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About me[edit]

7,789 edits and counting!
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How do you kill someone with absolutely no life!?

MrLizard has 5,000 edits - keep up the good work!

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July 19, 2020.

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July 25, 2020.

DDOwikiSuperUser.jpg DDOwiki Super User since:

August 26, 2020.

Favorite DDO quotes[edit]

  • Those cultists multiply like kobolds, pare down their numbers some more. -- Pheryl Barlo
  • My enemy's enemy is not my friend, but perhaps my ally... -- Rungnir
  • The wizard Tharno will be in the great chamber, I think. Let us meet there, enemy of my enemy. -- also Rungnir, later on.
  • The Gargoyle Scoundrels dialog in Spies in the House.
  • The air here seems choked with bleakness and evil, as if all joy has been drained from this place. -- Dungeon Master (in a quest from Sorrowdusk Isle), clearly describing my office.

Favorite DDO quests[edit]