Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Visgard d'Cannith

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Visgard D'Cannith.jpg

Name: Visgard D'Cannith

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): House Cannith

Location: House Cannith, on a floating platform high above ground level*

Description: Visgard d'Cannith is the favor vendor for House Cannith. First speak to Cannith Patron Xaros d'Cannith (on the same platform, next to Visgard) once you have achieved 50 House Cannith favor to gain access to his wares.

Sells: Mark of House Cannith, Minor Crafting Experience Elixir (10%, 30 minutes), +10% Crafting Success Percentage Booster (1 charge, consumed on use)

Notes: All purchased items are BTA

* To access the patron and the vendor, you must ride a flying "lift" that moves between the ground and the floating platform. Access to board the lift can be found north of the House Cannith Crafting Hall, just west of the auctioneer, where the glowing gold runes** can be seen on the ground at the edge of that level. The lift takes almost a full minute to make the round trip up and back, and only stops at the edge of the walkway for about 4 seconds, so be patient and ready. You can stay on the floating platform as long as you like, and it's an easy feather fall jump down if you prefer not to wait for the lift there.
(** Similar runes can be found just west of the entrance to the Crafting Hall, for a lift down to the Dr. Rushmore Challenge area. This lift is identical in appearance and operation, but travels a different route.)

Quote: "Greetings. You have proven your usefulness to House Cannith, so they have authorized me to trade some special items with you."