Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit
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To gain access to Gianthold, Speak to Cydonie, Agent of Argonessen in the west side of the marketplace near the Phoenix Tavern. She will bestow the heroic story arc, The Reaver's Bane, when your character reaches a minimum level of 10.
Upon receiving this quest, Thaden the Farshifter can then transport you to the Gianthold - a small city zone. From there you are able to enter...
- The Ruins of Gianthold (heroic), a level 13 Wilderness Adventure Area, allowing characters level 10 through 18 full XP rewards.
- The Ruins of Gianthold (epic), a level 24 Wilderness Adventure Area, allowing characters level 20 through 29 for full XP rewards.
This area has numerous NPCs (including quest-givers, general, hireling, potion vendors and Augment Vendors), a tavern with spirit binder, a mailbox, an auctioneer, and a banker.
- Cydonie - Agent of Argonessen
- Vanyel - Farshifter (back to Marketplace)
- Narkonk - Runetusk Farshifter (to locations within Gianthold Wildnerness)
- Regnak - Master Black Scalesmith
- Hoorunoe - Elfcraft Apprentice
- Darkhoof - Forsworn Conjurer
- Hargrun - General Vendor
- Morksarn - Barkeep
- Moon-Eye - Spirit Binder
- Morgark - Runetusk Auctioneer
- Horatin - Giantcraft Apprentice
- Armec Orem - Master Blue Scalesmith
- Rukts - Master White Scalesmith
- Sangefar - Dragoncraft Apprentice
- Crag - Gianthold Tor Gatekeeper
- Orzabal Stonesmasher - Aurum Quartermaster
- Nimbus ar'Yorg - Storm's Eye Captain
- Blaze ar'Rhind - Storm's Heart Captain
- Jorgundal ar'Grund - Storm's Fist Captain
- Ruskin Blackboot - Augment Vendor (Level 12)
- Meliager Ei'n - Augment Vendor (Level 16)
- Broag Umber - Augment Vendor (Level 20)
- Agate Twistiron - Augment Vendor (Level 24)
Story Arcs[edit]
- The Reaver's Bane - bestowed by Cydonie
- Join the War in Gianthold - bestowed by Draznok ar'Athad
- A Cabal for One - bestowed by Jorgundal ar'Grund
- Gianthold Tor - bestowed by Crag
- The Madstone Crater - bestowed by Blaze ar'Rhind
- The Prison of the Planes - bestowed by Nimbus ar'Yorg
- Return to Cabal for One - bestowed by Ysba Stonespear
- Return to Gianthold Tor - bestowed by Phorrus ar'Kerl
- Return to Madstone Crater - bestowed by Hworrl ar'Bryssan
- Return to Prison of the Planes - bestowed by Maragogg ar'Mawn
- The Wastes of Gianthold (heroic) - bestowed by Tiragonis
- The Wastes of Gianthold (epic) - bestowed by Paddrog