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The projectile that is fired from a standard bow. These do not work in anything classified as a crossbow, which fire bolts.

Purchasable arrows[edit]

Normal vendors[edit]

Ammunition Stack Size Zone Vendor Cost
Arrows 100 Korthos Village Dax Boon<General Vendor> 1gp
Arrows 100 The Harbor Elspeth Wright <General Vendor> 1gp
Arrows 100 The Harbor Hammer and Chain,
Adora Qullbane <Missile Weapon Vendor>
Arrows 100 The Marketplace Raef Larksong <General Vendor> 1gp
Arrows 100 House Phiarlan Erstwhile Emporium,
Drutiori Alzander <General Vendor>
Arrows 100 House Cannith Manscombe Darge <General Vendor> 1gp
Arrows 100 Zawabi's Refuge Zavik Dunedreamer <Ammo and Tools Vendor> 1gp
Arrows 100 Gianthold Hargrun <General Vendor> 1gp
Arrows 100 Meridia Belline Toula <General Vendor> 1gp
Arrows 100 House Kundarak Eldin Thestral <General Vendor>
(Requires Guild Level 4)
+1 Arrows 100 House Deneith Dragon Tooth Arms,
Kaelar Ashenmor <Missile Weapon Vendor>
+1 Arrows 100 House Phiarlan Vestrii's Arms,
Crulamin Arudal <Missile Weapon Vendor>

Standard discount for completing an area's reputation quest applies
+Guild vendors provide an additional 20% off base price
This table is incomplete as of 12/5/2011.

Favor Vendors[edit]

Devout favor (400 points) with The Silver Flame provides access to Salariin Founts <Silver Flame Armorer> (A vendor standing near the faction patron) who sells the following-

  • 100 +1 Ghost Touch Silver Flame Arrows - 30pp
  • 100 +1 Silver Flame Arrows of Lesser Undead Bane - 30pp

Noted favor (75 points) with House Deneith provides access to Tarvin d'Deneith, House Deneith Vendor in House Deneith.

  • 100 Cold Iron Arrows or Bolts - 10pp
  • 100 +3 Arrows or Bolts - 20pp
  • 100 Silver Arrows or Bolts - 30pp
  • 100 Byeshk Arrows or Bolts - 30pp
  • 100 Adamantine Arrows or Bolts - 60pp

Commended favor (150 points) with House Deneith provides further access to Tarvin d'Deneith, House Deneith Vendor in House Deneith.

  • 100 Sturdy Arrows or Bolts - 20pp
  • 100 +3 Sturdy Arrows or Bolts - 40pp

Arrows from collectable rewards[edit]

Item Quantity Reward


Signet of the Devourer icon.png Signet of The Devourer
 used in Cannith Crafting
2 +1 arrows of goblinoid bane, +1 bolts of goblinoid bane

Craftable arrows[edit]

All Cannith Crafted arrows cost 5-45 Cannith Essences and 144 Siberys Dragonshard Framents to create a stack of 100 arrows as of update 32.

Enchantment Crafting
+1 Acid Arrows 13 5 144
+2 Acid Arrows 25 10 144
+3 Acid Arrows 38 20 144
+4 Acid Arrows 50 30 144
+5 Acid Arrows 75 45 144
+1 Flaming Arrows 5 5 144
+2 Flaming Arrows 15 10 144
+3 Flaming Arrows 25 20 144
+4 Flaming Arrows 35 30 144
+5 Flaming Arrows 45 45 144
+1 Frost Arrows 5 5 144
+2 Frost Arrows 15 10 144
+3 Frost Arrows 25 20 144
+4 Frost Arrows 35 30 144
+5 Frost Arrows 45 45 144
+1 Holy Arrows 15 5 144
+2 Holy Arrows 28 10 144
+3 Holy Arrows 40 20 144
+4 Holy Arrows 55 30 144
+5 Holy Arrows 80 45 144
+1 Shock Arrows 13 5 144
+2 Shock Arrows 25 10 144
+3 Shock Arrows 38 20 144
+4 Shock Arrows 50 30 144
+5 Shock Arrows 75 45 144
+1 Aberration Bane Arrows 25 20 144
+1 Animal Bane Arrows 23 10 144
+1 Chaotic Outsider Bane Arrows 30 20 144
+1 Construct Bane Arrows 38 10 144
+1 Dragon Bane Arrows 55 30 144
+1 Dwarf Bane Arrows 35 10 144
+1 Elemental Bane Arrows 45 20 144
+1 Elf Bane Arrows 35 10 144
+1 Evil Outsider Bane Arrows 50 20 144
+1 Giant Bane Arrows 43 20 144
+1 Gnoll Bane Arrows 33 10 144
+1 Goblinoid Bane Arrows 33 10 144
+1 Halfling Bane Arrows 28 10 144
+1 Human Bane Arrows 40 20 144
+1 Lawful Outsider Bane Arrows 30 20 144
+1 Magical Beast Bane Arrows 25 10 144
+1 Monstrous Humanoid Bane Arrows 38 20 144
+1 Ooze Bane Arrows 20 10 144
+1 Orc Bane Arrows 30 10 144
+1 Plant Bane Arrows 23 10 144
+1 Reptilian Bane Arrows 28 10 144
+1 Undead Bane Arrows 48 20 144
+1 Vermin Bane Arrows 18 10 144

In addition to creating special arrows with Cannith Crafting, some found arrows are useful in other crafting recipes.


Cannith Crafted Arrows Prior to Update 32

Minimum level[edit]

The minimum level of a stack of arrows is determined by its enhancement bonus, and may then be modified by the stack's enchantment if it has one. The values are as follows:

Enhancement bonus Unmodified minimum level
None 0
+1 0
+2 2
+3 4
+4 6
+5 8

Enchantment Minimum level modifier Notes
Material type (Adamantine, Byeskh, Cold Iron, Silver) None
<Type> Bane +2 Only found on +1 ammunition
Elemental damage (Acid, Flaming, Frost, Shock) +2
Alignment damage (Anarchic, Axiomatic, Holy, Unholy) +4
Greater <Type> Bane +6 Only found on +1 ammunition
<Type> Slaying +8 Only found on +1 ammunition
Greater <Type> Slaying +10 Only found on +1 ammunition

Spells that create arrows[edit]

The Ranger/Elven Arcane Archer enhancements enable the character to conjure stacks of magical arrows.
The Quivering Quiver creates special Xoriat arrows when the owner takes damage with the quiver equipped. These arrows are generally +3 arrows with a metallic or elemental property, as designated by the arrow name. The Xoriat descriptor provides no special bonuses by itself.

  • Xoriat Arrows - +3, ML:4
  • Xoriat Adamantine Arrows - +3, AdamantineIcon tooltip.pngAdamantine: Adamantine weapons may bypass the damage reduction of certain items and creatures. , ML:4
  • Xoriat Anarchic Arrows - +3, AnarchicIcon tooltip.pngAnarchic: An anarchic weapon is chaotically aligned and infused with the power of chaos. It makes the weapon chaos-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2 to 12 damage against all of lawful alignment. (2d6), ML:8
  • Xoriat Cold Iron Arrows - +3, Cold IronIcon tooltip.pngCold Iron: This iron mined deep underground, known for its effectiveness against fey creatures, is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. When combined with Good damage types, Cold Iron weapons are able to overcome the damage reduction of most Demons like Fire Reavers or Flesh Renders. See Monster DR and weaknesses for specifics. , ML:4
  • Xoriat Corrosive Arrows - +3, AcidIcon tooltip.pngAcid: This weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. An acid weapon deals an extra 1 to 6 points of acid damage on a successful hit. (1d6), ML:6
  • Xoriat Flaming Arrows - +3, FlamingIcon tooltip.pngFlaming: This weapon is sheathed in fire. A flaming weapon deals an extra 1 to 6 points of fire damage on a successful hit. (1d6), ML:6
  • Xoriat Frost Arrows - +3, FrostIcon tooltip.pngFrost: This weapon is sheathed in icy cold. A frost weapon deals an extra 1 to 6 points of cold damage on a successful hit. (1d6), ML:6
  • Xoriat Lawbane Arrows - +1, Lawful Outsider BaneIcon tooltip.pngLawful Outsider Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against Lawful Outsiders, this weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against the foe., ML:2
  • Xoriat Shocking Arrows - +3, ShockIcon tooltip.pngShock: This weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity. A shock weapon deals an extra 1 to 6 points of electricity damage on a successful hit. (1d6), ML:6
  • Xoriat Silver Arrows - +3, SilverIcon tooltip.pngSilver: A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as devils and vampires.
    Silver weapons have 2 points lower hardness then equivalent steel weapons, and as such aren't quite as durable.
    , ML:4

See also[edit]