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DDO information project/Spot and Search

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 By
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Traps
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34

We are trying to accumulate information on traps and locks for Rogues and Artificers to use in-game. If you are a rogue or artificer, please add whatever info you can!

Spot & Search[edit]

This is a list of known Spot and Search DCs needed to find traps and hidden doors. Rogue and Artificer characters can use this to determine what they will and won't be able to find in a given quest. If you have Spot or Search data on a trap or secret door that is not yet confirmed, please add the information to the tables below. If you have Disable Device or Open Lock data, please add it to the tables on DDO information project/Traps and locks. If we work together, maybe someday every Spot, Search, Disable Device, and Open Lock DC in DDO will be known!

Spot and Search are both pass/fail; if your Total Mod (including ranks and all modifiers) is high enough, you will always succeed; if it's too low, you will always fail until you increase your score somehow. Due to this fact, the result of a Spot or Search attempt can be used to calculate the actual DC as follows.

Success: DC ≤ TOTAL MOD

The trap or secret door's Spot or Search DC is less than or equal to your Total Mod. (e.g. Having a Total Mod of 31 and succeeding means the possible DC range is ?–31)

Failure: DC > TOTAL MOD

The trap or secret door's DC is at least 1 higher than your Total Mod. (e.g. Having a Total Mod of 24 and failing means the possible DC range is 25–?)

Note: It appears that Spot and Search are generally equal (but not always). Therefore, having the same Total Mod for each skill will usually garner the same final result (fail/success).


Summary of minimum Spot and Search DCs needed to always succeed for all quests of that level.
* is the suspected value, where true value is not known. Likely the actual value is higher than the value listed here.
Quest Level Spot DC by quest difficulty Search DC by quest difficulty
Casual Normal Hard Elite Casual Normal Hard Elite
1 2 2 7 11 2 2 7 11
2 3 3 7 12 3 3 7 12
3 - 5 9 17 - 5 9 17
4 - 6 12 17 - 6 12 17
5 - 14 16 22 - 14 16 22
6 - 16 22 28 - 16 22 28
7 - 11 18 29 - 11 18 29
8 - 13* 24 32 - 13* 24 32
9 - 15 23 30 - 15 23 30
10 - 17* 29 37 - 17* 29 37
11 - 18* 27 35 - 18* 27 35
12 - 20* 33 42 - 20* 33 42
13 - 22* 35 45 - 22* 35 45
14 - 31 42 51 - 31 42 51
15 - 33 44 54 - 33 44 54
16 - 31 42 52 - 31 42 52
17 - 32 51 61 - 32 51 61
18 - 38 50 62 - 38 50 62
19 - 32 45 56 - 32 45 56
20 - 34* 47* 59* - 34* 47* 59*
21 - 35* 53 61* - 35* 53 61*
22 - 37* 51* 64* - 37* 51* 64*
23 - 39* 53* 67* - 39* 53* 67*
24 - 40* 56* 69* - 40* 56* 69*
25 - 50 66* 72* - 54 66* 72*
26 - 48 60* 74* - 48 60* 74*
27 - 45 62* 75* - 45 62* 75*
28 - 49* 68* 73 - 49* 68* 73
29 - 51* 66* 79* - 51* 66* 79*
30 - 59 73* 85* - 59 73* 85*
31 - 60 75* 88* - 60 75* 88*
32 - 62 81 98 - 62 81 98
33 - 58* 78* 95* - 58* 78* 95*
34 - 60* 80* 97* - 60* 80* 97*

Basic Template[edit]


Trap & Lock DCs


Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Trap1location Casual ? ?
Normal ? ?
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Trap2location Casual ? ?
Normal ? ?
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?

Secret doors

Location/Description Quest Difficulty Modified Roll:Result Suspected DC range
Spot Search Spot Search
Door1Location Casual ? ?
Normal ? ?
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?
Door2Location Casual ? ?
Normal ? ?
Hard ? ?
Elite ? ?

Level 1 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 2
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 2
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 2
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 2
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 7
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 5
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 11
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 9

Search Requirements

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 2
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 2
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 2
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 2
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 7
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 5
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 11
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 9

Level 2 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 3
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 3
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 3
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 3
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 7
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 7
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 12
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 12

Search Requirements

  • Casual
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 3
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 3
  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 3
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 3
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 7
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 7
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 12
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 12

Level 3 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 5
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 5
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 9
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 9
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 17
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 15

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 5
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 5
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 9
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 9
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 17
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 15

Level 4 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 6
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 6
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 12
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 12
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 17
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 17

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 6
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 6
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 12
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 12
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 17
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 17

Level 5 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 14
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 8
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 16
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 14
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 22
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 20

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 14
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 8
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 16
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 14
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 22
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 20

Level 6 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 16
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 10
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 22
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 16
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 28
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 22

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 16
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 10
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 22
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 16
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 28
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 22

Level 7 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 11
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 11
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 18
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 18
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 29
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 25

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 11
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 11
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 18
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 18
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 29
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 25

Level 8 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 13
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 24
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 20
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 32
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 28

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 13
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 24
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 20
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 32
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 28

Level 9 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 15
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 15
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 23
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 23
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 30
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 30

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 15
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 15
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 23
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 23
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 30
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 30

Level 10 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 17
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 29
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 25
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 37
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 33

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 17
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 29
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 25
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 37
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 33

Level 11 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 18
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 27
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 27
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 35
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 35

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 18
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 27
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 27
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 35
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 35

Level 12 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 20
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 33
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 29
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 38

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 20
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 33
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 29
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 38

Level 13 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 22
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 35
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 31
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 45
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 41

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 22
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 35
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 31
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 45
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 41

Level 14 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 31
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 23
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 34
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 51
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 43

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 31
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 23
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 34
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 51
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 43

Level 15 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 33
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 25
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 44
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 36
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 54
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 46

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 33
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 25
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 44
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 36
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 54
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 46

Level 16 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 31
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 27
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 38
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 52
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 48

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 31
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 27
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 42
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 38
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 52
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 48

Level 17 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 32
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 28
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 51
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 40
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 61
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 51

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 32
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 28
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 51
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 40
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 61
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 51

Level 18 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 38
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 30
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 50
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 42
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 62
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 54

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 38
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 30
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 50
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 42
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 62
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 54

Level 19 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 32
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 32
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 45
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 45
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 56
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 56

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 32
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 32
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 45
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 45
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 56
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 56

Level 20 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 34
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 47
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 59

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 34
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 47
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 59

Level 21 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 35
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 53
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 49
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 61

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 35
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 53
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 49
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 61

Level 22 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 37
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 51
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 64

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 37
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 51
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 64

Level 23 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 39
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 53
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 67

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 39
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 53
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 67

Level 24 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 40
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 56
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 69

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 40
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 56
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 69

Level 25 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 50
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 50
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 66
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 72

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 54
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 50
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 66
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 72

Level 26 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 48
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 44
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 60
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 74

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 48
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 44
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 60
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 74

Level 27 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 45
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 45
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 62
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 75–78

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 45
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 45
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 62
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 75–78

Level 28 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 49
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 68
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 73
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: Not enough data

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 49
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 68
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 73
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: Not enough data

Level 29 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 51
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 66–71
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 79–84

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 51
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 66–71
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 79–84

Level 30 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 59
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 51–54
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 73
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 85–88

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 59
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 51–54
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 73
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 85–88

Level 31 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 60
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 52–60
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 75–76
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 88–92

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 60
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 52–60
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 75–76
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 88–92

Level 32 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 62
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 56–64
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 81
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 77–79
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 98
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 93–95

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 62
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 56–64
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 81
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 77–79
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: 98
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 93–95

Level 33 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 58–63
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 78–81
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 95–98

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 58–63
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 78–81
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 95–98

Level 34 quests[edit]

Spot Requirements:

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 60–65
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 80–85
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 97–102

Search Requirements

  • Normal
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 60–65
  • Hard
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 80–85
  • Elite
    • Guaranteed to find everything recorded: Not enough data
    • Suspected requirement to find everything: 97–102