Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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The Foothold

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The Foothold
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Note: The quest Hiding in Plain Sight must be completed before you are allowed access to the airship that takes you here.

The Foothold is the entrance to The Restless Isles wilderness area, and the quests there.

Entrance contact is Zerchi Spire-Keeper, northwest of the central bazaar in The Marketplace.

NPCs of Note[edit]

Making use of any of the NPCs requires paying 1,000 pp to Karn Cold-Trail (once per life), but a good negotiation skill can reduce or eliminate this fee (you only need one of these options):

  • Diplomacy 10+ reduces the fee to 500 pp (9 failed, 10 succeeded)
  • Bluff 14+ reduces the fee to 200 pp (13 failed, 14 succeeded)
  • Intimidate 18+ removes the fee entirely (17 failed, 18 succeeded)

See also[edit]