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DDO information project/Traps and locks/14

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Level 14 quests[edit]

Suspected Requirements

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: ?–40
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 44
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 53

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 60
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data

A Cabal for One[edit]


Search & Spot DCs

Traps (Random traps, and not all of them appear in one single instance)

Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Fire trap at first door (Right after Gardak)
* (Disable Device DCs vary in this quest)
Either side of door (behind the trap) Normal 42-52:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-42
Hard 44:CritFail; 51-59:Success; 68:CritSuccess 49
Elite 53-58:Success; 60:CritSuccess 39-40
Spike trap on stairs Right side of stairs, after trap Normal 50-55:Success; 74:CritSuccess
Hard 46-57:Success; 69:CritSuccess 38-49
Elite 60:CritSuccess
Vertical Blade trap before gate Left wall before trap Normal 48-49:Success; 61:CritSuccess ?-48
Hard 55:Success; 70:CritSuccess 36-50
Elite 46-59:Success; 60:CritSuccess 40
Spike trap on chest behind the secret door
(Blades on ground before the door do not disarm)
Left side near chest behind the spikes/blades Normal 44:CritFail; 46:Fail; 54:Success; 74:CritSuccess 49-50
Hard 44:CritFail; 55-69:Success; 71:CritSuccess 50-51
Elite 43:CritFail; 47:Fail; 50-68:Success; 72:CritSuccess 48-51
Cold trap after door Right side of trap Normal 51:Success; 69:CritSuccess 49-51
Hard 41-57:Success; 69:CritSuccess 41
Elite 44-56:Success; 60:CritSuccess ?-40
Spike trap at gate, on the wall By the gate Normal 63:CritSuccess
Hard 49-51:Success ?-49
Elite 50-59:Success; 60:CritSuccess 40
Acid, fire and poison jets in corridor before shrine Over the cube stone Normal 54:Success; 66:CritSuccess
Hard 41:Fail; 49:Success; 62:CritSuccess 42-45
Elite 49-55:Success; 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Fire trap at South-east door (Maksim's room) Shrine Room Either side of door Normal 34:CritFail; 46-50:Success; 64:CritSuccess 39-46
Hard 45-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 43
Elite 50-61:Success; 63:CritSuccess 42-43
Fire trap at South-west door (Kivol's room) Either side of door Normal 41:Fail 46
Hard 47:CritFail; 48:Fail; 55-57:Success; 75:CritSuccess 52
Elite 51-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 39-45
Spike trap within pit (collapsible floor tile) Right side on pillar near ladder Normal 48:Success; 73:CritSuccess
Hard 49-52:Success; 64:CritSuccess 30-44
Elite 45:CritFail; 53-67:Success; 73:CritSuccess 53
Fire trap on Door to the northern "dual ladders" room Either side of door Normal 53:Success; 67:CritSuccess 47-53
Hard 58:Success; 71:CritSuccess ?-51
Elite 54-60:Success; 65:CritSuccess 45
Dart trap near "dual ladders" door Normal 61:CritSuccess
Hard 42-57:Success; 71:CritSuccess 42-51
Elite 46:CritFail; 63-71:Success; 78:CritSuccess 53-58
Fire trap on East door (Mikahi's room) Either side of door Normal 50:Success; 82:CritSuccess
Hard 63:CritSuccess ?-57
Elite 50-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 39-43
Fire trap at West door (Vokur's room) Either side of door Normal 65:CritSuccess ?-52
Hard 39:CritFail; 52:Success; 62:CritSuccess 43-52
Elite 43-60:Success; 64:CritSuccess 43
Spike trap at final door Normal 51:CritSuccess 31
Hard 47-59:Success; 64:CritSuccess 40-44
Elite 47:CritFail; 56-69:Success; 73:CritSuccess 52-53
Fire trap on final door Either side of door Normal 46-54:Success; 73:CritSuccess 35
Hard 52-56:Success; 68:CritSuccess 48
Elite 45-61:Success; 65:CritSuccess 42-45


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Loot chest's Lock (trapped) Normal 46:Fail; 49:Success 46-48
Hard 46:Fail; 48:Success 47-48
Elite 47:Fail; 51:Success 48-51

Desecrated Temple of Vol[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blade traps west side Control panels left and right Normal 40:Success 21-40
Hard 77:CritSuccess 21-57
Elite 49:Fail; 57-59:Success; 74:CritSuccess 52-53
Arrow traps west side Between the arrow launchers Normal 41:Success 22-41
Hard 57:Success; 76:CritSuccess 22-56
Elite 46:CritFail; 58:Success 52-53
Spinning blade traps east side Control panels left Normal 41:Success 22-41
Hard 57:Success; 68:CritSuccess 22-48
Elite 50-51:Fail; 54-63:Success 52
Arrow traps east side Left passage Normal 40:Success 21-40
Hard 77:CritSuccess 21-57
Elite 60-68:Success 52-53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door east side Normal 49:Fail; 50:Success 50
Hard 48:Fail; 69:Success 50
Elite 49:Fail; 50:Success 50

Flesh Maker's Laboratory[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap Two left and right, then one left Normal 45:Success 26-45
Hard 51:Success; 62:CritSuccess 26-42
Elite 52-66:Success 51-52
Lightning traps in optional Four control panels, one on each outer pillar Normal 46:Success 27-45
Hard 77:CritSuccess 27-45
Elite 40:CritFail; 47:Fail; 54-62:Success 48-54


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked door that can be opened with Iron Key Normal 58:Fail; 61:Success 59-60
Hard 59:Fail; 60:Success 60
Elite 59:Fail; 60:Success 60

Gianthold Tor[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Elemental traps on stairs A few steps before the traps Normal 56:CritSuccess ?-36
Hard 52-55:Success
Elite 46:CritFail; 54-63:Success; 75:CritSuccess 51-54

Grim and Barett[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps before Grim Left wall before narrow corridor Normal 41-51:Success
Hard 53-56:Success; 86:CritSuccess ?-53
Elite 57:Fail; 63-76:Success; 83:CritSuccess 58-61


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest at Grakath room Normal 48:Success ?-46
Hard 60:Success ?-46
Elite 46:Success ?-46

Inferno of the Damned[edit]


Search & Spot DCs

Traps (All have random locations)

Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Arrows-shooting faces Normal 38:Success 19-38
Hard 19-?
Elite 49-50:Fail; 58-65:Success; 71:CritSuccess 51
Blade trap Normal 38:Success 19-38
Hard 19-?
Elite 60-64:Success; 75:CritSuccess 51-53
Acid arrow fish Left side past the trap Normal ?-60
Hard ?-60
Elite 60-68:Success; 90:CritSuccess 51-53

Madstone Crater[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door to the last skeleton enchanters Normal 61:Success ?-36
Hard 36:Success ?-36
Elite 32:Fail; 37:Success 33-37

Multitude of Menace[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Acid, guarding Lever Normal 51-58:Success; 99:CritSuccess 35-51
Hard 67-73:Success; 76:CritSuccess 53-56
Elite 58:CritFail; 66-70:Success 64-66
Telekinetic Spell Ward, in room behind secret door Near the Chest Normal 49:Success 30-49
Hard 51:Success 20-51
Elite 61:Success 48-61


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest, behind secret door Normal 45:Success ?-45
Hard 46:Success ?-46
Elite 54:Success ?-54

Night Falls on Stormreach[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear traps (visible), near the antique throne Normal 46:Success 25-46
Hard 66:Success ?-66
Elite 49:Fail; 61:Success 50-53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest, behind secret door Normal 63:Success ?-52
Hard 60:Success ?-52
Elite 52:Success ?-52



Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Titan Storage Area Locked Gate (can be opened by lever) Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 44
Hard 44:Fail; 48:Success 45-48
Elite 48:Fail; 49:Success 49
Locked Chest, behind the secret door Normal 47:Success ?-45
Hard 35:Fail; 43:Success 36-43
Elite 44:Fail; 45:Success 45

The Prison of the Planes[edit]



Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door at end Normal 46:Fail; 51:Success 47-51
Hard 52:Success 38-51
Elite 49:Fail; 50:Success 50

The Age of Rage[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
2 Blade traps Normal 49:Success; 54:CritSuccess 30-34
Hard 59-60:Success; 69:CritSuccess 40-49
Elite 63-64:Success
Bear Traps (visible) Normal 41:Success 40-41
Hard 55-57:Success ?-55
Elite 48:CritFail; 49-52:Fail; 53-60:Success 53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest near Shrine Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 57:Success ?-54
Elite 37:Fail; 39:Success 38-39

The Crucible[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Trap around Horn of Cunning 2 Control panels near the horn Normal 62:CritSuccess ?-43
Hard 43-46:Success 27-43
Elite 48:CritFail; 56-72:Success; 79:CritSuccess 53-56

Tower of Frost[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
(6) Pressure plates Security Level Normal 34-79:Success ?-24
Hard 37:CritFail; 39-40:Fail; 43-76:Success 42-43
Elite 48:CritFail; 49-50:Fail; 53-59:Success 53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest Normal 44:Success ?-39
Hard 38:Fail; 39:Success 39
Elite 43:Fail; 46:Success 44

Toxic Treatment[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade trap (Warrior's Challenge) Normal
Hard 53:Fail; 62-70:Success 54-57
Elite 67:Success 61-67
Bear Traps (visible), Luminous Mushrooms area Normal
Hard 62-69:Success ?-62
Elite 82:Success 53


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (Warrior's Challenge) Normal
Hard 52:Success ?-52
Elite 60:Success ?-60
Locked "Small Button" on Scorpion statuette (Warrior's Challenge) Normal
Hard 62:Success ?-58
Elite 58:Success ?-58

Link to level 15