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Cacophonic Guard

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Effect: This weapon stores the power of a hundred blasts of sound within. Occasionally, this resonating power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with massive sonic damage.

  • Proc rate: 2%
  • Damage: 8d20+200 sonic

Cacophony is a sonic damage effect equal in proc rate and power to Incineration. (DDO Forums)
Found on: (5) Cacophony items:

Cacophonic Guard

Effect: This item stores the power of a hundred blasts of sound within. When the wearer of this item is successfully attacked in melee, this resonating power occasionally comes to the surface, devastating enemies with massive sonic damage.

  • Proc rate: 3% on hit
  • Damage: 8d20+200 sonic

Found on: (4) Cacophonic Guard items:

Legendary Cacophonic Guard

Effect: This item stores the resonant power of pure sound within it. When the wearer is successfully attacked in melee, this power occassionally comes to the surface, dealing an overwhelming amount of Sonic damage to the attacker.

  • Proc rate: 5% on hit or miss
  • Damage: 10d100+400 sonic

Found on: (1) Legendary Cacophonic Guard items: