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19,000 edits and counting!
Monster Lich.jpg
You are thee legendary master of the dark side!!!

Dywypi has 10,000 edits - keep up the good work!

About Me[edit]

DYWYPI? is an acronym for "Do you want your possessions identified?". For the record; it has nothing to do with any Character names I have, or play within DDO.

Play style[edit]

Generally I tend to play pure Rogue Assassins and solo them quite often; typically leaning towards relaxed play rather than rushing towards the end... Of course I'll also sometimes join Pick Up Groups when the opportunity arises, since the guild I'm in only has one other player whom rotates play on all servers. Some of the Editors on this Wiki that present on DDOStream have quested with me a handful of times and probably have some of my Rogues on their Friends list.

Detecting and Disabling Traps[edit]

Currently for the DDO Wiki; I've been mostly soloing my Rogues; trying to determine Hard/Elite Heroic "Spot and Search DCs" of the Traps within F2P quests (it would take too long "hot-swapping" my trap detecting and disabling gear to determine the lowest Trap DC within a PUG). Since the previous data was mostly outdated or had lots holes to be filled-in.

As a general rule for heroic [F2P] quests for Elite difficulty the 'Spot and Search' DCs tend to increase by either: +2 or +3 DC per quest level. There are odd exceptions to the rule but that is the pattern they tend to follow. Thus by around level 13 pure Rogues generally need to ensure their Search equipment is sufficient.

Apart for about two traps (Quest Level 2 and 3 on Elite), when I was a complete novice to the game and didn't have much more than two Platinum Pieces to rub together; I've never failed a trap when questing. My Rogues certainly are not optimised builds for trap disabling, as for my second Rogue, she has never failed to find or disable any trap within 'Bravery bonus' she has come across either first life or second.

So with planning and forward thinking (assuming you can get level appropriate trap finding and disabling gear) you shouldn't have too much issue with traps if you are a generic F2P Rogue Assassin build.

Thelanis Server; genuine F2P, Epic Rogue Assassin