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Ostler Caulstone

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Ostler Caulstone.jpg

Name: Ostler Caulstone

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Collects: Broken Sigil, Shattered Sigil

Location: The Foothold

Description: Besides being a general vendor and a reagent vendor, he is a magewright, and will assemble a Sigil of Dal Quor from a Broken Sigil and a Shattered Sigil.

Sells: Arcane reagents (levels 1-9); Divine reagents (levels 1-9); Large Diamonds; Pouches of Granite and Diamond Dust; non-magic ranged weaponry; non-magic Thieves' Tools

Notes: Ostler will not speak with you until you have bribed Karn Cold-Trail. He will not offer to repair your broken/shattered sigils until you are Level 8 or higher.

Note also that, although a Level 8 character can enter The Twilight Forge, you must be Level 9 to continue to The Titan Awakes raid, which can be entered immediately after that.

The Foothold[edit]

When you first arrive at the foothold, he will say you the following:

  • Ostler Caulstone: Laina and I take our orders from Karn Cold-Trail. And strangers aren't welcome in our camp unless Karn decides otherwise.

After you pay for the services of Karn Cold-Trail and his group, he will say:

  • Ostler Caulstone: What do you need, <name>? I can provide you with basic equipment from our supplies, so long as you pay for what you take. I can also repair your gear, although I must charge more to recoup my costs than the well-stocked forges of Stormreach.
    • You: Let me browse your equipment. (Open shop)

After you are bestowed the quest The Twilight Forge (which requires a Level 8(+) character), his dialogue changes:

  • Ostler Caulstone: What do you requires, <name>? I can repair your gear or sell you basic equipment from our supplies, although you'll need to pay for the privilege. Or are you in need of more exotic magewright services?
    • You: Can you help me assemble a Sigil of Dal Quor?
      • If you do not possess any sigil fragment
        • Ostler Caulstone: Ah, you desire a key to the Twilight Forge? Our wildman trading partners used to carry such sgils as emblems of rank. But now that the ogres of Clan Runetusk rule these islands, I suspect they have reclaimed most or all of the sigils. I cannot help you steal a sigil—I am a magewright, not a rogue—but if you find a damaged or broken sigil, perhaps I can help you repair it....
      • If you do possess a single Broken Sigil or Shattered Sigil
        • Ostler Caulstone: Ostler studies your sigil fragments with a critical eye. Finally, he sighs and shakes his head. There are not enough pieces here to reconstruct a whole Sigil of Dal Quor. See how there are large sections missing from the original sigil, here and here? You must find more fragments if I am to undertake this task.
      • If you do possess a Broken and a Shattered Sigil
        • Ostler Caulstone: Ostler spreads your stone fragments in front of himself. Muttering under his breath, he arranges and rearranges the fragments until he is satisfied. Then he speaks a word of magic, and the fragments shiver and contract into a whole! Ostler smiles and hands you the repaired Sigil of Dal Quor. I will not charge you for this work—Karn Cold-Trial has long been eager to learn what lies within the Twilight Forge. The Quori-crafted gatekeeper will let you inside if you carry this seal. After that, you must look to your own safety!
      • If you do possess an already used used Sigil of Dal Quor
        • Ostler Caulstone: Ostler examines your Sigil of Dal Quor and tut-tuts. What have you been doing—using this to bash Runetusks over the head? It's almost cracked in two! Ostler speaks a word of magic and spreads his hands over the fractured sigil. When he removes them, it is once more in perfect condition.
    • You: Let me browse your equipment. (Open shop)