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Item:Butter-Rum Coffee

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DDO Examination Panel
  • Name: Butter-Rum Coffee
  • Acquired from: DDO Store, rare drop when killing pirates in Smuggler's Rest
  • Turn-In: 19 DP
  • Minimum Level: None
  • Binding: Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Effect: Does not regenerate bardic music uses and turn undead attempts any faster. - Duration 10 minutes (CL: 1)
  • Base Value: 0000300000300ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
  • Weight: 0.01 lbs
  • Stack size: 100
  • Description: This beverage has a strong, invigorating smell and is infused with rich, slightly sweet butter-rum flavor.

    When you drink this, you will become full of energy for 10 minutes (removing fatigue and exhaustion and making you immune to sleep) and regenerate hit points, spell points, bardic music uses, and turn undead attempts much more rapidly while you are in public areas. Your movement speed will also increase for the duration of the effect.

    This item can only be used in Night Revels dungeons, the Night Revels Graveyard, Smuggler's Rest, and Crystal Cove. It persists through death but not through rest. Alas, the coffee is luke-warm at best.
  • Notes:
  • Cost is 95 DP for 5 Butter-Rum Coffees, i.e. 19 DP each.
  • It always works, not only during events.
  • Practically equivalent to Night-Black Coffee. Both kinds of coffee have the same effects.