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Type: Suffix
Base price modifier: +1
Effect: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 1 to 6, x3 - 2 to 12, x4 - 3 to 18.
Found on: +3 Energized Bastard Sword • +3 Energized Battle Axe • +3 Energized Dagger • +3 Energized Dwarven Waraxe • +3 Energized Falchion • +3 Energized Greatclub • +3 Energized Hand Axe • +3 Energized Heavy Mace • +3 Energized Heavy Pick • +3 Energized Kama • +3 Energized Khopesh • +3 Energized Kukri • +3 Energized Light Hammer • +3 Energized Light Mace • +3 Energized Light Pick • +3 Energized Longsword • +3 Energized Maul • +3 Energized Morningstar • +3 Energized Rapier • +3 Energized Sceptre • +3 Energized Scimitar • +3 Energized Shortsword • +3 Energized Sickle • +3 Energized Warhammer • +3 Etched Bastard Sword • +3 Etched Battle Axe • +3 Etched Dagger • +3 Etched Dwarven Waraxe • +3 Etched Falchion • +3 Etched Greatclub • +3 Etched Hand Axe • +3 Etched Heavy Mace • +3 Etched Heavy Pick • +3 Etched Kama • +3 Etched Khopesh • +3 Etched Kukri • +3 Etched Light Hammer • +3 Etched Light Mace • +3 Etched Light Pick • +3 Etched Longsword • +3 Etched Maul • +3 Etched Morningstar • +3 Etched Rapier • +3 Etched Sceptre • +3 Etched Shortsword • +3 Etched Sickle • +3 Etched Warhammer • +3 Quenched Bastard Sword • +3 Quenched Battle Axe • +3 Quenched Dagger • +3 Quenched Dwarven Waraxe • +3 Quenched Falchion • +3 Quenched Greatclub • +3 Quenched Hand Axe • +3 Quenched Heavy Mace • +3 Quenched Heavy Pick • +3 Quenched Kama • +3 Quenched Khopesh • +3 Quenched Kukri • +3 Quenched Light Hammer • +3 Quenched Light Mace • +3 Quenched Light Pick • +3 Quenched Longsword • +3 Quenched Maul • +3 Quenched Morningstar • +3 Quenched Rapier • +3 Quenched Sceptre • +3 Quenched Scimitar • +3 Quenched Shortsword • +3 Quenched Sickle • +3 Quenched Warhammer • +3 Smoldering Bastard Sword • +3 Smoldering Battle Axe • +3 Smoldering Dagger • +3 Smoldering Dwarven Waraxe • +3 Smoldering Falchion • +3 Smoldering Greatclub • +3 Smoldering Hand Axe • +3 Smoldering Heavy Mace • +3 Smoldering Heavy Pick • +3 Smoldering Kama • +3 Smoldering Khopesh • +3 Smoldering Kukri • +3 Smoldering Light Hammer • +3 Smoldering Light Mace • +3 Smoldering Light Pick • +3 Smoldering Longsword • +3 Smoldering Maul • +3 Smoldering Morningstar • +3 Smoldering Rapier • +3 Smoldering Sceptre • +3 Smoldering Scimitar • +3 Smoldering Shortsword • +3 Smoldering Sickle • +3 Smoldering Warhammer • Axe of the Scarlet Warrior • Bonesplitter • Chieftain's Spear • Dice • Dream Edge • Drow Bastard Sword of the Weapon Master • Drow Dagger of the Weapon Master • Drow Greataxe of the Weapon Master • Drow Khopesh of the Weapon Master • Drow Light Mace of the Weapon Master • Drow Longsword of the Weapon Master • Drow Maul of the Weapon Master • Drow Quarterstaff of the Weapon Master • Drow Rapier of the Weapon Master • Drow Scimitar of the Weapon Master • Drow Shortsword of the Weapon Master • Drow Warhammer of the Weapon Master • Duergar Waraxe of the Weapon Master • Earthshatter Warhammer • Energized Club • Energized Greataxe • Energized Greatsword • Energized Handwraps • Energized Quarterstaff • Etched Club • Etched Greataxe • Etched Greatsword • Etched Handwraps • Etched Quarterstaff • Greater Maiming items • Maiming 2 items • Maiming 3 items • Maiming 4 items • Maiming 5 items • Maiming 6 items • Oathblade • Quenched Club • Quenched Greataxe • Quenched Greatsword • Quenched Handwraps • Quenched Quarterstaff • Rahl's Might • Ruby of Maiming • Sapphire Sting • Sinister Handaxe • Smoldering Club • Smoldering Greataxe • Smoldering Greatsword • Smoldering Handwraps • Smoldering Quarterstaff • Talon
Notes: this is the older effect listed as just 'Maiming.' It no longer appears on new named items.

Greater Maiming

Type: Suffix
Effect: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 8 to 48, x3 - 12 to 72, x4 - 16 to 96.
Found on: +7 Epic Energized Bastard Sword • +7 Epic Energized Battle Axe • +7 Epic Energized Dagger • +7 Epic Energized Dwarven Waraxe • +7 Epic Energized Falchion • +7 Epic Energized Greatclub • +7 Epic Energized Hand Axe • +7 Epic Energized Heavy Mace • +7 Epic Energized Heavy Pick • +7 Epic Energized Kama • +7 Epic Energized Khopesh • +7 Epic Energized Kukri • +7 Epic Energized Light Hammer • +7 Epic Energized Light Mace • +7 Epic Energized Light Pick • +7 Epic Energized Longsword • +7 Epic Energized Maul • +7 Epic Energized Morningstar • +7 Epic Energized Rapier • +7 Epic Energized Sceptre • +7 Epic Energized Scimitar • +7 Epic Energized Shortsword • +7 Epic Energized Sickle • +7 Epic Energized Warhammer • +7 Epic Etched Bastard Sword • +7 Epic Etched Battle Axe • +7 Epic Etched Dagger • +7 Epic Etched Dwarven Waraxe • +7 Epic Etched Falchion • +7 Epic Etched Greatclub • +7 Epic Etched Hand Axe • +7 Epic Etched Heavy Mace • +7 Epic Etched Heavy Pick • +7 Epic Etched Kama • +7 Epic Etched Khopesh • +7 Epic Etched Kukri • +7 Epic Etched Light Hammer • +7 Epic Etched Light Mace • +7 Epic Etched Light Pick • +7 Epic Etched Longsword • +7 Epic Etched Maul • +7 Epic Etched Morningstar • +7 Epic Etched Rapier • +7 Epic Etched Sceptre • +7 Epic Etched Scimitar • +7 Epic Etched Shortsword • +7 Epic Etched Sickle • +7 Epic Etched Warhammer • +7 Epic Quenched Bastard Sword • +7 Epic Quenched Battle Axe • +7 Epic Quenched Dagger • +7 Epic Quenched Dwarven Waraxe • +7 Epic Quenched Falchion • +7 Epic Quenched Greatclub • +7 Epic Quenched Hand Axe • +7 Epic Quenched Heavy Mace • +7 Epic Quenched Heavy Pick • +7 Epic Quenched Kama • +7 Epic Quenched Khopesh • +7 Epic Quenched Kukri • +7 Epic Quenched Light Hammer • +7 Epic Quenched Light Mace • +7 Epic Quenched Light Pick • +7 Epic Quenched Longsword • +7 Epic Quenched Maul • +7 Epic Quenched Morningstar • +7 Epic Quenched Rapier • +7 Epic Quenched Sceptre • +7 Epic Quenched Scimitar • +7 Epic Quenched Shortsword • +7 Epic Quenched Sickle • +7 Epic Quenched Warhammer • +7 Epic Smoldering Bastard Sword • +7 Epic Smoldering Battle Axe • +7 Epic Smoldering Dagger • +7 Epic Smoldering Dwarven Waraxe • +7 Epic Smoldering Falchion • +7 Epic Smoldering Greatclub • +7 Epic Smoldering Hand Axe • +7 Epic Smoldering Heavy Mace • +7 Epic Smoldering Heavy Pick • +7 Epic Smoldering Kama • +7 Epic Smoldering Khopesh • +7 Epic Smoldering Kukri • +7 Epic Smoldering Light Hammer • +7 Epic Smoldering Light Mace • +7 Epic Smoldering Light Pick • +7 Epic Smoldering Longsword • +7 Epic Smoldering Maul • +7 Epic Smoldering Morningstar • +7 Epic Smoldering Rapier • +7 Epic Smoldering Sceptre • +7 Epic Smoldering Scimitar • +7 Epic Smoldering Shortsword • +7 Epic Smoldering Sickle • +7 Epic Smoldering Warhammer • Epic Dice • Epic Energized Club • Epic Energized Greataxe • Epic Energized Greatsword • Epic Energized Handwraps • Epic Energized Quarterstaff • Epic Etched Club • Epic Etched Greataxe • Epic Etched Greatsword • Epic Etched Handwraps • Epic Etched Quarterstaff • Epic Quenched Club • Epic Quenched Greataxe • Epic Quenched Greatsword • Epic Quenched Handwraps • Epic Quenched Quarterstaff • Epic Sapphire Sting • Epic Smoldering Club • Epic Smoldering Greataxe • Epic Smoldering Greatsword • Epic Smoldering Handwraps • Epic Smoldering Quarterstaff • Legendary Ruby of Maiming • Legendary Sinister Handaxe


Effect: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, it does an additional +Nd8 damage.
Found on: Breaker of Bodies • Chimera's Fang • Dagger of the Deep Ones • Ferrocrystal Bastard Sword • Ferrocrystal Battle Axe • Ferrocrystal Club • Ferrocrystal Dagger • Ferrocrystal Dart • Ferrocrystal Dwarven Waraxe • Ferrocrystal Falchion • Ferrocrystal Great Crossbow • Ferrocrystal Greataxe • Ferrocrystal Greatclub • Ferrocrystal Greatsword • Ferrocrystal Hand Axe • Ferrocrystal Handwraps • Ferrocrystal Heavy Crossbow • Ferrocrystal Heavy Mace • Ferrocrystal Heavy Pick • Ferrocrystal Kama • Ferrocrystal Khopesh • Ferrocrystal Kukri • Ferrocrystal Light Crossbow • Ferrocrystal Light Hammer • Ferrocrystal Light Mace • Ferrocrystal Light Pick • Ferrocrystal Longbow • Ferrocrystal Longsword • Ferrocrystal Maul • Ferrocrystal Morningstar • Ferrocrystal Quarterstaff • Ferrocrystal Rapier • Ferrocrystal Repeating Heavy Crossbow • Ferrocrystal Repeating Light Crossbow • Ferrocrystal Scimitar • Ferrocrystal Shortbow • Ferrocrystal Shortsword • Ferrocrystal Shuriken • Ferrocrystal Sickle • Ferrocrystal Throwing Axe • Ferrocrystal Throwing Dagger • Ferrocrystal Throwing Hammer • Ferrocrystal Warhammer • Hellstroke Great Axe • Kron'zek's Cruelty • The Hedge TrimmerBloody Hooked Blade • Destructive Hooked Blade • Forgotten Axe • Hooked Blade • Infectious Hooked Blade • Maiming Cleaver • Maiming Fury Blade • Maiming Fury Shortsword • Maiming Rocksplitter • Maiming Stonedust Wraps • Petrifying Hooked Blade • Planar SpikeBladed Handwraps • Drowhunter • Epic Hellstroke Great Axe • Epic Kron'zek's Cruelty • Twisted MissileEpic Morningstar of the HereticHellstroke Heavy Mace • Legendary Bladed Handwraps • Legendary Bloody Hooked Blade • Legendary Breaker of Bodies • Legendary Dagger of the Deep Ones • Legendary Destructive Hooked Blade • Legendary Drowhunter • Legendary Ferrocrystal Bastard Sword • Legendary Ferrocrystal Battle Axe • Legendary Ferrocrystal Club • Legendary Ferrocrystal Dagger • Legendary Ferrocrystal Dart • Legendary Ferrocrystal Dwarven Waraxe • Legendary Ferrocrystal Falchion • Legendary Ferrocrystal Great Crossbow • Legendary Ferrocrystal Greataxe • Legendary Ferrocrystal Greatclub • Legendary Ferrocrystal Greatsword • Legendary Ferrocrystal Hand Axe • Legendary Ferrocrystal Handwraps • Legendary Ferrocrystal Heavy Crossbow • Legendary Ferrocrystal Heavy Mace • Legendary Ferrocrystal Heavy Pick • Legendary Ferrocrystal Kama • Legendary Ferrocrystal Khopesh • Legendary Ferrocrystal Kukri • Legendary Ferrocrystal Light Crossbow • Legendary Ferrocrystal Light Hammer • Legendary Ferrocrystal Light Mace • Legendary Ferrocrystal Light Pick • Legendary Ferrocrystal Longbow • Legendary Ferrocrystal Longsword • Legendary Ferrocrystal Maul • Legendary Ferrocrystal Morningstar • Legendary Ferrocrystal Quarterstaff • Legendary Ferrocrystal Rapier • Legendary Ferrocrystal Repeating Heavy Crossbow • Legendary Ferrocrystal Repeating Light Crossbow • Legendary Ferrocrystal Scimitar • Legendary Ferrocrystal Shortbow • Legendary Ferrocrystal Shortsword • Legendary Ferrocrystal Shuriken • Legendary Ferrocrystal Sickle • Legendary Ferrocrystal Throwing Axe • Legendary Ferrocrystal Throwing Dagger • Legendary Ferrocrystal Throwing Hammer • Legendary Ferrocrystal Warhammer • Legendary Forgotten Axe • Legendary Hellstroke Great Axe • Legendary Hooked Blade • Legendary Infectious Hooked Blade • Legendary Kron'zek's Cruelty • Legendary Maiming Cleaver • Legendary Maiming Fury Blade • Legendary Maiming Fury Shortsword • Legendary Maiming Rocksplitter • Legendary Maiming Stonedust Wraps • Legendary Petrifying Hooked Blade • Legendary Planar Spike • Legendary Twisted Missile • The Legendary Hedge Trimmer
Notes: this is the newer, scaling, effect, listed as Maiming 6 etc