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Razor Arm

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Razor Arm.jpg

Type: Evil Outsider (List)

Race: Devil (List)

Sub-race: Orthon (List)

Monster Manual classification: Orthon

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Boss: Purple Named - Powerful Boss

CR:  ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦23Epic Normal ♥27Epic Hard ♠41Epic Elite


  • Attack Bonus: ?
  • Attack Damage: Ranged: Heavy Repeating Crossbow (Moderate Piercing + fire damage)
  • Teleportation - See below

Special Qualities: 

  • HP: Epic: Estimated at ~250,000
  • AC: ( ●~60-65Epic)
  • DR: DR /Good (31 on Epic)
  • Fortification: ~50%
  • Saves: Fort ?, Will ?, Reflex ?
  • Resists/Immunities: Immune to fire, resistant to acid and cold.
  • Spell Resistance: ?
  • Intimidate DC: ?


Description: Razor Arm <Scourge of the Lordsmarch> is one of the 3 main raid bosses of The Chronoscope, introduced in Update 7. Razor Arm is encountered in the steam tunnels off the marketplace, and is the second proper boss of the raid. He is a devil, sub-type orthon, specializing in ranged combat.

Spells Known

Orthons do not possess spellcasting

Special Abilities

  • Teleportation: Teleports away to higher ground to summon allies and range players from a safe distance. You can generally jump up to where he is to continue to melee him.

Strategy (Epic)

Fairly standard epic tactics work well:

  • Have your casters set up good CC for the various respawning devil trash (Tiefling archers, Tiefling Casters and orange named Barbazu Shock troopers to be exact). Otto's Sphere of Dancing is effective. Bards may facinate the tieflings but not the orange named devils.
  • Melee should focus on Razor Arm, be sure they have jump buffs to be able to pursue him.
  • Healers should focus/select on 1 strong player and mass heal on him to be efficient in case the battle goes on too long.