Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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The Marketplace

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The Marketplace Loading Screen
The Marketplace map
(mouse-hover for pop-up)

The Marketplace is a large area connected to the Stormreach harbor. It has free and pay-to-play quests, access to city zones with houses Jorasco, Kundarak, Phiarlan, Deneith, and The Twelve, and to wilderness areas The Cerulean Hills, the Sands of Menechtarun, and Three Barrel Cove. The pawn brokers are an unusual resource that pays high prices for items. Other resources such as the bank, player upgrades, vendors and mail are typical of a number of other areas.

The Marketplace is home to the Coin Lords, a group of powerful merchants and traders, and the ostensible rulers of Stormreach. However, their power has greatly waned over time, and now many other organizations such as the Houses now rule large chunks of Stormreach. The powerful organizations all exist in a temporary and tense peace with one another.

Points of Interest[edit]


See Marketplace Quests.


See also: The Marketplace Bazaar


Scenery TheMarketplace1 official.jpg Scenery TheMarketplace2 official.jpg The Marketplace from above 1.jpg The Marketplace from above 2.jpg