • Ransack bonus: 98 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣173 ♦306 ♥323 ♠340 )

External Links

U30 Video Solo Walkthrough


  • Chests: 2
    • 1 in a room with a Venerated (can spawn in multiple locations)
    • 1 at the end for killing Takk (Drow Scorpion)
  • Collectables: 2

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Ak'xan Varma( view
Ak'xan Varma.png
 • edit )
 ♥12Hard ♠15Elite Aberration Drow Scorpion
Calar Xal'vak( view
Calar Xal'vak.png
 • edit )
 ♥12Hard ♠15Elite Aberration Drow Scorpion
Darkfang Hunter( view
Darkfang Hunter.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Vermin Spider
Death Stalker( view
Death Stalker.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite Vermin Scorpion
Drow Barbarian Shaman( view
Drow Barbarian Shaman.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite Elf Drow Elf
Drow Barbarian( view
Drow Barbarian.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite Elf Drow Elf
Drow Bard( view
Drow Bard.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite Elf Drow Elf
Drow Disciple( view
Drow Disciple.png
 • edit )
 ♦7Normal Elf Drow Elf
Drow Guardian( view
Drow Guardian.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite Elf Drow Elf
Drow Hunter( view
Drow Hunter.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite Elf Drow Elf
Drow Man-at-Arms( view
Drow Man-at-Arms.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Elf Drow Elf
Drow Priest( view
Drow Priest.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite Elf Drow Elf
Drow Scorpion Cleric( view
Drow Scorpion Cleric.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♥29Epic Hard Aberration Drow Scorpion
Drow Scorpion Rogue( view
Drow Scorpion Rogue.png
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♥29Epic Hard Aberration Drow Scorpion
Drow Scorpion Wizard( view
Drow Scorpion Wizard.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♥29Epic Hard Aberration Drow Scorpion
Drow Scorpion( view
Drow Scorpion.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠16Elite ♥29Epic Hard Aberration Drow Scorpion
Drow Slayer( view
Drow Slayer.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦7Normal ♥9Hard ♠12Elite Elf Drow Elf
Drow Warrior (Eberron)( view
Drow Warrior.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite Elf Drow Elf
Drow Wizard (Eberron)( view
Drow Wizard.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Elf Drow Elf
Kas'san Gan'ra( view
Kas'san Gan'ra.png
 • edit )
 ♥12Hard ♠15Elite Aberration Drow Scorpion
Monarch Scorpion( view
Monarch Scorpion.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Vermin Scorpion
Takk Ur'Ros( view
Takk Ur'Ros.png
 • edit )
 ♥12Hard ♠15Elite Aberration Drow Scorpion
The Venerated( view
The Venerated.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Undead Mummy