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Experience point
Experience Points (also known as experience or XP) are awarded for completing quests, objectives and miscellaneous goals. Gaining sufficient XP allows a PC to advance their Character level.
Effect of XP[edit]
XP are not "spent" to advance. Instead, each character level requires at least a particular XP total. The XP total continues to accumulate until the character gains sufficient XP for the maximum level.
DDO divides levels up into Ranks, 5 per level. Achieving sufficient XP for the next rank (but not next level) awards an Action Point.
The XP bar at the bottom of the screen indicates how close you are to reaching the next rank or level. Every time the bar fills a rank is gained and a pip is filled. When all 5 pips are filled the character has sufficient XP to advance to the next level.
Epic levels tweak these mechanics slightly, but the basic principles are the same.
Key Clarifications[edit]
Players coming from pen & paper D&D or other computer RPGs may have certain assumptions about how experience works. These are the key points for DDO:
- DDO experience is awarded for specific achievements (usually completing quests and objectives). Generic activity (e.g. killing foes, making checks, performing actions, finding treasure) does not award XP unless it contributes towards a defined objective.
- All races, classes and class combinations earn experience in an identical manner.
- Experience awards are affected by character level (relative to the level of the quest or objective) and by various situational bonuses.
- Experience is never "lost" or "spent" from a character's XP total.
- Exception: when a character's level is reset via reincarnation, the character's XP is reset to the start of the character's new level.
- Experience is awarded as soon as the relevant objective is met. Gaining experience has no immediate effect on the character, even if it is sufficient to grant a reward. PCs must speak to an NPC Trainer to advance in level, and must be in a public (non-adventure) area to spend Action Points.
- A character is not required to gain a level upon obtaining sufficient experience. Any further experience gained is applied to the character's XP total, but provides no benefits until the character chooses to advance to the next level. If a character would gain sufficient XP to allow them to advance more than one level, the extra experience is (usually) lost.
Gaining/Earning Experience Points (XP)[edit]
There are several methods to earn experience points:
- Quests
- Wilderness adventure areas
- Sagas
- Monster Manual rewards
- Daily Dice experience rewards
- Otto's Boxes
Some XP adjustments apply equally to all members of the party, others are calculated individually. XP awards are not split among party members and are not affected by party size.
All bonuses are added together and can make a quest worth the time and effort to complete even if there are penalties. However, there are two cases where a quest's main XP reward will be 0 regardless of bonuses.
- The first is if you meet a condition that explicitly prohibits XP.
- The second is if there are enough penalties to reduce the reward to a subtotal of 0 XP before bonuses are applied. Due to roundoff issues, you may or may not get XP if your penalties total exactly -100%. You definitely won't if they go below that.
Note: Many veteran players do not care to absolutely maximize their XP by taking the time to complete every last optional objective, and instead try to consider the "experience per minute" that a quest can give, i.e whether it's more XP to do 2 quests with minimal optionals vs. taking the time to squeeze every last experience point out of one quest. Not a consideration for every player, but be aware that it is for some.
Quest: main objectives[edit]
Complete all main objectives inside a quest. Some main objectives remain hidden until triggered. Main objective XP is usually higher than that of optional objectives. Changes to these conditions that occur after the main XP is awarded don't affect the amount (though they may incorrectly change the amount reported in the quest log - see below).
The main XP is bestowed upon completion of the quest and can be modified by the following conditions. These bonuses are additive, not multiplicative, i.e. they don't give bonuses to other bonuses. (So, for example, three +100% bonuses would equal 4x the base XP (base + 100% +100% +100%), not 8x ([{base +100% = x2} +100% = x4] +100% = x8).)
Delving Bonus (Individual)[edit]
- Once per life, you can get extra experience up to +150%* of the quest's base XP as your Delving Bonus, as a reward for running the quest on higher difficulties for the first time. This is split up into 3 +50% bonuses, for Hard, Elite and Reaper respectively; however, if you skip up to higher difficulties, you can also claim the bonuses for the difficulties you skipped.
- This means that if your first run of a quest is on Reaper difficulty, you receive the +150% bonus immediately. If your first run is on Elite, you receive a +100% bonus on that run, and an extra +50% on your first Reaper run. If your first run is on Hard, you receive a 50% bonus, and will then receive a +100% bonus if your next run is on Reaper and a +50% bonus if your next run is on Elite. (This does mean that you get slightly less Delving Bonus if you run a quest on, for example, Elite before running it on Reaper, but the numbers are usually fairly close to each other.)
- The maximum Delving Bonus is awarded when the highest level character within a quest is within 2 levels of the base level of a heroic quest or within 4 levels of the base level of an epic or legendary quest. If any character is 3 levels above the base heroic quest level, or 5 levels above the base epic quest level, the Delving Bonus of everyone in the party is halved (for example, a first run on Reaper will award only +75% XP.) Increasing the level gap does not increase the penalty any further (although note also the section below on general overlevel penalties on heroic.)
First-time difficulty completion (Individual)[edit]
- When you complete a quest on any particular difficulty for the first time in the current life life, you receive a "first time completion" bonus to the base XP for the quest. This includes Casual, Normal, Hard, Elite, and Reaper* each as "separate difficulties" for this first time difficulty bonus. It does not matter in what order these are run, "separate" is separate.
- This first-time bonus varies with difficulty:
Difficulty | Extra XP |
Solo, Casual, Normal, Hard | 20% |
Elite, Reaper* | 45% |
- The over-level penalty does not apply to the first time completion bonus as long as any XP are awarded.
- If a quest can be run on both Heroic and Epic difficulties, then all Heroic difficulties count as separate difficulties from the Epic ones; e.g. if you run a quest on Heroic elite, and later on Epic elite, you will get the 45% first time difficulty bonus on both runs.
- When running multiple Epic Reincarnations, one right after another, "first time" bonuses are kept track of (since it's the "same life"). Careful planning (and some book keeping) can allow a character to spread out different first-time bonuses across multiple ER's despite of this.
- * Reaper difficulty is considered all one difficulty regardless of the number of skulls; i.e. running once on 1 skull and later on 10 skulls will not give a new "1st time" bonus for the later run. However, as stated above, running on any number of skulls on Heroic and then any number of skulls (same or different) in Epic will give a new first-time bonus, since Heroic and Epic Reaper are considered separate.
Tome of Learning bonus (Individual)[edit]
- (Lesser/Greater) Tomes of learning offer +25%(lesser)/+50%(greater) in heroic and +15%(lesser)/+25%(greater) in epics for first time through quest, and thereafter a bonus of +10%(lesser)/+20%(greater) in heroic and +5%(lesser)/+10%(greater) in epics. NOTE: for quests with both heroic and epic versions, there is still only one "first time" bonus even if you have both Heroic and Epic Tomes of Learning. For example, if you do the heroic version with a greater Tome, you will receive the 50% first-time bonus, but the first completion of the epic version will only receive a 5%(lesser Epic)/10%(greater Epic) bonus.
Daily bonus (Individual)[edit]
- Completing a quest for the first time during a day grants a +25% bonus for heroic quests and 40% bonus for epic quests. You must wait 18 hours after the last completion of the quest and then enter the quest in order to obtain this bonus.
Group bonus (Party)[edit]
- When the event DDO Buddy Weekend is active, receive an extra +10% experience per extra player (+50% max) at quest completion. This only applies to regular quests, not wilderness or raids, and only applies to the end XP, not any optionals. There is a separate raid bonus that gives +5% per extra player (+55% max) in raids. These bonuses can be toggled either separately or together.
Killing monsters (Party)[edit]
- Killing a large portion of the monsters present can confer
- +10% Aggression bonus
- +15% Onslaught bonus
- +25% **Conquest** bonus
- On the flip side, completing a mission while slaying very few enemies can grant
- +5% Discreet bonus
- +7% Devious bonus
- +10% **Insidious Cunning** bonus
- Note that the "not-killing-monsters" bonus isn't listed in the XP log until after quest completion, while everything else is.
Destroying breakable objects (Party)[edit]
- Destroying a large portion of the breakable objects (barrels, vases, caskets, etc.) present can confer
- +8% Mischief bonus
- +10% Vandal bonus
- +15% **Ransack** bonus
Disarming traps (Party)[edit]
- Disarming a large portion of the traps present can confer
- +10% Tamper bonus
- +20% Neutralization bonus
- +30% **Ingenious Debilitation** bonus
Finding secret doors (Party)[edit]
- Finding a large portion of the secret doors present can confer
- +8% Observance bonus
- +10% Perception bonus
- +15% **Vigilant Sight** bonus
VIP Bonuses[edit]
- VIP players get a multiplicative 10% bonus XP. (It means - contrary to all other bonuses -, the VIP bonus is applied to everything else; basically it's based on the final experience that you reached in the quest. This makes it very valuable!)
Note: The VIP bonus is not listed in the XP overview (X), but shown in the chat log each time you have gained other experience.
- Group Bonus: VIP players and Season Pass holders get a small group bonus to experience as of Update 46 Patch 3 Release Notes. The bonus is per person in the party other than yourself, and provides a +1% XP boost per party member or member in your raid group, for a maximum bonus of +5% for a party and +11% for a raid group. This bonus is not applied for hirelings or other NPC companions in your group. This bonus stacks with other boosts to XP, including weekend XP bonuses, DDO Store elixirs, and Buddy Boost weekends. This is in addition to the standard 10% bonus XP provided to VIP players.
Quest ransack penalty (Individual)[edit]
- Each time you repeat a quest, the amount of experience the quest grants decreases by 20%, to a minimum of 20%. 18 hours after the most-recent completion the penalty is reduced by 50% (and again 18 hours after that). This 18 hour timer restarts each time you run a quest, so if you never leave a full 18 hour break between runs of the quest you will never get any reduction in the 80% penalty, and if you never wait a full 36 hours you will always have some penalty. Typing /ransack into your Chat Log will show you the ransack levels of the quests that you've played. (U19)
- This penalty (including the 20% minimum) is waived if there is a "first time" difficulty bonus and that completion DOES NOT COUNT toward increasing the penalty on later attempts. This penalty also applies to characters on the level cap.
Level of quest vs level of highest character in quest (Party)[edit]
- Compare the heroic quest's effective level (depends on difficulty) to the level of the highest-level character to have entered the quest (even if they left after entering!). If that character's level is...
- below or equal to the heroic quest's effective level, there is no adjustment.
- +1, there's no penalty to Base XP.
- +2, -10% penalty to Base XP.
- +3 = -25%
- +4 = -50%
- +5 = -75%
- +6 = -99%
- +7 or higher there is no XP regardless of any bonuses.
- Note: This over-level penalty to Base XP does not apply to epic or legendary quests.
Power-leveling penalty (Individual)[edit]
- You receive no penalty if questing with characters 3 levels higher (or less) than you are.
- If you are questing with characters 4 levels or more higher than your character, you will suffer an individual penalty:
- 4 levels below the highest-level character in the party, you receive a -50% penalty (1/2 of the base XP).
- 5 levels below, you receive a -75% penalty (1/4 of the base XP).
- 6 levels below, you receive a -87.5% penalty (1/8 of the base XP).
- For each additional level below, you continue to receive half of the previous base XP.
- Note: Epic and legendary characters (level 20 or higher) do not receive a power-level penalty.
Death (Individual)[edit]
- There is a +10% Flawless Victory Bonus if you don't die. (Unconsciousness is not death unless you release.)
Reentry (Party) + (Individual)[edit]
- (Party) There is a +10% Persistence Bonus if no one leaves the quest (for any reason, including death and release to bind point, recall, or exit) and reenters.
- (Individual) Each of your reentries confers a -20% penalty to you, to a maximum of -90% for the fifth. Reentry penalties do not apply on Solo or Casual difficulty, although you still lose Persistence Bonus.
Late entry (Individual)[edit]
- If you first entered the dungeon ten or more minutes after it spawned there could be a late entry penalty. If you end up being in the quest for less than a 1/4 of the time it took to complete you'll have a -80% penalty, if more than a quarter but less than half you'll have a -50% penalty instead. (Explained by dev Phax here)
- This is not entirely accurate - the late entry also seems to be tied to quest progress and not just time. For example, you can enter several quests over 10 minutes late, and even though the quest will complete in under 2 minutes you will get no penalty.
Special note on Legendary levels[edit]
- When a character reaches Legendary levels (starting at level 30), they may no longer gain any experience points from running Heroic or Epic quests. They may still gain experience points for milestones in Heroic or Epic Wilderness Areas.
- Legendary experience is not lost on reincarnation - after reaching level 30, you'll instantly gain all Legendary XP from previous lives, allowing you to level straight up to the furthest you've reached so far.
XP example[edit]
Case A[edit]
Bonus Types | Bonus Calculation | Calculative sum |
Base XP (Jungle of Khyber, Reaper Difficulty) |
- | 8,686 |
First Reaper Completion (45% of base) | 3908 | 12,594 |
Never played, played on reaper Delving Bonus (150% of base) |
13,029 | 25,623 |
Group Bonus 6% per person other than you Let's say there are 2 people than you (12% of base) |
1,042 | 26,665 |
Onslaught (15% of base) | 1,302 | 27,957 |
Ingenious Debilitation (30% of base) | 2,605 | 27,967 |
Ransack Bonus (15% of base) | 1,302 | 31,874 |
Persistence Bonus (10% of base) | 868 | 32,742 |
Flawless Victory Bonus (10% of base) | 868 | 33,610 |
Lesser Tome of Learning (25% of base) | 2,171 | 35,781 |
Daily playthrough bonus (25% of base) | 2,171 | 37,952 |
Subtotal | 37,952 | |
Conclusive Bonus Types | Conclu-Bonus Calc | Total |
Voice of the Master (5% of subtotal) | 1,897 | 18,974 |
Ship Buff (5% of subtotal) | 1,897 | |
30% XP Elixir (30% of subtotal) | 11,385 | |
VIP bonus (10% of subtotal) | 3795 | |
Grand Total | 56,926 |
Case B[edit]
Bonus Types | Bonus Calculation | Calculative sum |
Base XP (Jungle of Khyber, Reaper Difficulty) |
- | 8,686 |
First Reaper Completion (45% of base) | 3908 | 12,594 |
Never played, played on reaper Delving Bonus (150% of base) |
13,029 | 25,623 |
Conquest (25% of base) | 2,171 | 27,794 |
Ingenious Debilitation (30% of base) | 2,605 | 30,399 |
Ransack (15% of base) | 1,302 | 31,701 |
Persistence Bonus (10% of base) | 868 | 32,569 |
Flawless Victory Bonus (10% of base) | 868 | 33,437 |
Greater Tome of Learning (50% of base) | 4,343 | 37,780 |
Daily playthrough bonus (25% of base) | 2,171 | 39,951 |
Subtotal | 39,951 | |
Conclusive Bonus Types | Conclu-Bonus Calc | Total |
Voice of the Master (5% of subtotal) | 1,997 | 27.964 |
Ship Buff (5% of subtotal) | 1,997 | |
50% XP Elixir (50% of subtotal) | 19,975 | |
VIP bonus (10% of subtotal) | 3,795 | |
Grand Total | 67.915 |
Quest: optional objectives[edit]
Complete optional objectives inside a quest. Common optional objectives include slaying a boss or named creature, exploring certain areas of a map, or clearing side areas of threats. Some optional objectives are shown from the start of a mission, while others remain hidden until triggered. Optional objective XP is granted instantly.
Optional XP can be affected by penalties, but not the bonuses; the only exceptions to this are quest XP bonuses granted by:
- Special DDO events (global 10-25% XP bonus during Festivult on Bonus Days)
- Tome of Learning
- The Voice of the Master/Mantle of the Worldshaper/The Master's Gift/Pale Green Ioun Stone
- Airship experience shrines
- Experience Elixirs purchased from the DDO Store
Basically, any modifiers listed "above the line" in the quest log, other than "First time completing <X> difficulty," counts towards calculating the Optional XP.
"Base XP," for purposes of optionals, consists of the listed XP for that level, plus possible game-wide bonus, minus any penalties which apply. This number is then further modified by any personal experience bonus gained from equipped items, airship shrines, or elixirs. For example, the base modifier for doing The Mystery of Delera's Tomb on Normal is 1,742 XP. If the quest is done without incurring any penalties, this would be the Base XP used to calculate XP from optionals... even if it's your first time through on Normal.
- With a small/medium elixir (+10% XP) in effect, the base is now 1,916 XP (110%).
- With a 25% game-wide bonus, it's now 2,177 XP (125%).
- With *both* in effect, the base XP is 2,395 XP (137.5%), rather than the 2,351 XP (135%) if they were added together before application.
Since Update 42 Patch 4, optional objectives ransack when repeated.
- The first, second, and third time you achieve an optional objective, you will receive 100% of the experience.
- The fourth time you achieve an optional objective, you will receive 80% of the experience.
- Fifth: 60%
- Sixth: 40%
- Seventh: 20%
- Eighth: 0%
- Optional Objective ransack does not reset over time. An Epic, Racial, True, or Iconic Reincarnation will reset your Optional Objective ransack.
Note that the repetition penalty is specific to the optional, and not based on the quest's repetition penalty (e.g., in Walk the Butcher's Path, if you survive the ambush several times without having completed the quest, you'll start to lose XP for it... even though it's technically your first time through the quest.) The reverse is also true; if you complete a quest several times, but one of the optionals just once (for instance: while farming a Muckbane, you complete Durk's Got a Secret five times before spawning Muck), you won't have a repetition penalty for the XP gained by completing the optional. The repetition penalty is not removed for the first time on a certain difficulty.
Optional XP which has already been awarded will not be changed by subsequent penalties (from death, re-entry, or a higher-level character joining the quest); the amount listed in the XP Log will lower if there's a change, but you won't actually lose the XP. Any uncompleted Optionals, however, will be affected.
On Casual, optionals are worth the listed percentage multiplied by 1.67; this is not the case for Solo-only quests.
XP Log[edit]
Bonuses and penalties are calculated and locked in when the main quest is completed, which may not be accurately reflected in the quest XP log. The XP log bonuses/penalties continue to be updated after the XP is locked, so you may see some bonuses/penalties listed that you didn't actually get (e.g., you may see a re-entry penalty reducing your listed XP because you finished-out and re-entered after the quest was completed: you actually got the full XP, but it now displays less than that). This holds true to optional XP as well.
The XP log is updated when:
- (individual) YOU log in
- (party-wide) Player Dies
- (party-wide) Henchman Dies
- (party-wide) Monster Dies
- (party-wide) Chest Looted
- (party-wide) Secret Door Discovered
- (party-wide) Trap Disabled
- (party-wide) Breakable Smashed
(Explained by dev Phax here)
Wilderness Areas[edit]
Wilderness areas have different XP adjustment rules than dungeon quests. Each wilderness area has a range of levels it supports. If all party members are within the area's range, they all receive normal XP and objective progress. If any characters are above the area's maximum level, no one except that character can make progress toward objectives. The ones above the limit can still complete objectives, but they receive reduced XP: 1/2 if they're one level over the maximum, 1/3 for two levels, 1/4 for three, 1/5 for four, and so on. Characters below the area's minimum level never make progress toward objectives (if they are allowed in at all!), and are completely ignored when determining XP for the other members in their party.
See main article, Wilderness Adventure Area, for more information.
Monster Manual[edit]
Monster Manuals grant relatively small amounts of XP based on the number and variety of a certain (sub-)type of monster that you or your party kills. Each MM has a different selection of "target" monster types. The XP granted is modified by any XP boosts.
The Monster Manual Prologue is free to all players, Premium players also enjoy MM 1, and VIP have access to all Monster Manuals.
See main article, Monster Manual, for more information.
Banking experience[edit]
A character does not have to level up as soon as they have enough experience to do so. If they choose, they can stay at their current level, and earn up to as much as {one point less than enough XP for 2 levels}. This is called banking experience. Some players use this process to extend the time that lower-level quests provide full XP, or to stay at the same level as others you are questing with. This is especially common in a chain of popular quests that are all at or close to the same level, but give more than enough experience to level multiple times.
- Example 1: A Level 6 character gains enough experience to make Level 7. However, they have not yet run Waterworks, a heroic quest chain that starts at base Level 3. If they took Level 7, they and the rest of the party would suffer a -10% penalty to all XP gained from the first part of the chain (which also means that many groups running the Waterworks would not accept a level 7 player.) So, that player stays Level 6 and "banks" Level 7, joins a "Level 3-5" group for Waterworks, and earns full XP - as does the entire party. Before parts 3 and 4 of the chain (which are base level 4), the party agrees to take a break and "level up", so the player can then take level 6 if they wish.
- If that player had wanted to run parts 1 and 2 again later (as a Level 5), or run some other popular base Level 3 quests, they might not take 6 in the middle of Waterworks, stay at Level 5, and continue to bank experience up to their max of 111,999 XP (1 XP less than needed for Level 6, 112,000). Similarly, they might choose to remain at level 6 to gain full Delving Bonus from the second part (see Example 2.)
- Example 2: A player with a Level 5 character is running the adventure pack The Lost Gatekeepers, which is at level 3, on R1 with a group. Halfway through the run, this character gains enough experience to advance to Level 6. Although over-level penalty is not yet an issue, if the character takes level 6 they will lose out on half of the +150% bonus XP they would gain from Delving Bonus, since they would be 3 levels over the pack's base level. Accordingly, the player waits until the group finishes the chain before taking Level 6.
Once you have Experience Points beyond your current next level, when you do level, you will immediately gain access to any Action Points unlocked by the extra XP earned. If you wait until you are "capped" and then level, gaining any experience will allow you to immediately level up again.
The exception to the cap for banking is when you get to Heroic or Epic cap (Level 20 or 30); the caps for these levels are at the amount of XP needed to reach those levels, not 1 point under. This means that a level 18 character can bank 19 and 20, and take both simultaneously.
Usually, once you reach "cap", the max allowed, all other XP earned is wasted. However, it is possible to bank more than two levels. Experience from Daily Dice, Monster Manuals, and Saga rewards is known to exceed banking cap, but even regular quests sometimes allow you go beyond the cap.
Otto's Boxes and XP cap[edit]
Heroic Otto's Irresistible Boxes: Stone of Heroic Experience, does not grant experience beyond the heroic experience Cap (the start of Level 20). All XP beyond the heroic experience cap will NOT carry over to Epic Experience and will be lost.
Epic Otto's Irresistible Boxes: Stone of Epic Experience, caps at the epic level cap (Level 30). Again, this will NOT carry over to Legendary Experience.
Experience Points to Heroic Level[edit]
Heroic Levels (Levels 1 - 20) | ||||||
Total Experience Points Needed Per Rank (Mouse over values to see true increased TR value). | ||||||
Level (ranks) | Level Up | 1st Rank | 2nd Rank | 3rd Rank | 4th Rank | (per Rank) |
1 (1-5) | - | 800First Life - 800 Second Life - 1 200 Further Lives - 1 600 |
1 600First Life - 1 600 Second Life - 2 400 Further Lives - 3 200 |
2 400First Life - 2 400 Second Life - 3 600 Further Lives - 4 800 |
3 200First Life - 3 200 Second Life - 4 800 Further Lives - 6 400 |
+800/First Life - 800 Second Life - 1 200 Further Lives - 1 600 |
2 (6-10) | 4 000First Life - 4 000 Second Life - 6 000 Further Lives - 8 000 |
6 400First Life - 6 400 Second Life - 9 600 Further Lives - 12 800 |
8 800First Life - 8 800 Second Life - 13 200 Further Lives - 17 600 |
11 200First Life - 11 200 Second Life - 16 800 Further Lives - 22 400 |
13 600First Life - 13 600 Second Life - 20 400 Further Lives - 27 200 |
+2 400/First Life - 2 400 Second Life - 3 600 Further Lives - 4 800 |
3 (11-15) | 16 000First Life - 16 000 Second Life - 24 000 Further Lives - 32 000 |
20 800First Life - 20 800 Second Life - 31 200 Further Lives - 41 600 |
25 600First Life - 25 600 Second Life - 38 400 Further Lives - 51 200 |
30 400First Life - 30 400 Second Life - 45 600 Further Lives - 60 800 |
35 200First Life - 35 200 Second Life - 52 800 Further Lives - 70 400 |
+4 800/First Life - 4 800 Second Life - 7 200 Further Lives - 9 600 |
4 (16-20) | 40 000First Life - 40 000 Second Life - 60 000 Further Lives - 80 000 |
46 400First Life - 46 400 Second Life - 69 600 Further Lives - 92 800 |
52 800First Life - 52 800 Second Life - 79 200 Further Lives - 105 600 |
59 200First Life - 59 200 Second Life - 88 800 Further Lives - 118 400 |
65 600First Life - 65 600 Second Life - 98 400 Further Lives - 131 200 |
+6 400/First Life - 6 400 Second Life - 9 600 Further Lives - 12 800 |
5 (21-25) | 72 000First Life - 72 000 Second Life - 108 000 Further Lives - 144 000 |
80 000First Life - 80 000 Second Life - 120 000 Further Lives - 160 000 |
88 000First Life - 88 000 Second Life - 132 000 Further Lives - 176 000 |
96 000First Life - 96 000 Second Life - 144 000 Further Lives - 192 000 |
104 000First Life - 104 000 Second Life - 156 000 Further Lives - 208 000 |
+8 000/First Life - 8 000 Second Life - 12 000 Further Lives - 16 000 |
6 (26-30) | 112 000First Life - 112 000 Second Life - 168 000 Further Lives - 224 000 |
121 600First Life - 121 600 Second Life - 182 400 Further Lives - 243 200 |
131 200First Life - 131 200 Second Life - 196 800 Further Lives - 262 400 |
140 800First Life - 140 800 Second Life - 211 200 Further Lives - 281 600 |
150 400First Life - 150 400 Second Life - 225 600 Further Lives - 300 800 |
+9 600/First Life - 9 600 Second Life - 14 400 Further Lives - 19 200 |
7 (31-35) | 160 000First Life - 160 000 Second Life - 240 000 Further Lives - 320 000 |
173 000First Life - 173 000 Second Life - 259 500 Further Lives - 346 000 |
186 000First Life - 186 000 Second Life - 279 000 Further Lives - 372 000 |
199 000First Life - 199 000 Second Life - 298 500 Further Lives - 398 000 |
212 000First Life - 212 000 Second Life - 318 000 Further Lives - 424 000 |
+13 000/First Life - 13 000 Second Life - 19 500 Further Lives - 26 000 |
8 (36-40) | 225 000First Life - 225 000 Second Life - 337 500 Further Lives - 450 000 |
241 000First Life - 241 000 Second Life - 361 500 Further Lives - 482 000 |
257 000First Life - 257 000 Second Life - 385 500 Further Lives - 514 000 |
273 000First Life - 273 000 Second Life - 409 500 Further Lives - 546 000 |
289 000First Life - 289 000 Second Life - 433 500 Further Lives - 578 000 |
+16 000/First Life - 16 000 Second Life - 24 000 Further Lives - 32 000 |
9 (41-45) | 305 000First Life - 305 000 Second Life - 457 500 Further Lives - 610 000 |
324 000First Life - 324 000 Second Life - 486 000 Further Lives - 648 000 |
343 000First Life - 343 000 Second Life - 514 500 Further Lives - 686 000 |
362 000First Life - 362 000 Second Life - 543 000 Further Lives - 724 000 |
381 000First Life - 381 000 Second Life - 571 500 Further Lives - 762 000 |
+19 000/First Life - 19 000 Second Life - 28 500 Further Lives - 38 000 |
10 (46-50) | 400 000First Life - 400 000 Second Life - 600 000 Further Lives - 800 000 |
422 000First Life - 422 000 Second Life - 633 000 Further Lives - 844 000 |
444 000First Life - 444 000 Second Life - 666 000 Further Lives - 888 000 |
466 000First Life - 466 000 Second Life - 699 000 Further Lives - 932 000 |
488 000First Life - 488 000 Second Life - 732 000 Further Lives - 976 000 |
+22 000/First Life - 22 000 Second Life - 33 000 Further Lives - 44 000 |
11 (51-55) | 510 000First Life - 510 000 Second Life - 765 000 Further Lives - 1 020 000 |
534 000First Life - 534 000 Second Life - 801 000 Further Lives - 1 068 000 |
558 000First Life - 558 000 Second Life - 837 000 Further Lives - 1 116 000 |
582 000First Life - 582 000 Second Life - 873 000 Further Lives - 1 164 000 |
606 000First Life - 606 000 Second Life - 909 000 Further Lives - 1 212 000 |
+24 000/First Life - 24 000 Second Life - 36 000 Further Lives - 48 000 |
12 (56-60) | 630 000First Life - 630 000 Second Life - 945 000 Further Lives - 1 260 000 |
656 000First Life - 656 000 Second Life - 984 000 Further Lives - 1 312 000 |
682 000First Life - 682 000 Second Life - 1 023 000 Further Lives - 1 364 000 |
708 000First Life - 708 000 Second Life - 1 062 000 Further Lives - 1 416 000 |
734 000First Life - 734 000 Second Life - 1 101 000 Further Lives - 1 468 000 |
+26 000/First Life - 26 000 Second Life - 39 000 Further Lives - 52 000 |
13 (61-65) | 760 000First Life - 760 000 Second Life - 1 140 000 Further Lives - 1 520 000 |
788 000First Life - 788 000 Second Life - 1 182 000 Further Lives - 1 576 000 |
816 000First Life - 816 000 Second Life - 1 224 000 Further Lives - 1 632 000 |
844 000First Life - 844 000 Second Life - 1 266 000 Further Lives - 1 688 000 |
872 000First Life - 872 000 Second Life - 1 308 000 Further Lives - 1 744 000 |
+28 000/First Life - 28 000 Second Life - 42 000 Further Lives - 56 000 |
14 (66-70) | 900 000First Life - 900 000 Second Life - 1 350 000 Further Lives - 1 800 000 |
930 000First Life - 930 000 Second Life - 1 395 000 Further Lives - 1 860 000 |
960 000First Life - 960 000 Second Life - 1 440 000 Further Lives - 1 920 000 |
990 000First Life - 990 000 Second Life - 1 485 000 Further Lives - 1 980 000 |
1 020 000First Life - 1 020 000 Second Life - 1 530 000 Further Lives - 2 040 000 |
+30 000/First Life - 30 000 Second Life - 45 000 Further Lives - 60 000 |
15 (71-75) | 1 050 000First Life - 1 050 000 Second Life - 1 575 000 Further Lives - 2 100 000 |
1 082 000First Life - 1 082 000 Second Life - 1 623 000 Further Lives - 2 164 000 |
1 114 000First Life - 1 114 000 Second Life - 1 671 000 Further Lives - 2 228 000 |
1 146 000First Life - 1 146 000 Second Life - 1 719 000 Further Lives - 2 292 000 |
1 178 000First Life - 1 178 000 Second Life - 1 767 000 Further Lives - 2 356 000 |
+32 000/First Life - 32 000 Second Life - 48 000 Further Lives - 64 000 |
16 (76-80) | 1 210 000First Life - 1 210 000 Second Life - 1 815 000 Further Lives - 2 420 000 |
1 243 000First Life - 1 243 000 Second Life - 1 864 500 Further Lives - 2 486 000 |
1 276 000First Life - 1 276 000 Second Life - 1 914 000 Further Lives - 2 552 000 |
1 309 000First Life - 1 309 000 Second Life - 1 963 500 Further Lives - 2 618 000 |
1 342 000First Life - 1 342 000 Second Life - 2 013 000 Further Lives - 2 684 000 |
+33 000/First Life - 33 000 Second Life - 49 500 Further Lives - 66 000 |
17 (81-85) | 1 375 000First Life - 1 375 000 Second Life - 2 062 500 Further Lives - 2 750 000 |
1 409 000First Life - 1 409 000 Second Life - 2 113 500 Further Lives - 2 818 000 |
1 443 000First Life - 1 443 000 Second Life - 2 164 500 Further Lives - 2 886 000 |
1 477 000First Life - 1 477 000 Second Life - 2 215 500 Further Lives - 2 954 000 |
1 511 000First Life - 1 511 000 Second Life - 2 266 500 Further Lives - 3 022 000 |
+34 000/First Life - 34 000 Second Life - 51 000 Further Lives - 68 000 |
18 (86-90) | 1 545 000First Life - 1 545 000 Second Life - 2 317 500 Further Lives - 3 090 000 |
1 580 000First Life - 1 580 000 Second Life - 2 370 000 Further Lives - 3 160 000 |
1 615 000First Life - 1 615 000 Second Life - 2 422 500 Further Lives - 3 230 000 |
1 650 000First Life - 1 650 000 Second Life - 2 475 000 Further Lives - 3 300 000 |
1 685 000First Life - 1 685 000 Second Life - 2 527 500 Further Lives - 3 370 000 |
+35 000/First Life - 35 000 Second Life - 52 500 Further Lives - 70 000 |
19 (91-95) | 1 720 000First Life - 1 720 000 Second Life - 2 580 000 Further Lives - 3 440 000 |
1 756 000First Life - 1 756 000 Second Life - 2 634 000 Further Lives - 3 512 000 |
1 792 000First Life - 1 792 000 Second Life - 2 688 000 Further Lives - 3 584 000 |
1 828 000First Life - 1 828 000 Second Life - 2 742 000 Further Lives - 3 656 000 |
1 864 000First Life - 1 864 000 Second Life - 2 796 000 Further Lives - 3 728 000 |
+36 000/First Life - 36 000 Second Life - 54 000 Further Lives - 72 000 |
20 (level cap) | 1 900 000First Life - 1 900 000 Second Life - 2 850 000 Further Lives - 3 800 000 |
Heroic Experience Capped |
Experience needed after True Reincarnation(s) is increased, view the charts here or mouse-over numbers above to see 1st life, 2nd life, and 3rd life+
This experience increase only applies to Heroic Levels (levels 1 - 20) and not Epic Levels. The experience requirements for Epic Leveling do not change, no matter which life you are on.
Experience Points to Epic Level[edit]
level | rank 0/5 | rank 1 | rank 2 | rank 3 | rank 4 | per rank | per level |
20 | 0 | 120 000 | 240 000 | 360 000 | 480 000 | 120 000 | 600 000 |
21 | 600 000 | 730 000 | 860 000 | 990 000 | 1 120 000 | 130 000 | 650 000 |
22 | 1 250 000 | 1 390 000 | 1 530 000 | 1 670 000 | 1 810 000 | 140 000 | 700 000 |
23 | 1 950 000 | 2 100 000 | 2 250 000 | 2 400 000 | 2 550 000 | 150 000 | 750 000 |
24 | 2 700 000 | 2 860 000 | 3 020 000 | 3 180 000 | 3 340 000 | 160 000 | 800 000 |
25 | 3 500 000 | 3 670 000 | 3 840 000 | 4 010 000 | 4 180 000 | 170 000 | 850 000 |
26 | 4 350 000 | 4 530 000 | 4 710 000 | 4 890 000 | 5 070 000 | 180 000 | 900 000 |
27 | 5 250 000 | 5 440 000 | 5 630 000 | 5 820 000 | 6 010 000 | 190 000 | 950 000 |
28 | 6 200 000 | 6 400 000 | 6 600 000 | 6 800 000 | 7 000 000 | 200 000 | 1 000 000 |
29 | 7 200 000 | 7 410 000 | 7 620 000 | 7 830 000 | 8 040 000 | 210 000 | 1 050 000 |
30 | 8 250 000 |
Experience Points to Legendary Level[edit]
level | rank 0/5 | rank 1 | rank 2 | rank 3 | rank 4 | per rank | per level |
30 | 0 | 320 000 | 640 000 | 960 000 | 1 280 000 | 320 000 | 1 600 000 |
31 | 1 600 000 | 2 000 000 | 2 400 000 | 2 800 000 | 3 200 000 | 400 000 | 2 000 000 |
32 | 3 600 000 | 4 020 000 | 4 440 000 | 4 860 000 | 5 280 000 | 420 000 | 2 100 000 |
33 | 5 700 100 | 6 140 100 | 6 580 100 | 7 020 100 | 7 460 100 | 440 000 | 2 200 000 |
34 | 7 900 000 |
Experience Points in raw text format (heroic)[edit]
This may be helpful to copy into your Biography (on your Character Sheet) during a TR chain.
First Life
2 4000
3 16000
4 40000
5 72000
6 112000
7 160000
8 225000
9 305000
10 400000
11 510000
12 630000
13 760000
14 900000
15 1050000
16 1210000
17 1375000
18 1545000
19 1720000
20 1900000
1 TR
2 6000
3 24000
4 60000
5 108000
6 168000
7 240000
8 337000
9 457000
10 600000
11 765000
12 945000
13 1140000
14 1350000
15 1570000
16 1815000
17 2062000
18 2317000
19 2580000
20 2850000
2+ TRs
2 8000
3 32000
4 80000
5 144000
6 224000
7 320000
8 450000
9 610000
10 800000
11 1020000
12 1260000
13 1520000
14 1800000
15 2100000
16 2420000
17 2750000
18 3090000
19 3440000
20 3800000
The "Art" of Gaining XP[edit]
There is not much "Art" left since the introduction of the current Delving Bonus and the fixed first-time completion bonus.
- You will get a Delving Bonus of 150% if you run a quest on Reaper at least once, and you meet these criteria:
- for a heroic quest, every member of your group is at or below the quest's effective level
- for an epic or legendary quest, every member of your group is not more than 2 levels above the quest's effective level
- You can also get a up to 150% first-time completion bonuses for running on Casual(20%), Normal(20%), Hard(20%), Elite(45%) and Reaper(45%).
Because of the lower base XP on Casual, Normal and Hard it's usually more efficient (time needed per XP) to run different quests on Elite and Reaper.
Sequences that don't start with Normal difficulty require a V.I.P. subscription (which allows a character to start on any difficulty) or a character to be Heroic True Reincarnated (once for Hard and twice or more for Elite/Reaper) or a party member who can open Elite/Reaper.