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Vistani Knife Fighter enhancements

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Falconry     ~     Feydark Illusionist     ~     Harper Agent     ~     Horizon Walker     ~     Inquisitive     ~     Vistani Knife Fighter


: Class/tree can be earned via favor. : Class/tree free to VIP or found in DDO Store. 1: Tree only available to a certain archetype. 2: Tree unavailable to a certain archetype.

Aasimar 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Dragonborn Drow Dwarf Eladrin *Requires any version of Magic of Myth Drannor, or free to VIP Elf / Wood Elf (& AA) Gnome
Half-Elf (& AA) Half-Orc Halfling Human Shifter 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tabaxi 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tiefling Warforged Free by turning in 400 Total favor per server 995 DP995 DDO Points
Bladeforged 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Chaosmancer *Requires ultimate edition of Magic of Myth Drannor Deep Gnome 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Morninglord 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points (& AA) PDK 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Razorclaw 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scoundrel 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scourge 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Shadar-kai 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Trailblazer 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points
Vistani Knife Fighter enhancements tree

It is not free for VIP players. It was available with the Collector's or Ultimate edition of the Mists of Ravenloft expansion.

The tree is available for purchase in the DDO Store for 495 DP, which unlocks the tree account wide.
It can also be unlocked on a per character basis by achieving 180 Ravenloft (Keepers of the Feather) Favor.


Deadly Vistani Knife fighters use their blades to fight both in melee and at range.

This Universal enhancements tree is available to all classes and is primarily focused on bonuses to Dagger fighting. Since Update 61, most of the bonuses also apply to Kukris.

It also features a line of Mist Stalker enhancements focused on defense.

Core abilities[edit]

Icon Enhancement Knife Expertise.png
Knife Expertise: You gain +1 to hit and damage with daggers, kukris and throwing daggers.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Knife Expertise.png
Knife Juggler: You gain +5% to attack speed with throwing daggers. You gain the benefit of the Deflect Arrows feat, knocking aside one incoming projectile that would have struck you every 6 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Knife Expertise
Icon Enhancement Knife Expertise.png
Quick Reflexes: You gain Quickdraw as a bonus feat. You gain +5% Doublestrike (main and off hand), and +5% Doubleshot.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Knife Juggler
Icon Enhancement Knife Expertise.png
Plays With Knives: You gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Damage Multiplier with Daggers, Kukris and Throwing Daggers. Daggers and Throwing Daggers also gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Threat Range.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Quick Reflexes
Icon Enhancement Vistani Fortune.png
Vistani Fortune: Passive: You gain +10 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating. Activate to gain one random Vistani fortune. Cooldown 60 seconds.
  • Coins: You gain 5% Doublestrike and 5% Doubleshot for 60 seconds.
  • Glyphs: You gain 10 Physical Resistance Rating and 20 Magical Resistance Rating for 60 seconds.
  • Stars: You gain +2 to all ability scores for 60 seconds.
  • Swords: You gain 15 Melee Power and Ranged Power for 60 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: One With Blades
Icon Enhancement Knife Expertise.png
Blade Master: You gain +2 to all ability scores. You gain +5% attack speed when using melee and throwing weapons. You gain 20 Melee Power and 20 Ranged Power.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Vistani Fortune

Tier One[edit]

Requires character level 1, 1 AP spent in tree.

Icon Enhancement Vistani Knife Training.png
Vistani Knife Training I: When using a dagger in each hand, you now fight in melee using the Vistani style, with both daggers held point down. You gain +1 to hit and damage with daggers, kukris and throwing daggers.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Undead Hunter.png
Undead Hunter: You resist evil influences particularly well, gaining a +2 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by evil creatures. Undead are automatically consider a Favored Enemy for you.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Mist Stalker 1.png
Mist Stalker I: You gain +25% negative energy absorption. You gain +3 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Acrobatic.png
Acrobatic: +1/2/3 Balance, Jump, and Tumble. Rank 3: +1 to Reflex Saving Throws.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Rapid Attack.png
Rapid Attack: You gain both of the following:
  • Rapid Slash: Requires dagger or kukri. Melee Attack: Deals +30% Damage. You gain a 20% Morale bonus to (main hand) doublestrike for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
  • Rapid Throw: Requires throwing knife. Missile Attack: Deals +30% Damage. You gain a 20% Morale bonus to doubleshot for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds. This puts Ten Thousand Stars and Manyshot on a 10 second cooldown.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires character level 2, 5 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Vistani Knife Training.png
Vistani Knife Training II: You gain +1 to hit and +2 damage with daggers, kukris and throwing daggers.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Blooded Blades.png
Bleeding Cuts: When you score a Vorpal hit with a dagger, kukri or throwing knife you add a stack of Blood of Vengeance to your opponent. Blood of Vengeance: You deal 1d6 damage per two seconds for 30 seconds. This damage scales with 200% Melee Power. This stacks up to 10 times, with new stacks refreshing the duration.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Mist Stalker 1.png
Mist Stalker II: You gain +2 to Will saving throws. You gain +3 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Mist Stalker I
Icon Enhancement Weapon Versatility.png
Weapon Versatility: Your dagger, kukri and throwing dagger attacks use the higher of Melee Power or Ranged Power.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Haste Boost.png
Haste Boost: Activate to gain a 10%/20%/30% Action Boost bonus to attack speed for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

Tier Three[edit]

Requires character level 3, 10 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Vistani Knife Training.png
Vistani Knife Training III: You gain +1 to hit and +2 damage with daggers, kukris and throwing knives.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Vistani Knife Training II
Icon Enhancement Fan of Knives.png
Fan of Knives: On activation: You throw a hail of throwing knives in a cone in front of you. Enemies caught in the cone take 1d8 per character level of damage and take 1 stack of Blood of Vengeance. This damage scales with 200% of the higher of Melee or Ranged Power. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Bug: This ability counts as a spell and cannot be used while raged.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Mist Stalker 1.png
Mist Stalker III: You are immune to Fear effects. You gain +3 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Mist Stalker II
Icon Enhancement Deadly Blades.png
Deadly Blades: Your daggers, kukris and throwing daggers do an additional +1[W] of damage. You are centered when fighting with daggers and kukris. (Note: not centered with throwing daggers).
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements
Human Adaptability.png
Gifted: Choose one:
  • +1 Strength
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Constitution
  • +1 Intelligence
  • +1 Wisdom
  • +1 Charisma
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

Tier Four[edit]

Requires character level 4, 20 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Vistani Knife Training.png
Vistani Knife Training IV: You gain +1 to hit and +2 damage with daggers, kukris and throwing knives.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Vistani Knife Training III
Icon Enhancement Celerity.png
Celerity: You gain +5% Doublestrike (main and off hand), and Doubleshot.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Mist Stalker 1.png
Mist Stalker IV: You are immune to energy drain. You gain +3 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Mist Stalker III
Icon Enhancement Double Daggers.png
Double Daggers: Choose One:
  • Icon Enhancement Keen Edge.png Single Dagger: When Single Weapon Fighting with a dagger or kukri: +20 Melee Power.
  • Icon Enhancement Double Daggers.png Double Daggers: When fighting with a dagger or kukri in each hand: +20% stacking chance to make off-hand attacks when dual wielding weapons.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 No requirements
Human Adaptability.png
Gifted: Choose one:
  • +1 Strength
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Constitution
  • +1 Intelligence
  • +1 Wisdom
  • +1 Charisma
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 No requirements

Tier Five[edit]

Requires character level 12, 30 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Vistani Knife Training.png
Vistani Knife Training V: You gain +3 to hit and +3 damage with daggers, kukris and throwing knives.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Vistani Knife Training IV
Icon Enhancement Whirling Blades.png
Whirling Blades: Select one:
  • Whirling Blades: Requires throwing knife. Missile Attack: Deals +50% Damage. Your throwing knife gains 100 doubleshot for 15 seconds. Cooldown one minute. (Shares cooldown with 10K Stars.)
  • Grudge Bearer: You gain a +25% Competence bonus to Max Hit Points.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Mist Stalker 2.png
Mist Stalker V: Activate to gain +20% Dodge and Maximum Dodge, +30 PRR, and +30 MRR for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Mist Stalker IV
Icon Enhancement Blessed Blades.png
Blessed Blades: You gain both of the following:
  • Blessed Blades: Requires dagger or kukri. Melee attack. Deals +50 Damage, plus one stack of Blood of Vengeance. Your equipped daggers gain a stacking +10 Enhancement bonus for 10 seconds. They also gain Silver, Good, and Ghost Touch. 10 second cooldown.
  • Blessed Knives: Requires throwing knife. Missile attack. Deals +50% Damage, plus one stack of Blood of Vengeance. Your throwing knife gains a +10 Enhancement bonus for 10 seconds. It also gains Silver, Good, and Ghost touch. 10 second cooldown.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Vendetta.png
Vendetta: Activate to gain a unique +1 Critical Threat Range and +1 to Critical damage multiplier to your equipped daggers, kukris, or throwing knife for 15 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements