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Dark Secret

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Dark Secret.png

Type: Aberration (List)

Race: Will o' Wisp (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: Unknown

Rare: No

CR:  ♦33Epic Normal ♥37Epic Hard ♠41Epic Elite


Description: In the raid, when killed, this monster will tell one of the secrets of The Ghost Flame and hit the entire party for heavy untyped damage. However, The Ghost Flame will eventually detonate them all herself, so they need to be killed one at a time to avoid overwhelming the party.

Lone Dark Secrets also appear in secret areas around other quests in the Isle of Dread expansion, usually concealed by tough secret or locked doors, doors with hidden levers, or locked doors opened by hidden keys. They tell the story of King Lindal, AKA Death's Teeth.

The lines spoken by the Dark Secrets, when spoken in the right order, are critical to unlocking the secret ending of Skeletons in the Closet. See the raid's page for more.