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Universal Spell Power

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Universal Spell Power is a separate and stacking source of Spell Power.

Its stacking nature makes it particularly attractive, for example Exceptional Universal Spell Power found on Barovian Nobles' Regalia stacks with Exceptional Devotion found on Deathwarden.

See also

Older effect

Some older items used the name Universal Spell Power for a bonus that affected all Elemental, Light, Postitive, and Negative spell powers, but did not intrinsically stack with other specified spell power bonuses of the same type (Equipment bonus, Insightful bonus, Artifact bonus, etc...). Legacy items that possess this effect had their names changed to Potency in most cases.

Universal Spell Power

Effect: Gives a +X bonus to Universal spell power. Different types of Universal Spell Power stack.
Found on: Spellcasting Implement