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Item:Experience Elixir

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Consuming an experience elixir grants your character a percentage bonus on all earned experience for the next 3 to 6 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas. The bonus of experience elixirs doesn't apply to XP tokens won with Daily Dice.

You can drink multiple potions in succession. The effects don't stack, but they are queued. Your strongest experience elixir will be active first.

Item Description Duration
Minor Experience Elixir 5% bonus to XP 2 hours
Lesser Experience Elixir 10% bonus to XP 3 hours
Medium Experience Elixir 10% bonus to XP 6 hours
Greater Experience Elixir 20% bonus to XP 3 hours
Major Experience Elixir 20% bonus to XP 6 hours
Excellent Experience Elixir 30% bonus to XP 3 hours
Superior Experience Elixir 30% bonus to XP 6 hours
Sovereign I Experience Elixir 50% bonus to XP 3 hours
Sovereign II Experience Elixir 50% bonus to XP 6 hours
See also: DDO Store: XP Boost for cost and quantities

Minor Experience Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel

Lesser Experience Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel
  • Name: Experience Elixir
  • Acquired from: DDO Store
  • Minimum Level: None
  • Binding: Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Effect: Lesser Learning Boost, 10% bonus to XP for 3 hours. Can only be used on yourself.
  • Base Value: 001500000015,000ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
  • Weight: 0.01 lbs
  • Stack size: 100
  • Description: This shimmering prism-like bottle has a pair of small wings on the sides and contains an ounce of light blue liquid.

Medium Experience Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel

Greater Experience Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel
  • Name: Experience Elixir
  • Acquired from:
  • Minimum Level: None
  • Binding: Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Effect: Greater Learning boost, 20% bonus to XP for 3 hours. Can only be used on yourself.
  • Base Value: 009500000095,000ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
  • Weight: 0.01 lbs
  • Stack size: 100
  • Description: This shimmering prism-like bottle has a pair of small wings on the sides and contains an ounce of light blue liquid.

Major Experience Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel

Excellent Experience Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel

Superior Experience Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel

Sovereign I Experience Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel

Sovereign II Experience Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel
  • Name: Experience Elixir
  • Acquired from: Gold Daily Dice - (roll of 100)
  • Minimum Level: None
  • Binding: Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Effect: Sovereign Learning boost, 50% bonus to XP for 6 hours. Can only be used on yourself.
  • Base Value: 0490000000490,000ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
  • Weight: 0.01 lbs
  • Stack size: 100
  • Description: This shimmering prism-like bottle has a pair of small wings on the sides and contains an ounce of light blue liquid.