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DDO information project/Spot and Search/26

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Level 26 quests[edit]

Suspected Requirements

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 48
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 44
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 60
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 74

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 48
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 44
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 60
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 74

Army of Shadow (Epic)[edit]

Trap & Lock DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Telekinetic Spell Ward on north-east corner
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 44–? ?
Elite 44–? ?
Evil Spell Ward(s) on stairs leading to upper floor
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 44–? ?
Elite 44–? ?
Telekinetic Spell Ward on Casko's room
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 44–? ?
Elite 44–? ?
Pressure plate in front of the southern chest
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 44–? ?
Elite 44–? ?

Secret doors

Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Secret door in the south to Locked Chest
Normal 25:Fail; 30:Success 30:Fail; 35:Success 26–30 31–35
Hard ? 31–?
Elite ? 31–?
Secret door, central area close to a Shar Altar
Normal 11:Fail; 23:Success 16:Fail; 28:Success 12–23 17–28
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?

Friends in Low Places (Epic)[edit]

Trap & Lock DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Poison Spell Wards behind the secret door in the Western Camp, surrounding the chest
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Poison Booby-traps south of the Eastern Camp
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Poison Spell Wards south of the Western Camp
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Poison Spell Wards south of the Southern Camp
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?

Secret doors

Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Secret door by West camp
Normal 21:Success 26:Success ?–21 ?–26
Hard 35:Fail; 36:Success 40:Fail; 41:Success 36 41
Elite ? 41–?

A Lesson in Deception (Epic)[edit]

Trap & Lock DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Booby-traps set by the various trapsmiths
Normal 20:Fail; 45:Success 20:Fail; 51:Success 21–45 21–51
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Dart trap(s) inside the sewers
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 44–? ?
Elite 44–? ?

A Study in Sable[edit]

Trap & Lock DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Pressure plate(s) on the roof near Wollstonecraft
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 59:Fail; 60:Success 59:Fail; 60:Success 60 60
Elite 73:Fail; 74:Success 73:Fail; 74:Success 74 74
Spell Ward in the Cellar
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 59:Fail; 60:Success 59:Fail; 60:Success 60 60
Elite 73:Fail; 74:Success 73:Fail; 74:Success 74 74

Secret doors

Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
2 Connecting Doors from 'The Master Bedroom' to the Library
Normal 12:Success 17:Success ?–12 ?–17
Hard 25:Success 30:Success ?–25 ?–30
Elite 34:Fail; 35:Success 39:Fail; 40:Success 35 40

Terminal Delirium (Epic)[edit]

Trap & Lock DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Balloon Maze (First Blades set)
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 48–60 ?
Elite 48–74 ?
Balloon Maze (Second Blades set)
Normal 47:Fail; 48:Success 47:Fail; 48:Success 48 48
Hard 48–? 48–?
Elite ? ?

Secret doors

Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Secret Door (Balloon maze)
Dropdown to Chest; near barrels, and first Green Rafters Key
(Bug: No apparent Spot Alert)
Normal 16:Success ? ?–16
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Secret Door (Balloon maze, by southern area chest)
(Bug: No apparent Spot Alert)
Normal 10:Success ? ?–10
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Basement, secret door to Blue Meat Locker Key
Normal 9:Success 16:Success ?–9 ?–16
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?

Through a Mirror Darkly (Epic)[edit]

Trap & Lock DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Blade trap on chest Trap must be disarmed on (Shadow) Material Plane
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 44–? ?
Elite 44–? ?
Spell Ward
Normal 43:Fail; 44:Success 43:Fail; 44:Success 44 44
Hard 44–? ?
Elite 44–? ?

Secret doors

Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Bottom Floor, Secret Door leading to the North East Chest
Normal 9:Success 16:Success ?–9 ?–16
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Eastern Secret door
Normal 9:Success 16:Success ?–9 ?–16
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Eastern Secret door (near Jannek the Howler Master)
Normal 9:Success 16:Success ?–9 ?–16
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Top Floor, Secret door to Southern Chest
Normal 9:Success 16:Success ?–9 ?–16
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Top Floor, Secret door to Eastern Chest
Normal 9:Success 16:Success ?–9 ?–16
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?

Link to level 27