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The Summer Court

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The noble court locally represented by the Archfey called Lord Arden. Endless celebrations, adventures, and stories to be lived await in the Feywild for those who wish to try their hand.


Name Location Description
Creusa Wynwood Hall Summer Court patron representative
Hermia Wynwood Hall <Hyrsam's Messenger>
Gale Estival Wynwood Hall <Seneschal of the Summer Court>

Favor Ranks

Completing tasks and missions for the various patrons will increase your favor, which is a measure of how valuable the different patrons find your character. At each new rank, the patron representative will provide a character with a reward.

Representative: Creusa

Patron mail:

Originally Posted by Creusa

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Friendly

Greetings, outsider. Your tale has only just begun to be written here in the Feywild but it has begun none the less! Those of us among the Summer Court have begun to hear your tale and regonize that it shall be a wonderful story to hear. Seek me out in Wynwood Hall, and your story shall continue to be recognized.

-Creusa, Summer Court Patron

(By completing quests that benefit the Summer Court, you have impressed them enough to grant you a reward. Speak with Creusa in Wynwood Hall in the Feywild for details.)

Originally Posted by Creusa

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Trusted

Your stories continue to spread! Come and visit with me at Wynwood Hall. The Summer Court grant rewards to those whos stories continue to impress.

-Creusa, Summer Court Patron

(You have continued to gain favor with Summer Court. Speak with Creusa in Wynwood Hall in the Feywild to claim your reward.)

Originally Posted by Creusa

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Knight


Your stories are impressive enough to have even some of the Archfey speak briefly of them! As much of a reward as that is by itself, we also have another rewards to offer. Please come see me in the Wynwood Hall in the Feywild.

-Creusa, Summer Court Patron

(You have continued to gain favor with Summer Court. Speak with Creusa in Wynwood Hall in the Feywild to claim your reward.)

Patron quests

Quest name Heroic Epic Max favor Adventure pack Acquired in Bestowed by ♣Casual ♦Normal ♥Hard ♠Elite
32 30 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Hermia ♦41,182 ♥42,179 ♠43,177
32 30 Hunter and Hunted Court of the Wild Hunt Maes Toben ♦49,362 ♥50,559 ♠51,756
5 32 12 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Lady Borealis ♣2,056
5 32 6 Fables of the Feywild The Feywild Thistledown ♣788
5 32 9 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Moscato ♣1,276
5 32 9 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Windsor Gruff ♣1,370
5 32 9 Fables of the Feywild The Feywild Lord Thekian ♣1,058
5 32 9 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Sorghum ♣1,370
5 32 9 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Huntress Joranda ♣1,370
6 32 15 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Sir Snowdrift ♣2,277
6 32 12 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Madoc Silverlight ♣1,471
6 32 15 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Farrunner ♣2,277
6 32 9 Fables of the Feywild The Feywild Sir Pifflegust ♣732
6 32 9 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Mulberry ♣732
6 32 15 Fables of the Feywild Wynwood Hall Hilda Bitterspine ♣1,740
7 32 12 Hunter and Hunted Court of the Wild Hunt Fernleaf ♣1,302
7 32 15 Hunter and Hunted Court of the Wild Hunt Kas Sarfiel ♣1,571
Total 17 quests 17 Epic 225 total 0314