Damage and Type
Unusual Characteristics
Sword of Pain
[1d6] + 1 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Retrieve the Stolen Goods, Hurleb's Chest
Nicked Shortsword
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Sharn Syndicate
+1 Starter Shortsword*
[1d6] + 1 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
The Voyage
Ethereal Shortsword
[1d6] + 1 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Morten Edgewright
Sworn Silver Shortsword
[1d6] + 1 Pierce, Silver, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Morten Edgewright
The Willbreaker
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Rosemary's Ballad, End chest
Garos' Malice
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Snitch, Garos' chest (does not drop on epic difficulties)needs verification
Cutthroat's Smallblade (legacy) (level 4)
[1d6] + 1 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
Tiefling Assassin's Blade
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Three-Barrel Cove (heroic), Ithun Orenah's chest (Rare Encounter)
- Critical Profile: 15-20 / x2
- Damage Modifier: STR, DEX
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
Mournlode Shortsword (Level 4)
[1d6] + 1 Pierce,Good, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Vaults of the Artificers
Cutthroat's Smallblade (level 4)
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
The Ice Dragon's Tooth
- +2 Enhancement Bonus
+2 Enhancement Bonus: +2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Chilling 2
Chilling 2: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to become frozen to the touch, dealing 2d6 Ice damage on each hit.
- Minor Freezing Ice
Minor Freezing Ice:- On items: While you are wearing this item, your melee, ranged, and unarmed attacks gain the Minor Freezing Ice ability. (When the weapon is used, an icy power occasionally comes to the surface, attempting to freeze an enemy solid and encase them in ice.) - (duration: 5 seconds)
- On weapons: This Weapon stores the pitiless immovable power of the ice deep within. When this weapon is used, this power occasionally comes to the surface, attempting to freeze an enemy solid and encase them in ice.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Snowpeaks Festival
Ferrocrystal Shortsword
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Cold Iron, Magic, Crystal
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Fables of the Feywild, any chest, or turn in 20 Chunks of Ferrocrystal at the Cauldron of Cadence
Flamesalt Shortsword
[1d6] + 1 Pierce, Good, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Captain Xendros
Gwylan's Blade
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Gwylan's Stand, Zared Mightyhoof's chest
Sun Blade
[1d10] + 2 Slash, Good, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
The Subterrane - Central, Garamol's chest
Blade of the Clouds
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Promise of Fire, end chest
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
+3 Corrosion Caustic Shortsword*
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Combustion Scorched Shortsword*
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Smoldering Shortsword*
- +3 Enhancement Bonus
+3 Enhancement Bonus: +3 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil)
Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil): This item can be upgraded. Bring this item to the Overgrown Workbench in the Temple of Elemental Evil and combine it with Rusty Gilled Mushrooms to upgrade the item to a more powerful form.
- Tier 1:
- Adds Maiming
Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 1 to 6, x3 - 2 to 12, x4 - 3 to 18.
- Adds Fiery Detonation
Fiery Detonation: This weapon is imbued with a fiery wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this burning power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 fire damage.A successful Fortitude save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
- Tier 2:
- Adds Flaming Blast
Flaming Blast: A flaming blast weapon is sheathed in fire. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 1 to 10 fire damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 4 to 24 more fire damage.
- Adds Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
- Fire Vulnerability
Fire Vulnerability: On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every second.
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Quenched Shortsword
- +3 Enhancement Bonus
+3 Enhancement Bonus: +3 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil)
Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil): This item can be upgraded. Bring this item to the Overgrown Workbench in the Temple of Elemental Evil and combine it with Rusty Gilled Mushrooms to upgrade the item to a more powerful form.
- Adds Maiming
Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 1 to 6, x3 - 2 to 12, x4 - 3 to 18.
- Adds Freezing Gale
Freezing Gale: This weapon is imbued with a frigid wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this freezing power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 cold damage. A successful Will save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
- Tier 2:
- Adds Icy Blast
Icy Blast: An icy blast weapon is sheathed in icy cold. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 1 to 10 cold damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 4 to 24 more cold damage.
- Adds Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
- Cold Vulnerability
Cold Vulnerability: On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every second.
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Energized Shortsword
- +3 Enhancement Bonus
+3 Enhancement Bonus: +3 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil)
Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil): This item can be upgraded. Bring this item to the Overgrown Workbench in the Temple of Elemental Evil and combine it with Rusty Gilled Mushrooms to upgrade the item to a more powerful form.
- Tier 1:
- Adds Maiming
Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 1 to 6, x3 - 2 to 12, x4 - 3 to 18.
- Adds Electric Storm
Electric Storm: This weapon is imbued with an electrifying wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 electric damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
- Tier 2:
- Adds Shocking Blast
Shocking Blast: A shocking blast weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 1 to 10 electric damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 4 to 24 more electric damage.
- Adds Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
- Electric Vulnerability
Electric Vulnerability: On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every second.
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Etched Shortsword*
- +3 Enhancement Bonus
+3 Enhancement Bonus: +3 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil)
Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil): This item can be upgraded. Bring this item to the Overgrown Workbench in the Temple of Elemental Evil and combine it with Rusty Gilled Mushrooms to upgrade the item to a more powerful form.
- Tier 1:
- Adds Maiming
Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 1 to 6, x3 - 2 to 12, x4 - 3 to 18.
- Adds Acid Torrent
Acid Torrent: This weapon is imbued with a vitriolic wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 acid damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
- Tier 2:
- Adds Acid Blast
Acid Blast: An acid blast weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 1 to 10 acid damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 4 to 24 more acid damage.
- Adds Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
- Acid Vulnerability
Acid Vulnerability: On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every second.
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Glaciation Doused Shortsword
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Magnetism Electrified Shortsword
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
Luck Blade
[1d7] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
The Subterrane - Central, Garamol's chest, rare drop in any level 6 chest or level 3 quest reward
- Critical Profile: 18-20 / x2
Cutthroat's Smallblade (legacy) (level 8)
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
Mournlode Shortsword (level 8)
- See the item description page for details.
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Good, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Vaults of the Artificers
Cutthroat's Smallblade (level 8)
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
Bravo's Sword
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
The Titan Awakes, Raid Warded chest
[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Sands of Menechtarun, Drow Area - Utach Sandcrawl's chest ; Masei Mkembe sells for 625 Antique Bronze Tokens
[2d4] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Sands of Menechtarun, Yurrugh the Swift's chest (Rare Encounter); Masei Mkembe sells for 625 Antique Bronze Tokens
- Damage Modifier: STR, DEX
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
Barovian's Shortsword
- +5 Enhancement Bonus
+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Silver
Silver: A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as devils and vampires. Silver weapons have 2 points lower hardness then equivalent steel weapons, and as such aren't quite as durable. , Alchemical
- Holy 3
Holy 3: This weapon is wielded by the pure to smite the wicked, dealing an additional 3d6 good damage on each hit. This effect makes the weapon good aligned. Evil characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
- Fiery 3
Fiery 3: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to burn with enchanted flames, dealing 3d6 Fire damage on each hit.
- Undead Bane 3
Undead Bane 3: Those that have died must return, and this weapon is attuned specifically to lay them to rest. This weapon deals an additional 3d10 bane damage vs. Undead.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Good, Silver, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise
Blue Water Inn
Macabre Shortsword
[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Evil, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise
Blue Water Inn
Green Steel Shortsword
1.50[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Evil, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Altar of Fecundity, Manufactured Ingredient Recipes
Vampiric Fury Shortsword
- +5 Enhancement Bonus
+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Medusa Fury
Medusa Fury: When you fall below 25% of your maximum hit points you will enter a constant Medusa Fury until your hit points return to 25% or greater. Medusa Fury grants a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a 5% morale bonus to your chance to doublestrike, and a -25% penalty to fortifications.
- Demon Fever
Demon Fever: This weapon is infected with a night hag's Demon Fever disease. On critical hits it will transfer the disease to enemies, dealing 1d8 Constitution damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 22) negates this effect.
- Wounding 2
Wounding 2: This weapon saps the health from your enemies, dealing 2 Constitution damage on each hit.
- Vampirism 1
Vampirism 1: This weapon thirsts for the blood of your enemies, healing you for +1d2 hit points with each hit. Note: internal cooldown of 1 second.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
1.40[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Cauldron of Sora Katra, Upgraded version of Blade of Fury and Staff of the Shadow
Vengeful Fury Shortsword
- +5 Enhancement Bonus
+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Medusa Fury
Medusa Fury: When you fall below 25% of your maximum hit points you will enter a constant Medusa Fury until your hit points return to 25% or greater. Medusa Fury grants a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a 5% morale bonus to your chance to doublestrike, and a -25% penalty to fortifications.
- Demon Fever
Demon Fever: This weapon is infected with a night hag's Demon Fever disease. On critical hits it will transfer the disease to enemies, dealing 1d8 Constitution damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 22) negates this effect.
- Wounding 2
Wounding 2: This weapon saps the health from your enemies, dealing 2 Constitution damage on each hit.
- Vengeful
Vengeful: When its wielder is hit in battle, this item has a 10% chance to cause him or her to become full of anger and go into a Rage.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
1.40[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Cauldron of Sora Katra, Upgraded version of Blade of Fury and Ogrish War Axe
Maiming Fury Shortsword
- +5 Enhancement Bonus
+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Medusa Fury
Medusa Fury: When you fall below 25% of your maximum hit points you will enter a constant Medusa Fury until your hit points return to 25% or greater. Medusa Fury grants a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a 5% morale bonus to your chance to doublestrike, and a -25% penalty to fortifications.
- Demon Fever
Demon Fever: This weapon is infected with a night hag's Demon Fever disease. On critical hits it will transfer the disease to enemies, dealing 1d8 Constitution damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 22) negates this effect.
- Wounding 2
Wounding 2: This weapon saps the health from your enemies, dealing 2 Constitution damage on each hit.
- Maiming 3
Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, it does an additional +3d8 damage.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
1.40[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Cauldron of Sora Katra, Upgraded version of Blade of Fury and Hooked Blade
Crippling Fury Shortsword
- +5 Enhancement Bonus
+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Medusa Fury
Medusa Fury: When you fall below 25% of your maximum hit points you will enter a constant Medusa Fury until your hit points return to 25% or greater. Medusa Fury grants a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a 5% morale bonus to your chance to doublestrike, and a -25% penalty to fortifications.
- Demon Fever
Demon Fever: This weapon is infected with a night hag's Demon Fever disease. On critical hits it will transfer the disease to enemies, dealing 1d8 Constitution damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 22) negates this effect.
- Wounding 2
Wounding 2: This weapon saps the health from your enemies, dealing 2 Constitution damage on each hit.
- Crippling
Crippling: A crippling weapon is infused with binding power so that when a target is critically hit their movement is slowed by half. Note: Real slowdown is only 25%
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
1.40[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Cauldron of Sora Katra, Blade of Fury + Gnollish War Bow + Mark of Sheshka + Mark of Rhesh Turakbar (produces a pair of swords)
Alchemical Shortsword
3[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
The Master Artificer, Either End chest
Cutthroat's Smallblade (legacy) (level 12)
[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 18-20 / x2
Mournlode Shortsword (level 12)
- See the item description page for details.
1.40[1d6] + 3 Pierce, Good, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Vaults of the Artificers
Cutthroat's Smallblade (level 12)
1.40[1d6] + 4 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 18-20 / x2
Shortsword of the Fallen Age
1.60[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Magic of Myth Drannor, any end chest, most optional chests
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Shortsword of the Golden Age
2.10[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Magic of Myth Drannor, rare drop in any end chest or most optional chests
1.40[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
The Reaver's Fate, Raid Warded chest
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
- Damage Modifier: STR, DEX
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
1.80[1d8] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Tome of Untold Legends
- Critical Profile: 15-20 / x2
2.50[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Good, Silver, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Thralls of the Fungus Lord, End chest
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Syranian Shortsword
2[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Good, Adamantine, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Syranian Forged Weaponry
Cutthroat's Smallblade (legacy) (level 16)
[1d6] + 4 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Envenomed Blade
2.20[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Lords of Dust, End chest
- Damage Modifier: STR, DEX
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
Mournlode Shortsword (level 16)
- See the item description page for details.
2.20[1d6] + 4 Pierce, Good, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Vaults of the Artificers
Cutthroat's Smallblade (level 16)
2.20[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Elemental Fury (Level 17)
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Breaking the Ranks, End chest (Heroic Normal); The Secret of the Storm Horns, Quest chain end reward (Heroic)
Elemental Fury (Level 18)
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Breaking the Ranks, End chest (Heroic Hard)
Shining Reliquary Shortsword
2.60[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Vecna Unleashed, any chest or trade with Steps Obliss
Defiled Reliquary Shortsword*
2.60[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Evil, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand, defiled version of Shining Reliquary Shortsword
Elemental Fury (Level 19)
[1d6] + 2 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Breaking the Ranks, End chest (Heroic Elite)
Epic Sting
3[1d12] + 6 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Epic Garos' Malice
3.50[1d6] + 6 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Epic Cutthroat's Smallblade (legacy) (level 20)
2[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Epic Zephyr
3[1d6] + 6 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Epic Crafting, upgrade of Zephyr
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
- Damage Modifier: STR, DEX
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
Epic Mournlode Shortsword
- See the item description page for details.
3[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Good, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Vaults of the Artificers, various challenge ingredients
Star of Day
- +6 Enhancement Bonus
+6 Enhancement Bonus: +6 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Brilliance
Brilliance: This weapon glows with the light of Irian. This weapon deals an extra 1 to 6 points of light damage on a successful hit. In addition, critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 light damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 critical multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
- One of the following:
- Fiery Detonation
Fiery Detonation: This weapon is imbued with a fiery wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this burning power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 fire damage.A successful Fortitude save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
- Radiance
Radiance: This weapon is imbued with a brilliant, radiant power that deals an additional 4 to 24 points of light damage and blinds the target on a successful critical hit.
- One of the following:
- Disruption
Disruption: On Hit: 4 to 24 Bane damage to Undead. On Vorpal Hit: If an undead struck by this weapon has fewer than 1000 Hit Points, it is instantly slain. If the undead has above 1000 Hit Points, it takes 100 damage.
- Flaming Burst
Flaming Burst: This weapon is sheathed in fire, and deals 1 to 6 fire damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 fire damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
- Greater Good
Greater Good: This weapon is infused with the ultimate power of Good. It does an additional 2 to 12 damage to non-good targets and can only be wielded by Good-aligned characters.
- Holy Burst
Holy Burst: A holy weapon is imbued with holy power. This power makes the weapon good-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against all of evil alignment and an extra 3 to 18 on a critical for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 4 to 24 for a x3 multiplier, and 5 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
3[1d10] + 6 Pierce, Good, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Epic Envenomed Blade
3[1d6] + 6 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Epic Crafting, upgrade of Envenomed Blade
- Damage Modifier: STR, DEX
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
Epic Cutthroat's Smallblade (level 20)
3[1d6] + 6 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Epic Sworn Silver Shortsword
- +6 Enhancement Bonus
+6 Enhancement Bonus: +6 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Silver
Silver: A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as devils and vampires. Silver weapons have 2 points lower hardness then equivalent steel weapons, and as such aren't quite as durable. , Alchemical
- Unnatural Bane 4
Unnatural Bane 4: This weapon is attuned specifically to hunt beings that should not exist, dealing an additional 4d10 bane damage vs. Aberrations, Monstrous Humanoids, and Undead.
- Destruction
Destruction: On Hit: Your target gains a stack of Armor Destruction. (-1 penalty to Armor Class, -1% of its Fortification. 20 Second Duration. Stacks up to 15 times.) This effect may trigger once every three seconds.
- Righteous
Righteous: This weapon is imbued with holy power, giving it an additional +2 to attack bonus and damage against any evil creature. This power makes the weapon good-aligned.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
3[1d6] + 6 Pierce, Good, Silver, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Morten Edgewright
Epic Ethereal Shortsword
3[1d6] + 6 Pierce, Adamantine, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Morten Edgewright
Drow Shortsword of the Weapon Master
3.20[1d6] + 6 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
The House of Rusted Blades, End Chest
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Thunder-Forged Alloy Shortsword
4.60[1d6] + 9 Pierce, Silver, Adamantine, Mithral, Cold Iron, Magic, Byeshk
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Magma Forge, Crafted from various ingredients
Celestia, Brightest Star of Day
- +7 Enhancement Bonus
+7 Enhancement Bonus: +7 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Supreme Good
Supreme Good: This weapon is infused with the supreme Power of Good. It does an additional 3 to 18 damage to non-good targets and can only be wielded by Good-aligned characters.
- Radiance
Radiance: This weapon is imbued with a brilliant, radiant power that deals an additional 4 to 24 points of light damage and blinds the target on a successful critical hit.
- Greater Sunburst
Greater Sunburst: This item blazes with the eternal fury at the heart of a sun. Occasionally, this power comes to the surface, unleashing a nova of light which will blind the struck enemy, dealing severe light damage to it and any other nearby foes.
- Fiery Detonation
Fiery Detonation: This weapon is imbued with a fiery wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this burning power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 fire damage.A successful Fortitude save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
- Attuned to Heroism
This relic is attuned to heroic actions. (Special bonus effect! Please see item's specific page for details.)
3.60[1d10] + 7 Light
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Caught in the Web, End Chest
Epic Cutthroat's Smallblade (legacy) (level 24)
2.50[1d6] + 6 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Epic Cutthroat's Smallblade (level 24)
3.80[1d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
4[1d8] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
The Fall of Truth, Raid Warded chest (Epic Normal)
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
- Damage Modifier: STR, DEX
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
Elemental Fury (Level 26)
[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Breaking the Ranks, End chest (Epic Normal); The Secret of the Storm Horns, Quest chain end reward (Epic)
+7 Combustion Epic Scorched Shortsword*
4.20[1d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Corrosion Epic Caustic Shortsword*
4.20[1d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
Legendary Green Steel Shortsword
4.20[1d6] + 14 Pierce, Evil, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Altar of Fecundity, Manufactured Ingredient Recipes
+7 Epic Smoldering Shortsword*
- +7 Enhancement Bonus
+7 Enhancement Bonus: +7 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil)
Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil): This item can be upgraded. Bring this item to the Overgrown Workbench in the Temple of Elemental Evil and combine it with Rusty Gilled Mushrooms to upgrade the item to a more powerful form.
- Tier 1:
- Adds Greater Maiming
Greater Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 8 to 48, x3 - 12 to 72, x4 - 16 to 96.
- Adds Greater Fiery Detonation
Greater Fiery Detonation: This weapon is imbued with a fiery wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this burning power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 30d3 + 90 fire damage.A successful Fortitude save (DC 90) reduces this by half.
- Tier 2:
- Adds Greater Flaming Blast
Greater Flaming Blast: A flaming blast weapon is sheathed in fire. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 4 to 40 fire damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 6 to 60 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 8 to 80 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 6 to 36 more fire damage.
- Adds Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
- Adds Epic Elemental Evil Set
Epic Elemental Evil Set: While wearing both an Elemental Evil Set Item weapon and an Elemental Evil Set Item armor, you gain: +20 Quality bonus to Melee Power +20 Quality bonus to Ranged Power +20 Quality bonus to Universal Spell Power
- Fire Vulnerability
Fire Vulnerability: On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every second.
4.20[1d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Epic Quenched Shortsword
- +7 Enhancement Bonus
+7 Enhancement Bonus: +7 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil)
Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil): This item can be upgraded. Bring this item to the Overgrown Workbench in the Temple of Elemental Evil and combine it with Rusty Gilled Mushrooms to upgrade the item to a more powerful form.
- Tier 1:
- Adds Greater Maiming
Greater Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 8 to 48, x3 - 12 to 72, x4 - 16 to 96.
- Adds Greater Freezing Gale
Greater Freezing Gale: This weapon is imbued with a frigid wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this freezing power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 30d3 + 90 cold damage. A successful Will save (DC 90) reduces this by half.
- Tier 2:
- Adds Greater Icy Blast
Greater Icy Blast: An icy blast weapon is sheathed in icy cold. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 4 to 40 cold damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 6 to 60 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 8 to 80 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 6 to 36 more cold damage.
- Adds Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
- Adds Epic Elemental Evil Set
Epic Elemental Evil Set: While wearing both an Elemental Evil Set Item weapon and an Elemental Evil Set Item armor, you gain: +20 Quality bonus to Melee Power +20 Quality bonus to Ranged Power +20 Quality bonus to Universal Spell Power
- Cold Vulnerability
Cold Vulnerability: On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every second.
4.20[1d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Epic Etched Shortsword*
- +7 Enhancement Bonus
+7 Enhancement Bonus: +7 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil)
Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil): This item can be upgraded. Bring this item to the Overgrown Workbench in the Temple of Elemental Evil and combine it with Rusty Gilled Mushrooms to upgrade the item to a more powerful form.
- Tier 1:
- Adds Greater Maiming
Greater Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 8 to 48, x3 - 12 to 72, x4 - 16 to 96.
- Adds Greater Acid Torrent
Greater Acid Torrent: This weapon is imbued with a vitriolic wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 30d3 + 90 acid damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 90) reduces this by half.
- Tier 2:
- Adds Greater Acid Blast
Greater Acid Blast: An acid blast weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 4 to 40 acid damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 6 to 60 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 8 to 80 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 6 to 36 more acid damage.
- Adds Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
- Adds Epic Elemental Evil Set
Epic Elemental Evil Set: While wearing both an Elemental Evil Set Item weapon and an Elemental Evil Set Item armor, you gain: +20 Quality bonus to Melee Power +20 Quality bonus to Ranged Power +20 Quality bonus to Universal Spell Power
- Acid Vulnerability
Acid Vulnerability: On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every second.
4.20[1d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Epic Energized Shortsword
- +7 Enhancement Bonus
+7 Enhancement Bonus: +7 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil)
Upgradeable Item (Temple of Elemental Evil): This item can be upgraded. Bring this item to the Overgrown Workbench in the Temple of Elemental Evil and combine it with Rusty Gilled Mushrooms to upgrade the item to a more powerful form.
- Tier 1:
- Adds Greater Maiming
Greater Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 8 to 48, x3 - 12 to 72, x4 - 16 to 96.
- Adds Greater Electric Storm
Greater Electric Storm: This weapon is imbued with an electrifying wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 30d3 + 90 electric damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 90) reduces this by half.
- Tier 2:
- Adds Greater Shocking Blast
Greater Shocking Blast: A shocking blast weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 4 to 40 electric damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 6 to 60 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 8 to 80 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 6 to 36 more electric damage.
- Adds Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
- Adds Epic Elemental Evil Set
Epic Elemental Evil Set: While wearing both an Elemental Evil Set Item weapon and an Elemental Evil Set Item armor, you gain: +20 Quality bonus to Melee Power +20 Quality bonus to Ranged Power +20 Quality bonus to Universal Spell Power
- Electric Vulnerability
Electric Vulnerability: On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every second.
4.20[1d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Glaciation Epic Doused Shortsword
4.20[1d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Magnetism Epic Electrified Shortsword
4.20[1d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic
Unbound Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
Elemental Fury (Level 27)
[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Breaking the Ranks, End chest (Epic Hard)
Legendary Blade of the Clouds
4.40[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Promise of Fire, end chest
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
Elemental Fury (Level 28)
[1d6] + 5 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Breaking the Ranks, End chest (Epic Elite)
Echo of the Sunsword
4.60[1d6+3] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
The Curse of Strahd, Raid Warded Chest
Epic Cutthroat's Smallblade (level 28)
4.60[1d6] + 12 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
4.60[1d6+3] +15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Killing Time, end chest
4.80[1d6+3] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Unbound, Exclusive, Drops on death, Drops on leaving adventure Unbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. This item drops on death or on leaving adventure
The Curse of Strahd
The Broken Blade of Constellation
- +15 Enhancement Bonus
+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Nearly Finished
Nearly Finished: This item isn't quite finished, but it's only a step away from completion. Bring it to a Cannith Reforging Station and combine it with melted materials to restore this item to its full potential.
- Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments - Fetters of Unreality
Fetters of Unreality: This weapon is cruel and deadly, and leaves behind wounds that affect both the body and the soul. This weapon has a chance to inflict multiple stacks of Vulnerable. Vulnerable: You take 1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration. - Completed Weapon
Completed Weapon: This item is fully completed, and as a result deals an additional .5W damage.
- Cursed Maelstrom
Cursed Maelstrom: This weapon is wracked with a dangerous and volatile curse. Striking an enemy has a chance to place a random, debilitating, and deadly debuff on your foe.
- Accursed Flame
Accursed Flame: Coalesce beyond the material, join us in the Flame! Hatred burns eternal! This weapon is wrapped in cursed flames, dealing an additional 6d6 Fire damage on each hit. When striking an enemy that has been Quelled, it also deals 6d6 Evil damage on each hit. This effect makes the weapon evil aligned. Good characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
- Improved Destruction
Improved Destruction: On Hit: Your target gains a stack of Armor Destruction. (-1 penalty to Armor Class, -1% of its Fortification. 20 Second Duration. Stacks up to 15 times.) This effect may trigger once every second.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
4.80[1d6+3] + 15 Pierce, Evil, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Too Hot to Handle, End chest
Legendary Moonwillow
5.30[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Good, Silver, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Thralls of the Fungus Lord, End chest
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
The Legendary Willbreaker
4.80[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Rosemary's Ballad, End chest
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Esper, the Shadowblade
4.80[1d6+3] + 15 Force
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
The Dryad and the Demigod, End chest and optional chest
- Damage Modifier: CHA
- Attack Modifier: CHA
Morninglord's Shortsword
- +15 Enhancement Bonus
+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Silver
Silver: A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as devils and vampires. Silver weapons have 2 points lower hardness then equivalent steel weapons, and as such aren't quite as durable. , Alchemical
- Holy 6
Holy 6: This weapon is wielded by the pure to smite the wicked, dealing an additional 6d6 good damage on each hit. This effect makes the weapon good aligned. Evil characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
- Fiery 6
Fiery 6: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to burn with enchanted flames, dealing 6d6 Fire damage on each hit.
- Undead Bane 6
Undead Bane 6: Those that have died must return, and this weapon is attuned specifically to lay them to rest. This weapon deals an additional 6d10 bane damage vs. Undead.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
4.80[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Good, Silver, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise
Blue Water Inn
Nightmother's Shortsword
4.80[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Evil, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise
Blue Water Inn
Legendary Syranian Shortsword
4.80[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Good, Adamantine, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Syranian Forged Weaponry
Legendary Ferrocrystal Shortsword
4.80[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Cold Iron, Magic, Crystal
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Fables of the Feywild, any chest, or turn in 20 Legendary Chunks of Ferrocrystal at the Cauldron of Cadence
Legendary Alchemical Shortsword
4.80[1d6+3] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Legendary Master Artificer, Either End chest
Legendary Flamesalt Shortsword
4.80[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Good, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Captain Xendros
Legendary Envenomed Blade
5[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary Crafting
- Damage Modifier: STR, DEX
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
Legendary Garos' Malice
5.50[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary Crafting
Legendary Sting
5[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary Zephyr
5[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
- Damage Modifier: STR, DEX
- Attack Modifier: STR, DEX
Dinosaur Bone Shortsword
5.20[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Isle of Dread (wilderness), purple named rare encounter chests; Skeletons in the Closet, The Mountain Keeper's chest; trade with Sharpened Bone
Attuned Bone Shortsword
5.20[1d6+3] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Skeletons in the Closet, end chest
Legendary Crippling Fury Shortsword
5.20[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Blade of Fury (produces a pair of swords)
Legendary Maiming Fury Shortsword
5.20[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Blade of Fury (produces a pair of swords)
Legendary Vampiric Fury Shortsword
5.20[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Blade of Fury (produces a pair of swords)
Legendary Vengeful Fury Shortsword
5.20[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Blade of Fury (produces a pair of swords)
Legendary Cutthroat's Smallblade (level 32)
5.40[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Treasure of Crystal Cove
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Legendary Shining Reliquary Shortsword
5.40[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Vecna Unleashed, any chest or trade with Steps Obliss
Legendary Defiled Reliquary Shortsword*
5.40[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Evil, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand, defiled version of Legendary Shining Reliquary Shortsword
Legendary Shortsword of the Fallen Age
5.60[1d6+2] + 15 Pierce, Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, Magic
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Magic of Myth Drannor, any end chest, most optional chests
- Critical Profile: 17-20 / x2
Legendary Shortsword of the Golden Age