Year of the Dragon: Through 26th November, claim your free Hoard of Discovery! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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Incite items increase hate generated from melee damage.
For items that increase hate for ranged attacks, see Distant Incite or Mystic Incite for spells.
Effect: +X% Enhancement bonus to increased threat generation from melee damage
Found on:
- Item:Prisoner's Manacles (Level 14)
- Item:Epic Brigand's Cutlass (legacy) (level 24)
- Item:Prisoner's Manacles (Level 15)
- Item:Maul of Malice
- Item:Fabricator's Bracers
- Item:Prisoner's Manacles
- Item:Circle of Hatred
- Item:Mithral Cloak of the Bear
- Item:Dragontouched Armor
- Item:Iron Cloak of the Bear
- Item:Epic Brigand's Cutlass (legacy) (level 20)
- Item:Adamantine Cloak of the Bear
- Item:Nocturne Ring
- Item:Plateshard Belt
- Item:Tower Shield of the Fallen Age
- Item:Large Shield of the Fallen Age
- Item:Tower Shield of the Golden Age
- Item:Boots of the Devil Commander
- Item:Celestial Emerald Ring
- Item:Azure Rotella
- Item:Azure Tower
- Item:Focal Point
- Item:Legendary Boots of the Devil Commander
- Item:Arm of the Aggressor
- Item:Legendary Celestial Emerald Ring
- Item:Legendary Nocturne Ring
- Item:Legendary Bronze Figurine
- Item:Legendary Plateshard Belt
- Item:Legendary Azure Rotella
- Item:Legendary Azure Tower
- Item:Legendary Large Shield of the Fallen Age
- Item:Legendary Tower Shield of the Fallen Age
- Item:Legendary Tower Shield of the Golden Age