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Doubleshot grants a character a chance to do double (or higher) damage with their ranged or thrown weapon any time they make an attack. Doubleshot applies only to ranged and thrown attacks. (The similar mechanic for melee is Doublestrike.)

If your Doubleshot is greater than 100%, then a second shot is guaranteed, and the remainder is the chance at additional shots. For example:

  • If your Doubleshot chance is 100%, there's a 100% chance of doing double damage.
  • If your Doubleshot chance is 120%, you have a 20% chance of doing triple damage instead of double damage.

All damage is multiplied, including base damage, sneak attack, imbue, or weapon enchantments.

Introduction and changes[edit]

Doubleshot was introduced as part of the Update 19 combat changes. Many attack speed bonuses were converted to Doubleshot effects at that time.

Update 28 Patch 1 changes:

  • Manyshot and Ten Thousand Stars no longer reduce your doubleshot chance.
  • Repeating crossbows now have 1/3rd the chance for Doubleshot.
  • Doubleshot can now "wrap" and cause a third or fourth shot if it goes above 100%.

Update 45 changes:

Update 49 changes:

  • Before this change, Doubleshot gave you a chance to make multiple attacks. Now it allows you to do extra damage with a single attack. (This change was made to reduce server lag.)

Update 70 changes:

Sources of doubleshot[edit]


Enhancement bonus[edit]

Artifact bonus[edit]

Sentient Weapon/Filigrees (untyped bonuses)[edit]

  • Celerity - 2 piece set bonus: +2%
  • Enlightened Step - 5 piece set bonus: +5%
  • Zephyr - Doubleshot filigree: +1%
  • Sanctified Fervor - 4 piece set bonus +2%
  • Crackshot Negotiator - 4 piece set bonus: +5%
  • Shattered Device - 3 piece set bonus: +3%
  • Splendid Cacophony - 2 piece set bonus: +2%
  • Voltaic Experiment - Doubleshot filigree: +1%
  • The Abiding Path
  • The Serpent
  • Shadowstrike
  • Wildhunter

Class enhancements[edit]

Any class via Inquisitive enhancements

  • Core 2 ability - Hit the Street: +5%
  • Tier 4 ability - Martial Inquisition: +5% with Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows
  • Tier 5 ability - No Holds Barred: +10%
  • Tier 5 ability - Inquisitor's Path: +15%

Any class via Vistani

  • Third core: Knife Specialist - 5%
  • Fifth core: Vistani Fortune - 25% chance of 10%
  • Tier 1 ability: Rapid Throw - 20% morale bonus with Throwing Daggers
  • Tier 4 ability: Celerity - 5%
  • Tier 5 ability: Whirling Blades - Your throwing knife gains 100 doubleshot for 15 seconds. Cooldown one minute.


  • Battle Engineer - Tier 4 Ability - Agility Engine +3%/6%/10% Doubleshot while wearing a rune arm


  • Swashbuckler cores: +1 per core
  • Swashbuckler - Tier 2 ability - Double Shot Boost: Activate to gain +10/20/30% Action Boost bonus to Doubleshot for 20 seconds. Usable 5 times per rest.
  • Swashbuckler - Tier 3 ability - Dashing Scoundrel: +10% while Swashbuckling
  • Warchanter - Tier 4 ability - Reckless Chant: Passive +2%/4%/6% Music bonus to Doubleshot.

Cleric / Favored Soul


  • Kensei - Core ability 3 - Strike With No Thought: Passive +3% to 6% Doubleshot depending on how many Kensei core abilities you have.
  • Kensei - Core ability 6 - Alacrity: Passive +15% Doubleshot


  • Ninja Spy - Core ability 2 - Advanced Ninja Training: While you are centered, you can use your Dexterity modifier for damage. You also gain Doubleshot equal to your Dexterity score while wielding a Shuriken. If another ability allows you to remain centered while wielding other types of melee weapon (including unarmed/handwraps), then those weapons will also get the benefit of Advanced Ninja Training.


  • Arcane Archer - Core ability 5 - Shadow Arrows: Arcane Archer Secondary Imbue Toggle: +5% Doubleshot chance with bows.
  • Arcane Archer - Core ability 6 - Master of Imbuement: Passive +20% Doubleshot chance.
  • Deepwood Stalker - Tier 4 ability - Killer: +5% morale bonus to Doubleshot chance per stack. Earn stacks by killing. 15s duration. The Killer buff can stack up to 2/3/4 times.
  • Deepwood Stalker - Tier 5 ability - Strikes Like Lightning: +20% Doubleshot.


  • Assassin - Tier 4 ability - Killer: same as DWS Killer
  • Mechanic - Tier 5 ability - Rapid Fire: Passive +3%/6%/10% Doubleshot

Race enhancements[edit]

  • Aasimar Scourge - Tier 4 ability - Divine Form: Active: +1% or more
  • Elf - Tier 4 ability - Skill: Passive +3% Doubleshot
  • Morninglord - Tier 4 ability - Skill: Passive +3% Doubleshot
  • Wood Elf - Tier 4 abilities:
    • Skill: Passive +3% Doubleshot
    • Through the Branches: +3% Doubleshot with Longbows and Shortbows.

Reaper enhancements[edit]

  • Memento: Reaper Strike: [10/20/30] reaper bonus to Doubleshot for 20 seconds

Guild bonus[edit]

Epic Destinies[edit]