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Animal type
An animal is a living, nonhuman creature, usually a vertebrate with no magical abilities and no innate capacity for language or culture.
Effectively, the "animals" in DDO are...
...and variations and named versions of those. (See below for detailed list.)
An animal has the following features (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
- d8 Hit Dice.
- Base attack bonus equal to ¾ total Hit Dice (as cleric).
- Good fortitude and reflex saves (certain animals have different good saves).
- Skill points equal to (2 + INT modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die.
An animal possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).
- Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (no creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher can be an animal).
- Low-light vision.
- Alignment: Always neutral.
- Treasure: None.
- Proficient with its natural weapons only. A noncombative herbivore uses its natural weapons as a secondary attack. Such attacks are made with a -5 penalty on the creature's attack rolls, and the animal receives only ½ its Strength modifier as a damage adjustment.
- Proficient with no armor unless trained for war.
- Animals eat, sleep, and breathe.
Creature Entries[edit]
- Category:Squirrel race monsters
- Category:Frog race monsters
- Category:Fox race monsters
- Category:Deer race monsters
- Category:Rat race monsters
- Category:Hyena race monsters
- Category:Bat race monsters
- Category:Bear race monsters
- Category:Lion race monsters
- Category:Wolf race monsters
- Category:Dog race monsters
- Category:Raven race monsters
- Category:Crocodile race monsters
- Brinelurker
- Thousand Teeth
- Saltmarsh Raven
- Crocodile
- Saltmarsh Rat
- Ship Rat
- Infected Ship Rat
- Tamed Clawfoot
- Frog
- Deer
- Wolf
- Mire Rat
- Mutiny
- Black Wolf
- Brown Rat
- Attack Dog
- Dog
- Large Attack Dog
- Cave Bat
- Farm Dog
- Lion
- Bat
- Rat
- Greater Cave Bat
- Stinkpelt
- Giant Rat
- Menechtarun Hyena
- Goregra
- Chortle
- Dire Bear
- Bastion (monster)
- Gorger
- Famished Rat
- Bashevis
- Blackfang Bat
- Twilight Giant Rat
- Juhni
- Humongous Rat
- Quinny
- Carcass Eater
- Pet Wolf
- Night Wolf
- Hyena
- Spotted Twilight Hyena
- Twilight Lion
- Griffon Graves
- Bird
- Jungle Bat
- Mangy Dog
- Restless Lion
- Twilight Deerhound
- Roving Wolf
- Restless Wolf
- Ghelere
- Twilight Bat
- Fox
- Squirrel
- Twilight Lioness
- Fat Rat
- Den Mother
- Pack Leader
- Bear
- Twilight Wild Dog
- Illusionary Lion
- Illusionary Wolf
- Maddened Bear
- Thornpaw
- Vile Carcass Eater
- Leader of the Pack
- Mountain Lion
- Phantasmal Hound
- Laetoli
- Forest Lion
- Frenzied Wolf
- Halphire
- Twilight Wolf
- Guard Dog
- Black Twilight Wolf
- Watch Dog
- Ghamzee
- Feral Hound
- Deadheart Pack Wolf
- Menechtarun Packmaster
- Crypt Rat
- Island Wolf
- Jungle Panther
- Dire Wolf
- Wild Hyena
- Striped Twilight Hyena
- Panther (monster)
- Undead Giant Rat
- Alpha Wolf
- Nodebound Fire Bat
- Infernal Bat
- Scurvy Dog
- Jungle Stalker
- Stonelands Bat
- Slavering Mist Wolf
- Mist Wolf
- Dire Mist Wolf
- Hyena Tracker
- Mrr'Dred
- Barovian Rat
- Enraged Bear
- Barovian Bat
- Joy
- Lesser Cave Bat
- Grey Rat
- Pride
- Wolf Marauder
- Giant Wolf Marauder
- Skitterer
- Svalich Dire Bear
- Giant Skitterer
- Giant Black Rat
- Seething Sealion
- Alkaid
- +Alkaid
- Raptor
- Rat Vanguard
- Goro
- Boromar Stalker
- Teague
- Royal Rat
- Daask Hyena
- Prismatic Hound
- Disgruntled Rat
- Maul Rat
- Maze Rat
- Humongous Stinking Rat
- Plains Wolf
- Big Fat Rat
- Borderlands Bear
- Stinking Rat
- Wolf Rider
- Maze Bat
- Longtalon
- Undead Rat
- Platinum Predator
- Cave Rat
- Rat (harmless)
- Bone Scavenger Rat
- Reliquary Rat
- Reliquary Bat
- Hill Raven
- Boromar Alpha
- Spooky Bat
- Bloodthirsty Bat
- Feral Dog
- Pet Food
- Polar Bear
- Gigantic Bear
- Angry Bear
- Bewildered Bearserk
- Wise Bear
- Pet Raven
- Dashing Darling
- Dense Deer
- Gigantic Chipmunk
- Feywood Raven
- Sneaky Bear
- Attack Raptor
- Canyon Hyena
- Raven (monster)
- Canyon Stalker
- Ravenous Reveler
- Druidic Dire Bear
- Lioness
- Mad Dog
- Sewer Gator
- Underharbor Rat
- Raptor of Unusual Size
- Pirates' Raptor
- Celestial Dog
- Failed Experiment (rat)
- Kobold's Pet Rat
- Pyrefang
- Wild Raven
- Apex Hound Koro
- Wild Hunt Hound
- Apex Hound Taka
- Salty Croc
- Category:Dinosaur race monsters
- Category:Panther race monsters
- Dread Raptor
- Dread Allosaurus
- Dread Polecanthus
- Dread Celiophysis
- Saber-Toothed Tiger
- Category:Saber Toothed Tiger race monsters
- Dread Protoceratops
- Dread Ankylosaurus
- Dread Styracosaurus
- Triceratops Bull
- Dread Carnotaurus
- Dread Velociraptor
- Dread Crocodile
- Kopru Ruins Rat
- Dozing Allosaurus
- Bamboo Forest Raptor
- Bamboo Forest Protoceratops
- Dread Cave Saber
- Bamboo Forest Polacanthus
- Scythemaw
- Agitated Styracosaurus
- Daggermouth
- Canyon Carnotaurus
- Furpaw
- Treeleveler
- Macuahuitl
- Dread Pirate Celiophysis
- Dread Pirate Raptor
- Dread Pirate Polacanthus
- Crimsonfoot
- Stonejaw
- Big Bear
- Security Hound
- Lamannian Chipmunk
- Lamannian Rat
- Lamannian Wolf Pup
- Ravenous Timberwolf
- Sharn Sewer Rat
- Sharn Cranium Rat
- Sharn Cranium Rat Pactmaster
- Templeton
- Sharn Sewer Crocodile
- Partying Protoceratops
- Partying Carnotaurus
- Category:Bird race monsters
- Aureon Experiment
- Mocking Raven
- Controlled Raptor
- Controlled Polecanthus
- Dreadtooth
- Aureon Experiment (red-named)
- Obedient Bloodhound
- Clawfoot
- Daggerjaw
- Giant Ruins Bat
Sources: ©1995-2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Revised (3.5) System Reference Document which is considered Open Game Content under the Open Game License. Viewable at: