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Item:Potion of Wonder
Potions of Wonder are wonder-ful things. One will create a single completely random effect when quaffed, sometimes beneficial and sometimes not so much.
- Name: Potion of Wonder
- Acquired from: Random, Mela Thryn <Antiquity Collector>
- Located in: Lordsmarch Plaza
- Turn-In: 1 Oceanic Sphere
- Minimum Level: None
- Binding: UnboundUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
- Effect: Wand of a Wonder - Something magical and Wondrous will happen to you. - (CL: 25)
- Durability: 5
- Material: GlassGlass: Items made of glass are immune to damage from contact with ooze.
- Hardness: 0
- Base Value: ppPlatinum Piece 500
- Weight: 0.10 lbs
- Stack size: 100
- Description: A small vial with an ounce of liquid within.
- Notes: These potions bestow a helpful random defensive benefit to the user. All effects have caster level 5.
- In U16.1 Potions of Wonder got an overhaul. In addition to stacking in the inventory, they acquired hundreds of potential effects.
- Potions of Wonder can be found in chests of all levels at a pretty decent frequency.
- They can also be found in breakables of all levels.
- The above two sources means the Auction House usually has quite a few listed.
- Antiquity collector Mela Thryn in Lordsmarch Plaza will trade you 1 Potion of Wonder for 1 Oceanic Sphere.
- Purchase from the DDO Store.
Observed effects[edit]
Caster level of these effects is unknown unless noted, but is typically of higher level.
Alchemical potions[edit]
All effects below lasts for 60 seconds and give a +3 Alchemical bonus to an ability.
- Prowess +3 (Strength)
- Grace +3 (Dexterity)
- Health +3 (Constitution)
- Knowledge +3 (Intelligence)
- Reason +3 (Wisdom)
- Influence +3 (Charisma)
Challenge buffs[edit]
These are the same effects as seen on Challenges. All of them last for 60 seconds.
- Double Speed
- Hate Magnet
- Invulnerability
- Quad Damage
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Heal (HP healing only, no stat damage healing or condition removing, 250 HP)
- Greater Restoration
- Lesser Restoration + Remove Disease
- Neutralize Poison (but not the immunity buff)
- Remove Blindness
- Remove Curse
- Remove Disease (but not the immunity buff)
- Xachosian Larva
- Greater Mnemonic Enhancer
- Major Mnemonic Enhancer
- Superior Mnemonic Enhancer
All spells are cast with a Caster level of 25.
- Aid (18 Temporary HP only)
- Barkskin (+5 natural armor)
- Energy Drain (2d4 negative levels)
- Exhaustion (No save, 45 seconds)
- Greater Heroism (No temporary HP)
- Haste (2:30 duration)
- Inflict Critical Wounds
- Inflict Serious Wounds
- Jump
- Resist Energy (Acid, Fire, Electricity, Cold, or Sonic)
- Shield of Faith (+5 deflection bonus to AC)
- Tumble
- Water Breathing (3:30 duration)
Special effects[edit]
- Bees of Xoriat (Like the ones used by Xy'zzy)
- Bleeding Wound (15 seconds), as if hit by a werewolf
- Ear Smash (cannot cast spells for two seconds)
- Elemental Absorption (10% primal bonus to elemental absorption, lasts until you rest)
- Energy Drain
- Festering Wound (-50 Healing Amplification for 6 seconds)
- Font of PowerFont of Power is one of the possible effects granted by Potion of Wonder. It increases your Spell Power by 400 for 20 seconds. (20 seconds, +400 Spell Power)
- Heavy Gravity (as the effect seen on Dreaming Dark)
- Humbug (25 minutes)
- Prismatic Blindness (3 seconds blindness, no save, as Guidance of Shar)
- Pumpkin Head (13 minutes)
- Stun 12 seconds (that actually last only 4 seconds)
- Summon a Droaam Demolition Charge, as seen in Undermine
- Summon a Rest Shrine
- Summon Whirling Blades (Watch on YouTube!)
- Summon a Tasty Ham
...and many others.
According to this comment by (former developer) Feather_of_Sun, Potions of Wonder never confer any type of permanent bonus.