Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

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The Free Agents

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A motley group of merchants, smugglers, thieves and citizens, The Free Agents of Stormreach care about their own interests as much, if not more, than they care about the welfare of their fellows. As a group without any real organization, they rely on the Stormreach Chronicle for news and information about goings-on in their fair city.


Name Location Description
Fitzpat the Fence The Harbor
Baudry Cartamon The Harbor When you accept his quest, A Man Named Baudry Cartamon, he gives you a free Small Collectables Bag. You needn't complete, or even run his quest to keep the bag.
Karn Cold-Trail The Foothold Making use of any of the NPCs in The Foothold requires paying 1,000 pp to Karn Cold-Trail, but a good negotiation skill can reduce or eliminate this fee (you only need one of these options):
  • Diplomacy 10+ reduces the fee to 500 pp (9 failed, 10 succeeded)
  • Bluff 14+ reduces the fee to 200 pp (13 failed, 14 succeeded)
  • Intimidate 19+ removes the fee entirely (17 failed, 19 succeeded)

You need to pay this fee only once per life.

Red Tom Barrel's Bottom
Rosie the Jinx Barrel's Bottom
Lars Riflee Barrel's Bottom
Niles Cage The Harbor <Captain> Niles Cage is no paladin, but compared to a murderous sea-dog like Yaaryar, he's what you might call an 'honest pirate.'
Rinar d'Thuranni Korthos Village Rinar d'Thuranni is the captain of the Sujourn, and is stuck in Korthos Village because of the sudden climate change.
Black-Nose Quint The Marketplace
Laurent Chastel Barrel's Bottom <Three Barrel Cove Resident>
Merla Bauerdatter Wavecrest Tavern <Free Agent Tavern Owner> in the Twelve.
Nash Braza The Cerulean Hills Farmer living near the Cerulean Hills who was driven off his farmstead by the invading orcs. He's worried about not only his farm but the dogs he was forced to leave behind.
Basil Tallbarrow The Marketplace Man who experimented on spiders and scorpions with mostly alteration spells but lost control of his subjects.
Philver Sharpwood The Harbor Warehouse owner storing explosives for House Kundarak who ran afoul of the Quickfoot Gang due to his gambling problem.
Lesto Half-Price The Harbor <Peddler>
Mistress Ahura The Harbor
Zerchi Spire-Keeper The Marketplace Provides transportation between Stormreach and The Foothold.
Tambor Smythe The Harbor <Foreman, Cartamon Storage>
Zaveera Halfspear Ruins of Threnal
Jan Falner Ruins of Threnal
Wayfinder Skavyr Zawabi's Refuge Ornery and sunburned
Inquisitive Ingaram The Wayward Lobster You need him to give you permission to Zerchi Spire-Keeper transport you to The Foothold.
Navigator Kestrel The Foothold
Miroc Thrice-Born Zawabi's Refuge
Sorvile Smythe The Harbor <Free Agent Vendor>
Capshaw the Crier The Harbor The Free Agents, patron representative
Godwick Spurge The Harbor <Chronicle Reporter>
Hector Hyssop The Harbor <Chronicle Reporter>
Smiley Smythe The Twelve <Free Agents Trader>
Fearless Frida Barrel's Bottom Spelunker
Tarfoot Brynne Barrel's Bottom <Old Salt>
Issabet Tremont The Harbor <Vaunt Arcanotechnic Ltd.>

Favor Ranks

Completing tasks and missions for the various patrons will increase your favor, which is a measure of how valuable the different patrons find your character. At each new rank, the patron representative will provide a character with a reward.

Representative: Capshaw the Crier

  • 0 Favor: Nobody
    No reward
  • 75 Favor: Well-Known
    You can access Sorvile Smythe, Free Agent Vendor in the Harbor. He offers normal repair services at 10%-off, and sells Healing Kits, Repair Kits and Thieves' Tools up to a +2 quality. Also trapmaking ingredients and guides. Note, these bind on purchase.

    These prices are base value; your actual price will be based on your Haggle skill.

    50 Thieves' Tools
    • Regular - 2pp 5gp
    • Masterwork - 5pp
    • +1 - 7pp 5gp
    • +2 - 12pp 5gp
    10 Repair Kits
    • Regular - 5pp
    • Masterwork - 10pp
    • +1 - 15pp
    • +2 - 20pp
    10 Healer's Kits
    • Regular - 5pp
    • Masterwork - 10pp
    • +1 - 15pp
    • +2 - 20pp
    25 Vials
    • Crude - 2pp 5gp
    • Simple - 12pp 5gp
    Old Sully's Guide to Practical Trapmaking
    • Part One: Grenades - 10pp
    • Part Two: Mines - 10pp
    • Part Three: Spell Traps - 10pp
  • 150 Favor: Famous
    You can buy Healing Kits, Repair Kits and Thieves' Tools up to a +4 quality. Note, these bind on purchase.

    These prices are base value; your actual price will be based on your Haggle skill.

    50 Thieves' Tools
    • +3 - 17pp 5gp
    • +4 - 22pp 5gp
    10 Repair Kits
    • +3 - 17pp 5gp
    • +4 - 22pp 5gp
    10 Healer's Kits
    • +3 - 17pp 5gp
    • +4 - 22pp 5gp
    25 Vials
    • unadorned - 62pp 5gp
  • 400 Favor: Hero of the People
    You can take your damaged weapons and armor to Jaidene Forgemaiden in Zawabi's Refuge for repair with a lower chance of permanent damage. She cannot remove permanent damage, but she can help to prevent it happening.
    Note: If you do not own the Demon Sands pack, you cannot access Jaidene, even if you have the favor.
  • 700 Favor: Champion of Stormreach
    Capshaw the Crier: As a small token of our thanks, we shall have our allies instruct you on how to use all manner of birds to assist you in your fight to keep the city safe. You now have access to the Falconry enhancements tree.

    You also receive this email from Capshaw the Crier: {name} has continued to blaze a path across the Xen'drik, saving Stormreach time and time again. (You've really made a name for yourself among the Free Agents. Speak with Capshaw the Crier in the Harbor to see what this status might get you.)

  • 1000 Favor: Protector of Xen'drik
    Currently unreachable
Patron mail:

Originally Posted by Capshaw the Crier

You're now eligible for the rank of Well-Known

A new arrival to Stormreach by the name of {name} is really making a name. Rumors abound, but no one really knows the stranger's story. I can tell you that this {race} has {class} training, but the rest is a complete mystery. I'll keep an eye on this "hero" and let the god people of Stormreach know more details when I get'em. Capshaw the Crier, signing off!

(By completing quests that benefit the Free Agents, you have been noticed by them. Speak with Capshaw the Crier in the Harbor to get more details and see what may be on offer in their special 'shop'.)

Originally Posted by Capshaw the Crier

You're now eligible for the rank of Famous
Remember that news item about the young {class} in town, the one they call {name}? Well, this one is certainly not afraid to mix it up now and then! News of this brave hero's exploits is making the rounds herein Stormreach and everyone from the Coin Lords to the rabble is starting to take notice.

Mari Mosshand of the Harbor district was overheard to say, 'I remember when {name} came ashore with nary a clue or a copper to their name, just another {race} with grand ambitions. I'd like to think I'm in some small way responsible for their success.' As always, this is Capshaw the Crier, walking the Stormreach beat!

(You've again improved your reputation with the Free Agents. Speak with Capshaw the Crier in the Harbor to get more information.)

Originally Posted by Capshaw the Crier

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Hero of the People

Legendary hero {full name} was seen today passing through a tavern, no doubt on the way to some grand adventure. From the wilds of Sorrowdusk Island to the mountainous terrain of Tempest's Spine, no deed is too great for the hero of Xen'drik.

One group of grateful citizens is starting a petition to rename a district in the city in honor of the brave {race}. We expect great things in the future from {name}, possibly even and exclusive interview with yours truly, Capshaw the Crier!

(You've really made a name for yourself among the Free Agents. Speak with Capshaw the Crier in the Harbor to see what this status might get you.)

Patron quests

Quest name Heroic Epic Max favor Adventure pack Acquired in Bestowed by ♣Casual ♦Normal ♥Hard ♠Elite
(heroic: Old Grey Garl)
25 15
Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Tarfoot Brynne ♣11,757 ♦20,181 ♥20,767 ♠21,352
25 21 Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Niles Cage ♣11,231 ♦19,277 ♥19,836 ♠20,394
25 12
Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Dirty Vingus ♣12,209 ♦20,957 ♥21,564 ♠22,173
25 12
Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Fearless Frida ♣14,617 ♦25,091 ♥25,821 ♠26,550
25 12
Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Marteen Worley ♣11,457 ♦19,665 ♥20,235 ♠20,805
1 9 Free Korthos Island Viggie Storr ♣324 ♦540 ♥584 ♠628
2 9 Free The Harbor Fitzpat the Fence ♣384 ♦694 ♥748 ♠802
2 6 Free The Harbor Tambor Smythe ♣228 ♦408 ♥436 ♠464
2 6 Free The Harbor Harmon Taft ♣204 ♦364 ♥388 ♠412
2 12 Free Korthos Island Amalgam ♣780 ♦1,420 ♥1,540 ♠1,660
2 12 Free The Harbor Mistress Ahura ♣632 ♦1,148 ♥1,244 ♠1,339
2 12 Free The Harbor Durk the Deranged ♣500 ♦906 ♥980 ♠1,053
2 9 Free The Harbor Harmon Taft ♣348 ♦628 ♥676 ♠724
2 9 Free The Harbor Lesto Half-Price ♣536 ♦972 ♥1,052 ♠1,131
3 9 Free The Harbor Pearl Drumling ♣482 ♦868 ♥932 ♠996
3 9 Free The Cerulean Hills Nash Braza ♣517 ♦932 ♥1,001 ♠1,070
3 12 Free Phoenix Tavern Grinwhite ♣746 ♦1,348 ♥1,452 ♠1,556
3 9 Free The Marketplace Basil Tallbarrow ♣416 ♦748 ♥802 ♠856
4 9 Free The Marketplace Harven Gralak ♣559 ♦1,001 ♥1,070 ♠1,140
5 12
Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Laurent Chastel ♣2,056 ♦3,684 ♥3,940 ♠4,196
5 12
Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Dirty Vingus ♣1,723 ♦3,086 ♥3,300 ♠3,513
5 12
Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Marteen Worley ♣1,620 ♦2,900 ♥3,100 ♠3,300
5 12 Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Idas ♣2,140 ♦3,833 ♥4,100 ♠4,366
5 9 Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Lars Riflee ♣709 ♦1,266 ♥1,349 ♠1,433
5 9 Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Idas ♣1,230 ♦2,200 ♥2,350 ♠2,500
6 12 Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Red Tom ♣1,320 ♦2,350 ♥2,500 ♠2,650
7 15
Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Red Tom ♣1,908 ♦3,385 ♥3,590 ♠3,796
7 12 Three-Barrel Cove Three-Barrel Cove Rosie the Jinx ♣1,500 ♦2,660 ♥2,820 ♠2,980
10 18 The Restless Isles Restless Isles Opu the Elder ♣2,220 ♦3,900 ♥4,100 ♠4,299
10 15 Demon Sands Sands of Menechtarun walk-up ♣779 ♦1,367 ♥1,433 ♠1,499
10 15 Free The Wayward Lobster Inquisitive Ingaram ♣1,572 ♦2,760 ♥2,900 ♠3,040
10 18 The Restless Isles Restless Isles Mul-Tong ♣2,220 ♦3,900 ♥4,100 ♠4,299
11 18 Demon Sands Sands of Menechtarun walk-up ♣1,200 ♦2,100 ♥2,199 ♠2,300
11 21 24 Demon Sands Zawabi's Refuge Calyx Shattermoon ♣3,024
11 18 Demon Sands Sands of Menechtarun walk-up ♣1,808 ♦3,166 ♥3,320 ♠3,473
11 30 The Restless Isles Restless Isles Ostler Caulstone ♦12,100 ♥12,699 ♠13,300
11 18 Demon Sands Sands of Menechtarun walk-up ♣820 ♦1,433 ♥1,500 ♠1,566
11 18 Demon Sands Sands of Menechtarun walk-up ♣1,428 ♦2,500 ♥2,620 ♠2,740
12 22 24 Demon Sands Zawabi's Refuge Zawabi the Elder Djinni ♣3,660
12 18 The Restless Isles Restless Isles Ostler Caulstone ♦2,620 ♥2,740 ♠2,860
12 22 24 Demon Sands Zawabi's Refuge Miroc Thrice-Born ♣3,660
12 22 18 Demon Sands Zawabi's Refuge Zawabi the Elder Djinni
12 22 21 Demon Sands Zawabi's Refuge Jaefan Druz ♣2,556
13 31 18 Free The Harbor Callumnie ♣2,262
13 15 Free The Twelve Smiley Smythe ♣1,420 ♦2,476 ♥2,584 ♠2,692
14 28 18 Free The Marketplace Crawben Bix ♣3,756
15 32 15 Free The Harbor Issabet Tremont ♣1,738
15 18 Harbinger of Madness The Harbor Hector Hyssop ♣3,657 ♦6,356 ♥6,616 ♠6,877
15 15 Harbinger of Madness The Harbor Felicity Mallow ♣2,524 ♦4,386 ♥4,565 ♠4,744
15 15 Harbinger of Madness The Harbor Parker Pipewort ♣1,219 ♦2,116 ♥2,200 ♠2,284
15 15 Free The Twelve Merla Bauerdatter ♣2,212 ♦3,844 ♥4,000 ♠4,156
15 18 Harbinger of Madness The Harbor Godwick Spurge ♣3,025 ♦5,258 ♥5,472 ♠5,687
17 31 21 Free The Harbor Orben Romblemore ♣3,609
Total 53
Total favor