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Ingrith Icefell

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Name: Ingrith Icefell

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Female

Location: The Thunder Peaks

Description: <Thunderholme Guide>- She is a Farshifter who can transport you to three different places inside The Ruins of Thunderholme: Aurguroasa's Lair (Temple of the Deathwyrm), the Mountain Summit (Fire on Thunder Peak), and the Thunder Forge (Thunder-Forged crafting).

The Thunder Peaks

Before killing Dagan and Sarva Bellistrae:

  • Ingrith Icefell: I've been studying the old maps of Thunderholme, and now I know the place like the back of my hand. I'll be able to guide you to places inside the ruins once things are under control. I'm no warrior, mind you! You'll need to eliminate the Cult of the Dragon emissary or the Death Knight that walks the halls before it's safe enough for me to act as a guide.
    • You: I'll come back later, then.

After killing Dagan:

  • Ingrith Icefell: You’ve dealt with the Death Knight? I suppose it’s safe to venture into the upper reaches of the ruins, then. I can lead you to the stairs that go up to the Mountain Summit if you like. But no further! I have no wish to meet a red dragon, thank you very much.
    • You: Take me to the stairs that lead to the Mountain Summit.

After killing Sarva Bellistrae:

  • Ingrith Icefell: You've taken care of the Cult of the Dragon emissary? Good, good! The lower sections of the ruins should be safe... well, safer, at least. I could lead you down to the entrance to Aurgloroasa's Lair. Or I could take you to the old dwarven Forge. They used to craft mighty weapons there, they say.
    • You: Take me to the entrance to Aurgloroasa's Lair.
    • You: Take me to the Forge.

After killing Dagan and Sarva Bellistrae:

  • Ingrith Icefell: Sounds like you’ve done a fine job of making the ruins safer – and my job easier! I can guide you to the entrance to Aurgloroasa’s Lair or the stairs that lead up to the mountains summit. Or I can take you to the Forge, where they used to smith weapons. Where do you want to go?
    • You: Take me to the entrance to Aurgloroasa's Lair.
    • You: Take me to the stairs that lead to the Mountain Summit.
    • You: Take me to the Forge.