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Item:Treasure Hunter's Elixir

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Drinking a Treasure Hunter's Elixir grants your character a loot bonus to rolls for treasure from chests (for you, not the entire party.) This increases your chance of finding maximum effects on your treasure. The effect lasts for the next 3 to 6 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.

This is a separate bonus from traditional Loot Boosts (Jewel of Fortune, Treasure Finding feat, server bonus, etc.), which raise the level of the chest. This raises the chance to get the better/higher number affixes for the minimum level of the item, for the chest you are opening. A loot boost will raise the level of the chest, and a Treasure Hunter's Elixir will increase the chance to get "lucky loot" from the chest, denoted by an item dropping with Masterful Craftsmanship. Therefore, combining both is effective. However, this does not affect the chance to get an item with "extra lucky affix" Cocomajobo or an Augment Slot.needs verification The Treasure Hunter's Elixir also causes Tomes and certain store items have a higher probability to drop.Cordovan (Contribs • Message• Cordovan) via DDOstream on This effect is highly complex; it is highly situational and highly dependent upon the quest and the item.

Treasure Hunter's Elixirs only affect chest lootDDO Forums but do not affect reward lists or the chance of you finding named items.DDO Forums They stack with Treasure Hunter's Bonus Days but not with themselves.DDO Forums Treasure Hunter's Elixirs do not affect daily dice rolls.DDO Forums

Unlike the Treasure Finding feat, a Treasure Hunter's Elixir only affects the level (quality) of loot for the player who has the effect when they open the chest. It does not affect the level (quality) of loot for anyone else and does not affect the minimum level of the loot.

Item Description Duration
Lesser Treasure Hunter's Elixir +5 Loot Rolls 3 hours
Moderate Treasure Hunter's Elixir +10 Loot Rolls 3 hours
Greater Treasure Hunter's Elixir +15 Loot Rolls 6 hours
See also: DDO Store: XP Boost for cost and quantities

Lesser Treasure Hunter's Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel

Moderate Treasure Hunter's Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel
  • Name: Treasure Hunter's Elixir
  • Acquired from: DDO Store, Gold Daily Dice
  • Minimum Level: None
  • Binding: Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Effect: You are Lucky! (Treasure Dice Rolls are increased by 10, making the chance of finding maximum effects on loot more likely. This only affects you, not your party members.)
    The timer for this effect pauses while you are in public areas or logged out. - Duration: 3 hours (CL: 1)
  • Base Value: 003500000035,000ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
  • Weight: 0.01 lbs
  • Stack size: 100
  • Description: An elixir which provides a moderate bonus to the luck roll of treasure dice.

Greater Treasure Hunter's Elixir[edit]

DDO Examination Panel
  • Name: Treasure Hunter's Elixir
  • Acquired from: DDO Store, Gold Daily Dice
  • Minimum Level: None
  • Binding: Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Effect: You are Lucky! (Treasure Dice Rolls are increased by 15, making the chance of finding maximum effects on loot more likely. This only affects you, not your party members.)
    The timer for this effect pauses while you are in public areas or logged out. - Duration: 3 hours (CL: 1)
  • Base Value: 008200000082,000ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
  • Weight: 0.01 lbs
  • Stack size: 100
  • Description: An elixir which provides a large bonus to the luck roll of treasure dice.

See also[edit]