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Fey type

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Fey creatures have a damage reduction that is penetrated by Cold Iron weapons. Fey are usually humanoid in form, and are typified as having supernatural abilities and a connection to nature or to some other force or place. Often they are human size or smaller with a fondness for rapid small blade or range attacks. As in tales of old, the fey are feckless, clever, and quick to take offence. Fey often enjoy a riddle or song with some preferring to speak only in verse.

Unsurprisingly Fey are common in the Feywild, with Satyrs, Pixies, Blink Dogs, Red Caps, and Dryads being among it denizens. Satyrs and Dryads have also been found other locations like The Borderlands and Eveningstar.

The Fey are roughly aligned into Four Eminences or Courts, one for each Season, but they can shift on a whim.

Elder Fey amassing great power are called Archfey. The two known Archfey are Hyrsam, Prince of Satyra (Spring?) and The Prince of Frost, an Eladrin. Queen Titania of Summer has been alluded to, but not yet in the game. No Mention of Archfey of Autumn at this time.

Known Fey Include:

Blink Dogs Dryads Nymphs Pixies Red Caps Satyrs

Of note - Does not include Eladrin who are Elves

Creature Entries[edit]

Angerhorn Reveler • Aodh • Azza • Beat-Hooves • Bitter Horn • Bitter Water Reveler • Bitterbark • Blink Dog • Blink Dog race monsters • Bloody Boots Boris • Buttercup • Controlled Redcap • Controlled Sprite • Corrupted Dryad • Corrupted Unicorn • Dryad • Dryad Tree • Dryad of the Grove • Dryad race monsters • Good Boy • Grix • Guardian (stone golem) • Happy • Hardsong Reveler • Hyllas the Bold • Illusory Sprite • Lenai • Locrian • Malum • Nightmarish Satyr Backstabber • Nymph race monsters • Philliree • Pixie Enchanter • Pixie Hunter • Pixie Party-Crasher • Pixie race monsters • Pomura • Reaping Reveler • Redcap • Redcap Guard • Redcap race monsters • Ruddy Red • Salix • Satyr • Satyr Archer • Satyr Elder • Satyr Gardener • Satyr Ruffian • Satyr Schemer • Satyr Warrior • Satyr race monsters • Scath • Skallu Jaggedblade • Summoned Dryad • Surprise Unicorn • Sylvie • The Sandman • Thelanis Dryad • Thyllwa • Unicorn race monsters • Wild Hunt Enchanter • Wild Hunt Pixie • Wild Hunt Redcap • Wild Hunt Spellcaster • Wild Nymph • Woodland Blink Dog