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Salariin Founts

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Only Champions of the Silver Flame can be admitted to the Armory.

Salariin Founts.jpg

Name: Salariin Founts

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): The Silver Flame

Location: The Marketplace, eastern side, near The Catacombs and House Cannith entrances.

Description: <Silver Flame Armorer>

Sells: Arrows, Potions, Mark of the Silver Flame

Notes: Access to Salariin is granted as a 400 favor reward from The Silver Flame. Talk to Astra Quinlin to gain access. Detailed list of items for sale:

Quote: "Greetings Hero. I control access to the Silver Flame Armory here in Stormreach. We have a few odds and ends left over from the wars. Plus there are a few experimental healing potions available. They have quite a kick but there are some unpleasant side effects."