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Sarva Bellistrae

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Aurgloroasa has seen our future. For now, our future lies with Netheril. This alliance will guarantee our place until the reign of the Dracoliches arrives. Now prove your loyalty to her! Destroy the trespassers who have invaded her city!

Sarva Bellistrae.jpg

Sarva Bellistrae <Cult of the Dragon Emissary>

Type: Humanoid (List)

Race: Human (List)

Monster Manual classification: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Color Type: Red - Strong Named Enemy

Rare: No

CR:  ♦33Epic Normal

Attack: Dragon Breath (acid, cold, electric and fire), Black Dragon Bolt, Fear

Special Qualities: 

  • HP:  ●~30,000Epic
  • Necromantic Shielding: While in control of undead minions, you are able to take on some of their innate durability to enhance your own defenses, thus reducing all incoming damage.


Description: Her buff (Necromantic Shielding) is stronger the more undead minions she has around.

The DC of her breath attacks seems to be around 50-55. Be careful, her ice breath has a debuff component for -10 reflex