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Item:Eberron Dragonshard

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Eberron Dragonshard Fragments are relatively rare collectables that have a 1% chance of being randomly found in any collectible node throughout the game, including piles of rubble, mushrooms, alchemy tables, etc., and a smaller chance of being found in Treasure Bags. They can be turned in to certain collectors for powerful items, or traded with Crafting Hall vendors for Purified Eberron Dragonshard Fragments used in high-level Cannith Crafting. The exchange for Purified Eberron Dragonshard Fragments is 1:1 for Small Eberron Dragonshard Fragments, 2:1 for Medium Eberron Dragonshard Fragments, and 3:1 for Large Eberron Dragonshard Fragments.

Small Eberron Dragonshard Fragment


A small sliver-like fragment of a dark colored Eberron Dragonshard. These fragments would be extremely valuable to the right person. Seek out Collectors in the Marketplace.

Three Small Eberron Dragonshard Fragments can be turned into:

Medium Eberron Dragonshard Fragment


A medium sliver-like fragment of a dark colored Eberron Dragonshard. These fragments would be extremely valuable to the right person. Seek out Collectors in the Marketplace, and House Deneith.

Three Medium Eberron Dragonshard Fragment can be turned in to:
Marketplace Collectors

House Deneith Collectors

Warning: You can only have one of each of the Exclusive rewards in your inventory at a time; if you already have one, the vendor will accept your Medium Eberron Dragonshard Fragments and give you nothing but an error popup in return.

Large Eberron Dragonshard Fragment


A large sliver-like fragment of a dark colored Eberron Dragonshard. These fragments would be extremely valuable to the right person. Seek out Collectors in House Phiarlan.

Three Large Eberron Dragonshard Fragment can be turned into:


  • Each reward except exchanging for Purified Eberron Dragonshard Fragments requires that you turn in three fragments.
  • The rewards are either bound to account or bound to character on acquire
  • The reward trinkets are limited use. They are not rechargeable.

Number series puzzle[edit]

When a set of Dragonshards is turned in, the collector will offer a riddle for an additional reward, referent to the first turn in they have, so +3 Robe for Xovun Chalk etcetera. Be warned, as there is an estimated three-minute timer in these puzzles. Failing to complete it in time results in no additional reward, but you keep what you were given before.

Number Puzzles[edit]

Puzzle Math Solution
3, 11, 27 x2 + 5 59
4, 3, 3 x0 + 3 3
5, 14, 32 x2 + 4 68
6, 16, 46 x3 - 2 136
8, 12, 18 x3/2 + 0 27
10, 8, 7 /2 + 3 6.5
18, 9, 6 /3 + 3 5
32, 24, 18 x3/4 + 0 13.5

* see also Number series puzzle thread

Collector UI Reward item
The Riddle Additional reward