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DDO information project/Traps and locks/25

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Level 25 quests[edit]

Suspected Requirements

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 66–73
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 78–85

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: ?
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: ?

A Legend Revisited[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plate at first vampire The plate itself Normal 61-70:Success 50-61
Hard 73-81:Success 66
Elite 81:CritFail; 84-86:Fail; 90-98:Success 87-88
(same place as heroic: The Legend of Two-Toed Tobias)
Normal 57-74:Success; 76:CritSuccess 55-56
Hard 94:CritSuccess 66-74
Elite 74:Success; 120:CritSuccess


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest at fire jets Normal 56:Fail; 58:Success 57-58
Hard 65:Fail; 66:Success 66
Elite 71:Fail; 73:Success 72-73

Ghost of a Chance (epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Floor blades in east junction Just before blades Normal 56-68:Success; 75:CritSuccess 52-55
Hard 75:Success; 90:CritSuccess 65-70
Elite 86-93:Success; 112:CritSuccess 78-82


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Lever temporarily disabling blade trap Normal 44:Success ?-44
Hard 50:Success ?-50
Elite 56:Success 37-56

Old Tomb, New Tenants[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Pressure plates
At the top and bottom of the south stairs past the bridge
Pressure plates themselves Normal 57-77:Success 54-57
Hard 63:CritFail; 69:Fail; 71:Success 70
Elite 83:Fail; 88-109:Success 84-87


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First shrine door Normal 54:Fail; 56:Success 55-56
Hard 61:Fail; 65:Success 61-65
Elite 71:Fail; 72:Success 72

Precious Cargo[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Magefire Cannons Normal 56:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48
Elite 77:Fail; 87-99:Success; 100:CritSuccess 78-81
The 'Eclipse' engine room; trapped levers Normal 66-69:Success; 92:CritSuccess 49-66

Prove Your Worth (epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Entry corridor
* Note: the DCs do vary significantly per trap in this quest.
Front of pedestal, middle pedestal spikes Normal 50-66:Success; 67:CritSuccess 47
Hard 61:Fail; 68-81:Success 62-74
Elite 82-95:Success; 102:CritSuccess 76-82
Entry corridor, horizontal slashing blades Far end of pedestal Normal 50:CritFail; 54:Fail; 58-71:Success; 76:CritSuccess 55-56
Hard 70:Fail; 93:CritSuccess 71-73
Elite 81:CritFail; 89:Fail; 91-101:Success; 121:CritSuccess 90-91
Entry corridor, numerous pressure plate webs The plates Normal 52-88:Success 51-52
Hard 70:Success ?-70
Elite 77:CritFail; 81:Fail; 84-110:Success; 111:CritSuccess 82-84
Magefire Cannons after entry hall Wall in front of cannons Normal 48-50:Fail; 53-69:Success; 71:CritSuccess 51
Hard 72-82:Success ?-72
Elite 81:Fail; 85-109:Success; 105-118:CritSuccess 85
Numerous pressure plate webs in front of cannons The plates Normal 50:Fail; 56-58:Success 51-52
Hard 61:CritFail; 63:Fail; 67-80:Success 64-67
Elite 79:CritFail; 84-105:Success 84
Second set of Magefire Cannons after entry hall (by the crates) Walls; one near floor and the other on a ledge near the Cannon Normal 51:Fail; 57-59:Success; 78:CritSuccess 52-55
Hard 73-80:Success; 92:CritSuccess ?-72
Elite 85:CritFail; 99:Success
Spinning blade traps in barrel/crate maze North-east corner of maze behind exploding barrels Normal 54-63:Success; 74:CritSuccess 54
Hard 83-87:Success; 92:CritSuccess ?-72
Elite 95-102:Success; 111:CritSuccess 83-91
Lift traps (2 Control panels) On the wall opposite each alcove Normal 53-70:Success; 72:CritSuccess 51-52
Hard 67:Fail; 68-80:Success; 92:CritSuccess 68
Elite 91-98:Success; 106:CritSuccess 86-91
3 Ambush Magefire Cannons Bases of the Magefire Cannons Normal 55-68:Success; 67:CritSuccess 47
Inferno room, flame jets On east wall as you enter Normal 55-56:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48-55
Hard 56:Success; 87:CritSuccess ?-56
Elite 93:Success; 113:CritSuccess 91-93
Inferno Room, dart trap On north wall, after you pass the flame jets Normal 56:Fail; 59-66:Success; 77:CritSuccess 57-59
Hard 63:CritFail; 77-101:Success 68-101
Elite 118:CritSuccess 82-98
Inferno Room, net traps (6 traps) On bridge leading to final lever Normal 52-93:Success ?-52
Hard 58-62:CritFail; 63-66:Fail; 68-77:Success 67
Elite 97-111:Success 74-?
Inferno Room Treasure chest (2 Control panels) On the floor to the north and south of the chest Normal 56-58:Fail; 59-69:Success; 81:CritSuccess 59
Hard 85-97:Success 79-85
Elite 89:CritFail; 92-95:Fail; 99-111:Success; 120:CritSuccess 96
Magefire Cannons (after inferno room) Normal 55-64:Success; 69:CritSuccess 49-52
Hard 63-64:Fail; 91:CritSuccess 67-71
Elite 90-102:Success; 118:CritSuccess ?-90

The Price of Freedom (Epic)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Lever, Doctor Fjorn Bloodstein's medical room Normal 68:Success; 81:CritSuccess 21-61


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Cell locks (Iron Key) Normal 41:Success
Elite 62:Fail; 63:Success 63

Link to level 26