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Efficient Metamagic

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Efficient Metamagic

Effect: The additional spell point cost for using the Metamagic feat is reduced by 1 SP per magnitude (doubled for Maximize).

Found on:

Efficient Metamagic - Embolden items
Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing items
Efficient Metamagic - Empower items
Efficient Metamagic - Enlarge items
Efficient Metamagic - Extend items
Efficient Metamagic - Intensify items
Efficient Metamagic - Maximize items
Efficient Metamagic - Quicken items
Improved Metamagic: Heighten items


  • Efficient Metamagic are a group of item enhancements which reduce the cost of improving your spells with metamagic. They were introduced to the game with Module 5 and were initially called Improved Empower, Improved Extend and such, but were then renamed in order to avoid confusion with the caster enhancements of similar names.
  • These effects stack with the similarly-named enhancements, but do not stack with like item effects. i.e., Efficient Metamagic - Maximize I and Efficient Metamagic - Maximize II do not stack, only the higher effect would apply.
  • This effect is non-scaling for Cannith Crafting and can only produce the 1st tier enhancement effect. e.g. Empower I (or -1sp cost)