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Combat Mastery

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Combat Mastery is an item enchantment that increases the DC to resist the character's tactical feats, such as Trip or Stunning Fist.

Random loot

  • Enhancement bonus is available on randomly generated armor / boots / shields with the prefix Warrior's.
  • Insightful bonus is available on randomly generated armor / gloves with the suffix of Combat Mastery.

Named loot

Combat Mastery affects all tactical feats. Individual enchantments that affect only some of the moves exist, for example Vertigo items that increase your Trip DC. Combat Mastery may stack with Vertigo, but only if the bonus type is different.


  • Exceptional Combat Mastery was renamed, except for Pre-U19 items, to Combat Mastery after Update 19, both provide the same non-stacking Insight bonus.
  • (Exceptional) Combat Mastery was renamed to Insightful Combat Mastery in Update 23.
  • Until U31.4, many Combat Mastery items erroneously granted insight bonus instead of enhancement.