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Energy Absorption

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Elemental absorption reduces the amount of damage the wearer takes by the percentage specified after all other protections and resistances have been penetrated.

Energy absorption is displayed on the character sheet since Update 44 under the "+" side-tab: Elemental Defenses under Stats.

Tests from 2014 by Eth and others in 2020 seem to indicate that:

  • In general, only one item-based source of absorption applies. Not always the highest %.
  • This single item stacks with all non-item sources of absorption.
  • Different tiers of Heroic green steel elemental absorption weapons stack with each other, but the combination does not stack with other items.
  • Druid elemental form absorption does not stack with spell-based absorption such as from Fire Shield or Energy Sheathe.
  • Arcane Epic PL absorption stacks with everything.
  • Guild ship buff absorption stacks with everything.

As for the math, do not simply add the various absorption rates (e.g. 10% + 15% does not equal 25%), you multiply them (0.9 * 0.85 = 0.765; for a 23.5% reduction).

If you are immune to a particular type of damage, your absorption for that damage will be set to 100%, ignoring all other effects except those that specifically bypass damage immunity. If that damage instead heals you when it would damage most players (currently only possible for Negative Damage), your absorption is set to 200%. Note that Resistance applies before the damage becomes healing, and will reduce the amount you heal by.

No absorption items currently target physical damage (Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing) directly. Certain rare absorption effects (currently unique to the Dark Hunter) reduce all damage, physical or magical, taken from traps. See also Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating, similar statistics that reduce physical damage and magical damage respectively. (PRR and MRR apply after Resistances and Absorption.)

2023 testing indicates that Arcane Past Lives may currently be interacting in a different way to other sources of Absorption, stacking additively instead of multiplicatively. As an example, a test with a character gaining 10% and 15% bonuses from enhancements and also a 5% bonus from arcane past lives returned a value of 28.5% Absorption ( 1-((0.9×0.85)+0.05) ) instead of the expected 27.3% ( 1-(0.9x0.85x0.95) ). It is unclear if this is intentional. needs verification


  1. The Fire ResistanceIcon tooltip.png Fire Resistance: This property absorbs the first 10 points of fire damage per attack that the wearer would normally take. reduces that by 10. This leaves 120 points of fire damage to be dealt with.
  2. The Fire Absorption +33%Icon tooltip.png Fire Absorption +33%: Passive: 33% Enhancement Bonus to Fire Absorption. (Absorption reduces damage from an element by a percentage, after resistance have been taken into account.) reduces that by 33% or 120/3=40. That leaves 80 points of fire damage.
  3. The character takes 80 points of fire damage.
  1. The CL12+ Protection from Energy: Fire is fully consumed absorbing a full 120 of fire damage. This leaves 10 points of fire damage to be dealt with.
  2. The Fire ResistanceIcon tooltip.png Fire Resistance: This property absorbs the first 10 points of fire damage per attack that the wearer would normally take. reduces that by 10. This leaves no fire damage to be dealt with.
  3. The Fire Absorption +33%Icon tooltip.png Fire Absorption +33%: Passive: 33% Enhancement Bonus to Fire Absorption. (Absorption reduces damage from an element by a percentage, after resistance have been taken into account.) absorbs nothing because all damage has been dealt with.
  4. The character takes no fire damage.
  1. The CL12+ Protection from Energy: Fire is fully consumed absorbing a full 120 of fire damage. This leaves 16 points of fire damage to be dealt with.
  2. The Fire ResistanceIcon tooltip.png Fire Resistance: This property absorbs the first 10 points of fire damage per attack that the wearer would normally take. reduces that by 10. This leaves 6 points fire damage to be dealt with.
  3. The Fire Absorption +33%Icon tooltip.png Fire Absorption +33%: Passive: 33% Enhancement Bonus to Fire Absorption. (Absorption reduces damage from an element by a percentage, after resistance have been taken into account.) reduces that by 33% or 6/3=2. That leaves 4 points of fire damage.
  4. The character takes 4 points of fire damage.

2019 absorption breakdown[edit]

Originally Posted by Shadow_Jumper Source
  • Sheathe: .5
  • Sharn Arti: .47
  • HGS: .9/.85/.8
  • US Stance: .7
  • Divine PL Stance: .7
  • Arcane PL: .91
  • Energy Absorb (T4 Shiradi): .85
  • Filigree (Wreathe x2/1x Nystuls): .95/.95/.95
  • MirrorPlate: .85

All of that (All should be stacking) gets you down to ~3.97% of the original damage. In that instance, if you took 1000 base fire dmg, it would be reduced to 39.7 fire damage.

Absorption Items[edit]