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Icon Feat Trip.png

  • Cooldown: 15 seconds
  • Usage: Active
  • Prerequisite: Granted for free to all characters (see below for unlisted prerequisites)


Using this attack, you may trip the target, rendering it prone.


  • Has an unlisted prerequisite of Base Attack Bonus of 1 for most classes. Monks and Rogues receive Trip at level 1, despite their 3/4 BAB progression.
  • An attack roll is made against the target. Like any melee special attack, it works with your combat flow and is queued to work on your next melee attack. Ideally you will time this so that it will work at your maximum attack bonus.
  • If it hits, it will do only a regular damage hit (will not produce offhand damage or glancing blows), and in addition attempt to trip the target.
  • The target then makes a Reflex Saving Throw against a DC of 10 + Strength modifier + related Enhancements and Feats + related item bonuses. Should the target fail its check, the target is tripped.
  • The target remains tripped for up to 6 seconds, during which time it is rendered prone and may not move or attack. Prone targets suffer -4 AC. Attacks/spells already started will complete, however.
  • Prone creatures make a Fortitude Saving Throw (using the same DC as the initial save) to stand up early.
  • Some creatures are immune to tripping, such as those that have no legs (like oozes) and those that naturally hover or levitate (such as mephits and ghosts). Red and purple named creatures are also immune.
  • Your character's size doesn't affect your chance to trip. Mostly this means Halflings do not suffer -4 to their trip attempts for being small. However larger monsters, or monsters with many legs, are given appropriate bonuses to resist the trip, +4 per size difference or +8 or greater for creatures with many legs.

See Also: