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Iron Golem
Sub-race: Iron Golem (List)
Monster Manual classification: Iron Golem
Alignment: True Neutral
Rare: No
Organization: Usually solitary
CR: ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ●♥30Epic Hard
Attack: Slam (Bludgeoning), Breath weapon (Poison)
Special Qualities: Construct Traits, DR ♠15Elite ●♦20Epic Normal ●♥20Epic Hard/Adamantine, Partially healed by Fire. Resistant to every other element (see below.)
- Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan! — Golem room, left side before the first crest door.
- Entering the Gate Chamber — South from the secret door
- Escort the Expedition — North from the pool room. Guards two chests.
- Haywire Foundry — Protecting the Master Control Unit
- Hold for Reinforcements
- Made to Order — Walking in the lava pool
- Maraud the Mines — Rare; DR ♦10Normal ♥10Hard ♠15Elite/Adamantine; Northeast wing
- Power Play
- Research Facility
- Schemes of the Enemy
- Tempest's Spine — Guarding the portal to Lair of Fire and Ice
- The Jungle of Khyber — In a cave after the beholder area, together with Huarn Luridae
- The Keeper's Sanctuary — Big east room
- The Vault of Night
- Legendary Tempest's Spine — CR: ●♥35Epic Hard
Description: Electricity damage slows an iron golem (as the Slow spell) for 30 seconds, with no saving throw.
An attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. For example, an iron golem hit by a fireball gains back 6 hit points if the damage total is 18 points. An iron golem gets no saving throw against fire effects.
Iron Golems have massive elemental absorption. 50% Absorption for ALL Energy types. This includes: Lightning, Cold, Acid, Sonic, Light and even Force damage. Before Update 9, an Iron golem was strictly immune to all of those elements.
- Bestiary
- Construct type monsters
- Golem race monsters
- Iron Golem sub-race monsters
- Monster Manual/Iron Golem
- True Neutral monsters
- Monsters in Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!
- Monsters in Entering the Gate Chamber
- Monsters in Escort the Expedition
- Monsters in Haywire Foundry
- Monsters in Hold for Reinforcements
- Monsters in Made to Order
- Monsters in Maraud the Mines
- Monsters in Power Play
- Monsters in Research Facility
- Monsters in Schemes of the Enemy
- Monsters in Tempest's Spine
- Monsters in The Jungle of Khyber
- Monsters in The Keeper's Sanctuary
- Monsters in The Vault of Night
- Monsters in Legendary Tempest's Spine