Year of the Dragon: Through 26th November, claim your free Hoard of Discovery! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Incite items increase hate generated from melee damage.
For items that increase hate for ranged attacks, see Distant Incite or Mystic Incite for spells.


Effect: +X% Enhancement bonus to increased threat generation from melee damage

Found on:

Artifact Incite items
(2 items)
Festive Incite items
Steel's Eternal Flask of Super Bold Blend Coffee
Incite +10 items
(2 items)
Incite +101 items
Epic Goggles of the Inquisition
Incite +104 items
Epic Brigand's Cutlass (level 24)
Incite +107 items
(3 items)
Incite +117 items
Epic Brigand's Cutlass (level 28)
Incite +119 items
Gauntlets of the Aggressor
Incite +120 items
(7 items)
Incite +124 items
(3 items)
Incite +126 items
(3 items)
Incite +127 items
Legendary Black Earth Guardian's Lenses
Incite +129 items
(2 items)
Incite +130 items
(2 items)
Incite +131 items
The Golden Idol
Incite +133 items
(2 items)
Incite +135 items
Page Regalia: Blasphemer's Manuscript
Incite +15 items
(4 items)
Incite +20 items
(12 items)
Incite +30 items
(7 items)
Incite +31 items
Bronze Figurine
Incite +38 items
(3 items)
Incite +43 items
(2 items)
Incite +52 items
(2 items)
Incite +56 items
Helm of the Mroranon
Incite +59 items
(4 items)
Incite +62 items
Hyena Claw Necklace
Incite +65 items
Brigand's Cutlass (level 12)
Incite +69 items
(2 items)
Incite +75 items
(3 items)
Incite +78 items
Brigand's Cutlass (level 16)
Incite +85 items
Lightning Railworker's Boots
Incite +91 items
(8 items)
Incite +94 items
Focal Point
Insightful Incite items
(21 items)
Quality Incite items
(7 items)