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Boon of Undeath

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This effect is geared toward Pale Masters and Dark Apostates in undead form, as the effect will instead heal such shrouded characters. If negative energy injures your character, however, maintaining Deathward will block the negative damage. Otherwise one may find their hit points dropping a lot faster than they expected!

Multiple sources of Boon of Undeath do not stack (proc chance does not increase). However, Boon of Undeath does stack with Greater Boon of Undeath. DDO Forums

Boon of Undeath

Effect: Undead take solace in the hate of others. Every time a character wearing a Boon of Undeath item is struck in combat, an Inflict Light Wounds spell will be cast on the character.

Found on: (14) Boon of Undeath items:

Greater Boon of Undeath

Effect: Undead take solace in the hate of others. Every time a character wearing a Boon of Undeath item is struck in combat, an Inflict Moderate Wounds spell will be cast on the character.
Found on: (5) Greater Boon of Undeath items: