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Type: Suffix
Base price modifier: +5
Effect: On Hit: 4 to 24 Bane damage to Undead
On Vorpal Hit: If an undead struck by this weapon his fewer than 1000 Hit Points it is instantly slain, If the undead has above 1000 Hit Points, it takes 100 damage.

Improved Disruption

Type: Suffix
Effect: On Hit: 4 to 24 Bane damage to Undead
On Vorpal Hit: If an undead struck by this weapon his fewer than 1500 Hit Points it is instantly slain, If the undead has above 1500 Hit Points, it takes 150 damage.
Found on: <ncl maxdepth=1>Improved Disruption items</ncl>

Greater Disruption

Type: Suffix
Effect: On Hit: 4 to 24 Bane damage to Undead
On Vorpal Hit: If an undead struck by this weapon his fewer than 2000 Hit Points it is instantly slain, If the undead has above 2000 Hit Points, it takes 200 damage.
Found on: <ncl maxdepth=1>Greater Disruption items</ncl>

Greater Disruption Guard

This Item stores a holy and righteous power deep within. When the wearer of this item is successfully attacked in melee by undead, this power occasionally comes to the surface, annihilating enemy undead.

  • ~5% chance of annihilation
  • Ignores the HP limit that the non-guard version has, but deals no bane damage.

Sovereign Disruption

Type: Suffix
Effect: On Hit: 4 to 24 Bane damage to Undead
On Vorpal Hit: If an undead struck by this weapon his fewer than 3000 Hit Points it is instantly slain, If the undead has above 3000 Hit Points, it takes 300 damage.