Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

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Type: Undead (List)

Race: Fire Elemental (List)

Sub-race: Cinderspawn (List)

Monster Manual classification: Missing from MM: Fire Elemental

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Boss: Red Named - Boss

CR:  ♦17Normal ♥19Hard ♠22Elite

Attack: Claw (Slashing + Cold), Slow, Enervation, Delayed Blast Fireball

Special Qualities: DR  ♦5Normal ♠10Elite/-, Cold Shield, Greatly healed by Fire damage (5 HP per 1 point of Fire damage)


  • Inferno of the Damned — Final boss, located in central room on fire side (North Rest Shrine can be reached from where he spawns if needed)
  • Litany of the Dead — One of the four optional bosses — CR:  ♦18Normal ♥20Hard ♠23Elite
  • Inferno of the Damned (epic) — Has the tag <Servant of the Black Abbot> — CR:  ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite

Cinnis is a Chaotic Evil Cinderspawn that is one of the four guardians of the Black Abbot. He is accessed from the dragons chamber in Litany of the Dead by answering the questions as follows:

  1. The Emerald Claw. (Evil)
  2. I would stand by his side as he brought Stormreach to its knees. (Evil)
  3. Let him destroy what he wants. If the heat taunts him then let him suck the heat out of all living things. (Evil)
  4. I would not have traded my freedom or anything else for her life. (Evil)
  5. Deliver it to Vol and claim all the rewards she can offer. (Evil)
  6. I think using his artificing skills to make flesh golems is ingenious. (Chaotic)
  7. I would have ransacked the temple for anything I needed to stay alive and killed any who had what I needed. (Chaotic)
  8. Broken the arrangement as soon as I could get another good chance to strike down the Black Abbot. (Chaotic)
  9. Forget that. It's not my fight, I'd leave and go somewhere far from where the Abbot would ever trod. (Chaotic)
  10. If the Black Abbot offered him a better deal, I can't blame him for taking it. (Chaotic)
  11. The Destroyer. (Chaotic Evil)
  12. They lack the will to take and do what they want. (Chaotic Evil)
  13. Red or white. (Chaotic Evil)
  14. Tell the adventurers they could pass if they won the battle of wits, then destroys them all. (Chaotic Evil)
  15. Cinnis, the Cinderspawn.

Defeating Cinnis can be made easier with the assistance of Urthullz Petrified Stalk, which is obtained from the work table in the black dragon's chamber in Litany of the Dead after you have successfully defeated Cholthulzz.

Unique loot for defeating Cinnis:

Completing the Cinnis wing of Litany of the Dead makes the Item:Cold Fire Trinket available for use in defeating Mentau on the work table in the black dragon's chamber.