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Type: Prefix
Base price modifier: varies
Effect: Passive: +N Equipment bonus to Force, Physical, and Untyped Spell Power.

  • For example I have an Impulse effect that gives +60 Spell Power. Now my force, physical, and untyped spells do 60% more damage compared to the base damage.

See Also:

Continuous name Temporary name Affects
Combustion Inferno Fire Spells
Corrosion Erosion Acid Spells
Devotion Ardor Positive (Healing) Spells
Glaciation Freeze Cold Spells
Impulse Impact Force, Physical (Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning), and Untyped Spells
Magnetism Spark Electric Spells
Nullification Nihil Negative Energy Spells and Poison spells
Potency Efficacy All Spells (tends to be a smaller value at similar levels)
Radiance Brilliance Light and Alignment (Chaotic, Evil, Good, Lawful) Spells
Reconstruction Mending Repair Spells and Rust Spells
Resonance Cacophony Sonic Spells