Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

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Category:Dwarven War Axes

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Category for all Dwarven War Axes.

Item Enchantments ML Damage and Type Bind Quests Unusual Characteristics
Ethereal Dwarven Waraxe
2 [1d10] + 1 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Morten Edgewright
Sworn Silver Dwarven Waraxe
2 [1d10] + 1 Slash, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Morten Edgewright
Copper Dwarven War Axe
4 [1d10] + 2 Slash, Good, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Treasure of Crystal Cove
Ferrocrystal Dwarven Waraxe
5 [1d10] + 2 Slash, Cold Iron, Magic, Crystal Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Fables of the Feywild, any chest, or turn in 20 Chunks of Ferrocrystal at the Cauldron of Cadence
Flamesalt Dwarven Waraxe
5 [1d10] + 1 Slash, Good, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Captain Xendros
+3 Combustion Scorched Dwarven Waraxe
7 [1d10] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Corrosion Caustic Dwarven Waraxe* 7 [1d10] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Magnetism Electrified Dwarven Waraxe
7 [1d10] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Glaciation Doused Dwarven Waraxe
7 [1d10] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Etched Dwarven Waraxe* 7 [1d10] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Smoldering Dwarven Waraxe
7 [1d10] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Quenched Dwarven Waraxe
7 [1d10] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Energized Dwarven Waraxe
7 [1d10] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
Barovian's Dwarven Waraxe
10 [1d10] + 5 Slash, Good, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise Blue Water Inn
Macabre Dwarven Waraxe
10 [1d10] + 5 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise Blue Water Inn
Green Steel Dwarven Waraxe
12 1.50[1d10] + 5 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Altar of Fecundity, Manufactured Ingredient Recipes
Alchemical Dwarven Waraxe
12 3[1d10] +5 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. The Master Artificer, Either End chest
The Mountain's Fist (Level 12)
12 1.50[1d10] + 3 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Maze of Madness, and Trial by Fire, End chest (Heroic Normal)
The Mountain's Fist (Level 13)
13 1.50[1d10] + 4 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Maze of Madness, and Trial by Fire, End chest (Heroic Hard)
Dwarven Waraxe of the Fallen Age
13 1.60[1d10] + 5 Slash, Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Magic of Myth Drannor, any end chest, most optional chests
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x3
Dwarven Waraxe of the Golden Age
13 2.10[1d10] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Magic of Myth Drannor, rare drop in any end chest or most optional chests
14 1.80[1d14] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Tome of Untold Legends
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x3
Axe of Famine
14 2[2d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Harbinger of Madness
The Mountain's Fist (Level 14)
14 2[1d10] + 4 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Maze of Madness, and Trial by Fire, End chest (Heroic Elite)
Prison Break (Level 14)
  • +4 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+4 Enhancement Bonus: +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • One of the following:
    • Acid BurstIcon tooltip.pngAcid Burst: This weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid, and does 1 to 6 acid damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 acid damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Acid IIIcon tooltip.pngAcid II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Acid Damage.
    • Anarchic IIcon tooltip.pngAnarchic I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Chaos damage. Chaos-aligned creatures are immune to this effect.
      Penalty: If equipped by a Lawful user, they receive 1 Negative Level for as long as this item is equipped.
    • Axiomatic IIcon tooltip.pngAxiomatic I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Law damage. Law-aligned creatures are immune to this effect.
      Penalty: If equipped by a Chaotic user, they receive 1 Negative Level for as long as this item is equipped.
    • Flaming BurstIcon tooltip.pngFlaming Burst: This weapon is sheathed in fire, and deals 1 to 6 fire damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 fire damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Flaming IIIcon tooltip.pngFlaming II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Fire Damage.
    • Frost IIIcon tooltip.pngFrost II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Cold Damage.
    • Icy BurstIcon tooltip.pngIcy Burst: This weapon is sheathed in icy cold, and deals 1 to 6 cold damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 cold damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Poison IIIcon tooltip.pngPoison II: On Hit: 2 to 6 Poison Damage.
      On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
    • Seeker +4Icon tooltip.png Seeker +4: Provides a +4 Enhancement bonus to confirm critical hits, and a +4 Enhancement bonus to critical hit damage (before multipliers are applied).
    • Shocking BurstIcon tooltip.pngShocking Burst: This weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity, and deals 1 to 6 electric damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 electric damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Shock IIIcon tooltip.pngShock II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Electric Damage.
    • Shrieking IIcon tooltip.pngShrieking I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Sonic Damage.
  • Sundering IVIcon tooltip.png Sundering IV: On Hit: Your target suffers a -1 Penalty to Fortitude Saving Throws for 6 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times. This effect may only occur on-hit once every three seconds.
    Passive: The DC of the saving throw to resist your Sunder combat feats is increased by 8.
14 1.50[1d10] + 4 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Lesson in Deception, End chest (Heroic Normal)
Stormreach Guardian's Axe
14 1.80[1d10] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Night Falls on Stormreach, End Chest
Prison Break (Level 15)
  • +5 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • One of the following:
    • Acid BurstIcon tooltip.pngAcid Burst: This weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid, and does 1 to 6 acid damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 acid damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Acid IIIcon tooltip.pngAcid II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Acid Damage.
    • Anarchic IIcon tooltip.pngAnarchic I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Chaos damage. Chaos-aligned creatures are immune to this effect.
      Penalty: If equipped by a Lawful user, they receive 1 Negative Level for as long as this item is equipped.
    • Axiomatic IIcon tooltip.pngAxiomatic I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Law damage. Law-aligned creatures are immune to this effect.
      Penalty: If equipped by a Chaotic user, they receive 1 Negative Level for as long as this item is equipped.
    • Flaming BurstIcon tooltip.pngFlaming Burst: This weapon is sheathed in fire, and deals 1 to 6 fire damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 fire damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Flaming IIIcon tooltip.pngFlaming II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Fire Damage.
    • Frost IIIcon tooltip.pngFrost II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Cold Damage.
    • Icy BurstIcon tooltip.pngIcy Burst: This weapon is sheathed in icy cold, and deals 1 to 6 cold damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 cold damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Poison IIIcon tooltip.pngPoison II: On Hit: 2 to 6 Poison Damage.
      On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
    • Seeker +4Icon tooltip.png Seeker +4: Provides a +4 Enhancement bonus to confirm critical hits, and a +4 Enhancement bonus to critical hit damage (before multipliers are applied).
    • Shocking BurstIcon tooltip.pngShocking Burst: This weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity, and deals 1 to 6 electric damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 electric damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Shock IIIcon tooltip.pngShock II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Electric Damage.
    • Shrieking IIcon tooltip.pngShrieking I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Sonic Damage.
  • Sundering IVIcon tooltip.png Sundering IV: On Hit: Your target suffers a -1 Penalty to Fortitude Saving Throws for 6 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times. This effect may only occur on-hit once every three seconds.
    Passive: The DC of the saving throw to resist your Sunder combat feats is increased by 8.
15 1.50[1d10] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Lesson in Deception, End chest (Heroic Hard)
15 2.50[1d10] + 5 Slash, Lawful, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Records of the Past, End Chest
Syranian Dwarven Waraxe
15 2[1d10] + 5 Slash, Good, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Syranian Forged Weaponry
Templar's Justice
  • +4 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+4 Enhancement Bonus: +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • Cold IronIcon tooltip.pngCold Iron: This iron mined deep underground, known for its effectiveness against fey creatures, is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. When combined with Good damage types, Cold Iron weapons are able to overcome the damage reduction of most Demons like Fire Reavers or Flesh Renders. See Monster DR and weaknesses for specifics.
  • Holy Burst 4Icon tooltip.pngHoly Burst 4: This weapon sings of virtue, dealing 4d6 Good damage on a successful hit to Evil enemies, and 9d6 Good damage on a critical hit to Evil enemies. This effect makes the weapon good aligned.
    Evil characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
  • Good Blast 4Icon tooltip.pngGood Blast 4: This weapon sings of virtue, dealing 4d6 Good damage on a successful hit, and an additional 4d6 Good damage on a critical hit. This effect makes the weapon good aligned.
    Evil characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
  • Coruscating 4Icon tooltip.pngCoruscating 4: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to coruscate, dealing 4d6 Light damage on each hit.
  • Godly WrathIcon tooltip.pngGodly Wrath: This weapon is filled with the power of a wrathful deity. Occasionally, this holy power is unleashed, applying a lasting effect that deals 2 to 8 light damage every two seconds for six seconds. If the effect is reapplied before it wears off, the effect will stack and the duration will reset. The effect can be stacked up to 3 times.
16 2.20[1d10] + 5 Slash, Good, Cold Iron, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Spinner of Shadows, end chest
Prison Break (Level 16)
  • +5 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • One of the following:
    • Acid BurstIcon tooltip.pngAcid Burst: This weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid, and does 1 to 6 acid damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 acid damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Acid IIIcon tooltip.pngAcid II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Acid Damage.
    • Anarchic IIcon tooltip.pngAnarchic I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Chaos damage. Chaos-aligned creatures are immune to this effect.
      Penalty: If equipped by a Lawful user, they receive 1 Negative Level for as long as this item is equipped.
    • Axiomatic IIcon tooltip.pngAxiomatic I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Law damage. Law-aligned creatures are immune to this effect.
      Penalty: If equipped by a Chaotic user, they receive 1 Negative Level for as long as this item is equipped.
    • Flaming BurstIcon tooltip.pngFlaming Burst: This weapon is sheathed in fire, and deals 1 to 6 fire damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 fire damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Flaming IIIcon tooltip.pngFlaming II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Fire Damage.
    • Frost IIIcon tooltip.pngFrost II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Cold Damage.
    • Icy BurstIcon tooltip.pngIcy Burst: This weapon is sheathed in icy cold, and deals 1 to 6 cold damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 cold damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Poison IIIcon tooltip.pngPoison II: On Hit: 2 to 6 Poison Damage.
      On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
    • Seeker +4Icon tooltip.png Seeker +4: Provides a +4 Enhancement bonus to confirm critical hits, and a +4 Enhancement bonus to critical hit damage (before multipliers are applied).
    • Shocking BurstIcon tooltip.pngShocking Burst: This weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity, and deals 1 to 6 electric damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 electric damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
    • Shock IIIcon tooltip.pngShock II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Electric Damage.
    • Shrieking IIcon tooltip.pngShrieking I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Sonic Damage.
  • Sundering VIcon tooltip.png Sundering V: On Hit: Your target suffers a -1 Penalty to Fortitude Saving Throws for 6 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times. This effect may only occur on-hit once every three seconds.
    Passive: The DC of the saving throw to resist your Sunder combat feats is increased by 10.
16 2[1d10] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Lesson in Deception, End chest (Heroic Elite)
Shining Reliquary Dwarven Waraxe
18 2.60[1d10] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vecna Unleashed, any chest or trade with Steps Obliss
Defiled Reliquary Dwarven Waraxe* 18 2.60[1d10] + 5 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand, defiled version of Shining Reliquary Dwarven Waraxe
Epic Templar's Justice
20 3[1d10] + 6 Slash, Good, Cold Iron, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Epic Sworn Silver Dwarven Waraxe
20 3[1d10] + 6 Slash, Good, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Morten Edgewright
Epic Ethereal Dwarven Waraxe
20 3[1d10] + 6 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Morten Edgewright
Duergar Waraxe of the Weapon Master
21 3.20[1d10] + 6 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The House of Rusted Blades, End chest
  • Critical Profile: 18-20 / x3
Thunder-Forged Alloy Dwarven Waraxe
22 4.60[1d10] + 9 Slash, Silver, Adamantine, Mithral, Cold Iron, Magic, Byeshk UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Magma Forge, Crafted from various ingredients
The Mountain's Fist (Level 23)
23 2.50[1d10] + 6 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Maze of Madness, and Trial by Fire, End chest (Epic Normal)
The Mountain's Fist (Level 24)
24 2.50[1d10] + 7 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Maze of Madness, and Trial by Fire, End chest (Epic Hard)
The Mountain's Fist (Level 25)
25 3[1d10] + 7 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Maze of Madness, and Trial by Fire, End chest (Epic Elite)
Prison Break (Level 25)
25 1.50[1d10] + 6 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Lesson in Deception, End chest (Epic Normal)
Prison Break (Level 26)
26 1.50[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Lesson in Deception, End chest (Epic Hard)
Legendary Green Steel Dwarven Waraxe
26 4.20[1d10] + 14 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Altar of Fecundity, Manufactured Ingredient Recipes
+7 Epic Smoldering Dwarven Waraxe
26 4.20[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Epic Energized Dwarven Waraxe
26 4.20[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Epic Quenched Dwarven Waraxe
26 4.20[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Epic Etched Dwarven Waraxe* 26 4.20[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Combustion Epic Scorched Dwarven Waraxe
26 4.20[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Glaciation Epic Doused Dwarven Waraxe
26 4.20[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Corrosion Epic Caustic Dwarven Waraxe* 26 4.20[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Magnetism Epic Electrified Dwarven Waraxe
26 4.20[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
Prison Break (Level 27)
27 1.50[1d10] + 7 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Lesson in Deception, End chest (Epic Elite)
Legendary Drowhunter
28 5.10[1d10] + 13 Slash, Lawful, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Records of the Past, End Chest
Legendary Stormreach Guardian's Axe
29 4.80[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Night Falls on Stormreach, End Chest
Hoarfrost, Herald of the Bitter Ice
29 4.80[1d10+3] + 15 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Too Hot to Handle, End Chest
The Obsidian Reaver* 29 4.80[1d10+3] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire The Dryad and the Demigod, Greater feytwisted chest
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x3
Morninglord's Dwarven Waraxe
29 4.80[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise Blue Water Inn
Nightmother's Dwarven Waraxe
29 4.80[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise Blue Water Inn
Legendary Syranian Dwarven Waraxe
29 4.80[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Syranian Forged Weaponry
Legendary Ferrocrystal Dwarven Waraxe
29 4.80[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Cold Iron, Magic, Crystal Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Fables of the Feywild, any chest, or turn in 20 Legendary Chunks of Ferrocrystal at the Cauldron of Cadence
The Hunter's Axe
29 5.30[1d10+3] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Hunt or Be Hunted, end chest
Legendary Flamesalt Dwarven Waraxe
29 4.80[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Captain Xendros
Legendary Alchemical Dwarven Waraxe
29 4.80[1d10+3] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Legendary Lord of Blades, Either End chest
Legendary Templar's Justice
30 5[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Cold Iron, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Legendary Crafting
Dinosaur Bone Dwarven Waraxe
31 5.20[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Isle of Dread (wilderness), purple named rare encounter chests; Skeletons in the Closet, The Mountain Keeper's chest; trade with Sharpened Bone
Attuned Bone Dwarven Waraxe
31 5.20[1d10+3] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Skeletons in the Closet, end chest
Legendary Shining Reliquary Dwarven Waraxe
32 5.40[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vecna Unleashed, any chest or trade with Steps Obliss
Demise, the Beginning of the Fall
32 5.40[1d10+3] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Fire Over Morgrave, end chest
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x3
Legendary Defiled Reliquary Dwarven Waraxe* 32 5.40[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand, defiled version of Legendary Shining Reliquary Dwarven Waraxe
Legendary Dwarven Waraxe of the Fallen Age
33 5.60[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Magic of Myth Drannor, any end chest, most optional chests
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x3
Legendary Dwarven Waraxe of the Golden Age
33 6.10[1d10+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Magic of Myth Drannor, rare drop in any end chest or most optional chests
Dwarven Waraxe of the Undying Age
33 6.10[1d10+3] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Ritual Table
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Pages in category "Dwarven War Axes"

The following 73 pages are in this category, out of 73 total.