Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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The Harbor

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The Harbor Loading Screen
The Harbor
The Harbor map

Named for its proximity to the docks, the Harbor District is where visitors and merchants traveling to Stormreach by boat first step foot on dry land. It is also the location of the zone's class trainers. Characters in the Harbor may move on to The Marketplace return to Korthos Island, or take ships that send you to Three Barrel Cove, Irestone Inlet to the south, and other places. As of Update 13, characters of level 4 or higher may enter The Inspired Quarter, located to the far north side of the Harbor. You can reach Stormreach Marketplace through a gate on the southwest side of this area.

Points of interest[edit]


A total of 9 portals to other areas...


The Harbor has trainers for all classes. They can be found in 2 locations, each with one of each trainer - one group on the far north-east dock, and the other grouped along the far southern road, just east of the Wayward Lobster tavern, up from the base of the long pier that leads from the lighthouse.


See Collectable Collectors for details on what these collectors want, and what they give in return.

Flavor NPCs[edit]


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Reason: This quest list does not contain and accurate list of quests in the harbor. See comments
Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Irestone Inlet44The Coin Lords
Venn's Trail: Venn's Fate43The Coin Lords
Durk's Got A Secret24The Free Agents
Information is Key24House Phiarlan
Walk the Butcher's Path24The Free Agents
Stealthy Repossession23The Free Agents
The Kobolds' New Ringleader24The Coin Lords
The Miller's Debt22The Coin Lords
The Smuggler's Warehouse23The Free Agents
Haverdasher22House Kundarak
Recovering the Lost Tome23The Coin Lords
Bringing the Light22The Silver Flame
Garrison's Missing Pack24The Coin Lords
Hiding in Plain Sight105The Free Agents
Protect Baudry's Interests22The Free Agents
Stop Hazadill's Shipment22The Free Agents
Retrieve the Stolen Goods23The Free Agents
An Explosive Situation42The Coin Lords
Arachnophobia22The Coin Lords
Home Sweet Sewer32The Coin Lords
The Kobold's Den: Clan Gnashtooth34The Coin Lords
The Kobold's Den: Rescuing Arlos34The Coin Lords
Venn's Trail: Clan Tunnelworm44The Coin Lords
Invaders!127The Coin Lords
Kobold Assault33The Coin Lords
The Captives33The Free Agents
Missing156The Free Agents
Fear Factory155The Free Agents
Sinister Storage155The Free Agents
In The Flesh156The Free Agents
The Lords of Dust16/217The Silver Flame
The Spinner of Shadows16/217The Silver Flame
Servants of the Overlord16/217The Silver Flame
Grim and Barett14/306The Gatekeepers
Good Intentions17/317The Free Agents
Lost at Sea15/325The Free Agents
Captive of the Hidden God7/334The Gatekeepers
Total37 Quests150 
 ♣84,070Epic Casual
 ♦144,157Epic Normal
 ♥148,197Epic Hard
 ♠152,237Epic Elite