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DDO information project/Traps and locks/10

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31 32 33 34

Level 10 quests[edit]

Suspected Requirements

Disable Device Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 30
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 35
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to disable everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to disable everything: 43

Open Locks Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: No Data
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: No Data
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to open everything recorded: 51
    • Suspected requirement to open everything: 45

An Invitation to Dinner[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spinning blades, Basement near door to south tower stairs Wall near door Normal 49:Success ?-49
Hard 75:CritSuccess ?-55
Elite 58:CritSuccess ?-38


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest at the very top of north stairs (above the red barrier)
(Objective Treasure Card - Transmuter - North Tower - seek entry below; Transmuter: An Invitation to Dinner)
Hard 33:Fail; 43:Success 34-43
Dungeons - north dungeon door Normal 26:Success ?-26

Black and Blue[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blade traps in the first aqueduct. Guarding Adventurer's Pack Left side of trap Normal 38:Success 28
Hard 61:CritSuccess 36-41
Elite 61:Success 42-47
Blade traps at tunnel past the second aqueduct Right side wall before traps Normal 48:CritSuccess ?-28
Hard 55:Success 36-41
Elite 62:Success 42-47

Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan![edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Slash trap Bottom of ramp Normal 64:Success; 50:CritSuccess 20-30
Hard ?-42
Elite 53:Success; 62:CritSuccess ?-42
Fire trap in middle of Crest of the Snake room (Seer) North-west pillar in middle of room Normal 39-65:Success; 92:CritSuccess 20-39
Hard 53:Success ?-44
Elite 44-55:Success; 64:CritSuccess 36-44

Death House[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Blades trap guarding locked chest at basement At east wall Normal
Hard 74:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 42:Fail 43-46
At south wall Normal
Hard 77:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 61:Success ?-61
Blades trap before door to underground At west wall Normal
Hard 73:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 46:Success ?-46
At south east corner Normal
Hard 64:CritSuccess ?-44
Elite 44-54:Success ?-44


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest at basement Normal
Elite 36:Success ?-36
Hard 73:Success ?-36

Escort the Expedition[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First blades in east corridor North wall Normal 44:CritSuccess ?-24
Elite 50-56:Success 37-50
Second blades in east corridor North wall Normal 51:CritSuccess ?-24
Elite 52-56:Success; 60:CritSuccess 37-40
Sonic trap Normal 53:CritSuccess ?-24
Hard ?-36
Elite 35:CritFail; 45-55:Success 40-45

Hiding in Plain Sight[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap around trap control panel for fire/acid/poison trap South wall, after fire/acid/poison trap Normal 30-39:Success; 46:CritSuccess 26
Hard 35-51:Success; 53:CritSuccess 30-34
Elite 39-60:Success 35-39
Fire/acid/poison trap South wall, before trap, covered by spike trap Normal 27:Fail; 48:CritSuccess 30-31
Hard 43-50:Success; 62:CritSuccess 30-44
Elite 37:CritFail; 39:Fail; 43-50:Success; 64:CritSuccess 42-43
Spinning blades in east corridor Left alcove Normal 39-50:Success; 52:CritSuccess 31-32
Hard 38-51:Success; 55:CritSuccess 31-44
Elite 39-57:Success; 66:CritSuccess 31-44
Vertical Blade trap in north-west corridor Left side of doorway Normal 53:CritSuccess 33
Hard 39:Success; 53:CritSuccess 36-?
Elite 39-57:Success 38-53
Acid trap in east corridor Left wall Normal 38:Success; 46:CritSuccess 26
Hard 48:Success; 53:CritSuccess 37-44
Elite 39:Fail; 47-58:Success; 63:CritSuccess 40-44
Blade trap in north corridor Left alcove Normal 39-64:Success ?-39
Hard 41-48:Success; 65:CritSuccess ?-41
Elite 39-54:Success; 63:CritSuccess 43-45
Spike trap through hidden door Right wall after trap Normal 47:CritSuccess 27
Hard 38-51:Success; 55:CritSuccess ?-35
Elite 49:Fail; 52:Success 50-52
Final areas: after the long Swim
Fire darts in north corridor (corridor after the swim) Right wall next to trap Normal 49:Success; 52:CritSuccess 30-32
Hard 41-52:Success; 53:CritSuccess 30-33
Elite 36:CritFail; 41:Fail; 46-58:Success; 64:CritSuccess 42-44
Mechanical trap in north corridor, west corner Left pillar Normal 49:CritSuccess 27
Hard 41-43:Success; 54:CritSuccess 42-45
Elite 34:CritFail; 48-58:Success 42-48
Blade in north corridor, west corner Alcove before doorway Normal 48:Success 38-57
Hard 39:Success; 53:CritSuccess ?-39
Elite 51-58:Success 32-51
Spike trap by hidden door at end of quest Other side of door, past spikes Normal 49:CritSuccess ?-30
Hard 47:Success; 57:CritSuccess ?-38
Elite 51:Fail; 52-58:Success 52-55


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Chest in north east room next to end room Normal 41:Success ?-41
Hard 52:Success ?-41
Elite 42:Success ?-41

The Newcomers[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Bear Traps Normal 37:Success 25-37
Hard 66:Success ?-66
Elite 44:Success 42-44
Pressure Plates (random elemental) Normal 37:Success 25-37
Hard 53:Success ?-53
Elite 41:Fail; 44:Success 42-44


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked Chest (giant camp) Normal 53:Success ?-40
Hard 64:Success ?-40
Elite 40:Success ?-40

The Sanctum: Quench the Flames (Cult of the Six, Chapter 3a)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap in western corridor North face of centre pillar on far side Normal 26:Success; 45:CritSuccess ?-25
Hard ?-40
Elite 38:Fail; 41-58:Success; 60:CritSuccess 39-40
Blade trap in western corridor Centre pillar before trap Normal 25:Fail; 30-40:Success 26-29
Hard 26-41
Elite 43-59:Success; 61:CritSuccess 40-41
Fire trap in eastern corridor Rear of centre pillar, before trap Normal 42:Success 27-30
Hard 27-?
Elite 33:CritFail; 51-58:Success; 59:CritSuccess 39

The Sanctum: Church of the Fury (Cult of the Six, Chapter 3b)[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Dart trap in western corridor North face of centre pillar on far side Normal 24:Fail; 34-41:Success 25-28
Hard 25-?
Elite 42-50:Success; 60:CritSuccess 41-42
Blade trap in western corridor Centre pillar before trap Normal 37:Success; 56:CritSuccess 18-36
Hard 18-?
Elite 40:Fail; 49-52:Success 41-42
Fire trap in eastern corridor Rear of centre pillar, before trap Normal 27:Success; 52:CritSuccess ?-27
Elite 35:CritFail; 42:Success; 62:CritSuccess 41-42

Secure the Area[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Flame grill near second shrine South of shrine on east wall after shrine Normal 35:Success ?-35
Hard ?-47
Elite 58:Success; 67:CritSuccess 39-47


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Door in main room Normal 53:Success ?-14
Hard ?-14
Elite 14:Success ?-14

Slavers of the Shrieking Mines[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike trap in north corridor after locked door Right wall after trap Normal 48:CritSuccess 28
Hard 37-?
Elite 44-45:Success; 73:CritSuccess 37-44
Blade trap in south corridor Left wall Normal 36:Success; 65:CritSuccess 35-45
Hard 35-?
Elite 40-41:Fail; 44-57:Success; 60:CritSuccess 42-44


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Locked chest Normal 47:Success ?-47
Hard 35:Success ?-35
Elite 45:Success 35-45

Sykros' Jewel[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Ice jets 2 Control panels, one on each wall Normal 42-46:Success; 49:CritSuccess 27-29
Hard 37-45:Success; 53:CritSuccess 35-37
Elite 37:CritFail; 41:Fail; 42-58:Success 42

Tempest's Spine[edit]

Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spike/blade trap Before the trap right side (on the floor just past the control column) Normal 23-42
Hard 42:Success; 68:CritSuccess 23-42
Elite 53-56:Success; 71:CritSuccess 23-?
Fire traps burst from open holes in hallway Right wall, beyond traps Normal ?-38
Hard 38:Success 19-38
Elite 40:Fail; 45-55:Success; 63:CritSuccess 41-44
Spike trap on INT rune. Opposite wall Normal
Hard 55:CritSuccess
Long corridor of (Poison) jets. Halfway through the corridor traps, on the left wall Normal
Hard 57:CritSuccess ?-37
Elite 76:CritSuccess ?-56
Fire traps guarding lever The 2 stone with a lever in the middle, a Control panel on each stone Normal ?-37
Hard 37:Success; 57:CritSuccess 18-37
Elite 37:CritFail; 41:Fail; 44-58:Success; 62:CritSuccess 42-43
Bridge to the Inevitable (acid and poison) To the left side of the bridge Normal ?-35
Hard 61:CritSuccess ?-35
Elite 35-54:Success; 63:CritSuccess 33-35


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
First locked door from trapped lever Normal
Hard 66:Success
Elite 23:Fail; 29:Success 24-29
Second locked door from trapped lever Normal
Hard 74:Success
Elite 30:Fail; 53:Success

The Chamber of Rahmat[edit]


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Kaenis' chest Normal 18:Success ?-18
Hard ?-26
Elite 22:Success ?-22

The Vault of Night (Vault of Night (story arc) raid, Part 5)[edit]


Search & Spot DCs


Location/Description Box Location Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
West Side
Blade trap wall Right side of wall Normal 58:Success 39-58
Hard 39-64
Elite 64:Success 45-64
Lightning trapped chest 5 Control panels, on columns around it Normal 52:Success 33-42
Hard 33-42
Elite 43-57:Success; 60:CritSuccess 38-40
North Side
Spinning blade corridor 8 Control panels scattered on columns on both sides Normal 21:CritFail; 29:Success 26-29
Hard 26-41
Elite 40:Fail; 42-54:Success; 61:CritSuccess 41
South Side
Spike trap North side Normal ?-51
Hard ?-51
Elite 51-61:Success 42-51
Trap near door Right side of third door's frame Normal ?-62
Hard ?-62
Elite 52-62:Success 43-52


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Every locked door in the raid without a key Normal 31:Fail; 34:Success 32-34
Hard 31:Fail; 34:Success 32-34
Elite 31:Fail; 34:Success 32-34
Locked chest on the North end Normal 41:Success ?-41
Hard 41:Success ?-41
Elite 41:Success ?-41
Locked door which has a key in the nearby lava Normal ?-40
Hard ?-40
Elite 39:Fail; 40:Success 40

Link to level 11