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Type: Prefix
Base price modifier: +?
Effect: This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with massive fire damage.

  • 2% chance of 200+8d20 Fire damage (average 284 per proc, or 5.68 per hit).

Greater Incineration

Effect: This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with massive fire damage. This damage is dealt twice as often as a standard Incineration weapon.

Found on: (9) Greater Incineration items:


  • 4-5% chance[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"4-5% chance" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] of 200+8d20 Fire damage (average 284 per proc, or 14.2 per hit).

See also: Meteoric

Overwhelming Incineration

Effect: This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with overwhelming fire damage.

Found on: (12) Overwhelming Incineration items:


  • On hit: 5% chance of 10d100+400 Fire damage.

Incineration Guard

Found on: Armor Shields as a Suffix

Base price modifier: +?

Effect: This item stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. When the wearer of this item is successfully attacked in melee, this destructive power occasionally comes to the surface, devastating enemies with massive fire damage.

  • 2% proc rate, 200+8d20 Fire damage (average 284 per proc, or 5.68 per hit).